コード例 #1
        //Add a neighbor to this node
        public void AddNeighbor(FlowFieldNode neighbor)
            if (neighborNodes == null)
                neighborNodes = new HashSet <FlowFieldNode>();

コード例 #2
        public void Reset()
            parent = null;

            isInOpenSet = false;

            //Reset cost of movement (total cost) to this node to something large
            totalCostFlowField = float.MaxValue;

            //The cost to move to this node
            movementCostFlowField = 0f;
コード例 #3
        //Calculate the shortest path with obstacles from each cell to the target cell we want to reach
        //Is called Dynamic Programming in "Programming self-driving car" but is the same as a flow map
        //Is called holonomic-with-obstacles in the reports
        public static void DynamicProgramming(Map map, IntVector2 targetPos)
            int mapWidth = map.MapWidth;

            //Debug.DrawLine(map.cellData[targetPos.x, targetPos.z].centerPos, Vector3.zero, Color.red, 15f);

            //The final flow field will be stored here, so init it
            FlowFieldNode[,] nodesArray = new FlowFieldNode[mapWidth, mapWidth];

            for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < mapWidth; z++)
                    bool isWalkable = map.cellData[x, z].isObstacleInCell ? false : true;

                    FlowFieldNode node = new FlowFieldNode(isWalkable, map.cellData[x, z].centerPos, new IntVector2(x, z));

                    nodesArray[x, z] = node;

            //A flow field can have several start nodes, but in this case we have just one, which is the cell we want to reach
            List <FlowFieldNode> startNodes = new List <FlowFieldNode>();

            startNodes.Add(nodesArray[targetPos.x, targetPos.z]);

            //Generate the flow field
            FlowField.Generate(startNodes, nodesArray, includeCorners: true);

            //Save the values
            flowFieldHeuristics = new float[mapWidth, mapWidth];

            for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < mapWidth; z++)
                    //Save the flow field because we will use it to display it on a texture
                    map.cellData[x, z].distanceToTarget = nodesArray[x, z].totalCostFlowField;

                    //This heuristics has to be discounted by a value to be admissible to never overestimate the actual cost
                    flowFieldHeuristics[x, z] = nodesArray[x, z].totalCostFlowField * 0.92621f;

            //Debug.Log("Distance flow field: " + nodesArray[targetPos.x, targetPos.z].totalCostFlowField);
            //Debug.Log("Distance flow field: " + nodesArray[0, 0].totalCostFlowField);
コード例 #4
        //Generate the flow field showing distance to closest obstacle from each cell
        private void GenerateObstacleFlowField(Map map, bool check8Cells)
            int mapWidth = map.MapWidth;

            //The flow field will be stored in this array
            FlowFieldNode[,] flowField = new FlowFieldNode[mapWidth, mapWidth];

            Cell[,] cellData = map.cellData;

            for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < mapWidth; z++)
                    //All nodes are walkable because we are generating the flow from each obstacle
                    bool isWalkable = true;

                    FlowFieldNode node = new FlowFieldNode(isWalkable, cellData[x, z].centerPos, new IntVector2(x, z));

                    flowField[x, z] = node;

            //A flow field can have several start nodes, which are the obstacles in this case
            List <FlowFieldNode> startNodes = new List <FlowFieldNode>();

            for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < mapWidth; z++)
                    //If this is an obstacle
                    if (cellData[x, z].isObstacleInCell)
                        startNodes.Add(flowField[x, z]);

            //Generate the flow field
            FlowField.Generate(startNodes, flowField, check8Cells);

            //Add the values to the celldata that belongs to the map
            for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < mapWidth; z++)
                    cellData[x, z].distanceToClosestObstacle = flowField[x, z].totalCostFlowField;
コード例 #5
        //Find the neighboring nodes to a node by checking all nodes around it
        private static HashSet <FlowFieldNode> FindNeighboringNodes(FlowFieldNode node, FlowFieldNode[,] nodeArray, int mapWidth, bool includeCorners)
            HashSet <IntVector2> neighborCells = new HashSet <IntVector2>();

            //Get the directions we can move in, which are up, left, right, down
            IntVector2[] delta = HelpStuff.delta;

            if (includeCorners)
                delta = HelpStuff.deltaWithCorners;

            //Will track if at least one neighbor is an obstacle, which may be useful to know later
            bool isNeighborObstacle = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < delta.Length; i++)
                IntVector2 cellPos = new IntVector2(node.cellPos.x + delta[i].x, node.cellPos.z + delta[i].z);

                //Is this cell position within the grid?
                if (IsCellPosWithinGrid(cellPos, mapWidth))
                    //Is not a valid neighbor if its obstacle
                    if (!nodeArray[cellPos.x, cellPos.z].isWalkable)
                        isNeighborObstacle = true;

            //If we are checking 8 neighbors we have to be careful to not jump diagonally if one cell next to the diagonal is obstacle
            //This is a costly operation (0.3 seconds if we do it for all cells) so only do it if at least one neighbor is obstacle
            if (includeCorners && isNeighborObstacle)
                HashSet <IntVector2> corners = new HashSet <IntVector2>(HelpStuff.deltaJustCorners);

                //Loop through all 8 neighbors
                for (int i = 0; i < delta.Length; i++)
                    //Is this neighbor a corner?
                    if (corners.Contains(delta[i]))
                        IntVector2 cellPos = new IntVector2(node.cellPos.x + delta[i].x, node.cellPos.z + delta[i].z);

                        //Have we added the corner to the list of neighbors
                        if (!neighborCells.Contains(cellPos))

                        //Check if neighbors to the corner are obstacles, if so we cant move to this corner
                        IntVector2 n1 = delta[HelpStuff.ClampListIndex(i + 1, delta.Length)];
                        IntVector2 n2 = delta[HelpStuff.ClampListIndex(i - 1, delta.Length)];

                        IntVector2 cellPos_n1 = new IntVector2(node.cellPos.x + n1.x, node.cellPos.z + n1.z);
                        IntVector2 cellPos_n2 = new IntVector2(node.cellPos.x + n2.x, node.cellPos.z + n2.z);

                        if (!nodeArray[cellPos_n1.x, cellPos_n1.z].isWalkable || !nodeArray[cellPos_n2.x, cellPos_n2.z].isWalkable)
                            //This is not a valid neighbor so remove it from neighbors

            //From cell to node
            HashSet <FlowFieldNode> neighborNodes = new HashSet <FlowFieldNode>();

            foreach (IntVector2 cell in neighborCells)
                neighborNodes.Add(nodeArray[cell.x, cell.z]);

コード例 #6
        //Include corners means we check 8 cells around each cell and not just 4
        public static void Generate(List <FlowFieldNode> startNodes, FlowFieldNode[,] allNodes, bool includeCorners)
            //Reset such as costs and parent nodes, etc
            //Will set set costs to max value
            int mapWidth = allNodes.GetLength(0);

            for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < mapWidth; z++)
                    allNodes[x, z].Reset();

                    //Find all valid neighbors to this node, so no obstacles are allowed
                    HashSet <FlowFieldNode> neighbors = FindNeighboringNodes(allNodes[x, z], allNodes, mapWidth, includeCorners);

                    allNodes[x, z].neighborNodes = neighbors;

            //The queue with the open nodes
            Queue <FlowFieldNode> openSet = new Queue <FlowFieldNode>();

            //Add the start nodes to the list with open nodes
            for (int i = 0; i < startNodes.Count; i++)
                FlowFieldNode startNode = startNodes[i];


                //Set the cost of the start node to 0
                startNode.totalCostFlowField = 0f;
                startNode.isInOpenSet        = true;

                //The closest start cell to this cell is the cell itself

            //Generate the flow field

            //To avoid infinite loop
            int safety = 0;

            //Stop the algorithm if open list is empty
            while (openSet.Count > 0)
                if (safety > 500000)
                    Debug.Log("Flow field stuck in infinite loop");


                safety += 1;

                //Pick the first node in the open set as the current node, no sorting is needed
                FlowFieldNode currentNode = openSet.Dequeue();

                currentNode.isInOpenSet = false;

                //Explore the neighboring nodes
                HashSet <FlowFieldNode> neighbors = currentNode.neighborNodes;

                foreach (FlowFieldNode neighbor in neighbors)
                    //Cost calculations - The cost added can be different depending on the terrain
                    //This is not a costly operation (doesnt affect time) so no need to precalculate
                    float newCost = currentNode.totalCostFlowField + (currentNode.worldPos - neighbor.worldPos).magnitude;

                    //Update the the cost if it's less than the old cost
                    if (newCost <= neighbor.totalCostFlowField)
                        neighbor.totalCostFlowField = newCost;

                        //Change to which region this node belongs
                        //Is not always needed but is a fast operation
                        neighbor.region = currentNode.region;
                        //The closest of the start nodes to this node
                        //If they are equally close we need to save both
                        if (newCost == neighbor.totalCostFlowField)
                            foreach (IntVector2 c in currentNode.closestStartNodes)

                            foreach (IntVector2 c in currentNode.closestStartNodes)

                        //Add it if it isnt already in the list of open nodes
                        if (!neighbor.isInOpenSet)

                            neighbor.isInOpenSet = true;

                    //Dont need to add the current node back to the open set. If we find a shorter path to it from
                    //another node, it will be added
コード例 #7
        // Find the distance from each cell to the nearest voronoi edge

        //This can be done with a flow field from each edge
        private static void FindDistanceFromEdgeToCell(VoronoiFieldCell[,] voronoiField)
            int mapWidth = voronoiField.GetLength(0);

            //The flow field will be stored in this array
            FlowFieldNode[,] flowField = new FlowFieldNode[mapWidth, mapWidth];

            for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < mapWidth; z++)
                    //All nodes are walkable because we are generating the flow from each obstacle
                    bool isWalkable = voronoiField[x, z].isObstacle ? false : true;

                    FlowFieldNode node = new FlowFieldNode(isWalkable, voronoiField[x, z].worldPos, new IntVector2(x, z));

                    //node.region = voronoiField[x, z].region;

                    flowField[x, z] = node;

            //A flow field can have several start nodes, which are the obstacles in this case
            List <FlowFieldNode> startNodes = new List <FlowFieldNode>();

            for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < mapWidth; z++)
                    //If this is an edge
                    if (voronoiField[x, z].isVoronoiEdge)
                        startNodes.Add(flowField[x, z]);

            //Generate the flow field
            FlowField.Generate(startNodes, flowField, includeCorners: true);

            //Add the values to the celldata that belongs to the map
            for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < mapWidth; z++)
                    voronoiField[x, z].distanceToClosestEdge = flowField[x, z].totalCostFlowField;

                    voronoiField[x, z].closestEdgeCells = flowField[x, z].closestStartNodes;

                    //Now we can calculate the euclidean distance to the closest obstacle, which is more accurate then the flow field distance
                    HashSet <IntVector2> closest = voronoiField[x, z].closestEdgeCells;

                    if (closest != null && closest.Count > 0)
                        foreach (IntVector2 c in closest)
                            float distance = (voronoiField[c.x, c.z].worldPos - voronoiField[x, z].worldPos).magnitude;

                            voronoiField[x, z].distanceToClosestEdge = distance;

                            //If we have multiple cells that are equally close, we only need to test one of them