public override Node[] CreateNodes (int number) { MeshNode[] tmp = new MeshNode[number]; for (int i=0;i<number;i++) { tmp[i] = new MeshNode (); } return tmp as Node[]; }
int GetBox ( MeshNode node ) { if ( count >= arr.Length ) EnsureCapacity ( count+1 ); arr[count] = new BBTreeBox ( node ); count++; return count-1; }
/** Rebuilds the tree using the specified nodes. * This is faster and gives better quality results compared to calling Insert with all nodes */ public void RebuildFrom (MeshNode[] nodes) { Clear(); if (nodes.Length == 0) { return; } if (nodes.Length == 1) { GetBox(nodes[0]); return; } // We will use approximately 2N tree nodes EnsureCapacity(Mathf.CeilToInt (nodes.Length * 2.1f)); // Make a copy of the nodes array since we will be modifying it var nodeCopies = new MeshNode[nodes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) nodeCopies[i] = nodes[i]; RebuildFromInternal(nodeCopies, 0, nodes.Length, false); }
public void Insert(MeshNode node) { int box = this.GetBox(node); if (box == 0) { return; } BBTree.BBTreeBox bBTreeBox = this.arr[box]; int num = 0; BBTree.BBTreeBox bBTreeBox2; while (true) { bBTreeBox2 = this.arr[num]; bBTreeBox2.rect = BBTree.ExpandToContain(bBTreeBox2.rect, bBTreeBox.rect); if (bBTreeBox2.node != null) { break; } this.arr[num] = bBTreeBox2; int num2 = BBTree.ExpansionRequired(this.arr[bBTreeBox2.left].rect, bBTreeBox.rect); int num3 = BBTree.ExpansionRequired(this.arr[bBTreeBox2.right].rect, bBTreeBox.rect); if (num2 < num3) { num = bBTreeBox2.left; } else if (num3 < num2) { num = bBTreeBox2.right; } else { num = ((BBTree.RectArea(this.arr[bBTreeBox2.left].rect) >= BBTree.RectArea(this.arr[bBTreeBox2.right].rect)) ? bBTreeBox2.right : bBTreeBox2.left); } } bBTreeBox2.left = box; int box2 = this.GetBox(bBTreeBox2.node); bBTreeBox2.right = box2; bBTreeBox2.node = null; this.arr[num] = bBTreeBox2; }
public void Insert(MeshNode node) { BBTreeBox box = new BBTreeBox (this,node); if (root == null) { root = box; return; } BBTreeBox c = root; while (true) { c.rect = ExpandToContain (c.rect,box.rect); if (c.node != null) { //Is Leaf c.c1 = box; BBTreeBox box2 = new BBTreeBox (this,c.node); //Console.WriteLine ("Inserted "+box.node+", rect "+box.rect.ToString ()); c.c2 = box2; c.node = null; //c.rect = c.rect. return; } else { float e1 = ExpansionRequired (c.c1.rect,box.rect); float e2 = ExpansionRequired (c.c2.rect,box.rect); //Choose the rect requiring the least expansion to contain box.rect if (e1 < e2) { c = c.c1; } else if (e2 < e1) { c = c.c2; } else { //Equal, Choose the one with the smallest area c = RectArea (c.c1.rect) < RectArea (c.c2.rect) ? c.c1 : c.c2; } } } }
public void Apply(bool forceNewCheck) { //TODO //This function assumes that connections from the n1,n2 nodes never need to be removed in the future (e.g because the nodes move or something) var nn = NNConstraint.None; nn.distanceXZ = true; var graph = (int)startNode.GraphIndex; //Search all graphs but the one which start and end nodes are on nn.graphMask = ~(1 << graph); var same = true; { var info =, nn); same &= info.node == connectedNode1 && info.node != null; connectedNode1 = info.node as MeshNode; clamped1 = info.position; if (connectedNode1 != null) { Debug.DrawRay((Vector3)connectedNode1.position, Vector3.up * 5,; } } { var info =, nn); same &= info.node == connectedNode2 && info.node != null; connectedNode2 = info.node as MeshNode; clamped2 = info.position; if (connectedNode2 != null) { Debug.DrawRay((Vector3)connectedNode2.position, Vector3.up * 5, Color.cyan); } } if (connectedNode2 == null || connectedNode1 == null) { return; } startNode.SetPosition((Int3)StartTransform.position); endNode.SetPosition((Int3)EndTransform.position); if (same && !forceNewCheck) { return; } RemoveConnections(startNode); RemoveConnections(endNode); var cost = (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt( ((Int3)(StartTransform.position - EndTransform.position)).costMagnitude * costFactor); startNode.AddConnection(endNode, cost); endNode.AddConnection(startNode, cost); var dir = connectedNode2.position - connectedNode1.position; for (var a = 0; a < connectedNode1.GetVertexCount(); a++) { var va1 = connectedNode1.GetVertex(a); var va2 = connectedNode1.GetVertex((a + 1) % connectedNode1.GetVertexCount()); if (Int3.DotLong((va2 - va1).Normal2D(), dir) > 0) { continue; } for (var b = 0; b < connectedNode2.GetVertexCount(); b++) { var vb1 = connectedNode2.GetVertex(b); var vb2 = connectedNode2.GetVertex((b + 1) % connectedNode2.GetVertexCount()); if (Int3.DotLong((vb2 - vb1).Normal2D(), dir) < 0) { continue; } if (Int3.Angle(vb2 - vb1, va2 - va1) > 170.0 / 360.0f * Mathf.PI * 2) { float t1 = 0; float t2 = 1; t2 = System.Math.Min(t2, VectorMath.ClosestPointOnLineFactor(va1, va2, vb1)); t1 = System.Math.Max(t1, VectorMath.ClosestPointOnLineFactor(va1, va2, vb2)); if (t2 < t1) { Debug.LogError("Something went wrong! " + t1 + " " + t2 + " " + va1 + " " + va2 + " " + vb1 + " " + vb2 + "\nTODO, how can this happen?"); } else { var pa = (Vector3)(va2 - va1) * t1 + (Vector3)va1; var pb = (Vector3)(va2 - va1) * t2 + (Vector3)va1; startNode.portalA = pa; startNode.portalB = pb; endNode.portalA = pb; endNode.portalB = pa; //Add connections between nodes, or replace old connections if existing connectedNode1.AddConnection(startNode, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(((Int3)(clamped1 - StartTransform.position)).costMagnitude * costFactor)); connectedNode2.AddConnection(endNode, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(((Int3)(clamped2 - EndTransform.position)).costMagnitude * costFactor)); startNode.AddConnection(connectedNode1, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(((Int3)(clamped1 - StartTransform.position)).costMagnitude * costFactor)); endNode.AddConnection(connectedNode2, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(((Int3)(clamped2 - EndTransform.position)).costMagnitude * costFactor)); return; } } } } }
static bool NodeIntersectsCircle (MeshNode node, Vector3 p, float radius) { if (float.IsPositiveInfinity(radius)) return true; /** \bug Is not correct on the Y axis */ return (p - node.ClosestPointOnNode (p)).sqrMagnitude < radius*radius; }
public bool NodeIntersectsCircle(MeshNode node, Vector3 p, float radius) { if (NavMeshGraph.ContainsPoint (node,p,graph.vertices)) { return true; } Int3[] vertices = graph.vertices; float r2 = radius*radius; Vector3 p1 = (Vector3)vertices[node[0]], p2 = (Vector3)vertices[node[1]], p3 = (Vector3)vertices[node[2]]; p1.y = p.y; p2.y = p.y; p3.y = p.y; return Mathfx.DistancePointSegmentStrict (p1,p2,p) < r2 || Mathfx.DistancePointSegmentStrict (p2,p3,p) < r2 || Mathfx.DistancePointSegmentStrict (p3,p1,p) < r2; }
/** Inserts a mesh node in the tree */ public void Insert(MeshNode node) { int boxi = GetBox(node); // Was set to root if (boxi == 0) { return; } BBTreeBox box = arr[boxi]; //int depth = 0; int c = 0; while (true) { BBTreeBox cb = arr[c]; cb.rect = ExpandToContain(cb.rect, box.rect); if (cb.node != null) { //Is Leaf cb.left = boxi; int box2 = GetBox(cb.node); //BBTreeBox box2 = new BBTreeBox (this,c.node); //Console.WriteLine ("Inserted "+box.node+", rect "+box.rect.ToString ()); cb.right = box2; cb.node = null; //cb.depth++; //c.rect = c.rect. arr[c] = cb; //Debug.Log (depth); return; } else { //depth++; //cb.depth++; arr[c] = cb; int e1 = ExpansionRequired(arr[cb.left].rect, box.rect); // * arr[cb.left].depth; int e2 = ExpansionRequired(arr[cb.right].rect, box.rect); // * arr[cb.left].depth; //Choose the rect requiring the least expansion to contain box.rect if (e1 < e2) { c = cb.left; } else if (e2 < e1) { c = cb.right; } else { //Equal, Choose the one with the smallest area c = RectArea(arr[cb.left].rect) < RectArea(arr[cb.right].rect) ? cb.left : cb.right; } } } }
public BBTreeBox (MeshNode node) { this.node = node; var first = node.GetVertex(0); var min = new Int2(first.x,first.z); Int2 max = min; for (int i=1;i<node.GetVertexCount();i++) { var p = node.GetVertex(i); min.x = Math.Min (min.x,p.x); min.y = Math.Min (min.y,p.z); max.x = Math.Max (max.x,p.x); max.y = Math.Max (max.y,p.z); } rect = new IntRect (min.x,min.y,max.x,max.y); left = right = -1; }
public void Apply ( bool forceNewCheck ) { //TODO //This function assumes that connections from the n1,n2 nodes never need to be removed in the future (e.g because the nodes move or something) NNConstraint nn = NNConstraint.None; nn.distanceXZ = true; int graph = (int)startNode.GraphIndex; //Search all graphs but the one which start and end nodes are on nn.graphMask = ~(1 << graph); bool same = true; if (true) { NNInfo n1 =, nn); same &= n1.node == connectedNode1 && n1.node != null; connectedNode1 = n1.node as MeshNode; clamped1 = n1.clampedPosition; if ( connectedNode1 != null ) Debug.DrawRay ( (Vector3)connectedNode1.position, Vector3.up*5,; } if (true) { NNInfo n2 =, nn); same &= n2.node == connectedNode2 && n2.node != null; connectedNode2 = n2.node as MeshNode; clamped2 = n2.clampedPosition; if ( connectedNode2 != null ) Debug.DrawRay ( (Vector3)connectedNode2.position, Vector3.up*5,Color.cyan); } if (connectedNode2 == null || connectedNode1 == null) return; startNode.SetPosition ( (Int3)StartTransform.position ); endNode.SetPosition ( (Int3)EndTransform.position ); if ( same && !forceNewCheck ) return; RemoveConnections(startNode); RemoveConnections(endNode); uint cost = (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(((Int3)(StartTransform.position-EndTransform.position)).costMagnitude*costFactor); startNode.AddConnection (endNode, cost); endNode.AddConnection(startNode, cost); Int3 dir = connectedNode2.position - connectedNode1.position; for ( int a=0;a<connectedNode1.GetVertexCount();a++) { Int3 va1 = connectedNode1.GetVertex ( a ); Int3 va2 = connectedNode1.GetVertex ( (a+1) % connectedNode1.GetVertexCount() ); if ( Int3.DotLong ( (va2-va1).Normal2D (), dir ) > 0 ) continue; for ( int b=0;b<connectedNode2.GetVertexCount();b++) { Int3 vb1 = connectedNode2.GetVertex ( b ); Int3 vb2 = connectedNode2.GetVertex ( (b+1) % connectedNode2.GetVertexCount() ); if ( Int3.DotLong ( (vb2-vb1).Normal2D (), dir ) < 0 ) continue; //Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)va1, (Vector3)va2, Color.magenta); //Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vb1, (Vector3)vb2, Color.cyan); //Debug.Break (); if ( Int3.Angle ( (vb2-vb1), (va2-va1) ) > (170.0/360.0f)*Mathf.PI*2 ) { float t1 = 0; float t2 = 1; t2 = System.Math.Min ( t2, AstarMath.NearestPointFactor ( va1, va2, vb1 ) ); t1 = System.Math.Max ( t1, AstarMath.NearestPointFactor ( va1, va2, vb2 ) ); if ( t2 < t1 ) { Debug.LogError ("Wait wut!? " + t1 + " " + t2 + " " + va1 + " " + va2 + " " + vb1 + " " + vb2+"\nTODO, fix this error" ); } else { Vector3 pa = (Vector3)(va2-va1)*t1 + (Vector3)va1; Vector3 pb = (Vector3)(va2-va1)*t2 + (Vector3)va1; startNode.portalA = pa; startNode.portalB = pb; endNode.portalA = pb; endNode.portalB = pa; //Add connections between nodes, or replace old connections if existing connectedNode1.AddConnection(startNode, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt (((Int3)(clamped1 - StartTransform.position)).costMagnitude*costFactor)); connectedNode2.AddConnection(endNode, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt (((Int3)(clamped2 - EndTransform.position)).costMagnitude*costFactor)); startNode.AddConnection(connectedNode1, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt (((Int3)(clamped1 - StartTransform.position)).costMagnitude*costFactor)); endNode.AddConnection(connectedNode2, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt (((Int3)(clamped2 - EndTransform.position)).costMagnitude*costFactor)); return; } } } } }
/** Calculates the bounding box in XZ space of all nodes between \a from (inclusive) and \a to (exclusive) */ static IntRect NodeBounds (MeshNode[] nodes, int from, int to) { if (to - from <= 0) throw new ArgumentException(); var first = nodes[from].GetVertex(0); var min = new Int2(first.x,first.z); Int2 max = min; for (int j = from; j < to; j++) { var node = nodes[j]; var nverts = node.GetVertexCount(); for (int i = 0; i < nverts; i++) { var p = node.GetVertex(i); min.x = Math.Min (min.x, p.x); min.y = Math.Min (min.y, p.z); max.x = Math.Max (max.x, p.x); max.y = Math.Max (max.y, p.z); } } return new IntRect (min.x, min.y, max.x, max.y); }
public BBTreeBox(IntRect rect) { node = null; this.rect = rect; left = right = -1; }
public BBTreeBox(MeshNode node) { this.node = node; Int3 vertex = node.GetVertex(0); Int2 @int = new Int2(vertex.x, vertex.z); Int2 int2 = @int; for (int i = 1; i < node.GetVertexCount(); i++) { Int3 vertex2 = node.GetVertex(i); @int.x = Math.Min(@int.x, vertex2.x); @int.y = Math.Min(@int.y, vertex2.z); int2.x = Math.Max(int2.x, vertex2.x); int2.y = Math.Max(int2.y, vertex2.z); } this.rect = new IntRect(@int.x, @int.y, int2.x, int2.y); this.left = (this.right = -1); }
public void Apply(bool forceNewCheck) { NNConstraint none = NNConstraint.None; none.distanceXZ = true; int graphIndex = (int)this.startNode.GraphIndex; none.graphMask = ~(1 << graphIndex); bool flag = true; NNInfo nearest =, none); flag &= (nearest.node == this.connectedNode1 && nearest.node != null); this.connectedNode1 = (nearest.node as MeshNode); this.clamped1 = nearest.clampedPosition; if (this.connectedNode1 != null) { Debug.DrawRay((Vector3)this.connectedNode1.position, Vector3.up * 5f,; } NNInfo nearest2 =, none); flag &= (nearest2.node == this.connectedNode2 && nearest2.node != null); this.connectedNode2 = (nearest2.node as MeshNode); this.clamped2 = nearest2.clampedPosition; if (this.connectedNode2 != null) { Debug.DrawRay((Vector3)this.connectedNode2.position, Vector3.up * 5f, Color.cyan); } if (this.connectedNode2 == null || this.connectedNode1 == null) { return; } this.startNode.SetPosition((Int3)this.StartTransform.position); this.endNode.SetPosition((Int3)this.EndTransform.position); if (flag && !forceNewCheck) { return; } this.RemoveConnections(this.startNode); this.RemoveConnections(this.endNode); uint cost = (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt((float)((Int3)(this.StartTransform.position - this.EndTransform.position)).costMagnitude * this.costFactor); this.startNode.AddConnection(this.endNode, cost); this.endNode.AddConnection(this.startNode, cost); Int3 rhs = this.connectedNode2.position - this.connectedNode1.position; for (int i = 0; i < this.connectedNode1.GetVertexCount(); i++) { Int3 vertex = this.connectedNode1.GetVertex(i); Int3 vertex2 = this.connectedNode1.GetVertex((i + 1) % this.connectedNode1.GetVertexCount()); if (Int3.DotLong((vertex2 - vertex).Normal2D(), rhs) <= 0L) { for (int j = 0; j < this.connectedNode2.GetVertexCount(); j++) { Int3 vertex3 = this.connectedNode2.GetVertex(j); Int3 vertex4 = this.connectedNode2.GetVertex((j + 1) % this.connectedNode2.GetVertexCount()); if (Int3.DotLong((vertex4 - vertex3).Normal2D(), rhs) >= 0L) { if ((double)Int3.Angle(vertex4 - vertex3, vertex2 - vertex) > 2.9670598109563189) { float num = 0f; float num2 = 1f; num2 = Math.Min(num2, AstarMath.NearestPointFactor(vertex, vertex2, vertex3)); num = Math.Max(num, AstarMath.NearestPointFactor(vertex, vertex2, vertex4)); if (num2 >= num) { Vector3 vector = (Vector3)(vertex2 - vertex) * num + (Vector3)vertex; Vector3 vector2 = (Vector3)(vertex2 - vertex) * num2 + (Vector3)vertex; this.startNode.portalA = vector; this.startNode.portalB = vector2; this.endNode.portalA = vector2; this.endNode.portalB = vector; this.connectedNode1.AddConnection(this.startNode, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt((float)((Int3)(this.clamped1 - this.StartTransform.position)).costMagnitude * this.costFactor)); this.connectedNode2.AddConnection(this.endNode, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt((float)((Int3)(this.clamped2 - this.EndTransform.position)).costMagnitude * this.costFactor)); this.startNode.AddConnection(this.connectedNode1, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt((float)((Int3)(this.clamped1 - this.StartTransform.position)).costMagnitude * this.costFactor)); this.endNode.AddConnection(this.connectedNode2, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt((float)((Int3)(this.clamped2 - this.EndTransform.position)).costMagnitude * this.costFactor)); return; } Debug.LogError(string.Concat(new object[] { "Wait wut!? ", num, " ", num2, " ", vertex, " ", vertex2, " ", vertex3, " ", vertex4, "\nTODO, fix this error" })); } } } } } }
public void Apply ( bool forceNewCheck ) { //TODO //This function assumes that connections from the n1,n2 nodes never need to be removed in the future (e.g because the nodes move or something) var nn = NNConstraint.None; var graph = (int)startNode.GraphIndex; //Search all graphs but the one which start and end nodes are on nn.graphMask = ~(1 << graph); startNode.SetPosition ( (Int3)StartTransform.position ); endNode.SetPosition ( (Int3)EndTransform.position ); RemoveConnections(startNode); RemoveConnections(endNode); var cost = (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(((Int3)(StartTransform.position-EndTransform.position)).costMagnitude*costFactor); startNode.AddConnection (endNode, cost); endNode.AddConnection(startNode, cost); if (connectedNode1 == null || forceNewCheck) { var n1 =, nn); connectedNode1 = n1.node as MeshNode; clamped1 = n1.clampedPosition; } if (connectedNode2 == null || forceNewCheck) { var n2 =, nn); connectedNode2 = n2.node as MeshNode; clamped2 = n2.clampedPosition; } if (connectedNode2 == null || connectedNode1 == null) return; //Add connections between nodes, or replace old connections if existing connectedNode1.AddConnection(startNode, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt (((Int3)(clamped1 - StartTransform.position)).costMagnitude*costFactor)); if ( !oneWay ) connectedNode2.AddConnection(endNode, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt (((Int3)(clamped2 - EndTransform.position)).costMagnitude*costFactor)); if ( !oneWay ) startNode.AddConnection(connectedNode1, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt (((Int3)(clamped1 - StartTransform.position)).costMagnitude*costFactor)); endNode.AddConnection(connectedNode2, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt (((Int3)(clamped2 - EndTransform.position)).costMagnitude*costFactor)); }
public void RecalculateCosts() { if (this.pivots == null) { this.RecalculatePivots(); } if (this.mode == HeuristicOptimizationMode.None) { return; } this.pivotCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.pivots.Length; i++) { if (this.pivots[i] != null && (this.pivots[i].Destroyed || !this.pivots[i].Walkable)) { throw new Exception("Invalid pivot nodes (destroyed or unwalkable)"); } } if (this.mode != HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut) { for (int j = 0; j < this.pivots.Length; j++) { if (this.pivots[j] == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid pivot nodes (null)"); } } } Debug.Log("Recalculating costs..."); this.pivotCount = this.pivots.Length; Action <int> startCostCalculation = null; startCostCalculation = delegate(int k) { GraphNode pivot = this.pivots[k]; FloodPath fp = null; fp = FloodPath.Construct(pivot, null); fp.immediateCallback = delegate(Path _p) { _p.Claim(this); MeshNode meshNode = pivot as MeshNode; uint costOffset = 0u; int k; if (meshNode != null && meshNode.connectionCosts != null) { for (k = 0; k < meshNode.connectionCosts.Length; k++) { costOffset = Math.Max(costOffset, meshNode.connectionCosts[k]); } } NavGraph[] graphs =; for (int m = graphs.Length - 1; m >= 0; m--) { graphs[m].GetNodes(delegate(GraphNode node) { int num6 = node.NodeIndex * this.pivotCount + k; this.EnsureCapacity(num6); PathNode pathNode = fp.pathHandler.GetPathNode(node); if (costOffset > 0u) { this.costs[num6] = ((pathNode.pathID != fp.pathID || pathNode.parent == null) ? 0u : Math.Max(pathNode.parent.G - costOffset, 0u)); } else { this.costs[num6] = ((pathNode.pathID != fp.pathID) ? 0u : pathNode.G); } return(true); }); } if (this.mode == HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut && k < this.pivots.Length - 1) { int num = -1; uint num2 = 0u; int num3 = this.maxNodeIndex / this.pivotCount; for (int n = 1; n < num3; n++) { uint num4 = 1073741824u; for (int num5 = 0; num5 <= k; num5++) { num4 = Math.Min(num4, this.costs[n * this.pivotCount + num5]); } GraphNode node2 = fp.pathHandler.GetPathNode(n).node; if ((num4 > num2 || num == -1) && node2 != null && !node2.Destroyed && node2.Walkable) { num = n; num2 = num4; } } if (num == -1) { Debug.LogError("Failed generating random pivot points for heuristic optimizations"); return; } this.pivots[k + 1] = fp.pathHandler.GetPathNode(num).node; Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Found node at ", this.pivots[k + 1].position, " with score ", num2 })); startCostCalculation(k + 1); } _p.Release(this); }; AstarPath.StartPath(fp, true); }; if (this.mode != HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut) { for (int l = 0; l < this.pivots.Length; l++) { startCostCalculation(l); } } else { startCostCalculation(0); } this.dirty = false; }
public override void OnDrawGizmos(bool drawNodes) { if (!drawNodes) { return; } if (bbTree != null) { bbTree.OnDrawGizmos(); } Gizmos.DrawWireCube(, forcedBounds.size); //base.OnDrawGizmos (drawNodes); if (nodes == null) { //Scan ( (this)); } if (nodes == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) { //AstarColor.NodeConnection; MeshNode node = (MeshNode)nodes[i]; if ( != null && && node.GetNodeRun( != null) { //Gizmos.color = new Color (0,1,0,0.7F); Gizmos.color = NodeColor(node,; Gizmos.DrawLine((Vector3)node.position, (Vector3)node.GetNodeRun(; } else { //for (int q=0;q<node.connections.Length;q++) { // Gizmos.DrawLine (node.position,node.connections[q].position); //} } /*Gizmos.color = AstarColor.MeshEdgeColor; * for (int q=0;q<node.connections.Length;q++) { * //Gizmos.color = Color.Lerp (,,node.connectionCosts[q]/8000F); * Gizmos.DrawLine (node.position,node.connections[q].position); * }*/ //Gizmos.color = NodeColor (node); //Gizmos.color.a = 0.2F; if (showMeshOutline) { Gizmos.color = NodeColor(node,; Gizmos.DrawLine((Vector3)vertices[node.v1], (Vector3)vertices[node.v2]); Gizmos.DrawLine((Vector3)vertices[node.v2], (Vector3)vertices[node.v3]); Gizmos.DrawLine((Vector3)vertices[node.v3], (Vector3)vertices[node.v1]); } } }
// Token: 0x060005A1 RID: 1441 RVA: 0x000339EC File Offset: 0x00031DEC private static bool NodeIntersectsCircle(MeshNode node, Vector3 p, float radius) { return(float.IsPositiveInfinity(radius) || (p - node.ClosestPointOnNode(p)).sqrMagnitude < radius * radius); }
private static void DrawDebugNode(MeshNode node, float yoffset, Color color) { UnityEngine.Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)node.GetVertex(1) + Vector3.up * yoffset, (Vector3)node.GetVertex(2) + Vector3.up * yoffset, color); UnityEngine.Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)node.GetVertex(0) + Vector3.up * yoffset, (Vector3)node.GetVertex(1) + Vector3.up * yoffset, color); UnityEngine.Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)node.GetVertex(2) + Vector3.up * yoffset, (Vector3)node.GetVertex(0) + Vector3.up * yoffset, color); }
public void Apply(bool forceNewCheck) { //TODO //This function assumes that connections from the n1,n2 nodes never need to be removed in the future (e.g because the nodes move or something) NNConstraint nn = NNConstraint.None; nn.distanceXZ = true; int graph = (int)startNode.GraphIndex; //Search all graphs but the one which start and end nodes are on nn.graphMask = ~(1 << graph); bool same = true; if (true) { NNInfo n1 =, nn); same &= n1.node == connectedNode1 && n1.node != null; connectedNode1 = n1.node as MeshNode; clamped1 = n1.clampedPosition; if (connectedNode1 != null) { Debug.DrawRay((Vector3)connectedNode1.position, Vector3.up * 5,; } } if (true) { NNInfo n2 =, nn); same &= n2.node == connectedNode2 && n2.node != null; connectedNode2 = n2.node as MeshNode; clamped2 = n2.clampedPosition; if (connectedNode2 != null) { Debug.DrawRay((Vector3)connectedNode2.position, Vector3.up * 5, Color.cyan); } } if (connectedNode2 == null || connectedNode1 == null) { return; } startNode.SetPosition((Int3)StartTransform.position); endNode.SetPosition((Int3)EndTransform.position); if (same && !forceNewCheck) { return; } RemoveConnections(startNode); RemoveConnections(endNode); uint cost = (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(((Int3)(StartTransform.position - EndTransform.position)).costMagnitude * costFactor); startNode.AddConnection(endNode, cost); endNode.AddConnection(startNode, cost); Int3 dir = connectedNode2.position - connectedNode1.position; for (int a = 0; a < connectedNode1.GetVertexCount(); a++) { Int3 va1 = connectedNode1.GetVertex(a); Int3 va2 = connectedNode1.GetVertex((a + 1) % connectedNode1.GetVertexCount()); if (Int3.DotLong((va2 - va1).Normal2D(), dir) > 0) { continue; } for (int b = 0; b < connectedNode2.GetVertexCount(); b++) { Int3 vb1 = connectedNode2.GetVertex(b); Int3 vb2 = connectedNode2.GetVertex((b + 1) % connectedNode2.GetVertexCount()); if (Int3.DotLong((vb2 - vb1).Normal2D(), dir) < 0) { continue; } //Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)va1, (Vector3)va2, Color.magenta); //Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vb1, (Vector3)vb2, Color.cyan); //Debug.Break (); if (Int3.Angle((vb2 - vb1), (va2 - va1)) > (170.0 / 360.0f) * Mathf.PI * 2) { float t1 = 0; float t2 = 1; t2 = System.Math.Min(t2, AstarMath.NearestPointFactor(va1, va2, vb1)); t1 = System.Math.Max(t1, AstarMath.NearestPointFactor(va1, va2, vb2)); if (t2 < t1) { Debug.LogError("Wait wut!? " + t1 + " " + t2 + " " + va1 + " " + va2 + " " + vb1 + " " + vb2 + "\nTODO, fix this error"); } else { Vector3 pa = (Vector3)(va2 - va1) * t1 + (Vector3)va1; Vector3 pb = (Vector3)(va2 - va1) * t2 + (Vector3)va1; startNode.portalA = pa; startNode.portalB = pb; endNode.portalA = pb; endNode.portalB = pa; //Add connections between nodes, or replace old connections if existing connectedNode1.AddConnection(startNode, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(((Int3)(clamped1 - StartTransform.position)).costMagnitude * costFactor)); connectedNode2.AddConnection(endNode, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(((Int3)(clamped2 - EndTransform.position)).costMagnitude * costFactor)); startNode.AddConnection(connectedNode1, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(((Int3)(clamped1 - StartTransform.position)).costMagnitude * costFactor)); endNode.AddConnection(connectedNode2, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(((Int3)(clamped2 - EndTransform.position)).costMagnitude * costFactor)); return; } } } } }
/** Returns if the point is inside the node in XZ space */ public static bool ContainsPoint (MeshNode node, Vector3 pos, Int3[] vertices) { if (Polygon.IsClockwiseMargin ((Vector3)vertices[node.v1],(Vector3)vertices[node.v2], pos) && Polygon.IsClockwiseMargin ((Vector3)vertices[node.v2],(Vector3)vertices[node.v3], pos) && Polygon.IsClockwiseMargin ((Vector3)vertices[node.v3],(Vector3)vertices[node.v1], pos)) { return true; } return false; }
/** This performs a linear search through all polygons returning the closest one. * This will fill the NNInfo with .node for the closest node not necessarily complying with the NNConstraint, and .constrainedNode with the closest node * complying with the NNConstraint. * \see GetNearestForce(Node[],Int3[],Vector3,NNConstraint,bool) */ public static NNInfo GetNearestForceBoth(Node[] nodes, Int3[] vertices, Vector3 position, NNConstraint constraint, bool accurateNearestNode) { Int3 pos = (Int3)position; float minDist = -1; Node minNode = null; float minConstDist = -1; Node minConstNode = null; float maxDistSqr = constraint.constrainDistance ? : float.PositiveInfinity; if (nodes == null || nodes.Length == 0) { return(new NNInfo()); } for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) { MeshNode node = nodes[i] as MeshNode; if (accurateNearestNode) { Vector3 closest = Polygon.ClosesPointOnTriangle((Vector3)vertices[node.v1], (Vector3)vertices[node.v2], (Vector3)vertices[node.v3], position); float dist = ((Vector3)pos - closest).sqrMagnitude; if (minNode == null || dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; minNode = node; } if (dist < maxDistSqr && constraint.Suitable(node)) { if (minConstNode == null || dist < minConstDist) { minConstDist = dist; minConstNode = node; } } } else { if (!Polygon.IsClockwise(vertices[node.v1], vertices[node.v2], pos) || !Polygon.IsClockwise(vertices[node.v2], vertices[node.v3], pos) || !Polygon.IsClockwise(vertices[node.v3], vertices[node.v1], pos)) { float dist = (node.position - pos).sqrMagnitude; if (minNode == null || dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; minNode = node; } if (dist < maxDistSqr && constraint.Suitable(node)) { if (minConstNode == null || dist < minConstDist) { minConstDist = dist; minConstNode = node; } } } else { int dist = Mathfx.Abs(node.position.y - pos.y); if (minNode == null || dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; minNode = node; } if (dist < maxDistSqr && constraint.Suitable(node)) { if (minConstNode == null || dist < minConstDist) { minConstDist = dist; minConstNode = node; } } } } } NNInfo nninfo = new NNInfo(minNode); //Find the point closest to the nearest triangle if (nninfo.node != null) { MeshNode node = nninfo.node as MeshNode; //minNode2 as MeshNode; Vector3 clP = Polygon.ClosesPointOnTriangle((Vector3)vertices[node.v1], (Vector3)vertices[node.v2], (Vector3)vertices[node.v3], position); nninfo.clampedPosition = clP; } nninfo.constrainedNode = minConstNode; if (nninfo.constrainedNode != null) { MeshNode node = nninfo.constrainedNode as MeshNode; //minNode2 as MeshNode; Vector3 clP = Polygon.ClosesPointOnTriangle((Vector3)vertices[node.v1], (Vector3)vertices[node.v2], (Vector3)vertices[node.v3], position); nninfo.constClampedPosition = clP; } return(nninfo); }
public void RecalculateCosts() { if (pivots == null) { RecalculatePivots(); } if (mode == HeuristicOptimizationMode.None) { return; } pivotCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pivots.Length; i++) { if (pivots[i] != null && (pivots[i].Destroyed || !pivots[i].Walkable)) { throw new System.Exception("Invalid pivot nodes (destroyed or unwalkable)"); } } if (mode != HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut) { for (int i = 0; i < pivots.Length; i++) { if (pivots[i] == null) { throw new System.Exception("Invalid pivot nodes (null)"); } } } UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Recalculating costs..."); pivotCount = pivots.Length; System.Action <int> startCostCalculation = null; startCostCalculation = delegate(int k) { GraphNode pivot = pivots[k]; FloodPath fp = null; fp = FloodPath.Construct(pivot); fp.immediateCallback = delegate(Path _p) { // Handle path pooling _p.Claim(this); // When paths are calculated on navmesh based graphs // the costs are slightly modified to match the actual target and start points // instead of the node centers // so we have to remove the cost for the first and last connection // in each path MeshNode mn = pivot as MeshNode; uint costOffset = 0; if (mn != null && mn.connectionCosts != null) { for (int i = 0; i < mn.connectionCosts.Length; i++) { costOffset = System.Math.Max(costOffset, mn.connectionCosts[i]); } } var graphs =; // Process graphs in reverse order to raise probability that we encounter large NodeIndex values quicker // to avoid resizing the internal array too often for (int j = graphs.Length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { graphs[j].GetNodes(delegate(GraphNode node) { int idx = node.NodeIndex * pivotCount + k; EnsureCapacity(idx); PathNode pn = fp.pathHandler.GetPathNode(node); if (costOffset > 0) { costs[idx] = pn.pathID == fp.pathID && pn.parent != null ? System.Math.Max(pn.parent.G - costOffset, 0) : 0; } else { costs[idx] = pn.pathID == fp.pathID ? pn.G : 0; } return(true); }); } if (mode == HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut && k < pivots.Length - 1) { int best = -1; uint bestScore = 0; // Actual number of nodes int totCount = maxNodeIndex / pivotCount; // Loop through all nodes for (int j = 1; j < totCount; j++) { // Find the minimum distance from the node to all existing pivot points uint mx = 1 << 30; for (int p = 0; p <= k; p++) { mx = System.Math.Min(mx, costs[j * pivotCount + p]); } // Pick the node which has the largest minimum distance to the existing pivot points // (i.e pick the one furthest away from the existing ones) GraphNode node = fp.pathHandler.GetPathNode(j).node; if ((mx > bestScore || best == -1) && node != null && !node.Destroyed && node.Walkable) { best = j; bestScore = mx; } } if (best == -1) { Debug.LogError("Failed generating random pivot points for heuristic optimizations"); return; } pivots[k + 1] = fp.pathHandler.GetPathNode(best).node; Debug.Log("Found node at " + pivots[k + 1].position + " with score " + bestScore); startCostCalculation(k + 1); } // Handle path pooling _p.Release(this); }; AstarPath.StartPath(fp, true); }; if (mode != HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut) { // All calculated in paralell for (int i = 0; i < pivots.Length; i++) { startCostCalculation(i); } } else { // Recursive and serial startCostCalculation(0); } dirty = false; }
public static void BuildFunnelCorridor(INavmesh graph, Node[] path, int startIndex, int endIndex, List <Vector3> left, List <Vector3> right) { if (graph == null) { Debug.LogError("Couldn't cast graph to the appropriate type (graph isn't a Navmesh type graph, it doesn't implement the INavmesh interface)"); return; } Int3[] vertices = graph.vertices; int lastLeftIndex = -1; int lastRightIndex = -1; for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) { //Find the connection between the nodes MeshNode n1 = path[i] as MeshNode; MeshNode n2 = path[i + 1] as MeshNode; bool foundFirst = false; int first = -1; int second = -1; for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) { //Vector3 vertice1 = vertices[n1.vertices[x]]; int vertice1 = n1.GetVertexIndex(x); for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) { //Vector3 vertice2 = vertices[n2.vertices[y]]; int vertice2 = n2.GetVertexIndex(y); if (vertice1 == vertice2) { if (foundFirst) { second = vertice2; break; } else { first = vertice2; foundFirst = true; } } } } if (first == -1 || second == -1) { left.Add((Vector3)n1.position); right.Add((Vector3)n1.position); left.Add((Vector3)n2.position); right.Add((Vector3)n2.position); lastLeftIndex = first; lastRightIndex = second; } else { //Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vertices[first]+Vector3.up*0.1F,(Vector3)vertices[second]+Vector3.up*0.1F,Color.cyan); //Debug.Log (first+" "+second); if (first == lastLeftIndex) { left.Add((Vector3)vertices[first]); right.Add((Vector3)vertices[second]); lastLeftIndex = first; lastRightIndex = second; } else if (first == lastRightIndex) { left.Add((Vector3)vertices[second]); right.Add((Vector3)vertices[first]); lastLeftIndex = second; lastRightIndex = first; } else if (second == lastLeftIndex) { left.Add((Vector3)vertices[second]); right.Add((Vector3)vertices[first]); lastLeftIndex = second; lastRightIndex = first; } else { left.Add((Vector3)vertices[first]); right.Add((Vector3)vertices[second]); lastLeftIndex = first; lastRightIndex = second; } } } }
public BBTreeBox(IntRect rect) { this.node = null; this.rect = rect; this.left = (this.right = -1); }
public static void UpdateArea(GraphUpdateObject o, NavGraph graph) { INavmesh navgraph = graph as INavmesh; if (navgraph == null) { Debug.LogError("Update Area on NavMesh must be called with a graph implementing INavmesh"); return; } if (graph.nodes == null || graph.nodes.Length == 0) { Debug.LogError("NavGraph hasn't been generated yet or does not contain any nodes"); return; // new NNInfo (); } //System.DateTime startTime = System.DateTime.Now; Bounds bounds = o.bounds; Rect r = Rect.MinMaxRect(bounds.min.x, bounds.min.z, bounds.max.x, bounds.max.z); Vector3 a = new Vector3(r.xMin, 0, r.yMin); // -1 -1 Vector3 b = new Vector3(r.xMin, 0, r.yMax); // -1 1 Vector3 c = new Vector3(r.xMax, 0, r.yMin); // 1 -1 Vector3 d = new Vector3(r.xMax, 0, r.yMax); // 1 1 for (int i = 0; i < graph.nodes.Length; i++) { MeshNode node = graph.nodes[i] as MeshNode; bool inside = false; int allLeft = 0; int allRight = 0; int allTop = 0; int allBottom = 0; for (int v = 0; v < 3; v++) { Vector3 vert = (Vector3)navgraph.vertices[node[v]]; Vector2 vert2D = new Vector2(vert.x, vert.z); if (r.Contains(vert2D)) { //Debug.DrawRay (vert,Vector3.up,Color.yellow); inside = true; break; } if (vert.x < r.xMin) { allLeft++; } if (vert.x > r.xMax) { allRight++; } if (vert.z < r.yMin) { allTop++; } if (vert.z > r.yMax) { allBottom++; } //if (!bounds.Contains (node[v]) { // inside = false; // break; //} } if (!inside) { if (allLeft == 3 || allRight == 3 || allTop == 3 || allBottom == 3) { continue; } } for (int v = 0; v < 3; v++) { int v2 = v > 1 ? 0 : v + 1; Vector3 vert1 = (Vector3)navgraph.vertices[node[v]]; Vector3 vert2 = (Vector3)navgraph.vertices[node[v2]]; if (Polygon.Intersects(a, b, vert1, vert2)) { inside = true; break; } if (Polygon.Intersects(a, c, vert1, vert2)) { inside = true; break; } if (Polygon.Intersects(c, d, vert1, vert2)) { inside = true; break; } if (Polygon.Intersects(d, b, vert1, vert2)) { inside = true; break; } } if (!inside && ContainsPoint(node, a, navgraph.vertices)) { inside = true; } //Debug.DrawRay (a+Vector3.right*0.01F*i,Vector3.up,; } if (!inside && ContainsPoint(node, b, navgraph.vertices)) { inside = true; } //Debug.DrawRay (b+Vector3.right*0.01F*i,Vector3.up,; } if (!inside && ContainsPoint(node, c, navgraph.vertices)) { inside = true; } //Debug.DrawRay (c+Vector3.right*0.01F*i,Vector3.up,; } if (!inside && ContainsPoint(node, d, navgraph.vertices)) { inside = true; } //Debug.DrawRay (d+Vector3.right*0.01F*i,Vector3.up,; } if (!inside) { continue; } o.WillUpdateNode(node); o.Apply(node); //Debug.DrawLine (vertices[node.v1],vertices[node.v2],; //Debug.DrawLine (vertices[node.v2],vertices[node.v3],; //Debug.DrawLine (vertices[node.v3],vertices[node.v1],; //Debug.Break (); } //System.DateTime endTime = System.DateTime.Now; //float theTime = (endTime-startTime).Ticks*0.0001F; //Debug.Log ("Intersecting bounds with navmesh took "+theTime.ToString ("0.000")+" ms"); }
public void InternalOnPostScan () { if ( == null ) { ( new PointGraph () ); } //Get nearest nodes from the first point graph, assuming both start and end transforms are nodes startNode = ( new NodeLink3Node(, (Int3)StartTransform.position );// as PointNode; = this; endNode = ( new NodeLink3Node(, (Int3)EndTransform.position ); // as PointNode; = this; connectedNode1 = null; connectedNode2 = null; if (startNode == null || endNode == null) { startNode = null; endNode = null; return; } postScanCalled = true; reference[startNode] = this; reference[endNode] = this; Apply( true ); }
/** Returns the closest point of the node */ public static Vector3 ClosestPointOnNode(MeshNode node, Int3[] vertices, Vector3 pos) { return(Polygon.ClosesPointOnTriangle((Vector3)vertices[node[0]], (Vector3)vertices[node[1]], (Vector3)vertices[node[2]], pos)); }
int RebuildFromInternal (MeshNode[] nodes, int from, int to, bool odd) { if (to - from <= 0) throw new ArgumentException(); if (to - from == 1) { return GetBox(nodes[from]); } var rect = NodeBounds(nodes, from, to); int box = GetBox(rect); // Performance optimization for a common case if (to - from == 2) { arr[box].left = GetBox(nodes[from]); arr[box].right = GetBox(nodes[from+1]); return box; } int mx; if (odd) { // X int divider = (rect.xmin + rect.xmax)/2; mx = SplitByX (nodes, from, to, divider); } else { // Y/Z int divider = (rect.ymin + rect.ymax)/2; mx = SplitByZ (nodes, from, to, divider); } if (mx == from || mx == to) { // All nodes were on one side of the divider // Try to split along the other axis if (!odd) { // X int divider = (rect.xmin + rect.xmax)/2; mx = SplitByX (nodes, from, to, divider); } else { // Y/Z int divider = (rect.ymin + rect.ymax)/2; mx = SplitByZ (nodes, from, to, divider); } if (mx == from || mx == to) { // All nodes were on one side of the divider // Just pick one half mx = (from+to)/2; } } arr[box].left = RebuildFromInternal(nodes, from, mx, !odd); arr[box].right = RebuildFromInternal(nodes, mx, to, !odd); return box; }
/** Generates a navmesh. Based on the supplied vertices and triangles. Memory usage is about O(n) */ public static void GenerateNodes(NavGraph graph, Vector3[] vectorVertices, int[] triangles, out Vector3[] originalVertices, out Int3[] vertices) { if (!(graph is INavmesh)) { Debug.LogError("The specified graph does not implement interface 'INavmesh'"); originalVertices = vectorVertices; vertices = new Int3[0]; graph.nodes = graph.CreateNodes(0); return; } if (vectorVertices.Length == 0 || triangles.Length == 0) { originalVertices = vectorVertices; vertices = new Int3[0]; graph.nodes = graph.CreateNodes(0); return; } vertices = new Int3[vectorVertices.Length]; //Backup the original vertices //for (int i=0;i<vectorVertices.Length;i++) { // vectorVertices[i] = graph.matrix.MultiplyPoint (vectorVertices[i]); //} int c = 0; /*int maxX = 0; * int maxZ = 0; * * //Almost infinity * int minX = 0xFFFFFFF; * int minZ = 0xFFFFFFF;*/ for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++) { vertices[i] = (Int3)graph.matrix.MultiplyPoint(vectorVertices[i]); /*maxX = Mathfx.Max (vertices[i].x, maxX); * maxZ = Mathfx.Max (vertices[i].z, maxZ); * minX = Mathfx.Min (vertices[i].x, minX); * minZ = Mathfx.Min (vertices[i].z, minZ);*/ } //maxX = maxX-minX; //maxZ = maxZ-minZ; Dictionary <Int3, int> hashedVerts = new Dictionary <Int3, int> (); int[] newVertices = new int[vertices.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length - 1; i++) { //int hash = Mathfx.ComputeVertexHash (vertices[i].x,vertices[i].y,vertices[i].z); //(vertices[i].x-minX)+(vertices[i].z-minX)*maxX+vertices[i].y*maxX*maxZ; //if (sortedVertices[i] != sortedVertices[i+1]) { if (!hashedVerts.ContainsKey(vertices[i])) { newVertices[c] = i; hashedVerts.Add(vertices[i], c); c++; } // else { //Debug.Log ("Hash Duplicate "+hash+" "+vertices[i].ToString ()); //} } newVertices[c] = vertices.Length - 1; //int hash2 = (newVertices[c].x-minX)+(newVertices[c].z-minX)*maxX+newVertices[c].y*maxX*maxZ; //int hash2 = Mathfx.ComputeVertexHash (newVertices[c].x,newVertices[c].y,newVertices[c].z); if (!hashedVerts.ContainsKey(vertices[newVertices[c]])) { hashedVerts.Add(vertices[newVertices[c]], c); c++; } for (int x = 0; x < triangles.Length; x++) { Int3 vertex = vertices[triangles[x]]; //int hash3 = (vertex.x-minX)+(vertex.z-minX)*maxX+vertex.y*maxX*maxZ; //int hash3 = Mathfx.ComputeVertexHash (vertex.x,vertex.y,vertex.z); //for (int y=0;y<newVertices.Length;y++) { triangles[x] = hashedVerts[vertex]; } /*for (int i=0;i<triangles.Length;i += 3) { * * Vector3 offset = Vector3.forward*i*0.01F; * Debug.DrawLine (newVertices[triangles[i]]+offset,newVertices[triangles[i+1]]+offset,; * Debug.DrawLine (newVertices[triangles[i+1]]+offset,newVertices[triangles[i+2]]+offset,; * Debug.DrawLine (newVertices[triangles[i+2]]+offset,newVertices[triangles[i]]+offset,; * }*/ //Debug.Log ("NavMesh - Old vertice count "+vertices.Length+", new vertice count "+c+" "+maxX+" "+maxZ+" "+maxX*maxZ); Int3[] totalIntVertices = vertices; vertices = new Int3[c]; originalVertices = new Vector3[c]; for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { vertices[i] = totalIntVertices[newVertices[i]]; //(Int3)graph.matrix.MultiplyPoint (vectorVertices[i]); originalVertices[i] = (Vector3)vertices[i]; //vectorVertices[newVertices[i]]; } Node[] nodes = graph.CreateNodes(triangles.Length / 3); //new Node[triangles.Length/3]; graph.nodes = nodes; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) { MeshNode node = (MeshNode)nodes[i]; //new MeshNode (); node.walkable = true; node.position = (vertices[triangles[i * 3]] + vertices[triangles[i * 3 + 1]] + vertices[triangles[i * 3 + 2]]) / 3F; node.v1 = triangles[i * 3]; node.v2 = triangles[i * 3 + 1]; node.v3 = triangles[i * 3 + 2]; if (!Polygon.IsClockwise(vertices[node.v1], vertices[node.v2], vertices[node.v3])) { //Debug.DrawLine (vertices[node.v1],vertices[node.v2],; //Debug.DrawLine (vertices[node.v2],vertices[node.v3],; //Debug.DrawLine (vertices[node.v3],vertices[node.v1],; int tmp = node.v1; node.v1 = node.v3; node.v3 = tmp; } if (Polygon.IsColinear(vertices[node.v1], vertices[node.v2], vertices[node.v3])) { Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)vertices[node.v1], (Vector3)vertices[node.v2],; Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)vertices[node.v2], (Vector3)vertices[node.v3],; Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)vertices[node.v3], (Vector3)vertices[node.v1],; } nodes[i] = node; } List <Node> connections = new List <Node> (); List <int> connectionCosts = new List <int> (); int identicalError = 0; for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Length; i += 3) { connections.Clear(); connectionCosts.Clear(); //Int3 indices = new Int3(triangles[i],triangles[i+1],triangles[i+2]); Node node = nodes[i / 3]; for (int x = 0; x < triangles.Length; x += 3) { if (x == i) { continue; } int count = 0; if (triangles[x] == triangles[i]) { count++; } if (triangles[x + 1] == triangles[i]) { count++; } if (triangles[x + 2] == triangles[i]) { count++; } if (triangles[x] == triangles[i + 1]) { count++; } if (triangles[x + 1] == triangles[i + 1]) { count++; } if (triangles[x + 2] == triangles[i + 1]) { count++; } if (triangles[x] == triangles[i + 2]) { count++; } if (triangles[x + 1] == triangles[i + 2]) { count++; } if (triangles[x + 2] == triangles[i + 2]) { count++; } if (count >= 3) { identicalError++; Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)vertices[triangles[x]], (Vector3)vertices[triangles[x + 1]],; Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)vertices[triangles[x]], (Vector3)vertices[triangles[x + 2]],; Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)vertices[triangles[x + 2]], (Vector3)vertices[triangles[x + 1]],; } if (count == 2) { Node other = nodes[x / 3]; connections.Add(other); connectionCosts.Add(Mathf.RoundToInt((node.position - other.position).costMagnitude)); } } node.connections = connections.ToArray(); node.connectionCosts = connectionCosts.ToArray(); } if (identicalError > 0) { Debug.LogError("One or more triangles are identical to other triangles, this is not a good thing to have in a navmesh\nIncreasing the scale of the mesh might help\nNumber of triangles with error: " + identicalError + "\n"); } RebuildBBTree(graph); //Debug.Log ("Graph Generation - NavMesh - Time to compute graph "+((Time.realtimeSinceStartup-startTime)*1000F).ToString ("0")+"ms"); }
/** Inserts a mesh node in the tree */ public void Insert (MeshNode node) { int boxi = GetBox (node); // Was set to root if (boxi == 0) { return; } BBTreeBox box = arr[boxi]; //int depth = 0; int c = 0; while (true) { BBTreeBox cb = arr[c]; cb.rect = ExpandToContain (cb.rect,box.rect); if (cb.node != null) { //Is Leaf cb.left = boxi; int box2 = GetBox (cb.node); //BBTreeBox box2 = new BBTreeBox (this,c.node); //Console.WriteLine ("Inserted "+box.node+", rect "+box.rect.ToString ()); cb.right = box2; cb.node = null; //cb.depth++; //c.rect = c.rect. arr[c] = cb; //Debug.Log (depth); return; } else { //depth++; //cb.depth++; arr[c] = cb; int e1 = ExpansionRequired (arr[cb.left].rect,box.rect);// * arr[cb.left].depth; int e2 = ExpansionRequired (arr[cb.right].rect,box.rect);// * arr[cb.left].depth; //Choose the rect requiring the least expansion to contain box.rect if (e1 < e2) { c = cb.left; } else if (e2 < e1) { c = cb.right; } else { //Equal, Choose the one with the smallest area c = RectArea (arr[cb.left].rect) < RectArea (arr[cb.right].rect) ? cb.left : cb.right; } } } }
// Token: 0x06000041 RID: 65 RVA: 0x00004F38 File Offset: 0x00003338 public Vector3 Update(Vector3 position, List <Vector3> buffer, int numCorners, out bool lastCorner, out bool requiresRepath) { lastCorner = false; requiresRepath = false; Int3 @int = (Int3)position; if (this.nodes[this.currentNode].Destroyed) { requiresRepath = true; lastCorner = false; buffer.Add(position); return(position); } if (this.nodes[this.currentNode].ContainsPoint(@int)) { if (this.tmpCounter >= 10) { this.tmpCounter = 0; int i = 0; int count = this.nodes.Count; while (i < count) { if (this.nodes[i].Destroyed) { requiresRepath = true; break; } i++; } } else { this.tmpCounter++; } } else { bool flag = false; int num = this.currentNode + 1; int num2 = Math.Min(this.currentNode + 3, this.nodes.Count); while (num < num2 && !flag) { if (this.nodes[num].Destroyed) { requiresRepath = true; lastCorner = false; buffer.Add(position); return(position); } if (this.nodes[num].ContainsPoint(@int)) { this.currentNode = num; flag = true; } num++; } int num3 = this.currentNode - 1; int num4 = Math.Max(this.currentNode - 3, 0); while (num3 > num4 && !flag) { if (this.nodes[num3].Destroyed) { requiresRepath = true; lastCorner = false; buffer.Add(position); return(position); } if (this.nodes[num3].ContainsPoint(@int)) { this.currentNode = num3; flag = true; } num3--; } int num5 = 0; float num6 = float.PositiveInfinity; Vector3 vector =; int num7 = 0; int count2 = this.nodes.Count; while (num7 < count2 && !flag) { if (this.nodes[num7].Destroyed) { requiresRepath = true; lastCorner = false; buffer.Add(position); return(position); } if (this.nodes[num7].ContainsPoint(@int)) { this.currentNode = num7; flag = true; vector = position; } else { Vector3 vector2 = this.nodes[num7].ClosestPointOnNodeXZ(position); float sqrMagnitude = (vector2 - position).sqrMagnitude; if (sqrMagnitude < num6) { num6 = sqrMagnitude; num5 = num7; vector = vector2; } } num7++; } this.tmpCounter = 0; int j = 0; int count3 = this.nodes.Count; while (j < count3) { if (this.nodes[j].Destroyed) { requiresRepath = true; break; } j++; } if (!flag) { vector.y = position.y; MeshNode containingPoint = null; int containingIndex = this.nodes.Count - 1; Int3 i3Copy = @int; GraphNodeDelegate del = delegate(GraphNode node) { if ((containingIndex <= 0 || node != this.nodes[containingIndex - 1]) && (containingIndex >= this.nodes.Count - 1 || node != this.nodes[containingIndex + 1])) { MeshNode meshNode2 = node as MeshNode; if (meshNode2 != null && meshNode2.ContainsPoint(i3Copy)) { containingPoint = meshNode2; } } }; while (containingIndex >= 0 && containingPoint == null) { MeshNode meshNode = this.nodes[containingIndex]; meshNode.GetConnections(del); containingIndex--; } if (containingPoint != null) { containingIndex++; this.exactStart = position; this.UpdateFunnelCorridor(containingIndex, containingPoint as TriangleMeshNode); this.currentNode = 0; } else { position = vector; this.currentNode = num5; } } } this.currentPosition = position; if (!this.FindNextCorners(position, this.currentNode, buffer, numCorners, out lastCorner)) { Debug.LogError("Oh oh"); buffer.Add(position); return(position); } return(position); }
public BBTreeBox (IntRect rect) { node = null; this.rect = rect; left = right = -1; }
public Vector3 Update(Vector3 position, List <Vector3> buffer, int numCorners, out bool lastCorner, out bool requiresRepath) { lastCorner = false; requiresRepath = false; Int3 i3Pos = (Int3)position; if (nodes[currentNode].Destroyed) { requiresRepath = true; lastCorner = false; buffer.Add(position); return(position); } if (nodes[currentNode].ContainsPoint(i3Pos)) { // Only check for destroyed nodes every 10 frames if (tmpCounter >= 10) { tmpCounter = 0; for (int i = 0, t = nodes.Count; i < t; i++) { if (nodes[i].Destroyed) { requiresRepath = true; break; } } } else { tmpCounter++; } } else { bool found = false; for (int i = currentNode + 1, t = System.Math.Min(currentNode + 3, nodes.Count); i < t && !found; i++) { if (nodes[i].Destroyed) { requiresRepath = true; lastCorner = false; buffer.Add(position); return(position); } if (nodes[i].ContainsPoint(i3Pos)) { currentNode = i; found = true; } } for (int i = currentNode - 1, t = System.Math.Max(currentNode - 3, 0); i > t && !found; i--) { if (nodes[i].Destroyed) { requiresRepath = true; lastCorner = false; buffer.Add(position); return(position); } if (nodes[i].ContainsPoint(i3Pos)) { currentNode = i; found = true; } } int closest = 0; float closestDist = float.PositiveInfinity; Vector3 closestPoint =; for (int i = 0, t = nodes.Count; i < t && !found; i++) { if (nodes[i].Destroyed) { requiresRepath = true; lastCorner = false; buffer.Add(position); return(position); } if (nodes[i].ContainsPoint(i3Pos)) { currentNode = i; found = true; closestPoint = position; } else { Vector3 close = nodes[i].ClosestPointOnNodeXZ(position); float d = (close - position).sqrMagnitude; if (d < closestDist) { closestDist = d; closest = i; closestPoint = close; } } } tmpCounter = 0; for (int i = 0, t = nodes.Count; i < t; i++) { if (nodes[i].Destroyed) { requiresRepath = true; break; } } if (!found) { //Debug.DrawLine (position,closestPoint,Color.cyan); //Debug.DrawRay (closestPoint,Vector3.up,Color.cyan); //Debug.Break(); closestPoint.y = position.y; MeshNode nd; MeshNode containingPoint = null; int containingIndex = nodes.Count - 1; // Need to make a copy here, the JIT will move this variable to the heap // because it is used inside a delegate, if we didn't make a copy here // we would /always/ allocate 24 bytes (sizeof(i3Pos)) on the heap every time // this method was called // now we only do it when this IF statement is executed Int3 i3Copy = i3Pos; GraphNodeDelegate del = delegate(GraphNode node) { if (!(containingIndex > 0 && node == nodes[containingIndex - 1]) && !(containingIndex < nodes.Count - 1 && node == nodes[containingIndex + 1])) { MeshNode mn = node as MeshNode; if (mn != null && mn.ContainsPoint(i3Copy)) { containingPoint = mn; } } }; for (; containingIndex >= 0 && containingPoint == null; containingIndex--) { nd = nodes[containingIndex]; nd.GetConnections(del); } if (containingPoint != null) { // It will have been decremented once after containingPoint was null, revert that containingIndex++; // We have found a node containing the position, but it is outside the funnel // Recalculate the funnel to include this node exactStart = position; UpdateFunnelCorridor(containingIndex, containingPoint as TriangleMeshNode); currentNode = 0; found = true; } else { position = closestPoint; found = true; currentNode = closest; } } } currentPosition = position; //Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)graph.vertices[nodes[currentNode].v1] + Vector3.up*0.1f,(Vector3)graph.vertices[nodes[currentNode].v2] + Vector3.up*0.1f,; //Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)graph.vertices[nodes[currentNode].v2] + Vector3.up*0.1f,(Vector3)graph.vertices[nodes[currentNode].v3] + Vector3.up*0.1f,; //Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)graph.vertices[nodes[currentNode].v3] + Vector3.up*0.1f,(Vector3)graph.vertices[nodes[currentNode].v1] + Vector3.up*0.1f,; if (!FindNextCorners(position, currentNode, buffer, numCorners, out lastCorner)) { Debug.LogError("Oh oh"); buffer.Add(position); return(position); } return(position); //Debug.Log("Nearest " + w1.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds*1000); //Debug.Log("Funnel " + w2.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds*1000); }
public void RecalculateCosts() { if (this.pivots == null) { this.RecalculatePivots(); } if (this.mode == HeuristicOptimizationMode.None) { return; } this.pivotCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.pivots.Length; i++) { if (this.pivots[i] != null && (this.pivots[i].Destroyed || !this.pivots[i].Walkable)) { throw new Exception("Invalid pivot nodes (destroyed or unwalkable)"); } } if (this.mode != HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut) { for (int j = 0; j < this.pivots.Length; j++) { if (this.pivots[j] == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid pivot nodes (null)"); } } } Debug.Log("Recalculating costs..."); this.pivotCount = this.pivots.Length; Action <int> startCostCalculation = null; int numComplete = 0; OnPathDelegate onComplete = delegate(Path path) { int numComplete = numComplete; numComplete++; if (numComplete == this.pivotCount) { Debug.Log("Grid graph special case!"); this.ApplyGridGraphEndpointSpecialCase(); } }; startCostCalculation = delegate(int pivotIndex) { GraphNode pivot = this.pivots[pivotIndex]; FloodPath floodPath = null; floodPath = FloodPath.Construct(pivot, onComplete); floodPath.immediateCallback = delegate(Path _p) { _p.Claim(this); MeshNode meshNode = pivot as MeshNode; uint costOffset = 0u; if (meshNode != null && meshNode.connections != null) { for (int l = 0; l < meshNode.connections.Length; l++) { costOffset = Math.Max(costOffset, meshNode.connections[l].cost); } } NavGraph[] graphs =; Action <GraphNode> < > 9__3; for (int m = graphs.Length - 1; m >= 0; m--) { NavGraph navGraph = graphs[m]; Action <GraphNode> action; if ((action = < > 9__3) == null) { action = (< > 9__3 = delegate(GraphNode node) { int num6 = node.NodeIndex * this.pivotCount + pivotIndex; this.EnsureCapacity(num6); PathNode pathNode = ((IPathInternals)floodPath).PathHandler.GetPathNode(node); if (costOffset > 0u) { this.costs[num6] = ((pathNode.pathID == floodPath.pathID && pathNode.parent != null) ? Math.Max(pathNode.parent.G - costOffset, 0u) : 0u); return; } this.costs[num6] = ((pathNode.pathID == floodPath.pathID) ? pathNode.G : 0u); }); } navGraph.GetNodes(action); } if (this.mode == HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut && pivotIndex < this.pivots.Length - 1) { if (this.pivots[pivotIndex + 1] == null) { int num = -1; uint num2 = 0u; int num3 = this.maxNodeIndex / this.pivotCount; for (int n = 1; n < num3; n++) { uint num4 = 1073741824u; for (int num5 = 0; num5 <= pivotIndex; num5++) { num4 = Math.Min(num4, this.costs[n * this.pivotCount + num5]); } GraphNode node2 = ((IPathInternals)floodPath).PathHandler.GetPathNode(n).node; if ((num4 > num2 || num == -1) && node2 != null && !node2.Destroyed && node2.Walkable) { num = n; num2 = num4; } } if (num == -1) { Debug.LogError("Failed generating random pivot points for heuristic optimizations"); return; } this.pivots[pivotIndex + 1] = ((IPathInternals)floodPath).PathHandler.GetPathNode(num).node; } startCostCalculation(pivotIndex + 1); } _p.Release(this, false); }; AstarPath.StartPath(floodPath, true); }; if (this.mode != HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut) { for (int k = 0; k < this.pivots.Length; k++) { startCostCalculation(k); } } else { startCostCalculation(0); } this.dirty = false; }
public void RebuildFrom(MeshNode[] nodes) { this.Clear(); if (nodes.Length == 0) { return; } if (nodes.Length == 1) { this.GetBox(nodes[0]); return; } this.EnsureCapacity(Mathf.CeilToInt((float)nodes.Length * 2.1f)); MeshNode[] array = new MeshNode[nodes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) { array[i] = nodes[i]; } this.RebuildFromInternal(array, 0, nodes.Length, false); }
static int SplitByX (MeshNode[] nodes, int from, int to, int divider) { int mx = to; for (int i = from; i < mx; i++) { if (nodes[i].position.x > divider) { // swap with mx mx--; var tmp = nodes[mx]; nodes[mx] = nodes[i]; nodes[i] = tmp; i--; } } return mx; }
private static IntRect NodeBounds(MeshNode[] nodes, int from, int to) { if (to - from <= 0) { throw new ArgumentException(); } Int3 vertex = nodes[from].GetVertex(0); Int2 @int = new Int2(vertex.x, vertex.z); Int2 int2 = @int; for (int i = from; i < to; i++) { MeshNode meshNode = nodes[i]; for (int j = 1; j < meshNode.GetVertexCount(); j++) { Int3 vertex2 = meshNode.GetVertex(j); @int.x = Math.Min(@int.x, vertex2.x); @int.y = Math.Min(@int.y, vertex2.z); int2.x = Math.Max(int2.x, vertex2.x); int2.y = Math.Max(int2.y, vertex2.z); } } return new IntRect(@int.x, @int.y, int2.x, int2.y); }
public BBTreeBox(BBTree tree, MeshNode node) { this.node = node; Vector3 first = (Vector3)tree.graph.vertices[node[0]]; Vector2 min = new Vector2(first.x,first.z); Vector2 max = min; for (int i=1;i<3;i++) { Vector3 p = (Vector3)tree.graph.vertices[node[i]]; min.x = Mathf.Min (min.x,p.x); min.y = Mathf.Min (min.y,p.z); max.x = Mathf.Max (max.x,p.x); max.y = Mathf.Max (max.y,p.z); } rect = Rect.MinMaxRect (min.x,min.y,max.x,max.y); }
private static bool NodeIntersectsCircle(MeshNode node, Vector3 p, float radius) { return float.IsPositiveInfinity(radius) || (p - node.ClosestPointOnNode(p)).sqrMagnitude < radius * radius; }
public void InternalOnPostScan () { if ( EndTransform == null || StartTransform == null ) return; #if !ASTAR_NO_POINT_GRAPH if ( == null ) { ( new PointGraph () ); } #endif if ( startNode != null) { NodeLink2 tmp; if (reference.TryGetValue (startNode, out tmp) && tmp == this) reference.Remove (startNode); } if ( endNode != null) { NodeLink2 tmp; if (reference.TryGetValue (endNode, out tmp) && tmp == this) reference.Remove (endNode); } #if !ASTAR_NO_POINT_GRAPH //Get nearest nodes from the first point graph, assuming both start and end transforms are nodes startNode = ( (Int3)StartTransform.position );// as PointNode; endNode = ( (Int3)EndTransform.position ); // as PointNode; #else throw new System.Exception ("Point graph is not included. Check your A* optimization settings."); #endif connectedNode1 = null; connectedNode2 = null; if (startNode == null || endNode == null) { startNode = null; endNode = null; return; } postScanCalled = true; reference[startNode] = this; reference[endNode] = this; Apply( true ); }
private static int SplitByZ(MeshNode[] nodes, int from, int to, int divider) { int num = to; for (int i = from; i < num; i++) { if (nodes[i].position.z > divider) { num--; MeshNode meshNode = nodes[num]; nodes[num] = nodes[i]; nodes[i] = meshNode; i--; } } return num; }
/** Returns the closest point of the node */ public static Vector3 ClosestPointOnNode (MeshNode node, Int3[] vertices, Vector3 pos) { return Polygon.ClosesPointOnTriangle (vertices[node[0]],vertices[node[1]],vertices[node[2]],pos); }
private int GetBox(MeshNode node) { if (this.count >= this.arr.Length) { this.EnsureCapacity(this.count + 1); } this.arr[this.count] = new BBTree.BBTreeBox(node); this.count++; return this.count - 1; }
public override void OnGraphsPostUpdate () { //if (connectedNode1 != null && connectedNode2 != null) { if (! { if (connectedNode1 != null && connectedNode1.Destroyed) { connectedNode1 = null; } if (connectedNode2 != null && connectedNode2.Destroyed) { connectedNode2 = null; } if (!postScanCalled) { OnPostScan(); } else { //OnPostScan will also call this method /** \todo Can mess up pathfinding, wrap in delegate */ Apply( false ); } } }
private int RebuildFromInternal(MeshNode[] nodes, int from, int to, bool odd) { if (to - from <= 0) { throw new ArgumentException(); } if (to - from == 1) { return this.GetBox(nodes[from]); } IntRect rect = BBTree.NodeBounds(nodes, from, to); int box = this.GetBox(rect); if (to - from == 2) { this.arr[box].left = this.GetBox(nodes[from]); this.arr[box].right = this.GetBox(nodes[from + 1]); return box; } int num; if (odd) { int divider = (rect.xmin + rect.xmax) / 2; num = BBTree.SplitByX(nodes, from, to, divider); } else { int divider2 = (rect.ymin + rect.ymax) / 2; num = BBTree.SplitByZ(nodes, from, to, divider2); } if (num == from || num == to) { if (!odd) { int divider3 = (rect.xmin + rect.xmax) / 2; num = BBTree.SplitByX(nodes, from, to, divider3); } else { int divider4 = (rect.ymin + rect.ymax) / 2; num = BBTree.SplitByZ(nodes, from, to, divider4); } if (num == from || num == to) { num = (from + to) / 2; } } this.arr[box].left = this.RebuildFromInternal(nodes, from, num, !odd); this.arr[box].right = this.RebuildFromInternal(nodes, num, to, !odd); return box; }
public void InternalOnPostScan () { if ( EndTransform == null || StartTransform == null ) return; if ( == null ) { ( new PointGraph () ); } if ( startNode != null) { NodeLink2 tmp; if (reference.TryGetValue (startNode, out tmp) && tmp == this) reference.Remove (startNode); } if ( endNode != null) { NodeLink2 tmp; if (reference.TryGetValue (endNode, out tmp) && tmp == this) reference.Remove (endNode); } //Get nearest nodes from the first point graph, assuming both start and end transforms are nodes startNode = ( (Int3)StartTransform.position );// as PointNode; endNode = ( (Int3)EndTransform.position ); // as PointNode; connectedNode1 = null; connectedNode2 = null; if (startNode == null || endNode == null) { startNode = null; endNode = null; return; } postScanCalled = true; reference[startNode] = this; reference[endNode] = this; Apply( true ); }
public void Apply(bool forceNewCheck) { NNConstraint none = NNConstraint.None; none.distanceXZ = true; int graphIndex = (int)this.startNode.GraphIndex; none.graphMask = ~(((int)1) << graphIndex); bool flag = true; NNInfo nearest =, none); flag &= (nearest.node == this.connectedNode1) && (nearest.node != null); this.connectedNode1 = nearest.node as MeshNode; this.clamped1 = nearest.position; if (this.connectedNode1 != null) { Debug.DrawRay((Vector3)this.connectedNode1.position, (Vector3)(Vector3.up * 5f),; } NNInfo info2 =, none); flag &= (info2.node == this.connectedNode2) && (info2.node != null); this.connectedNode2 = info2.node as MeshNode; this.clamped2 = info2.position; if (this.connectedNode2 != null) { Debug.DrawRay((Vector3)this.connectedNode2.position, (Vector3)(Vector3.up * 5f), Color.cyan); } if ((this.connectedNode2 != null) && (this.connectedNode1 != null)) { this.startNode.SetPosition((Int3)this.StartTransform.position); this.endNode.SetPosition((Int3)this.EndTransform.position); if (!flag || forceNewCheck) { this.RemoveConnections(this.startNode); this.RemoveConnections(this.endNode); Int3 num12 = (Int3)(this.StartTransform.position - this.EndTransform.position); uint cost = (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(num12.costMagnitude * this.costFactor); this.startNode.AddConnection(this.endNode, cost); this.endNode.AddConnection(this.startNode, cost); Int3 rhs = this.connectedNode2.position - this.connectedNode1.position; for (int i = 0; i < this.connectedNode1.GetVertexCount(); i++) { Int3 vertex = this.connectedNode1.GetVertex(i); Int3 lineEnd = this.connectedNode1.GetVertex((i + 1) % this.connectedNode1.GetVertexCount()); Int3 num13 = lineEnd - vertex; if (Int3.DotLong(num13.Normal2D(), rhs) <= 0L) { for (int j = 0; j < this.connectedNode2.GetVertexCount(); j++) { Int3 point = this.connectedNode2.GetVertex(j); Int3 num9 = this.connectedNode2.GetVertex((j + 1) % this.connectedNode2.GetVertexCount()); Int3 num14 = num9 - point; if ((Int3.DotLong(num14.Normal2D(), rhs) >= 0L) && (Int3.Angle(num9 - point, lineEnd - vertex) > 2.9670598109563189)) { float num10 = 0f; float num11 = 1f; num11 = Math.Min(num11, VectorMath.ClosestPointOnLineFactor(vertex, lineEnd, point)); num10 = Math.Max(num10, VectorMath.ClosestPointOnLineFactor(vertex, lineEnd, num9)); if (num11 >= num10) { Vector3 vector = ((Vector3)(((Vector3)(lineEnd - vertex)) * num10)) + ((Vector3)vertex); Vector3 vector2 = ((Vector3)(((Vector3)(lineEnd - vertex)) * num11)) + ((Vector3)vertex); this.startNode.portalA = vector; this.startNode.portalB = vector2; this.endNode.portalA = vector2; this.endNode.portalB = vector; Int3 num15 = (Int3)(this.clamped1 - this.StartTransform.position); this.connectedNode1.AddConnection(this.startNode, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(num15.costMagnitude * this.costFactor)); Int3 num16 = (Int3)(this.clamped2 - this.EndTransform.position); this.connectedNode2.AddConnection(this.endNode, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(num16.costMagnitude * this.costFactor)); Int3 num17 = (Int3)(this.clamped1 - this.StartTransform.position); this.startNode.AddConnection(this.connectedNode1, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(num17.costMagnitude * this.costFactor)); Int3 num18 = (Int3)(this.clamped2 - this.EndTransform.position); this.endNode.AddConnection(this.connectedNode2, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(num18.costMagnitude * this.costFactor)); return; } Debug.LogError(string.Concat(new object[] { "Wait wut!? ", num10, " ", num11, " ", vertex, " ", lineEnd, " ", point, " ", num9, "\nTODO, fix this error" })); } } } } } } }