public void SurgeryClearType(Form fSurgery) { Helper helper = new Helper(); // clear surgery type if (FrmSurgery.SurgeryVar.ClearType == 0) { Control updwn = SubRoutine.FindControl(fSurgery, "UpDwnLastNameLetter"); DomainUpDown ctlupdwn = updwn as DomainUpDown; helper.ClearUpDwn(ctlupdwn); Control cbo = SubRoutine.FindControl(fSurgery, "CboFullName"); ComboBox ctlcbo = cbo as ComboBox; helper.ClearComboBox(ctlcbo); } // clear surgery date if (FrmSurgery.SurgeryVar.ClearType == 1) { Control updwn = SubRoutine.FindControl(fSurgery, "UpDwnYear"); DomainUpDown ctlupdwn = updwn as DomainUpDown; helper.ClearUpDwn(ctlupdwn); updwn = SubRoutine.FindControl(fSurgery, "UpDwnMonth"); ctlupdwn = updwn as DomainUpDown; helper.ClearUpDwn(ctlupdwn); } }
private void TSMnuPatientSrchSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // loop through open forms foreach (Form f in Application.OpenForms) { // show Image Search Results if (f.Tag.ToString() == "FrmImageSearchResults") { f.BringToFront(); } // set navigation lable to selected on main form if (f.Tag.ToString() == "FrmMain") { Control lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblPatientSearchResults"); Label ctllbl = lbl as Label; SubRtnMain.NavSetStyleClickSub(ctllbl); // set label LlbPatientSearch to not bold lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LlbPatientSearch"); ctllbl = lbl as Label; ctllbl.Font = new Font(ctllbl.Font.Name, ctllbl.Font.SizeInPoints, FontStyle.Regular); } } }
public void ClearPersonal(Form frm) { // Clear last name Control txt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "TxtLastName"); TextBox ctltxt = txt as TextBox; helper.ClearTextBox(ctltxt); // Clear first name txt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "TxtFirstName"); ctltxt = txt as TextBox; helper.ClearTextBox(ctltxt); // Clear patient number txt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "TxtPatNum"); ctltxt = txt as TextBox; helper.ClearTextBox(ctltxt); // Clear patient number txt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "TxtPatNum"); ctltxt = txt as TextBox; helper.ClearTextBox(ctltxt); // Clear DOB Control chk = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "ChkDOB"); CheckBox ctlchk = chk as CheckBox; helper.ClearCheckBox(ctlchk); // Clear Age chk = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "ChkAge"); ctlchk = chk as CheckBox; helper.ClearCheckBox(ctlchk); // Clear male Control rdo = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "RdoMale"); RadioButton ctlrdo = rdo as RadioButton; helper.ClearRadioBtn(ctlrdo); // Clear female rdo = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "RdoFemale"); ctlrdo = rdo as RadioButton; helper.ClearRadioBtn(ctlrdo); // Clear SSN Control mtxt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "MTxtssn"); MaskedTextBox ctrlmtxt = mtxt as MaskedTextBox; helper.ClearMaskedTextBox(ctrlmtxt); }
public void ShowHideSecurity(Form frm, string GrpName) { Control grp; GroupBox ctlGrp; switch (GrpName) { // Current DB User case "GrpCurrentDBUser": grp = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "GrpCurrentDBUser"); ctlGrp = grp as GroupBox; ctlGrp.Visible = true; grp = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "GrpCurrentUser"); ctlGrp = grp as GroupBox; ctlGrp.Visible = false; break; // Current User case "GrpCurrentUser": grp = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "GrpCurrentUser"); ctlGrp = grp as GroupBox; ctlGrp.Visible = true; grp = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "GrpCurrentDBUser"); ctlGrp = grp as GroupBox; ctlGrp.Visible = false; break; // Existing User case "GrpExistingUsers": grp = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "GrpExistingUsers"); ctlGrp = grp as GroupBox; ctlGrp.Visible = true; grp = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "GrpAllUsers"); ctlGrp = grp as GroupBox; ctlGrp.Visible = false; break; // All Users case "GrpAllUsers": grp = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "GrpAllUsers"); ctlGrp = grp as GroupBox; ctlGrp.Visible = true; grp = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "GrpExistingUsers"); ctlGrp = grp as GroupBox; ctlGrp.Visible = false; break; } }
public void ClearSurgery(Form frm) { // surgery date Control dt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "DtSurgeryDate"); DateTimePicker ctldt = dt as DateTimePicker; helper.SetDateToToday(ctldt); // fiscal year dt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "DtFiscalYear"); ctldt = dt as DateTimePicker; helper.SetDateToToday(ctldt); }
private void TSMnuFilterApplyFilter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // loop through open forms foreach (Form f in Application.OpenForms) { // show Image Search Results if (f.Tag.ToString() == "FrmImageSearchResults") { f.Show(); f.BringToFront(); } // set navigation label to selected on main form if (f.Tag.ToString() == "FrmMain") { // called from images filter if (MainVar.CalledFrom == 1) { Control lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblImagesSearchResults"); Label ctllbl = lbl as Label; SubRtnMain.NavSetStyleClickSub(ctllbl); // set label LblImagesFilter to not bold lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblImagesFilter"); ctllbl = lbl as Label; ctllbl.Font = new Font(ctllbl.Font.Name, ctllbl.Font.SizeInPoints, FontStyle.Regular); } // called from patient filter if (MainVar.CalledFrom == 2) { Control lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblPatientSearchResults"); Label ctllbl = lbl as Label; SubRtnMain.NavSetStyleClickSub(ctllbl); // set label LblImagesFilter to not bold lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblPatientFilter"); ctllbl = lbl as Label; ctllbl.Font = new Font(ctllbl.Font.Name, ctllbl.Font.SizeInPoints, FontStyle.Regular); } } } }
public void ClearHome(Form frm) { // Clear address 1 Control txt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "TxtAddress1"); TextBox ctltxt = txt as TextBox; helper.ClearTextBox(ctltxt); // Clear address 2 txt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "TxtAddress2"); ctltxt = txt as TextBox; helper.ClearTextBox(ctltxt); // Clear city txt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "TxtCity"); ctltxt = txt as TextBox; helper.ClearTextBox(ctltxt); // Clear state Control cbo = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "CboState"); ComboBox ctlcbo = cbo as ComboBox; helper.ClearComboBoxTxt(ctlcbo); // Clear zip Control mtxt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "MTxtZip"); MaskedTextBox ctrlmtxt = mtxt as MaskedTextBox; helper.ClearMaskedTextBox(ctrlmtxt); // Clear phone mtxt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "MTxtPhone"); ctrlmtxt = mtxt as MaskedTextBox; helper.ClearMaskedTextBox(ctrlmtxt); // Clear cell mtxt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "MTxtCell"); ctrlmtxt = mtxt as MaskedTextBox; helper.ClearMaskedTextBox(ctrlmtxt); }
private void LblSecurityUserMgmt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Control mnu = SubRoutine.FindControl(fSecurity, "MnuSecurityUserMgmt"); MenuStrip ctlmnu = mnu as MenuStrip; helper.ShowControl(ctlmnu); mnu = SubRoutine.FindControl(fSecurity, "MnuSecurity"); ctlmnu = mnu as MenuStrip; helper.HideControl(ctlmnu); NavSetStyleClick(LblSecurityUserMgmt); SubRtn.ShowHideSecurity(fSecurity, "GrpCurrentDBUser"); SubRtn.ShowHideSecurity(fSecurity, "GrpExistingUsers"); }
private void LblSecurity_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { fNav.ShowForm(fSecurity); SubRtn.DashboardAccordian(sender, e, tableLayoutPanel1); NavSetStyleClick(LblSecurity); SubRtn.ShowHideSecurity(fSecurity, "GrpCurrentUser"); SubRtn.ShowHideSecurity(fSecurity, "GrpAllUsers"); // Show security menu Control mnu = SubRoutine.FindControl(fSecurity, "MnuSecurity"); MenuStrip ctlmnu = mnu as MenuStrip; helper.ShowControl(ctlmnu); // Hide security user mgmet menu mnu = SubRoutine.FindControl(fSecurity, "MnuSecurityUserMgmt"); ctlmnu = mnu as MenuStrip; helper.HideControl(ctlmnu); }
public void ClearSearch(Form frm, int ClearTab) { // Clear personal tab if (ClearTab == 0) { // Clear last name Control txt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "TxtLastName"); TextBox ctltxt = txt as TextBox; helper.ClearTextBox(ctltxt); // Clear first name txt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "TxtFirstName"); ctltxt = txt as TextBox; helper.ClearTextBox(ctltxt); // Clear patient number txt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "TxtPatientNum"); ctltxt = txt as TextBox; helper.ClearTextBox(ctltxt); // Clear surgery date txt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "TxtSurgeryDate"); ctltxt = txt as TextBox; helper.ClearTextBox(ctltxt); // Clear surgery date check box Control chk = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "ChkSurgeryDate"); CheckBox ctlchk = chk as CheckBox; helper.ClearCheckBox(ctlchk); // Clear date of birth txt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "TxtDob"); ctltxt = txt as TextBox; helper.ClearTextBox(ctltxt); // Clear date of birth check box chk = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "ChkDOB"); ctlchk = chk as CheckBox; helper.ClearCheckBox(ctlchk); // Clear age txt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "TxtAge"); ctltxt = txt as TextBox; helper.ClearTextBox(ctltxt); // Clear age check box chk = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "ChkAge"); ctlchk = chk as CheckBox; helper.ClearCheckBox(ctlchk); // Clear radio button male Control rdo = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "RdoMale"); RadioButton ctlrdo = rdo as RadioButton; helper.ClearRadioBtn(ctlrdo); // Clear radio button female rdo = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "RdoFemale"); ctlrdo = rdo as RadioButton; helper.ClearRadioBtn(ctlrdo); // Clear SSN Control mtxt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "MTxtssn"); MaskedTextBox ctrlmtxt = mtxt as MaskedTextBox; helper.ClearMaskedTextBox(ctrlmtxt); } // Clear home tab if (ClearTab == 1) { // Address 1 Control txt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "TxtAddress1"); TextBox ctltxt = txt as TextBox; helper.ClearTextBox(ctltxt); // Address 2 txt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "TxtAddress2"); ctltxt = txt as TextBox; helper.ClearTextBox(ctltxt); // City txt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "TxtCity"); ctltxt = txt as TextBox; helper.ClearTextBox(ctltxt); // State Control cbo = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "CboState"); ComboBox ctlcbo = cbo as ComboBox; helper.ClearComboBoxTxt(ctlcbo); // Zip txt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "TxtZip"); ctltxt = txt as TextBox; helper.ClearTextBox(ctltxt); // Phone txt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "TxtPhone"); ctltxt = txt as TextBox; helper.ClearTextBox(ctltxt); // Cell txt = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "TxtCell"); ctltxt = txt as TextBox; helper.ClearTextBox(ctltxt); } }
public void ShowHideMD(Form frm, string GrpName) { // Complication Control grp = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "GrpComp"); GroupBox ctlGrp = grp as GroupBox; if (GrpName == "GrpComp") { ctlGrp.BringToFront(); } else { ctlGrp.SendToBack(); } // CPT grp = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "GrpCpt"); ctlGrp = grp as GroupBox; if (GrpName == "GrpCpt") { ctlGrp.BringToFront(); } else { ctlGrp.SendToBack(); } // Image Descriptors grp = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "GrpImageDesc"); ctlGrp = grp as GroupBox; if (GrpName == "GrpImageDesc") { ctlGrp.BringToFront(); } else { ctlGrp.SendToBack(); } // DX grp = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "GrpDx"); ctlGrp = grp as GroupBox; if (GrpName == "GrpDx") { ctlGrp.BringToFront(); } else { ctlGrp.SendToBack(); } // Dr grp = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "GrpDr"); ctlGrp = grp as GroupBox; if (GrpName == "GrpDr") { ctlGrp.BringToFront(); } else { ctlGrp.SendToBack(); } // Fiscal Year grp = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "GrpFiscalYr"); ctlGrp = grp as GroupBox; if (GrpName == "GrpFiscalYr") { ctlGrp.BringToFront(); } else { ctlGrp.SendToBack(); } // Hospital grp = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "GrpHospital"); ctlGrp = grp as GroupBox; if (GrpName == "GrpHospital") { ctlGrp.BringToFront(); } else { ctlGrp.SendToBack(); } // Instrumentation grp = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "GrpInst"); ctlGrp = grp as GroupBox; if (GrpName == "GrpInst") { ctlGrp.BringToFront(); } else { ctlGrp.SendToBack(); } // Level grp = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "GrpLevel"); ctlGrp = grp as GroupBox; if (GrpName == "GrpLevel") { ctlGrp.BringToFront(); } else { ctlGrp.SendToBack(); } // Location grp = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "GrpLocation"); ctlGrp = grp as GroupBox; if (GrpName == "GrpLocation") { ctlGrp.BringToFront(); } else { ctlGrp.SendToBack(); } // Surgery grp = SubRoutine.FindControl(frm, "GrpSurgery"); ctlGrp = grp as GroupBox; if (GrpName == "GrpSurgery") { ctlGrp.BringToFront(); } else { ctlGrp.SendToBack(); } }
public void NavSetStyleClickSub(Label lblIn) { Label lblClick = lblIn; // Dashboard Panel foreach (Form f in Application.OpenForms) { if (f.Tag.ToString() == "FrmMain") { // Dashboard Panel Control lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblDashboard"); Label ctllbl = lbl as Label; ctllbl.Font = NavSetStyleLblSub(ctllbl); // Meta Data Panel lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblMetaData"); ctllbl = lbl as Label; ctllbl.Font = NavSetStyleLblSub(ctllbl); lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblMDComp"); ctllbl = lbl as Label; ctllbl.Font = NavSetStyleLblSub(ctllbl); lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblMDCpt"); ctllbl = lbl as Label; ctllbl.Font = NavSetStyleLblSub(ctllbl); lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblMDImageDesc"); ctllbl = lbl as Label; ctllbl.Font = NavSetStyleLblSub(ctllbl); lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblMDDx"); ctllbl = lbl as Label; ctllbl.Font = NavSetStyleLblSub(ctllbl); lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblMDDr"); ctllbl = lbl as Label; ctllbl.Font = NavSetStyleLblSub(ctllbl); lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblMDFiscalYr"); ctllbl = lbl as Label; ctllbl.Font = NavSetStyleLblSub(ctllbl); lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblMDHospital"); ctllbl = lbl as Label; ctllbl.Font = NavSetStyleLblSub(ctllbl); lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblMDLevel"); ctllbl = lbl as Label; ctllbl.Font = NavSetStyleLblSub(ctllbl); lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblMDInst"); ctllbl = lbl as Label; ctllbl.Font = NavSetStyleLblSub(ctllbl); lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblMDLocation"); ctllbl = lbl as Label; ctllbl.Font = NavSetStyleLblSub(ctllbl); lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblMDSurgery"); ctllbl = lbl as Label; ctllbl.Font = NavSetStyleLblSub(ctllbl); // Security Panel lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblSecurity"); ctllbl = lbl as Label; ctllbl.Font = NavSetStyleLblSub(ctllbl); lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblSecurityUserMgmt"); ctllbl = lbl as Label; ctllbl.Font = NavSetStyleLblSub(ctllbl); //break; } } // Set font bold if (lblIn.Font.Bold != true) { lblIn.Font = new Font(lblIn.Font.Name, lblIn.Font.SizeInPoints, FontStyle.Bold); } }
private void TSMnuPicOnlySave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FrmAddImageDesc fAddImageDesc = new FrmAddImageDesc(); SAVEPICTONEW = false; SAVEPICTOEXISTING = false; SAVEPICONLY = false; bool bSearchFound = false; bool bMainFound = false; fAddImageDesc.ShowDialog(); // save pics to existing patient if (SAVEPICTOEXISTING == true) { foreach (Form f in Application.OpenForms) { if (f.Tag.ToString() == "FrmImageSearchResults") { f.BringToFront(); bSearchFound = true; } if (f.Tag.ToString() == "FrmMain") { Control lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblImages"); Label ctllbl = lbl as Label; Control pnl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "tableLayoutPanel1"); TableLayoutPanel ctlpnl = pnl as TableLayoutPanel; SubRtn.DashboardAccordian(ctllbl, e, ctlpnl); lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblImagesSearchResults"); ctllbl = lbl as Label; SubRtn.NavSetStyleClickSub(ctllbl); bMainFound = true; } if (bSearchFound == true && bMainFound == true) { break; } } } // save pics to new patient if (SAVEPICTONEW == true) { foreach (Form f in Application.OpenForms) { if (f.Tag.ToString() == "FrmImageSearchResults") { f.BringToFront(); bSearchFound = true; } if (f.Tag.ToString() == "FrmMain") { Control lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblImages"); Label ctllbl = lbl as Label; Control pnl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "tableLayoutPanel1"); TableLayoutPanel ctlpnl = pnl as TableLayoutPanel; SubRtn.DashboardAccordian(ctllbl, e, ctlpnl); lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblImagesSearchResults"); ctllbl = lbl as Label; SubRtn.NavSetStyleClickSub(ctllbl); bMainFound = true; } if (bSearchFound == true && bMainFound == true) { break; } } } // save pics only if (SAVEPICONLY == true) { foreach (Form f in Application.OpenForms) { if (f.Tag.ToString() == "FrmImageSearchResults") { f.BringToFront(); bSearchFound = true; } if (f.Tag.ToString() == "FrmMain") { Control lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblImages"); Label ctllbl = lbl as Label; Control pnl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "tableLayoutPanel1"); TableLayoutPanel ctlpnl = pnl as TableLayoutPanel; SubRtn.DashboardAccordian(ctllbl, e, ctlpnl); lbl = SubRoutine.FindControl(f, "LblImagesSearchResults"); ctllbl = lbl as Label; SubRtn.NavSetStyleClickSub(ctllbl); bMainFound = true; } if (bSearchFound == true && bMainFound == true) { break; } } } fAddImageDesc.Close(); }