コード例 #1
        void motionModel_evaluationEach(string header, m_Motion motion)
            List <string> motionFailed = new List <string>();

            int           detectected_count = 0;
            int           all_inst          = container.list_inst.Count();
            List <string> all_log           = new List <string>();

            foreach (Instance inst in container.list_inst)
                Boolean      detected = TheRuleTester.testDetectMotion(inst.getDataRaw(true), motion.inputs);
                logDetection log      = TheRuleTester.temp_log;
                string       s        = "";
                if (detected)
                    s += "[O] ";
                    s += "[X] ";
                    motionFailed.Add(inst.name + " is unrecognized with " + header);
                s += inst.name + " [" + log.info + "]";
            double acc = (double)detectected_count * 100 / all_inst;

            acc = Math.Round(acc, 2);
            summary_total.Add(header += " : " + acc + "% (" + detectected_count + "/" + all_inst + ")");
            foreach (string s in all_log)
            if (acc < 100)
                TheTool.exportFile(motionFailed, TheTool.filePath + "all_incomplete_motion.txt", false, true);
コード例 #2
ファイル: UKIAnalyser.xaml.cs プロジェクト: icelab-uki/uki
        //Motion Analysis on 1 File
        //All Data (Whole Sequence) - All Motion
        //Output: Matrix
        static public string motionAnalysis(String path_load, String path_save, List <m_Motion> list_motions)
            string              currentFileName = TheTool.getFileName_byPath(path_load);
            string              matrix_data     = currentFileName;
            List <UKI_DataRaw>  list_raw        = TheUKI.csv_loadFileTo_DataRaw(path_load, 0);
            List <logDetection> log_list        = new List <logDetection>();//keep output summary
            //--- Preprocess to obtain BasePosture Data
            UKI_Offline mr = new UKI_Offline();

            mr.UKI_OfflineProcessing(list_raw, 0);
            List <UKI_Data_AnalysisForm> data = TheUKI.getData_AnalysisForm(mr.data.data_raw, mr.data.data_bp);

            //--- Analysis Motion by Motion
            foreach (m_Motion motion in list_motions)
                Boolean      detected = TheRuleTester.testDetectMotion(data, motion.inputs);
                logDetection log      = TheRuleTester.temp_log;
                log.info = motion.name + " ( " + log.info + " )";
                if (detected)
                    log.info = "[" + log.detectAt + "] " + log.info;
                    log.info = "[X] " + log.info;
                matrix_data += "," + TheTool.convertBoolean_01(detected);
            TheSys.showError("File: " + currentFileName);
            foreach (logDetection s in log_list.OrderBy(o => o.detectAt).ThenBy(o => o.num_pose))
コード例 #3
        public static logDetection temp_log = new logDetection();//temp data for show result

        //Check if a specific Motion is exist in Data
        //All Data - 1 Motion
        public static Boolean testDetectMotion(List <UKI_Data_AnalysisForm> data, List <m_If> list_rule_motion)
            temp_log = new logDetection();
            Boolean pass_Motion = false;
            //-- Prepare Posture & Rule ------------------
            List <List <m_If> > list_posture = new List <List <m_If> >();
            List <m_If>         posture      = new List <m_If>();

            foreach (m_If rule in list_rule_motion)
                if (rule.type == TheMapData.if_type_2Joint || rule.type == TheMapData.if_type_BasicPose ||
                    rule.type == TheMapData.if_type_Change || rule.type == TheMapData.if_type_TimeAfterPose ||
                    rule.type == TheMapData.if_type_SphereAngle || rule.type == TheMapData.if_type_FlexionAngle
                    posture.Add(rule); //waiting will be the end of rules
                if (rule.type == TheMapData.if_type_TimeAfterPose || rule == list_rule_motion.Last())
                    list_posture.Add(posture); posture = new List <m_If>();
            //-- Test Data ------------------
            List <m_If>[] arr_posture        = list_posture.ToArray();
            int           current_posture_id = 0;
            List <m_If>   previous_posture   = new List <m_If>();
            int           time_wait          = 0;// = sec * fps

            if (arr_posture.Count() >= 1)
                List <m_If> current_posture = arr_posture[0];
                Boolean     first_record    = true;
                foreach (UKI_Data_AnalysisForm row in data)
                    Boolean pass_1Posture = testDetect1Posture(row, current_posture, ref time_wait);
                    if (pass_1Posture)
                        if (!first_record)
                            temp_log.info += ", ";
                        first_record     = false;
                        temp_log.info   += "P" + (current_posture_id + 1) + ":" + row.id;
                        previous_posture = current_posture;
                        if (current_posture_id == arr_posture.Count())
                            //Already Pass All Posture
                            pass_Motion       = true;
                            temp_log.detectAt = row.id;
                            temp_log.num_pose = current_posture_id - 1;
                            //Go the the next posture
                            current_posture = arr_posture[current_posture_id];
                    else if (current_posture_id > 0)
                        //new posture is not detected, check if previous posture is ended
                        Boolean pass_previousPoseture = testDetect1Posture(row, previous_posture, ref time_wait);
                        if (!pass_previousPoseture)
                            time_wait--;//if end then start counting down
                            if (time_wait <= 0)
                                current_posture_id = 0;