static void Main(string[] args) { char key; //Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; //Console.ResetColor(); PatientData data = new PatientData(LIST_SIZE); data.LoadPatients("c:/Users/lori/desktop/patientList.csv"); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Patient Search Program"); Console.WriteLine("Please Select From the Menu Below"); Console.WriteLine("(F)ind -- (S)tatistics -- (R)emove -- (Q)uit"); key = Console.ReadLine()[0]; while (key != 'Q' && key != 'q') { if (key == 'F' || key == 'f') { Console.WriteLine("What is the Name of the Patient you are looking for?"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); string[] names = name.Split(); if (names.Length != 2) { Console.WriteLine("Enter First and last Name with a space in the middle please"); name = Console.ReadLine(); names = name.Split(); } Patient.Comparisons = 0; Patient pat = data.FindPatientByName(names[0], names[1]); if (pat != null) { showPatient(pat); Console.WriteLine("Comparisions: {0}", Patient.Comparisons); Console.WriteLine("(F)ind -- (S)tatistics -- (R)emove -- (Q)uit"); key = Console.ReadLine()[0]; } else { Console.WriteLine("Patient Not Found"); Console.WriteLine("(F)ind -- (S)tatistics -- (R)emove -- (Q)uit"); key = Console.ReadLine()[0]; } } else if (key == 'S' || key == 's') { Console.WriteLine(">----Statistics----<"); Console.WriteLine("Number of Slots in Array: " + data.getNumSlotsInArray()); Console.WriteLine("Percentage of Slots Used: " + data.getPercentSlotsUsed() + "%"); Console.WriteLine("Maximum List Length: " + data.FindLongestLength()); Console.WriteLine("Average Length of Lists: {0:00.0}", data.FindAverageSlotLength()); Console.WriteLine("(F)ind -- (S)tatistics -- (R)emove -- (Q)uit"); key = Console.ReadLine()[0]; } else if (key == 'R' || key == 'r') { Console.WriteLine(">----Remove Patient----<"); Console.WriteLine("Enter Patient's ID Number (6 Digits)"); string id = Console.ReadLine(); int idNum = int.Parse(id); data.RemovePatientById(idNum); Console.WriteLine("(F)ind -- (S)tatistics -- (R)emove -- (Q)uit"); key = Console.ReadLine()[0]; } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid Key Command -- Please Select From the Menu"); Console.WriteLine("(F)ind -- (S)tatistics -- (R)emove -- (Q)uit"); key = Console.ReadLine()[0]; } }//end menu while Console.ResetColor(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("============Program Terminated============"); Console.ReadLine(); }