コード例 #1
        public void DefaultUseCase(IClipboard clipboard,
                                   GherkinPaster sut,
                                   TestEnvironment environment)
            "Given a complete system".Given(() =>
                environment = FakesLibrary.CreateDefaultEnvironment();
                sut = new GherkinPaster(environment);
            "And a gherkin Scenario".And(() =>
                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendLine("Scenario: Testing the gherkin paster");
                sb.AppendLine("Given a line");
                sb.AppendLine("And a line");
                sb.AppendLine("When a line");
                sb.AppendLine("Then a line");
                clipboard = FakesLibrary.CreateShim(sb.ToString());
            "When the gherkin is pasted".When(() => sut.PasteGherkin(clipboard));

            "Then the output should be a method wrapping 4 strings with appropriate extension methods".Then(() => { var expectedOutput = @"[Scenario]
            public void TestingTheGherkinPaster()
            ""Given a line"".Given(() => {});
            ""And a line"".And(() => {});
            ""When a line"".When(() => {});
            ""Then a line"".Then(() => {});
コード例 #2
 public void PastingDoubleQuotesInScenario(IClipboard clipboard,
                                           GherkinPaster sut,
                                           TestEnvironment environment)
     "Given a complete system".Given(() =>
         environment = FakesLibrary.CreateDefaultEnvironment();
         sut = new GherkinPaster(environment);
     "and a scenario containing a 'double quote'".And(() => clipboard = FakesLibrary.CreateShim("Scenario: With a \" character"));
     "When the single line is pasted".Then(() => sut.PasteGherkin(clipboard));
     "Then the 'double quote' character has been removed".Then(() => environment.LinesWritten.Any(l => l.Contains("\""))
コード例 #3
 public void SingleLinePaste(IClipboard clipboard,
                             GherkinPaster sut,
                             TestEnvironment environment)
     "Given a complete system".Given(() =>
         environment = FakesLibrary.CreateDefaultEnvironment();
         sut = new GherkinPaster(environment);
     "and a single line of valid gherkin".And(() => clipboard = FakesLibrary.CreateShim("Given a single line"));
     "When the single line is pasted".Then(() => sut.PasteGherkin(clipboard));
     "Then only a single line is received by the environment".Then(() => environment.LinesWritten.Count()
コード例 #4
 public void PAstingDoubleQuotesInGWTIClipboard(IClipboard clipboard,
                                                GherkinPaster sut,
                                                TestEnvironment environment)
     "Given a complete system".Given(() =>
         environment = FakesLibrary.CreateDefaultEnvironment();
         sut = new GherkinPaster(environment);
     "and a line containing a 'double quote'".And(() => clipboard = FakesLibrary.CreateShim("Given a \" character"));
     "When the line is pasted".Then(() => sut.PasteGherkin(clipboard));
     "then the 'double quote' character has been replaced by the 'backlash' and 'boudle quote' characters".Then(() =>
                                    .Be("\"Given a \\\" character\".Given(() => {});");