コード例 #1
ファイル: Pipeline.cs プロジェクト: robu3/paku
        /// <summary>
        /// ## GetStrategyAliasMap
        /// Returns a mapping of all alias => class names for classes that implement the strategy.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Dictionary <string, string> GetStrategyAliasMap <T>()
            Dictionary <string, string> map = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            // iterate over all strategy implementations
            // and pull alias from class attribute
            List <TypeInfo> types = GetStrategyImplementations <T>();

            foreach (TypeInfo ti in types)
                // then pull in from the attribute
                CommandAlias alias = ti.GetCustomAttribute <CommandAlias>();

                if (alias != null)
                    foreach (string s in alias.Aliases)
                        if (map.ContainsKey(s))
                            throw new Exception($"Duplicate alias defined for the type {ti.Name}: {s}");

                        map[s] = ti.Name;
                    // add the class name as the default "alias"
                    map[ti.Name] = ti.Name;

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// ## AddOption
        /// Adds a new option to the option set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">OptionSet to add to.</param>
        /// <param name="strategies">List of strategy types to use for this option.</param>
        /// <param name="option">The option name.</param>
        /// <param name="action">The delegate to call for the option.</param>
        private void AddOption(OptionSet options, List <TypeInfo> strategies, string option, OptionAction <string, string> action)
             * The terminology here is a bit confusing, so here is quick explanation:
             * - Option is the overall argument provided and the bit of text right after the hypen(s): --foo or -f
             * - Command is the part after the colon following the option: --foo:bar
             *   This ties back directly to a strategy.
             * So for the CLI argument `--select:regex=^foo\.txt$`, we get:
             * - option: select
             * - command: regex (refers to the RegexSelectionStrategy)
             * - command parameters: ^foo\.txt$
             * We are also using the first character of the command as a short alias,
             * so we can use `-s` instead of `--select` for example.

            // Let's use class attributes for each stategy to set the option command name
            // and build the option command description text.
            StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder($"The {option} strategy to use and any parameters to provide.");

            foreach (TypeInfo ti in strategies)
                // default command alias for strategy is the class name
                string alias       = ti.Name;
                string description = "(no description)";

                CommandAlias commandAlias = ti.GetCustomAttribute <CommandAlias>();
                if (commandAlias != null && commandAlias.Aliases.Count > 0)
                    alias = String.Join(", ", commandAlias.Aliases);

                DescriptionAttribute descriptionAttr = ti.GetCustomAttribute <DescriptionAttribute>();
                if (descriptionAttr != null)
                    description = descriptionAttr.Description;

                // final constuct should look like: - foo, bar: My foobar description.
                buffer.Append($"\n  - {alias}: {description}");

            // add the option:
            // f|foo:
            // The foo strategy to use...
            // delegate to call
            options.Add($"{option[0]}|{option}:", buffer.ToString(), action);