//After the game finishes, check if the player got a high score //Перевірка в кінці гри, чи попав гравець у таблицю рекордів void CheckScore() { HighScoresList hs = new HighScoresList(highScores); foreach (Player p in highScores.playersList) { if (player.Score > p.Score) { EnterName dialog = new EnterName(); if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string name = dialog.NameTextBox.Text; Player plr = new Player(); plr.Name = name; plr.Score = player.Score; highScores.playersList.Remove(highScores.playersList.Min()); highScores.playersList.Add(plr); highScores.playersList.Sort(); highScores.playersList.Reverse(); highScores.SerializeToXML(); hs.FillListView(highScores.playersList); hs.ShowDialog(); } break; } } }
private void highScoresToolStripMenu_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HighScoresList hs = new HighScoresList(highScores); hs.ShowDialog(); }