void DoStartup() { if (Properties.Settings.Default.checkForUpdates) { #region Update Shit Party_Buffalo.Update u = new Update(); #if TRACE Party_Buffalo.Update.UpdateInfo ud = u.CheckForUpdates(new Uri("http://clkxu5.com/drivexplore/coolapplicationstuff.xml")); #endif #if DEBUG Party_Buffalo.Update.UpdateInfo ud = new Update.UpdateInfo(); if (UpdateDebug) { if (!UpdateDebugForce) { ud = u.CheckForUpdates(new Uri("http://clkxu5.com/drivexplore/dev/coolapplicationstuff.xml")); } else { ud.Update = true; ud.UpdateText = "This`Is`A`Test"; ud.UpdateVersion = "9000"; } } #endif if (ud.Update) { if (!Aero) { Forms.UpdateForm uf = new Party_Buffalo.Forms.UpdateForm(ud); uf.ShowDialog(); } else { TaskDialog td = new TaskDialog(); td.Caption = "Update Available"; td.InstructionText = "Version " + ud.UpdateVersion + " is Available"; td.Text = "An update is available for Party Buffalo"; td.DetailsCollapsedLabel = "Change Log"; td.DetailsExpandedLabel = "Change Log"; td.ExpansionMode = TaskDialogExpandedDetailsLocation.ExpandFooter; string[] Split = ud.UpdateText.Split('`'); string UpdateText = ""; for (int i = 0; i < Split.Length; i++) { if (i != 0) { UpdateText += "\r\n"; } if (Split[i] == "") { continue; } UpdateText += "-" + Split[i]; } td.DetailsExpandedText = UpdateText; TaskDialogCommandLink Download = new TaskDialogCommandLink("Download", "Download Party Buffalo version " + ud.UpdateVersion, ""); Download.Click += (o, f) => { Forms.UpdateDownloadForm udf = new Party_Buffalo.Forms.UpdateDownloadForm(ud); udf.ShowDialog(); }; TaskDialogCommandLink DontDownload = new TaskDialogCommandLink("DontDownload", "Let me go about my business and I'll download this stuff later...", ""); DontDownload.Click += (o, f) => { td.Close(); }; td.Controls.Add(Download); td.Controls.Add(DontDownload); td.Show(); } } if (ud.QuickMessage != null && ud.QuickMessage != "") { quickMessage.Text = ud.QuickMessage; } else { quickMessage.Text = "Could not load quick message"; } #endregion } else { m_DisableUpdates.Checked = true; } if (!Properties.Settings.Default.Upgraded) { Properties.Settings.Default.Upgrade(); Properties.Settings.Default.Upgraded = true; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } if (Properties.Settings.Default.width > 50 && Properties.Settings.Default.height > 50) { this.Height = Properties.Settings.Default.height; this.Width = Properties.Settings.Default.width; } quickAddMode.Checked = Properties.Settings.Default.quickAddMode; SaveIcons.Checked = Properties.Settings.Default.SaveIcons; m_loadEntireDrive.Checked = Properties.Settings.Default.loadEntireDrive; m_LoadSTFS.Checked = Properties.Settings.Default.loadSTFS; m_retrieveGameNames.Checked = Properties.Settings.Default.loadTIDNames; cacheContentIcons.Checked = Properties.Settings.Default.cacheContentIcons; if (Properties.Settings.Default.hideToolBar) { m_hideToolBar.PerformClick(); } if (Properties.Settings.Default.hideAddressBar) { m_hideAddressBar.PerformClick(); } if (Properties.Settings.Default.hideStatusBar) { m_hideStatusBar.PerformClick(); } switch (Properties.Settings.Default.view) { case View.Details: c_Details.Checked = true; listView1.View = View.Details; break; case View.LargeIcon: c_largeIcon.Checked = true; listView1.View = View.LargeIcon; break; case View.List: c_List.Checked = true; listView1.View = View.List; break; case View.SmallIcon: c_SmallIcon.Checked = true; listView1.View = View.SmallIcon; break; case View.Tile: c_Tile.Checked = true; listView1.View = View.Tile; break; } if (Properties.Settings.Default.recentFiles != null) { List<string> Remove = new List<string>(); foreach (string s in Properties.Settings.Default.recentFiles) { if (System.IO.File.Exists(s)) { MenuItem i = new MenuItem(s); i.Click += new EventHandler(RecentFileHandler); m_Open.MenuItems.Add(i); } else { Remove.Add(s); } } for (int i = 0; i < Remove.Count; ) { Properties.Settings.Default.recentFiles.Remove(Remove[i]); Remove.RemoveAt(i); } } List<MenuItem> mil = new List<MenuItem>(); List<MenuItem> mit = new List<MenuItem>(); // Add the "new known folder" (cached) items for (int i = 0; i < CLKsFATXLib.VariousFunctions.Known.Length; i++) { string ss = CLKsFATXLib.VariousFunctions.Known[i]; string s = CLKsFATXLib.VariousFunctions.KnownEquivilent[i]; // Create our listview menu item... MenuItem mu = new MenuItem(s + " (" + ss + ")"); // Set its tag mu.Tag = ss; // Set its event handler mu.Click += new EventHandler(mu_Click); // Create our treeview menu item... MenuItem mut = new MenuItem(s + " (" + ss + ")"); // Set its tag mut.Tag = ss; // Create its event handler mut.Click += new EventHandler(mut_Click); // Add it to the cached menu items mil.Add(mu); mit.Add(mut); //lCached.MenuItems.Add(mu); //tCached.MenuItems.Add(mut); } // Cast those as arrays MenuItem[] ArrayL = mil.ToArray(); Array.Sort(ArrayL, new Extensions.MenuItemComparer()); MenuItem[] ArrayT = mit.ToArray(); Array.Sort(ArrayT, new Extensions.MenuItemComparer()); // Add ranges lStatic.MenuItems.AddRange(ArrayL); tStatic.MenuItems.AddRange(ArrayT); // For treeview icon size switch (Properties.Settings.Default.treeViewIconWidthHeight) { case 16: size16.Checked = true; break; case 24: size24.Checked = true; break; case 32: size32.Checked = true; break; case 64: size64.Checked = true; break; } treeView1.ImageList.ImageSize = new Size(Properties.Settings.Default.treeViewIconWidthHeight, Properties.Settings.Default.treeViewIconWidthHeight); }
private void m_CheckForUpdates_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region Update Shit Party_Buffalo.Update u = new Update(); #if TRACE Party_Buffalo.Update.UpdateInfo ud = u.CheckForUpdates(new Uri("http://clkxu5.com/drivexplore/coolapplicationstuff.xml")); #endif #if DEBUG Party_Buffalo.Update.UpdateInfo ud = new Update.UpdateInfo(); if (UpdateDebug) { if (!UpdateDebugForce) { ud = u.CheckForUpdates(new Uri("http://clkxu5.com/drivexplore/dev/coolapplicationstuff.xml")); } else { ud.Update = true; ud.UpdateText = "This`Is`A`Test"; ud.UpdateVersion = "9000"; } } #endif if (ud.Update) { if (!Aero) { Forms.UpdateForm uf = new Party_Buffalo.Forms.UpdateForm(ud); uf.ShowDialog(); } else { TaskDialog td = new TaskDialog(); td.Caption = "Update Available"; td.InstructionText = "Version " + ud.UpdateVersion + " is Available"; td.Text = "An update is available for Party Buffalo"; td.DetailsCollapsedLabel = "Change Log"; td.DetailsExpandedLabel = "Change Log"; td.ExpansionMode = TaskDialogExpandedDetailsLocation.ExpandFooter; string[] Split = ud.UpdateText.Split('`'); string UpdateText = ""; for (int i = 0; i < Split.Length; i++) { if (i != 0) { UpdateText += "\r\n"; } if (Split[i] == "") { continue; } UpdateText += "-" + Split[i]; } td.DetailsExpandedText = UpdateText; TaskDialogCommandLink Download = new TaskDialogCommandLink("Download", "Download Party Buffalo version " + ud.UpdateVersion, ""); Download.Click += (o, f) => { Forms.UpdateDownloadForm udf = new Party_Buffalo.Forms.UpdateDownloadForm(ud); udf.ShowDialog(); }; TaskDialogCommandLink DontDownload = new TaskDialogCommandLink("DontDownload", "Let me go about my business and I'll download this stuff later...", ""); DontDownload.Click += (o, f) => { td.Close(); }; td.Controls.Add(Download); td.Controls.Add(DontDownload); td.Show(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Party Buffalo is up to date!"); } if (ud.QuickMessage != null && ud.QuickMessage != "") { quickMessage.Text = ud.QuickMessage; } else { quickMessage.Text = "Could not load quick message"; } #endregion }