public static void UploadVideo(User uploader, FileUpload videoUpload, FileUpload thumbnailUpload) { try { ParsnipData.Media.Video myVideo = new ParsnipData.Media.Video(uploader, videoUpload.PostedFile, thumbnailUpload.PostedFile); myVideo.Insert(); //myVideo.Update(); HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect($"edit_media?id={myVideo.Id}", false); } catch (Exception ex) { var e = "Exception whilst uploading video: " + ex; new LogEntry(Log.Debug) { text = e }; Debug.WriteLine(e); HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("photos?error=video"); } }
public static Video UploadVideo(User uploader, FileUpload videoUpload) { try { ParsnipData.Media.Video myVideo = new ParsnipData.Media.Video(uploader, videoUpload.PostedFile); myVideo.Insert(); return(myVideo); } catch (Exception ex) { var e = "Exception whilst uploading video: " + ex; new LogEntry(Log.Debug) { Text = e }; Debug.WriteLine(e); HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("photos?error=video"); } return(null); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //If there is an access token, get the token & it's data. //If there is no access token, check that the user is logged in. var accessToken = Request.QueryString["share"]; if (Request.QueryString["id"] == null) { if (Request.QueryString["share"] == null) { Response.Redirect("home"); } else { myUser = ParsnipData.Accounts.User.LogIn(); myMediaShare = new MediaShare(new MediaShareId(Request.QueryString["share"].ToString())); shareId = myMediaShare.Id; try { myMediaShare.Select(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(myMediaShare.MediaId.ToString())) { new LogEntry(Log.Debug) { text = $"Someone tried to access share {myMediaShare.Id}. Access was denied because the person who created this link has been suspended." }; ShareUserSuspendedError.Visible = true; } else { if (!IsPostBack) { myMediaShare.TimesUsed++; myMediaShare.View(myUser); } User createdBy = ParsnipData.Accounts.User.Select(myMediaShare.UserId); var myUserId = myUser == null ? default : myUser.Id; myImage = ParsnipData.Media.Image.Select(myMediaShare.MediaId, myUserId); myVideo = Video.Select(myMediaShare.MediaId, myUserId); myYoutubeVideo = Youtube.Select(myMediaShare.MediaId, myUserId); new LogEntry(Log.Debug) { text = string.Format("{0}'s link to {1} got another hit! Now up to {2}", createdBy.FullName, MyMedia.Title, myMediaShare.TimesUsed) }; } } } else { myUser = Account.SecurePage("view?id=" + Request.QueryString["id"], this, Data.DeviceType); myVideo = Video.Select(new MediaId(Request.QueryString["id"]), myUser.Id); myYoutubeVideo = Youtube.Select(new MediaId(Request.QueryString["id"]), myUser.Id); myImage = ParsnipData.Media.Image.Select(new MediaId(Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()), myUser == null ? default : myUser.Id); if (MyMedia != null && MyMedia.MyMediaShare != null) { myMediaShare = MyMedia.MyMediaShare; if (myMediaShare == null) { myMediaShare = new MediaShare(MyMedia.Id, myUser.Id); myMediaShare.Insert(); } } } ShareLink.Value = Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/view?share=" + myMediaShare.Id; //Get the image which the user is trying to access, and display it on the screen. if (MyMedia == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(MyMedia.Compressed)) { //ShareLinkContainer.Visible = false; if (ShareUserSuspendedError.Visible == false) { UploadUserSuspendedError.Visible = true; } } else { ImageTitle.InnerText = MyMedia.Title; Page.Title = MyMedia.Title; if (MyMedia.Type == "image") { ImagePreview.Src = MyMedia.Compressed; } Page.Header.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(string.Format("<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"{0}\" />", MyMedia.Title))); //This will break youtube videos which have not had their thumbnail regenerated Page.Header.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(string.Format("<meta property=\"og:image\" content=\"{0}\" />", MyMedia.Compressed.Contains("") ? MyMedia.Compressed : string.Format("{0}/{1}", Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority), MyMedia.Compressed)))); Page.Header.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"website\" />")); Page.Header.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(string.Format("<meta property=\"og:url\" content=\"{0}\" />", Request.Url.ToString()))); Page.Header.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(string.Format("<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"{0}\" />", MyMedia.Description))); Page.Header.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(string.Format("<meta property=\"og:alt\" content=\"{0}\" />", MyMedia.Alt))); Page.Header.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<meta property=\"fb:app_id\" content=\"521313871968697\" />")); if (Request.QueryString["share"] == null) { MediaShare myMediaShare; myMediaShare = MyMedia.MyMediaShare; if (myMediaShare == null) { myMediaShare = new MediaShare(MyMedia.Id, myUser.Id); myMediaShare.Insert(); } } } }