internal static extern void DrawThemeBackground( IntPtr hTheme, IntPtr hdc, int iPartId, int iStateId, ref NativeStructs.RECT pRect, ref NativeStructs.RECT pClipRect);
internal extern static int FillRect( IntPtr hDC, ref NativeStructs.RECT lprc, IntPtr hbr);
internal static extern int DrawTextW( IntPtr hdc, string lpString, int nCount, ref NativeStructs.RECT lpRect, uint uFormat);
// TODO: Use VisualStyles stuff in .NET 2.0 instead /// <summary> /// Draws a button in the appropriate system theme (Aero vs. Luna vs. Classic). /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Note to implementors: This may be implemented as a simple thunk to ControlPaint.DrawButton(). /// </remarks> public static void DrawThemedButton( Control hostControl, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height, UI.ButtonState state) { IntPtr hTheme = OpenTheme(hostControl); if (hTheme != IntPtr.Zero) { NativeStructs.RECT rect = new NativeStructs.RECT(); rect.left = x; = y; rect.right = x + width; rect.bottom = y + height; int iState; switch (state) { case UI.ButtonState.Disabled: iState = NativeConstants.PBS_DISABLED; break; case UI.ButtonState.Hot: iState = NativeConstants.PBS_HOT; break; default: case UI.ButtonState.Normal: iState = NativeConstants.PBS_NORMAL; break; case UI.ButtonState.Pressed: iState = NativeConstants.PBS_PRESSED; break; } IntPtr hdc = g.GetHdc(); SafeNativeMethods.DrawThemeBackground( hTheme, hdc, NativeConstants.BP_PUSHBUTTON, iState, ref rect, ref rect); g.ReleaseHdc(hdc); SafeNativeMethods.CloseThemeData(hTheme); hTheme = IntPtr.Zero; } else { System.Windows.Forms.ButtonState swfState; switch (state) { case UI.ButtonState.Disabled: swfState = System.Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Inactive; break; default: case UI.ButtonState.Hot: case UI.ButtonState.Normal: swfState = System.Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Normal; break; case UI.ButtonState.Pressed: swfState = System.Windows.Forms.ButtonState.Pushed; break; } ControlPaint.DrawButton(g, x, y, width, height, swfState); } GC.KeepAlive(hostControl); }
/// <summary> /// Measures text with the given graphics context, font, string, location, and anti-aliasing flag. /// </summary> /// <param name="g">The Graphics context to measure for.</param> /// <param name="font">The Font to measure with.</param> /// <param name="text">The string of text to measure.</param> /// <param name="antiAliasing">Whether the font should be rendered with anti-aliasing.</param> public static Size MeasureString(Graphics g, Font font, string text, bool antiAliasing, FontSmoothing fontSmoothing) { if (fontSmoothing == FontSmoothing.Smooth && antiAliasing) { PixelOffsetMode oldPOM = g.PixelOffsetMode; g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.Half; TextRenderingHint oldTRH = g.TextRenderingHint; g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias; StringFormat format = (StringFormat)StringFormat.GenericTypographic.Clone(); format.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.MeasureTrailingSpaces; SizeF sf = g.MeasureString(text, font, new PointF(0, 0), format); sf.Height = font.GetHeight(); g.PixelOffsetMode = oldPOM; g.TextRenderingHint = oldTRH; return(Size.Ceiling(sf)); } else if (fontSmoothing == FontSmoothing.Sharp || !antiAliasing) { IntPtr hdc = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr hFont = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr hOldObject = IntPtr.Zero; try { hdc = g.GetHdc(); hFont = CreateFontObject(font, antiAliasing); hOldObject = SafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(hdc, hFont); NativeStructs.RECT rect = new NativeStructs.RECT(); rect.left = 0; = 0; rect.right = rect.left; rect.bottom =; int result = SafeNativeMethods.DrawTextW( hdc, text, text.Length, ref rect, NativeConstants.DT_CALCRECT | NativeConstants.DT_LEFT | NativeConstants.DT_NOCLIP | NativeConstants.DT_NOPREFIX | NativeConstants.DT_SINGLELINE | NativeConstants.DT_TOP); if (result == 0) { NativeMethods.ThrowOnWin32Error("DrawTextW returned 0"); } return(new Size(rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom -; } finally { if (hOldObject != IntPtr.Zero) { SafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(hdc, hOldObject); hOldObject = IntPtr.Zero; } if (hFont != IntPtr.Zero) { SafeNativeMethods.DeleteObject(hFont); hFont = IntPtr.Zero; } if (hdc != IntPtr.Zero) { g.ReleaseHdc(hdc); hdc = IntPtr.Zero; } } } else { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("fontSmoothing = " + (int)fontSmoothing); } }
/// <summary> /// Renders text with the given graphics context, font, string, location, and anti-aliasing flag. /// </summary> /// <param name="g">The Graphics context to render to.</param> /// <param name="font">The Font to render with.</param> /// <param name="text">The string of text to draw.</param> /// <param name="pt">The offset of where to start drawing (upper-left of rendering rectangle).</param> /// <param name="antiAliasing">Whether the font should be rendered with anti-aliasing.</param> public static void DrawText(Graphics g, Font font, string text, Point pt, bool antiAliasing, FontSmoothing fontSmoothing) { if (fontSmoothing == FontSmoothing.Smooth && antiAliasing) { PixelOffsetMode oldPOM = g.PixelOffsetMode; g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.Half; TextRenderingHint oldTRH = g.TextRenderingHint; g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias; StringFormat format = (StringFormat)StringFormat.GenericTypographic.Clone(); format.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.MeasureTrailingSpaces; g.DrawString(text, font, Brushes.Black, pt, format); g.PixelOffsetMode = oldPOM; g.TextRenderingHint = oldTRH; } else if (fontSmoothing == FontSmoothing.Sharp || !antiAliasing) { IntPtr hdc = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr hFont = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr hOldObject = IntPtr.Zero; try { hdc = g.GetHdc(); hFont = CreateFontObject(font, antiAliasing); hOldObject = SafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(hdc, hFont); NativeStructs.RECT rect = new NativeStructs.RECT(); rect.left = pt.X; = pt.Y; rect.right = rect.left; rect.bottom =; int result = SafeNativeMethods.DrawTextW( hdc, text, text.Length, ref rect, NativeConstants.DT_LEFT | NativeConstants.DT_NOCLIP | NativeConstants.DT_NOPREFIX | NativeConstants.DT_SINGLELINE | NativeConstants.DT_TOP); if (result == 0) { NativeMethods.ThrowOnWin32Error("DrawTextW returned 0"); } } finally { if (hOldObject != IntPtr.Zero) { SafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(hdc, hOldObject); hOldObject = IntPtr.Zero; } if (hFont != IntPtr.Zero) { SafeNativeMethods.DeleteObject(hFont); hFont = IntPtr.Zero; } if (hdc != IntPtr.Zero) { g.ReleaseHdc(hdc); hdc = IntPtr.Zero; } } } else { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("fontSmoothing = " + (int)fontSmoothing); } }