コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes mails from non-tic@ort. This function is used in AddNewToQueue
        /// <para>This method prints information to the console.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="statusToList">The list that holds the status requests to later be answered</param>
        /// <param name="queue">The main IAction queue</param>
        /// <param name="mail">The Mail to process</param>
        private static void _processNormalMail(List <String> statusToList, Queue <IAction> queue, RecievedMail mail)
            if (mail.Subject.Contains("TEXT"))
                #region WriteText
                int until = mail.Text.Length - 1;
                while ((mail.Text[until] == ' ' || mail.Text[until] == '\n' || mail.Text[until] == '\r') && until > 0)
                int start = 0;
                while ((mail.Text[start] == ' ' || mail.Text[start] == '\n' || mail.Text[start] == '\r') && start < mail.Text.Length)

                if (until > start && start >= 0 && until < mail.Text.Length)
                    String extract = mail.Text.Substring(start, until - start + 1);
                    Console.ForegroundColor = Colors.Success;
                    Console.WriteLine("[GMail] Extracted: " + extract);
                    _addWrite(queue, ref extract);
                    Console.ForegroundColor = Colors.Error;
                    Console.WriteLine("[GMail] Error parsing message.");
            else if (mail.Subject.Contains("STATUS"))
                #region SendStatus
            else if (mail.Subject.Contains("DRAW"))
                #region Draw
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(mail.Text))
                    Console.ForegroundColor = Colors.Error;
                    Console.WriteLine("[GMail] Error parsing message.");
                    if (mail.Text.Contains("ANGRY_CROMULON"))
                        queue.Enqueue(new DrawUndistortedChar(Program.font, (char)4));
                        Console.ForegroundColor = Colors.Success;
                        Console.WriteLine("[GMail] DRAW Command: ANGRY_CROMULON Enqueued.");
                    else if (mail.Text.Contains("LOLO"))
                        queue.Enqueue(new DrawUndistortedChar(Program.font, (char)3));
                        Console.ForegroundColor = Colors.Success;
                        Console.WriteLine("[GMail] DRAW Command: LOLO Enqueued.");
                    else if (mail.Text.Contains("CWMAP"))
                        queue.Enqueue(new DrawUndistortedChar(Program.font, (char)0));
                        Console.ForegroundColor = Colors.Success;
                        Console.WriteLine("[GMail] DRAW Command: CWMAP Enqueued.");
                    else if (mail.Text.Contains("REALMEN"))
                        queue.Enqueue(new DrawUndistortedChar(Program.font, (char)2));
                        Console.ForegroundColor = Colors.Success;
                        Console.WriteLine("[GMail] DRAW Command: REALMEN Enqueued.");
                    else if (mail.Text.Contains("CUAC"))
                        queue.Enqueue(new DrawUndistortedChar(Program.font, (char)1));
                        Console.ForegroundColor = Colors.Success;
                        Console.WriteLine("[GMail] DRAW Command: CUAC Enqueued.");
                        Console.ForegroundColor = Colors.Error;
                        Console.WriteLine("[GMail] DRAW Command Error: No such drawable found.");
            else if (mail.Subject.Contains("VALIDCHARS"))
                #region SendValidChars
                Console.ForegroundColor = Colors.Message;
                Console.WriteLine("[GMail] Message from=" + mail.From + "; Subject=" + mail.Subject + " has no meaning! Discarding.");
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the new mails and adds new entries to the Queue. Also handles status requests, draw requests, etc.
        /// <para>Maybe I should have named this "ProcessMails" or something like that...</para>
        /// <para>This method prints information to the console.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queue">... the f*****g queue</param>
        public static void AddNewToQueue(Queue <IAction> queue)
            List <String>       statusToList = new List <string>(3);
            List <RecievedMail> mails;

            if (ForceGetAllUnreadMails(5, out mails))
                if (mails.Count == 0)
                    hasAddedDisconnectMessage = false;
                    LastMailRecieved          = Program.Time;

                    #region ProcessMails
                    for (int i = 0; i < mails.Count; i++)
                        RecievedMail m = mails[i];

                        #region ProcessMail
                        Console.ForegroundColor = Colors.Message;
                        Console.WriteLine("\n[GMail] Got mail from " + (m.From ?? "unknown") + "; subject: " + (m.Subject ?? "unknown"));

                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Text))
                            Console.ForegroundColor = Colors.Error;
                            Console.WriteLine("[GMail] Couldn't interpret mail's body. Discarding :(");
                            if (m.From.Contains("tic") && m.From.Contains("ort.edu"))
                                #region DaroMail

                                Console.ForegroundColor = Colors.Message;
                                Console.WriteLine("[GMail] Mail from tic@ort detected, extracting content from Fw.");

                                int until = m.Text.Length - 1; // Ignores characters until it sees no more spaces or new lines.
                                while ((m.Text[until] == ' ' || m.Text[until] == '\n' || m.Text[until] == '\r') && until > 0)

                                // Searches for the end of the "Daro Forward" marked by an "Asunto: <subject>\r\n"
                                // and ignores characters until it finds something useful. (no spaces, \n or \r)
                                int start = m.Text.Length > 200 ? (m.Text.IndexOf('\n', m.Text.IndexOf("Asunto: ", 200))) : 0;
                                if (start != -1)
                                    while ((m.Text[start] == ' ' || m.Text[start] == '\n' || m.Text[start] == '\r') && start < m.Text.Length)

                                String extract;
                                if (until > start && until < m.Text.Length && start >= 0)
                                    extract = m.Text.Substring(start, until - start + 1);
                                    until = m.Text.Length - 1;
                                    while ((m.Text[until] == ' ' || m.Text[until] == '\n' || m.Text[until] == '\r') && until > 0)
                                    start = 0;
                                    while ((m.Text[start] == ' ' || m.Text[start] == '\n' || m.Text[start] == '\r') && start < m.Text.Length)

                                    if (until > start && until > 0 && until < m.Text.Length && start > 0 && start < m.Text.Length)
                                        Console.ForegroundColor = Colors.Message;
                                        Console.WriteLine("[GMail] The Message could not be extracted from the Fw. Utilizing it 'as is'.");
                                        extract = m.Text.Substring(start, until - start + 1);
                                        Console.ForegroundColor = Colors.Error;
                                        Console.WriteLine("[GMail] Could not parse text from message. Discarding :(");
                                        extract = "";

                                if (extract.Length != 0)
                                    Console.ForegroundColor = Colors.Success;
                                    Console.WriteLine("[GMail] Extracted: " + extract);
                                    _addWrite(queue, ref extract);
                                    Console.ForegroundColor = Colors.Message;
                                    Console.WriteLine("[GMail] Message discarded.");

                                // Normal mail.
                                _processNormalMail(statusToList, queue, m);

                        ForceTrashMail(m.Id, 5);

                    #region RespondStatusRequests
                    for (int i = 0; i < statusToList.Count; i++)
                        String f = statusToList[i];
                        Console.ForegroundColor = Colors.Message;
                        Console.WriteLine("[GMail] Got Status Request from " + f);
                        if (SendStatusTo(f))
                            Console.ForegroundColor = Colors.Success;
                            Console.WriteLine("[GMail] Success sending status info to " + f);
                            Console.ForegroundColor = Colors.Error;
                            Console.WriteLine("[GMail] ERROR: Couldn't send status info to " + f + ".");
                // if more than 3 minutes passed since it was able to read mails, we might have gotten disconnected...
                if (!hasAddedDisconnectMessage && LastRead - LastSuccessfullRead > 3 * 60 && queue.Count == 0 && Program.Time - Program.LastDraw > 5 * 60)
                    Console.ForegroundColor = Colors.Error;
                    DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                    Console.WriteLine("[GMail] Possibly lost connection. (" + now.Hour + ":" + now.Minute + ")");
                    queue.Enqueue(new SimpleWrite(Program.font, "Creo q me quede sin internet\n(" + now.Hour + ":" + now.Minute + ") (llamen a miz)"));
                    hasAddedDisconnectMessage = true;