コード例 #1
        //Check if the car outside of map (MATT)
        public static bool TargetPositionWithinTrack(Vector3 carRearWheelPos, float heading, CarData carData)
            bool withinTrack = true;

            //Make the car bigger than it is to be on the safe side
            float marginOfSafety = 0.5f;

            float carLength = carData.GetLength() + marginOfSafety;
            float carWidth  = carData.GetWidth() + marginOfSafety;

            //Find the center pos of the car (carPos is at the rearWheels)
            float distCenterToRearWheels = carData.GetDistanceToRearWheels();

            float xCenter = carRearWheelPos.x + distCenterToRearWheels * Mathf.Sin(heading);
            float zCenter = carRearWheelPos.z + distCenterToRearWheels * Mathf.Cos(heading);

            Vector3 carPos = new Vector3(xCenter, carRearWheelPos.y, zCenter);

            //Find all corners of the car
            Rectangle carCornerPos = SkeletonCar.GetCornerPositions(carPos, heading, carWidth, carLength);

            //Detect if any of the corners is outside of the map
            if (
                !PathfindingController.IsPositionWithinGrid(carCornerPos.FL) ||
                !PathfindingController.IsPositionWithinGrid(carCornerPos.FR) ||
                !PathfindingController.IsPositionWithinGrid(carCornerPos.BL) ||
                //At least one of the corners is outside of the map
                withinTrack = false;

コード例 #2
        //Check if the car is colliding with an obstacle or is outside of map
        public static bool HasCarInvalidPosition(Vector3 carRearWheelPos, float heading, CarData carData)
            bool hasInvalidPosition = false;

            //Make the car bigger than it is to be on the safe side
            float marginOfSafety = 0.5f;

            float carLength = carData.GetLength() + marginOfSafety;
            float carWidth  = carData.GetWidth() + marginOfSafety;

            //Find the center pos of the car (carPos is at the rearWheels)
            float distCenterToRearWheels = carData.GetDistanceToRearWheels();

            float xCenter = carRearWheelPos.x + distCenterToRearWheels * Mathf.Sin(heading);
            float zCenter = carRearWheelPos.z + distCenterToRearWheels * Mathf.Cos(heading);

            Vector3 carPos = new Vector3(xCenter, carRearWheelPos.y, zCenter);

            // Step 1. Check if the car's corners is inside of the map

            //Find all corners of the car
            Rectangle carCornerPos = SkeletonCar.GetCornerPositions(carPos, heading, carWidth, carLength);

            //Detect if any of the corners is outside of the map
            if (
                !PathfindingController.IsPositionWithinGrid(carCornerPos.FL) ||
                !PathfindingController.IsPositionWithinGrid(carCornerPos.FR) ||
                !PathfindingController.IsPositionWithinGrid(carCornerPos.BL) ||
                //At least one of the corners is outside of the map
                hasInvalidPosition = true;


            // Step 2. Check if the car's center position is far away from an obstacle
            //We dont need to check if the car is colliding with an obstacle if the distance to an obstacle is great
            IntVector2 cellPos = PathfindingController.ConvertCoordinateToCellPos(carPos);

            //The car is not colliding with anything if the steps to an obstacle is greater than the length of the car
            if (ObstaclesController.distanceToClosestObstacle[cellPos.x, cellPos.z] > carData.GetLength())
                //This is a valid position
                hasInvalidPosition = false;


            // Step 3. Check if the car is hitting an obstacle

            //Find all corners of the car
            Rectangle carCornerPosFat = SkeletonCar.GetCornerPositions(carPos, heading, carWidth, carLength);

            //Method 1 - Use the car's corners and then rectangle-rectangle-intersection with the obstacles
            hasInvalidPosition = ObstacleDetectionCorners(carPos, carCornerPosFat);

            //Method 2 - Approximate the car with circles
            //hasInvalidPosition = ObstacleDetectionCircles(carCenterPos, heading, carData, carCornerPosFat);
