public bool IsInOpenList(LightCell maze_cell) { return(open_list.Has(graph[maze_cell.Y, maze_cell.X])); }
public void Solve() { has_solution = false; has_execution_finished = false; Debug.Assert(path_cost_last_execution != INFINITY_INT); { /* If the goal changed update the heuristic. */ if (piece_of_pseudo_code_being_executed == PieceOfPseudoCode.Null) { if (new_goal != null) { Debug.Assert(path_cost.Count > n_searches); InitializeNode(new_goal); if (new_goal.g != INFINITY_INT && new_goal.g + new_goal.h < path_cost[n_searches]) { new_goal.h = path_cost[n_searches] - new_goal.g; } delta_h.Add(delta_h[n_searches] + new_goal.h); goal = new_goal; new_goal = null; } else { delta_h.Add(delta_h[n_searches]); } n_searches++; open_list.Clear(); } /* If some cell became unblocked. */ if (unblocked_cells != null) { Debug.Assert(piece_of_pseudo_code_being_executed == PieceOfPseudoCode.Null || piece_of_pseudo_code_being_executed == PieceOfPseudoCode.PIECE_3A_9A || piece_of_pseudo_code_being_executed == PieceOfPseudoCode.PIECE_10A_17A); if (piece_of_pseudo_code_being_executed != PieceOfPseudoCode.PIECE_10A_17A) { piece_of_pseudo_code_being_executed = PieceOfPseudoCode.PIECE_3A_9A; for (IEnumerator i = unblocked_cells.GetEnumerator(); i.MoveNext() != false;) //for (Iterator<MazeLightCell> i = unblocked_cells.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { LightCell maze_cell = (LightCell)i.Current;//; //i.remove(); GAAStarNode node = graph[maze_cell.Y, maze_cell.X]; InitializeNode(node); int cost = node.GetMazeLightCell().GetCost(); Debug.Assert(!node.GetMazeLightCell().IsBlocked()); for (int j = 0; j < neighborhood; j++) { int x, y; x = node.GetMazeLightCell().X + Maze.delta_x[j]; y = node.GetMazeLightCell().Y + Maze.delta_y[j]; if (0 <= x && x < w && 0 <= y && y < h) { GAAStarNode predecessor = graph[y, x]; InitializeNode(predecessor); if (predecessor.h > cost + node.h) { predecessor.h = cost + node.h; predecessor.f = predecessor.h; open_list.Insert(predecessor); } } } if (step_by_step) { return; } } } piece_of_pseudo_code_being_executed = PieceOfPseudoCode.PIECE_10A_17A; while (open_list.Size() > 0) { GAAStarNode node = (GAAStarNode)open_list.Pop(); int cost = node.GetMazeLightCell().GetCost(); for (int i = 0; i < neighborhood; i++) { int x, y; x = node.GetMazeLightCell().X + Maze.delta_x[i]; y = node.GetMazeLightCell().Y + Maze.delta_y[i]; if (0 <= x && x < w && 0 <= y && y < h) { GAAStarNode predecessor = graph[y, x]; if (predecessor == goal) { continue; } InitializeNode(predecessor); if (predecessor.h > cost + node.h) { predecessor.h = cost + node.h; predecessor.f = predecessor.h; open_list.Insert(predecessor); } } } if (step_by_step) { return; } } unblocked_cells = null; } } /* A*. */ if (piece_of_pseudo_code_being_executed != PieceOfPseudoCode.PIECE_12_21) { InitializeNode(start); InitializeNode(goal); start.g = start.GetMazeLightCell().GetCost(); start.parent = null; start.f = start.g + start.h; open_list.Insert(start); piece_of_pseudo_code_being_executed = PieceOfPseudoCode.PIECE_12_21; if (step_by_step) { return; } } while (open_list.Size() > 0 && goal.g > ((GAAStarNode)open_list.Peek()).f) { GAAStarNode node = (GAAStarNode)open_list.Pop(); for (int i = 0; i < neighborhood; i++) { int x, y; x = node.GetMazeLightCell().X + Maze.delta_x[i]; y = node.GetMazeLightCell().Y + Maze.delta_y[i]; if (0 <= x && x < w && 0 <= y && y < h) { GAAStarNode child = graph[y, x]; if (child.GetMazeLightCell().IsBlocked()) { continue; } InitializeNode(child); int cost = child.GetMazeLightCell().GetCost(); if (node.g != INFINITY_INT && child.g > node.g + cost) { child.parent = node; child.g = node.g + cost; child.f = child.g + child.h; open_list.Insert(child); } } } if (step_by_step) { return; } } if (open_list.Size() != 0) { GAAStarNode node = goal, node_child = null; path_cost_last_execution = node.g; has_solution = true; if (mark_path) { node.GetMazeLightCell().SetNextMazeCell(null); node.GetMazeLightCell().SetPathFlag(); node_child = node; node = node.parent; while (node != null) { node.GetMazeLightCell().SetNextMazeCell(node_child.GetMazeLightCell()); node.GetMazeLightCell().SetPathFlag(); node_child = node; node = node.parent; } } } if (has_solution) { path_cost.Add(path_cost_last_execution); } else { path_cost.Add(INFINITY_INT); } piece_of_pseudo_code_being_executed = PieceOfPseudoCode.Null; has_execution_finished = true; }
public void InformNewGoal(LightCell new_goal) { this.new_goal = graph[new_goal.Y, new_goal.X]; }
public void InformNewStart(LightCell new_start) { start = graph[new_start.Y, new_start.X]; }
public int GetMazeLightCellH(LightCell maze_cell) { return(graph[maze_cell.Y, maze_cell.X].h); }
public bool HasBeenVisitedinLastExecution(LightCell maze_cell) { return(graph[maze_cell.Y, maze_cell.X].search == n_searches); }
public AStarNode(LightCell maze_cell, TieBreakingStrategy tie_breaking_strategy) { closed = false; this.maze_cell = maze_cell; this.tie_breaking_strategy = tie_breaking_strategy; }
public void SetNextMazeCell(LightCell maze_cell) { next_maze_cell = maze_cell; }
public double ManhatanDistance(LightCell goal) { return(Math.Abs(this.X - goal.X) + Math.Abs(this.Y - goal.Y)); }
public double RealDistance(LightCell goal) { return(Math.Sqrt((this.X - goal.X) * (this.X - goal.X) + (this.Y - goal.Y) * (this.Y - goal.Y))); }
public int DistanceToGoal(LightCell maze_cell, LightCell goal) { return(0); }