public static IEnumerable DriverRecordsDelegate(PXGraph graph, SharedClasses.RouteSelected_view routeSelected, PXFilter <DriverSelectionFilter> filter)
            if (routeSelected.Current == null)
                yield break;

            List <object>             args          = new List <object>();
            PXSelectBase <EPEmployee> commandFilter = new PXSelectJoinGroupBy <EPEmployee,
                                                                               InnerJoin <FSRouteEmployee,
                                                                                          On <
                                                                                              FSRouteEmployee.employeeID, Equal <EPEmployee.bAccountID> >,
                                                                                          LeftJoin <FSRouteDocument,
                                                                                                    On <
                                                                                                        FSRouteDocument.driverID, Equal <FSRouteEmployee.employeeID>,
                                                                                                        And <
                                                                                                  , Equal <Required <> > > > > >,
                                                                               Where <
                                                                                   FSRouteEmployee.routeID, Equal <Required <FSRouteEmployee.routeID> >,
                                                                                   And <
                                                                                       FSxEPEmployee.sDEnabled, Equal <True>,
                                                                                       And <
                                                                                           FSxEPEmployee.isDriver, Equal <True> > > >,
                                                                               Aggregate <
                                                                                   GroupBy <
                                                                                       EPEmployee.bAccountID> >,
                                                                               OrderBy <
                                                                                   Asc <FSRouteEmployee.priorityPreference> > >(graph);


            if (filter.Current.ShowUnassignedDrivers == true)
                commandFilter.WhereAnd <Where <FSRouteDocument.routeID, IsNull> >();

            var bqlResultSet = commandFilter.Select(args.ToArray());

            foreach (PXResult <EPEmployee, FSRouteEmployee, FSRouteDocument> bqlResult in bqlResultSet)
                EPEmployee      epEmployeeRow      = (EPEmployee)bqlResult;
                FSRouteEmployee fsRouteEmployeeRow = (FSRouteEmployee)bqlResult;
                FSRouteDocument fsRouteDocumentRow = (FSRouteDocument)bqlResult;

                FSxEPEmployee fsxEPEmployeeRow = PXCache <EPEmployee> .GetExtension <FSxEPEmployee>(epEmployeeRow);

                if (fsRouteDocumentRow != null && fsRouteDocumentRow.RouteID != null)
                    fsxEPEmployeeRow.Mem_UnassignedDriver = true;

                yield return(bqlResult);
        public static IEnumerable VehicleRecordsDelegate(PXGraph graph, SharedClasses.RouteSelected_view routeSelected, PXFilter <VehicleSelectionFilter> filter)
            if (routeSelected.Current == null)
                yield break;

            List <object> args = new List <object>();

            PXSelectBase <FSVehicle> commandFilter = new PXSelectJoinGroupBy <FSVehicle,
                                                                              LeftJoin <FSRouteDocument,
                                                                                        On <
                                                                                            FSRouteDocument.vehicleID, Equal <FSVehicle.SMequipmentID>,
                                                                                            And <, Equal <Required <> > > > >,
                                                                              Where <
                                                                                  FSVehicle.isVehicle, Equal <True> >,
                                                                              Aggregate <
                                                                                  GroupBy <
                                                                                      FSVehicle.SMequipmentID> >,
                                                                              OrderBy <
                                                                                  Asc <FSServiceVehicleType.priorityPreference> > >(graph);


            if (filter.Current.ShowUnassignedVehicles == true)
                commandFilter.WhereAnd <Where <FSRouteDocument.routeID, IsNull> >();

            var list = commandFilter.Select(args.ToArray());

            foreach (PXResult <FSVehicle, FSRouteDocument> bqlResult in list)
                FSVehicle       fsEquipmentRow     = (FSVehicle)bqlResult;
                FSRouteDocument fsRouteDocumentRow = (FSRouteDocument)bqlResult;

                if (fsRouteDocumentRow != null && fsRouteDocumentRow.RouteID != null)
                    fsEquipmentRow.Mem_UnassignedVehicle = true;

                yield return(bqlResult);