コード例 #1
        // MonoBehaviours
        void OnEnable()
            if (isSnapshot || isLoading) return;
            thisInstance = this;
            thisLayer = particleSystemGameObject.layer;
            initialized = false;
            isYieldRefreshing = false;
            isSettingParticleCount = false;
            isSettingLifetime = false;
            hasActiveParticles = true;
            threadHadNoActiveParticles = false;
            isDoneThread = true;
            calculate = true;

            lastTimeUpdated = PlaygroundC.globalTime;
            localTime = lastTimeUpdated;
            emissionStopped = 0;
            queueEmissionHalt = false;
            hasEmitted = false;

            // Set new randoms

            // Set 0 size to avoid one-frame flash
            shurikenParticleSystem.startSize = 0f;

            if (shurikenParticleSystem.isPaused || shurikenParticleSystem.isStopped)

            // Set initial values
            previousLifetimeValueMethod = lifetimeValueMethod;
            previousLifetime = lifetime;
            previousLifetimeMin = lifetimeMin;
            previousEmission = emit;
            previousLoop = loop;
            previousNearestNeighborOrigin = nearestNeighborOrigin;
            previousNearestNeighborOriginMethod = nearestNeighborOriginMethod;
            previousNearestNeighborOriginVector3 = nearestNeighborOriginVector3;
            previousNearestNeighborOriginTransform = nearestNeighborOriginTransform;
            previousSorting = sorting;
            previousParticleCount = particleCount;
            previousLifetimeEmission = lifetimeEmission;
            prevSource = source;
            loopExceeded = false;
            loopExceededOnParticle = -1;

            stRot = Quaternion.identity;
            stDir = new Vector3();

            // Initiate all arrays by setting particle count
            if (particleCache==null) {
                SetParticleCount(thisInstance, particleCount);
            } else {

                // Clean up particle positions
                SetInitialTargetPosition(thisInstance, PlaygroundC.initialTargetPosition, true);

                // Clean up collision cache
                hasCollisionCache = false;
                collisionCache = null;

                // Refresh
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Copies this CollisionCache.
 /// </summary>
 public CollisionCache Clone()
     CollisionCache collisionCache = new CollisionCache(collisionPosition.Length);
     collisionCache.hasCollided = (bool[])hasCollided.Clone();
     collisionCache.collisionPosition = (Vector3[])collisionPosition.Clone();
     collisionCache.collisionNormal = (Vector3[])collisionNormal.Clone();
     collisionCache.collisionTransform = (Transform[])collisionTransform.Clone();
     collisionCache.collisionTransformPosition = (Vector3[])collisionTransformPosition.Clone();
     collisionCache.stickyPosition = (Vector3[])stickyPosition.Clone();
     return collisionCache;
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the particle at index to stick onto a parent transform.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="index">Index.</param>
 /// <param name="position">Position.</param>
 /// <param name="normal">Normal.</param>
 /// <param name="parent">Parent.</param>
 public void SetSticky(int index, Vector3 position, Vector3 normal, float offset, Transform parent)
     if (index<0||index>particleCount-1)
     if (!hasCollisionCache) {
         collisionCache = new CollisionCache(particleCount);
         hasCollisionCache = true;
     collisionCache.SetSticky(index, position, normal, stickyCollisionsSurfaceOffset, parent);