コード例 #1
        // Length calculations for the different paths

        //Basic idea (from "Optimal paths for a car that goes both forwards and backwards"):

        //In each formula the objective is to move from (0, 0, 0) to (x, y, phi)

        //We write (r, theta) = R(x, y) for the polar transform:
        // r * cos(theta) = x
        // r * sin(theta) = y
        // r >= 0
        // -pi <= theta < pi
        //So R(x, y) means that we translate x and y to polar coordinates from the cartesian

        //We write phi = M(theta) if phi ≡ theta mod(2*pi) and -pi <= phi < pi, so M(theta) means modulus 2*pi

        //L is the overall length. We say L = ∞ if there's no solution

        //t, u, v are the unknown segment lengths
        //A Reeds-Shepp path consists of 3-5 segments, but only 3 segments have unpredetermined lengths
        //The other segments have each a length of a curve where we drive a length of pi/2
        //or the same length as another segment in the same path
        //The unit of length for a straight segment is whatever we want. For a circular arc it is in radians.

        //8.1: CSC, same turn
        public static float Lf_Sf_Lf(RSCar goal, out PathSegmentLengths path)
            float t = 0f; float u = 0f; float v = 0f; path = new PathSegmentLengths(0f, 0f, 0f);

            float x   = goal.pos.x;
            float y   = goal.pos.z;
            float phi = goal.HeadingInRad;

            //On page 24 in the Reeds-Shepp report, it says:
            //(u, t) = R(x - sin(phi), y - 1 + cos(phi))
            //v = M(phi - t)
            //L = |t| + |u| + |v|
            //This path can't be optimal if t or v is outside [0, pi]
            R(x - Mathf.Sin(phi), y - 1f + Mathf.Cos(phi), out u, out t);

            v = M(phi - t);

            //Debug.Log(t + " " + u + " " + v);

            //Dont need to check u because its straight
            if (IsCurveSegmentInvalid(t) || IsCurveSegmentInvalid(v))

            path.t = t; path.u = u; path.v = v;

            float totalLength = t + u + v;

コード例 #2
        //Loop through all paths and find the shortest one (if one can be found)
        private static float FindShortestPathLength(RSCar carEndMod, out PathSegmentLengths bestPathLengths, out PathWords bestWord)
            //How many paths are we going to check
            int numPathWords = Enum.GetNames(typeof(PathWords)).Length;

            //Better than using float.MaxValue because we can use float.IsPositiveInfinity(bestPathLength) to test if its infinity
            float shortestPathLength = float.PositiveInfinity;

            bestWord = 0;

            //Will keep track of the length of the best path
            //Some Reeds-Shepp segments have 5 lengths, but 2 of those are known, so we only need 3 to find the shortest path
            bestPathLengths = new PathSegmentLengths(0f, 0f, 0f);

            //Loop through all paths that are enums to find the shortest
            for (int w = 0; w < numPathWords; w++)
                PathWords word = (PathWords)w;

                PathSegmentLengths pathSegmentLengths;

                float pathLength = PathLengthMath.GetLength(carEndMod, word, out pathSegmentLengths);

                if (pathLength < shortestPathLength)
                    shortestPathLength = pathLength;
                    bestWord           = word;
                    bestPathLengths    = pathSegmentLengths;

コード例 #3
        //8.9: C|C(pi/2)SC, same turn
        public static float Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Lb(RSCar goal, out PathSegmentLengths path)
            float t = 0f; float u = 0f; float v = 0f; path = new PathSegmentLengths(0f, 0f, 0f);

            float x   = goal.pos.x;
            float y   = goal.pos.z;
            float phi = goal.HeadingInRad;

            //Uses a modified formula adapted from the c_c2sca function from http://msl.cs.uiuc.edu/~lavalle/cs326a/rs.c
            float xi  = x - Mathf.Sin(phi);
            float eta = y - 1f + Mathf.Cos(phi);

            float u1, theta;

            R(xi, eta, out u1, out theta);

            float u1Squared = u1 * u1;

            if (u1Squared < 4f)

            //This is the part thats different from the original report:
            float va1 = 1.25f - ((u1 * u1) / 16f);

            if (va1 < 0f || va1 > 1f)

            u = Mathf.Sqrt(u1Squared - 4f) - 2f;

            if (u < 0f)

            float alpha = Mathf.Atan2(2f, u + 2f);

            t = M(HALF_PI + theta + alpha);
            v = M(t + HALF_PI - phi);

            //Check all 2 curves (pi/2 is always a valid curve)
            if (IsCurveSegmentInvalid(t) || IsCurveSegmentInvalid(v))

            path.t = t; path.u = u; path.v = v;

            float totalLength = t + HALF_PI + u + v;

コード例 #4
        //8.4: CC|C
        public static List <SegmentSettings> Lf_Rf_Lb_path(PathSegmentLengths pathLength)
            List <SegmentSettings> pathSettings = new List <SegmentSettings>();

            pathSettings.Add(new SegmentSettings(RSCar.Steering.Left, RSCar.Gear.Forward, pathLength.t));
            pathSettings.Add(new SegmentSettings(RSCar.Steering.Right, RSCar.Gear.Forward, pathLength.u));
            pathSettings.Add(new SegmentSettings(RSCar.Steering.Left, RSCar.Gear.Back, pathLength.v));

コード例 #5
        //8.8: C|CuCu|C
        public static float Lf_Rub_Lub_Rf(RSCar goal, out PathSegmentLengths path)
            float t = 0f; float u = 0f; float v = 0f; path = new PathSegmentLengths(0f, 0f, 0f);

            float x   = goal.pos.x;
            float y   = goal.pos.z;
            float phi = goal.HeadingInRad;

            //Uses a modified formula adapted from the c_cucu_c function from http://msl.cs.uiuc.edu/~lavalle/cs326a/rs.c
            float xi  = x + Mathf.Sin(phi);
            float eta = y - 1f - Mathf.Cos(phi);

            float u1, theta;

            R(xi, eta, out u1, out theta);

            if (u1 > 6f)

            //This is the part thats different from the original report:
            float va1 = 1.25f - ((u1 * u1) / 16f);

            if (va1 < 0f || va1 > 1f)

            u = Mathf.Acos(va1);

            float va2 = Mathf.Sin(u);

            float alpha = Mathf.Asin((2f * va2) / u1);

            t = M(HALF_PI + theta + alpha);
            v = M(t - phi);

            //Check all 3 curves
            if (IsCurveSegmentInvalid(t) || IsCurveSegmentInvalid(u) || IsCurveSegmentInvalid(v))

            path.t = t; path.u = u; path.v = v;

            float totalLength = t + u + u + v;

コード例 #6
        //8.7: CCu|CuC
        public static float Lf_Ruf_Lub_Rb(RSCar goal, out PathSegmentLengths path)
            float t = 0f; float u = 0f; float v = 0f; path = new PathSegmentLengths(0f, 0f, 0f);

            float x   = goal.pos.x;
            float y   = goal.pos.z;
            float phi = goal.HeadingInRad;

            //Uses a modified formula adapted from the ccu_cuc function from http://msl.cs.uiuc.edu/~lavalle/cs326a/rs.c
            float xi  = x + Mathf.Sin(phi);
            float eta = y - 1f - Mathf.Cos(phi);

            float u1, theta;

            R(xi, eta, out u1, out theta);

            if (u1 > 4f)

            if (u1 > 2f)
                float alpha = Mathf.Acos((u1 / 4f) - 0.5f);

                t = M(HALF_PI + theta - alpha);
                u = M(PI - alpha);
                v = M(phi - t + 2f * u);
                float alpha = Mathf.Acos((u1 / 4f) + 0.5f);

                t = M(HALF_PI + theta + alpha);
                u = M(alpha);
                v = M(phi - t + 2f * u);

            //Check all 3 curves
            if (IsCurveSegmentInvalid(t) || IsCurveSegmentInvalid(u) || IsCurveSegmentInvalid(v))

            path.t = t; path.u = u; path.v = v;

            float totalLength = t + u + u + v;

コード例 #7
        //8.4: CC|C
        public static float Lf_Rf_Lb(RSCar goal, out PathSegmentLengths path)
            float t = 0f; float u = 0f; float v = 0f; path = new PathSegmentLengths(0f, 0f, 0f);

            float x   = goal.pos.x;
            float y   = goal.pos.z;
            float phi = goal.HeadingInRad;

            //Uses a modified formula adapted from the cc_c function from http://msl.cs.uiuc.edu/~lavalle/cs326a/rs.c
            float xi  = x - Mathf.Sin(phi);
            float eta = y - 1f + Mathf.Cos(phi);

            float u1, theta;

            R(xi, eta, out u1, out theta);

            if (u1 > 4f)

            u = Mathf.Acos((8f - (u1 * u1)) / 8f);

            float va = Mathf.Sin(u);

            float alpha = Mathf.Asin(2f * va / u1);

            t = M(HALF_PI - alpha + theta);

            v = M(t - u - phi);

            //Check all 3 curves
            if (IsCurveSegmentInvalid(t) || IsCurveSegmentInvalid(u) || IsCurveSegmentInvalid(v))

            path.t = t; path.u = u; path.v = v;

            float totalLength = t + u + v;

コード例 #8
        //8.2: CSC, different turn
        public static float Lf_Sf_Rf(RSCar goal, out PathSegmentLengths path)
            float t = 0f; float u = 0f; float v = 0f; path = new PathSegmentLengths(0f, 0f, 0f);

            float x   = goal.pos.x;
            float y   = goal.pos.z;
            float phi = goal.HeadingInRad;

            float u1, t1;

            R(x + Mathf.Sin(phi), y - 1f - Mathf.Cos(phi), out u1, out t1);

            if (u1 * u1 < 4f)

            u = Mathf.Sqrt((u1 * u1) - 4f);

            float T, theta;

            R(u, 2f, out T, out theta);

            t = M(t1 + theta);

            v = M(t - phi);

            //Debug.Log(t + " " + u + " " + v);

            if (IsCurveSegmentInvalid(t) || IsCurveSegmentInvalid(v))

            path.t = t; path.u = u; path.v = v;

            float totalLength = t + u + v;

コード例 #9
        //8.4: C|CC
        public static float Lf_Rb_Lb(RSCar goal, out PathSegmentLengths path)
            float t = 0f; float u = 0f; float v = 0f; path = new PathSegmentLengths(0f, 0f, 0f);

            float x   = goal.pos.x;
            float y   = goal.pos.z;
            float phi = goal.HeadingInRad;

            //Uses a modified formula adapted from the c_cc function from http://msl.cs.uiuc.edu/~lavalle/cs326a/rs.c
            float xi  = x - Mathf.Sin(phi);
            float eta = y - 1f + Mathf.Cos(phi);

            float u1, theta;

            R(xi, eta, out u1, out theta);

            if (u1 > 4f)

            float alpha = Mathf.Acos(u1 / 4f);

            t = M(HALF_PI + alpha + theta);
            u = M(PI - 2f * alpha);
            //This part is the only thing thats different from 8.3
            v = M(t + u - phi);

            //Check all 3 curves
            if (IsCurveSegmentInvalid(t) || IsCurveSegmentInvalid(u) || IsCurveSegmentInvalid(v))

            path.t = t; path.u = u; path.v = v;

            float totalLength = t + u + v;

コード例 #10
        //8.10 (reversed): CSC(pi/2)|C, different turn
        public static float Lf_Sf_Lfpi2_Rb(RSCar goal, out PathSegmentLengths path)
            float t = 0f; float u = 0f; float v = 0f; path = new PathSegmentLengths(0f, 0f, 0f);

            float x   = goal.pos.x;
            float y   = goal.pos.z;
            float phi = goal.HeadingInRad;

            //Uses a modified formula adapted from the csc2_cb function from http://msl.cs.uiuc.edu/~lavalle/cs326a/rs.c
            float xi  = x + Mathf.Sin(phi);
            float eta = y - 1f - Mathf.Cos(phi);

            float u1, theta;

            R(xi, eta, out u1, out theta);

            if (u1 < 2f)

            //This is the part thats different from the original report:
            t = M(theta);
            u = u1 - 2f;
            v = M(-t - HALF_PI + phi);

            //Check all 2 curves
            if (IsCurveSegmentInvalid(t) || IsCurveSegmentInvalid(v))

            path.t = t; path.u = u; path.v = v;

            float totalLength = t + u + HALF_PI + v;

コード例 #11
        //Could maybe optimize sin(phi) and cos(phi) because they are always the same

        public static float GetLength(RSCar car, PathWords word, out PathSegmentLengths pathLengths)
            switch (word)
            //8.1: CSC, same turn
            case PathWords.Lf_Sf_Lf: return(Lf_Sf_Lf(car, out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Lb_Sb_Lb: return(Lf_Sf_Lf(car.ChangeData(-car.X, car.Z, -car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Rf_Sf_Rf: return(Lf_Sf_Lf(car.ChangeData(car.X, -car.Z, -car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Rb_Sb_Rb: return(Lf_Sf_Lf(car.ChangeData(-car.X, -car.Z, car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            //8.2: CSC, different turn
            case PathWords.Lf_Sf_Rf: return(Lf_Sf_Rf(car, out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Lb_Sb_Rb: return(Lf_Sf_Rf(car.ChangeData(-car.X, car.Z, -car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Rf_Sf_Lf: return(Lf_Sf_Rf(car.ChangeData(car.X, -car.Z, -car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Rb_Sb_Lb: return(Lf_Sf_Rf(car.ChangeData(-car.X, -car.Z, car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            //8.3: C|C|C
            case PathWords.Lf_Rb_Lf: return(Lf_Rb_Lf(car, out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Lb_Rf_Lb: return(Lf_Rb_Lf(car.ChangeData(-car.X, car.Z, -car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Rf_Lb_Rf: return(Lf_Rb_Lf(car.ChangeData(car.X, -car.Z, -car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Rb_Lf_Rb: return(Lf_Rb_Lf(car.ChangeData(-car.X, -car.Z, car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            //8.4: C|CC
            case PathWords.Lf_Rb_Lb: return(Lf_Rb_Lb(car, out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Lb_Rf_Lf: return(Lf_Rb_Lb(car.ChangeData(-car.X, car.Z, -car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Rf_Lb_Rb: return(Lf_Rb_Lb(car.ChangeData(car.X, -car.Z, -car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Rb_Lf_Rf: return(Lf_Rb_Lb(car.ChangeData(-car.X, -car.Z, car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            //8.4: CC|C
            case PathWords.Lf_Rf_Lb: return(Lf_Rf_Lb(car, out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Lb_Rb_Lf: return(Lf_Rf_Lb(car.ChangeData(-car.X, car.Z, -car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Rf_Lf_Rb: return(Lf_Rf_Lb(car.ChangeData(car.X, -car.Z, -car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Rb_Lb_Rf: return(Lf_Rf_Lb(car.ChangeData(-car.X, -car.Z, car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            //8.7: CCu|CuC
            case PathWords.Lf_Ruf_Lub_Rb: return(Lf_Ruf_Lub_Rb(car, out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Lb_Rub_Luf_Rf: return(Lf_Ruf_Lub_Rb(car.ChangeData(-car.X, car.Z, -car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Rf_Luf_Rub_Lb: return(Lf_Ruf_Lub_Rb(car.ChangeData(car.X, -car.Z, -car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Rb_Lub_Ruf_Lf: return(Lf_Ruf_Lub_Rb(car.ChangeData(-car.X, -car.Z, car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            //8.8: C|CuCu|C
            case PathWords.Lf_Rub_Lub_Rf: return(Lf_Rub_Lub_Rf(car, out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Lb_Ruf_Luf_Rb: return(Lf_Rub_Lub_Rf(car.ChangeData(-car.X, car.Z, -car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Rf_Lub_Rub_Lf: return(Lf_Rub_Lub_Rf(car.ChangeData(car.X, -car.Z, -car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Rb_Luf_Ruf_Lb: return(Lf_Rub_Lub_Rf(car.ChangeData(-car.X, -car.Z, car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            //8.9: C|C(pi/2)SC, same turn
            case PathWords.Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Lb: return(Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Lb(car, out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Lb_Rfpi2_Sf_Lf: return(Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Lb(car.ChangeData(-car.X, car.Z, -car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Rf_Lbpi2_Sb_Rb: return(Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Lb(car.ChangeData(car.X, -car.Z, -car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Rb_Lfpi2_Sf_Rf: return(Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Lb(car.ChangeData(-car.X, -car.Z, car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            //8.10: C|C(pi/2)SC, different turn
            case PathWords.Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Rb: return(Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Rb(car, out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Lb_Rfpi2_Sf_Rf: return(Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Rb(car.ChangeData(-car.X, car.Z, -car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Rf_Lbpi2_Sb_Lb: return(Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Rb(car.ChangeData(car.X, -car.Z, -car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Rb_Lfpi2_Sf_Lf: return(Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Rb(car.ChangeData(-car.X, -car.Z, car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            //8.9(reversed): CSC(pi / 2) | C, same turn
            case PathWords.Lf_Sf_Rfpi2_Lb: return(Lf_Sf_Rfpi2_Lb(car, out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Lb_Sb_Rbpi2_Lf: return(Lf_Sf_Rfpi2_Lb(car.ChangeData(-car.X, car.Z, -car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Rf_Sf_Lfpi2_Rb: return(Lf_Sf_Rfpi2_Lb(car.ChangeData(car.X, -car.Z, -car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Rb_Sb_Lbpi2_Rf: return(Lf_Sf_Rfpi2_Lb(car.ChangeData(-car.X, -car.Z, car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            //8.10 (reversed): CSC(pi/2)|C, different turn
            case PathWords.Lf_Sf_Lfpi2_Rb: return(Lf_Sf_Lfpi2_Rb(car, out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Lb_Sb_Lbpi2_Rf: return(Lf_Sf_Lfpi2_Rb(car.ChangeData(-car.X, car.Z, -car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Rf_Sf_Rfpi2_Lb: return(Lf_Sf_Lfpi2_Rb(car.ChangeData(car.X, -car.Z, -car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Rb_Sb_Rbpi2_Lf: return(Lf_Sf_Lfpi2_Rb(car.ChangeData(-car.X, -car.Z, car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            //8.11: C | C(pi / 2)SC(pi / 2) | C
            case PathWords.Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Lbpi2_Rf: return(Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Lbpi2_Rf(car, out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Lb_Rfpi2_Sf_Lfpi2_Rb: return(Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Lbpi2_Rf(car.ChangeData(-car.X, car.Z, -car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Rf_Lbpi2_Sb_Rbpi2_Lf: return(Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Lbpi2_Rf(car.ChangeData(car.X, -car.Z, -car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Rb_Lfpi2_Sf_Rfpi2_Lb: return(Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Lbpi2_Rf(car.ChangeData(-car.X, -car.Z, car.HeadingInRad), out pathLengths));

            pathLengths = new PathSegmentLengths(0f, 0f, 0f);

コード例 #12
        //Add waypoints to a given path
        private static List <RSCar> AddWaypoints(
            PathWords word, PathSegmentLengths pathSegmentLengths, RSCar carStart, RSCar carEnd, float wpDistance, float turningRadius, bool generateOneWp)
            //Find the car settings we need to drive through the path
            List <SegmentSettings> pathSettings = PathSettings.GetSettings(word, pathSegmentLengths);

            if (pathSettings == null)
                Debug.Log("Cant find settings for a path");


            //Generate the waypoints

            //Data used when generating the path
            //The pos and heading we will move along the path
            Vector3 pos     = carStart.pos;
            float   heading = carStart.HeadingInRad;
            //The distance between each step we take when generating the path, the smaller the better, but is also slower
            float stepDistance = 0.05f;
            //To generate waypoints with a certain distance between them we need to know how far we have driven since the last wp
            float driveDistance = 0f;

            //The waypoints
            List <RSCar> waypoints = new List <RSCar>();

            //Add the first wp
            waypoints.Add(new RSCar(pos, heading, pathSettings[0].gear, pathSettings[0].steering));

            //Loop through all path 3-5 path segments
            for (int i = 0; i < pathSettings.Count; i++)
                SegmentSettings segmentSettings = pathSettings[i];

                //How many steps will we take to generate this segment
                //Will always be at least 2 no matter the stepDistance
                int n = (int)Math.Ceiling((segmentSettings.length * turningRadius) / stepDistance);

                //How far will we move each step?
                float stepLength = (segmentSettings.length * turningRadius) / n;

                //Change stuff depending on in which direction we are moving
                float steeringWheelPos = 1f;

                if (segmentSettings.steering == RSCar.Steering.Left)
                    steeringWheelPos = -1f;

                //Invert steering if we are reversing
                if (segmentSettings.gear == RSCar.Gear.Back)
                    steeringWheelPos *= -1f;

                //Drive through this segment in small steps
                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    //Update position
                    float dx = stepLength * Mathf.Sin(heading);
                    float dz = stepLength * Mathf.Cos(heading);

                    if (segmentSettings.gear == RSCar.Gear.Back)
                        dx = -dx;
                        dz = -dz;

                    pos = new Vector3(pos.x + dx, pos.y, pos.z + dz);

                    //Update heading if we are turning
                    if (segmentSettings.steering != RSCar.Steering.Straight)
                        heading = heading + (stepLength / turningRadius) * steeringWheelPos;

                    //Should we generate a new wp?
                    driveDistance += stepLength;

                    if (driveDistance > wpDistance)
                        waypoints.Add(new RSCar(pos, heading, segmentSettings.gear, segmentSettings.steering));

                        driveDistance = driveDistance - wpDistance;

                        if (generateOneWp)

                //We also need to add the last pos of this segment as waypoint or the path will not be the same
                //if we for example are ignoring the waypoint where we change direction
                waypoints.Add(new RSCar(pos, heading, segmentSettings.gear, segmentSettings.steering));

            //Move the last wp pos to the position of the goal car
            //When we generate waypoints, the accuracy depends on the stepDistance, so is not always hitting the goal exactly
            waypoints[waypoints.Count - 1].pos = carEnd.pos;

コード例 #13
        public static List <SegmentSettings> GetSettings(PathWords word, PathSegmentLengths pathLengths)
            switch (word)
            //8.1: CSC, same turn
            case PathWords.Lf_Sf_Lf: return(Lf_Sf_Lf_path(pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Lb_Sb_Lb: return(TimeFlip(Lf_Sf_Lf_path(pathLengths)));

            case PathWords.Rf_Sf_Rf: return(Reflect(Lf_Sf_Lf_path(pathLengths)));

            case PathWords.Rb_Sb_Rb: return(Reflect(TimeFlip(Lf_Sf_Lf_path(pathLengths))));

            //8.2: CSC, different turn
            case PathWords.Lf_Sf_Rf: return(Lf_Sf_Rf_path(pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Lb_Sb_Rb: return(TimeFlip(Lf_Sf_Rf_path(pathLengths)));

            case PathWords.Rf_Sf_Lf: return(Reflect(Lf_Sf_Rf_path(pathLengths)));

            case PathWords.Rb_Sb_Lb: return(Reflect(TimeFlip(Lf_Sf_Rf_path(pathLengths))));

            //8.3: C|C|C
            case PathWords.Lf_Rb_Lf: return(Lf_Rb_Lf_path(pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Lb_Rf_Lb: return(TimeFlip(Lf_Rb_Lf_path(pathLengths)));

            case PathWords.Rf_Lb_Rf: return(Reflect(Lf_Rb_Lf_path(pathLengths)));

            case PathWords.Rb_Lf_Rb: return(Reflect(TimeFlip(Lf_Rb_Lf_path(pathLengths))));

            //8.4: C|CC
            case PathWords.Lf_Rb_Lb: return(Lf_Rb_Lb_path(pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Lb_Rf_Lf: return(TimeFlip(Lf_Rb_Lb_path(pathLengths)));

            case PathWords.Rf_Lb_Rb: return(Reflect(Lf_Rb_Lb_path(pathLengths)));

            case PathWords.Rb_Lf_Rf: return(Reflect(TimeFlip(Lf_Rb_Lb_path(pathLengths))));

            //8.4: CC|C
            case PathWords.Lf_Rf_Lb: return(Lf_Rf_Lb_path(pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Lb_Rb_Lf: return(TimeFlip(Lf_Rf_Lb_path(pathLengths)));

            case PathWords.Rf_Lf_Rb: return(Reflect(Lf_Rf_Lb_path(pathLengths)));

            case PathWords.Rb_Lb_Rf: return(Reflect(TimeFlip(Lf_Rf_Lb_path(pathLengths))));

            //8.7: CCu|CuC
            case PathWords.Lf_Ruf_Lub_Rb: return(Lf_Ruf_Lub_Rb_path(pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Lb_Rub_Luf_Rf: return(TimeFlip(Lf_Ruf_Lub_Rb_path(pathLengths)));

            case PathWords.Rf_Luf_Rub_Lb: return(Reflect(Lf_Ruf_Lub_Rb_path(pathLengths)));

            case PathWords.Rb_Lub_Ruf_Lf: return(Reflect(TimeFlip(Lf_Ruf_Lub_Rb_path(pathLengths))));

            //8.8: C|CuCu|C
            case PathWords.Lf_Rub_Lub_Rf: return(Lf_Rub_Lub_Rf_path(pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Lb_Ruf_Luf_Rb: return(TimeFlip(Lf_Rub_Lub_Rf_path(pathLengths)));

            case PathWords.Rf_Lub_Rub_Lf: return(Reflect(Lf_Rub_Lub_Rf_path(pathLengths)));

            case PathWords.Rb_Luf_Ruf_Lb: return(Reflect(TimeFlip(Lf_Rub_Lub_Rf_path(pathLengths))));

            //8.9: C|C(pi/2)SC, same turn
            case PathWords.Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Lb: return(Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Lb_path(pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Lb_Rfpi2_Sf_Lf: return(TimeFlip(Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Lb_path(pathLengths)));

            case PathWords.Rf_Lbpi2_Sb_Rb: return(Reflect(Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Lb_path(pathLengths)));

            case PathWords.Rb_Lfpi2_Sf_Rf: return(Reflect(TimeFlip(Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Lb_path(pathLengths))));

            //8.10: C|C(pi/2)SC, different turn
            case PathWords.Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Rb: return(Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Rb_path(pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Lb_Rfpi2_Sf_Rf: return(TimeFlip(Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Rb_path(pathLengths)));

            case PathWords.Rf_Lbpi2_Sb_Lb: return(Reflect(Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Rb_path(pathLengths)));

            case PathWords.Rb_Lfpi2_Sf_Lf: return(Reflect(TimeFlip(Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Rb_path(pathLengths))));

            //8.9 (reversed): CSC(pi/2)|C, same turn
            case PathWords.Lf_Sf_Rfpi2_Lb: return(Lf_Sf_Rfpi2_Lb_path(pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Lb_Sb_Rbpi2_Lf: return(TimeFlip(Lf_Sf_Rfpi2_Lb_path(pathLengths)));

            case PathWords.Rf_Sf_Lfpi2_Rb: return(Reflect(Lf_Sf_Rfpi2_Lb_path(pathLengths)));

            case PathWords.Rb_Sb_Lbpi2_Rf: return(Reflect(TimeFlip(Lf_Sf_Rfpi2_Lb_path(pathLengths))));

            //8.10 (reversed): CSC(pi/2)|C, different turn
            case PathWords.Lf_Sf_Lfpi2_Rb: return(Lf_Sf_Lfpi2_Rb_path(pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Lb_Sb_Lbpi2_Rf: return(TimeFlip(Lf_Sf_Lfpi2_Rb_path(pathLengths)));

            case PathWords.Rf_Sf_Rfpi2_Lb: return(Reflect(Lf_Sf_Lfpi2_Rb_path(pathLengths)));

            case PathWords.Rb_Sb_Rbpi2_Lf: return(Reflect(TimeFlip(Lf_Sf_Lfpi2_Rb_path(pathLengths))));

            //8.11: C|C(pi/2)SC(pi/2)|C
            case PathWords.Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Lbpi2_Rf: return(Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Lbpi2_Rf_path(pathLengths));

            case PathWords.Lb_Rfpi2_Sf_Lfpi2_Rb: return(TimeFlip(Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Lbpi2_Rf_path(pathLengths)));

            case PathWords.Rf_Lbpi2_Sb_Rbpi2_Lf: return(Reflect(Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Lbpi2_Rf_path(pathLengths)));

            case PathWords.Rb_Lfpi2_Sf_Rfpi2_Lb: return(Reflect(TimeFlip(Lf_Rbpi2_Sb_Lbpi2_Rf_path(pathLengths))));
