コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Player's World To Screen Function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vAddr"></param>
        /// <param name="pos"></param>
        /// <param name="screen"></param>
        /// <param name="windowWidth"></param>
        /// <param name="windowHeight"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool WorldToScreenPlayer(D3DMatrix viewMatrix, ShpVector3 pos, out ShpVector3 screen, out int distance, int windowWidth, int windowHeight)
            screen = new ShpVector3();
            //ScreenW = (GameViewMatrix._14 * _Enemy_Point.x) + (GameViewMatrix._24* _Enemy_Point.y) + (GameViewMatrix._34 * _Enemy_Point.z + GameViewMatrix._44);
            float screenW = (viewMatrix._14 * pos.X) + (viewMatrix._24 * pos.Y) + (viewMatrix._34 * pos.Z + viewMatrix._44);

            distance = (int)(screenW / 100);
            if (screenW < 0.0001f)

            // float ScreenY = (GameViewMatrix._12 * _Enemy_Point.x) + (GameViewMatrix._22 * _Enemy_Point.y) + (GameViewMatrix._32 * (_Enemy_Point.z + 85) + GameViewMatrix._42);
            float screenY = (viewMatrix._12 * pos.X) + (viewMatrix._22 * pos.Y) + (viewMatrix._32 * (pos.Z + 85) + viewMatrix._42);
            // float ScreenX = (GameViewMatrix._11 * _Enemy_Point.x) + (GameViewMatrix._21 * _Enemy_Point.y) + (GameViewMatrix._31 * _Enemy_Point.z + GameViewMatrix._41);
            float screenX = (viewMatrix._11 * pos.X) + (viewMatrix._21 * pos.Y) + (viewMatrix._31 * pos.Z + viewMatrix._41);

            screen.Y = (windowHeight / 2) - (windowHeight / 2) * screenY / screenW;
            screen.X = (windowWidth / 2) + (windowWidth / 2) * screenX / screenW;
            // float y1 = (pDxm->s_height / 2) - (GameViewMatrix._12*_Enemy_Point.x + GameViewMatrix._22 * _Enemy_Point.y + GameViewMatrix._32 *(_Enemy_Point.z - 95) + GameViewMatrix._42) *(pDxm->s_height / 2) / ScreenW;
            float y1 = (windowHeight / 2) - (viewMatrix._12 * pos.X + viewMatrix._22 * pos.Y + viewMatrix._32 * (pos.Z - 95) + viewMatrix._42) * (windowHeight / 2) / screenW;

            screen.Z = y1 - screen.Y;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// To Matrix With Scale
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="translation"></param>
        /// <param name="scale"></param>
        /// <param name="rot"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static D3DMatrix ToMatrixWithScale(Vector3 translation, Vector3 scale, Vector4 rot)
            D3DMatrix m = new D3DMatrix
                _41 = translation.X,
                _42 = translation.Y,
                _43 = translation.Z

            float x2 = rot.X + rot.X;
            float y2 = rot.Y + rot.Y;
            float z2 = rot.Z + rot.Z;

            float xx2 = rot.X * x2;
            float yy2 = rot.Y * y2;
            float zz2 = rot.Z * z2;

            m._11 = (1.0f - (yy2 + zz2)) * scale.X;
            m._22 = (1.0f - (xx2 + zz2)) * scale.Y;
            m._33 = (1.0f - (xx2 + yy2)) * scale.Z;

            float yz2 = rot.Y * z2;
            float wx2 = rot.W * x2;

            m._32 = (yz2 - wx2) * scale.Z;
            m._23 = (yz2 + wx2) * scale.Y;

            float xy2 = rot.X * y2;
            float wz2 = rot.W * z2;

            m._21 = (xy2 - wz2) * scale.Y;
            m._12 = (xy2 + wz2) * scale.X;

            float xz2 = rot.X * z2;
            float wy2 = rot.W * y2;

            m._31 = (xz2 + wy2) * scale.Z;
            m._13 = (xz2 - wy2) * scale.X;

            m._14 = 0.0f;
            m._24 = 0.0f;
            m._34 = 0.0f;
            m._44 = 1.0f;

コード例 #3
        /// Item's World To Screen Function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="viewMatrix"></param>
        /// <param name="pos"></param>
        /// <param name="screen"></param>
        /// <param name="distance"></param>
        /// <param name="windowWidth"></param>
        /// <param name="windowHeight"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool WorldToScreenItem(D3DMatrix viewMatrix, ShpVector3 pos, out ShpVector2 screen, out int distance, int windowWidth, int windowHeight)
            screen = new ShpVector2();
            float screenW = (viewMatrix._14 * pos.X) + (viewMatrix._24 * pos.Y) + (viewMatrix._34 * pos.Z + viewMatrix._44);

            distance = (int)(screenW / 100);
            if (screenW < 0.0001f)
            screenW = 1 / screenW;
            float sightX = (windowWidth / 2);
            float sightY = (windowHeight / 2);

            screen.X = sightX + (viewMatrix._11 * pos.X + viewMatrix._21 * pos.Y + viewMatrix._31 * pos.Z + viewMatrix._41) * screenW * sightX;
            screen.Y = sightY - (viewMatrix._12 * pos.X + viewMatrix._22 * pos.Y + viewMatrix._32 * pos.Z + viewMatrix._42) * screenW * sightY;
            return(!float.IsNaN(screen.X) && !float.IsNaN(screen.Y));
コード例 #4
        public static bool WorldToScreen3DBox(D3DMatrix viewMatrix, ShpVector3 position, out ShpVector2 res, int sw, int sh)
            res.X = 0f;
            res.Y = 0f;
            D3DMatrix matrix = viewMatrix;
            double    num    = (double)(position.X * matrix._14 + position.Y * matrix._24 + position.Z * matrix._34 + matrix._44);

            if (num < 0.100000001490116)
            double num2 = (double)(position.X * matrix._11 + position.Y * matrix._21 + position.Z * matrix._31 + matrix._41);
            double num3 = (double)(position.X * matrix._12 + position.Y * matrix._22 + position.Z * matrix._32 + matrix._42);

            num2 /= num;
            num3 /= num;
            float num4 = (float)(sw / 2);
            float num5 = (float)(sh / 2);

            res.X = (float)((double)num4 * num2 + (num2 + (double)num4));
            res.Y = (float)(-(float)((double)num5 * num3) + (num3 + (double)num5));
            return(!float.IsNaN(res.X) && !float.IsNaN(res.Y));
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// D3DMatrix Mutiplication
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pM1"></param>
        /// <param name="pM2"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static D3DMatrix MatrixMultiplication(D3DMatrix pM1, D3DMatrix pM2)
            D3DMatrix pOut = new D3DMatrix
                _11 = pM1._11 * pM2._11 + pM1._12 * pM2._21 + pM1._13 * pM2._31 + pM1._14 * pM2._41,
                _12 = pM1._11 * pM2._12 + pM1._12 * pM2._22 + pM1._13 * pM2._32 + pM1._14 * pM2._42,
                _13 = pM1._11 * pM2._13 + pM1._12 * pM2._23 + pM1._13 * pM2._33 + pM1._14 * pM2._43,
                _14 = pM1._11 * pM2._14 + pM1._12 * pM2._24 + pM1._13 * pM2._34 + pM1._14 * pM2._44,
                _21 = pM1._21 * pM2._11 + pM1._22 * pM2._21 + pM1._23 * pM2._31 + pM1._24 * pM2._41,
                _22 = pM1._21 * pM2._12 + pM1._22 * pM2._22 + pM1._23 * pM2._32 + pM1._24 * pM2._42,
                _23 = pM1._21 * pM2._13 + pM1._22 * pM2._23 + pM1._23 * pM2._33 + pM1._24 * pM2._43,
                _24 = pM1._21 * pM2._14 + pM1._22 * pM2._24 + pM1._23 * pM2._34 + pM1._24 * pM2._44,
                _31 = pM1._31 * pM2._11 + pM1._32 * pM2._21 + pM1._33 * pM2._31 + pM1._34 * pM2._41,
                _32 = pM1._31 * pM2._12 + pM1._32 * pM2._22 + pM1._33 * pM2._32 + pM1._34 * pM2._42,
                _33 = pM1._31 * pM2._13 + pM1._32 * pM2._23 + pM1._33 * pM2._33 + pM1._34 * pM2._43,
                _34 = pM1._31 * pM2._14 + pM1._32 * pM2._24 + pM1._33 * pM2._34 + pM1._34 * pM2._44,
                _41 = pM1._41 * pM2._11 + pM1._42 * pM2._21 + pM1._43 * pM2._31 + pM1._44 * pM2._41,
                _42 = pM1._41 * pM2._12 + pM1._42 * pM2._22 + pM1._43 * pM2._32 + pM1._44 * pM2._42,
                _43 = pM1._41 * pM2._13 + pM1._42 * pM2._23 + pM1._43 * pM2._33 + pM1._44 * pM2._43,
                _44 = pM1._41 * pM2._14 + pM1._42 * pM2._24 + pM1._43 * pM2._34 + pM1._44 * pM2._44

コード例 #6
        public void Update()
            var gfx = _graphics;


            if (Settings.ShowMenu)
                DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _green, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 + 115), "Aimbot Menu");
                if (Settings.aimEnabled)
                    DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _red, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 + 130), "Aimbot ON    (F5) :  " + Settings.aimEnabled.ToString());
                    DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _green, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 + 130), "Aimbot OF    (F5) :  " + Settings.aimEnabled.ToString());
                if (Settings.bDrawFow)
                    DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _red, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 + 145), "FOV SHOW    (F6) :  " + Settings.bDrawFow.ToString());
                    DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _green, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 + 145), "FOV HIDE    (F6) :  " + Settings.bDrawFow.ToString());

                DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _green, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 + 160), "┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈");

            // Read View Matrix
            long      viewMatrixAddr = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(_data.ViewMatrixBase) + 32) + 512;
            D3DMatrix viewMatrix     = Algorithms.ReadViewMatrix(viewMatrixAddr);

            var   AimTargets   = new AimTarget[_data.Players.Length];
            float fClosestDist = -1;

            // Draw Player ESP
            if (Settings.PlayerESP)
                for (int i = 0; i < _data.Players.Length; i++)
                    var player = _data.Players[i];
                    //if (player.Health <= 0) continue;
                    if (Algorithms.WorldToScreenPlayer(viewMatrix, player.Position, out ShpVector3 playerScreen, out int distance, _window.Width, _window.Height))
                        // Too Far not render
                        if (distance > 500)
                        float x = playerScreen.X;
                        float y = playerScreen.Y;
                        float h = playerScreen.Z;
                        float w = playerScreen.Z / 2;

                            _boxBrush = _randomBrush[player.TeamID % 7];
                        catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                            _boxBrush = _green;
                        //DrawShadowText(gfx,_font, _green, new Point((x - playerScreen.Z / 4) - 3, y - 15), player.Pose.ToString());

                        // Adjust Box
                        if (player.Pose == 1114636288)
                            y  = playerScreen.Y + playerScreen.Z / 5;
                            h -= playerScreen.Z / 5;
                        if (player.Pose == 1112014848 || player.Status == 7)
                            y  = playerScreen.Y + playerScreen.Z / 4;
                            h -= playerScreen.Z / 4;

                        int ScreenCenterX = _window.Width / 2, ScreenCenterY = _window.Height / 2;

                        if (Settings.aimEnabled)
                            long       tmpAddv  = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(player.Address + tmpOffset);
                            long       bodyAddv = tmpAddv + actorOffset;
                            long       boneAddv = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(tmpAddv + boneOffset) + 48;
                            ShpVector3 headPos  = Algorithms.GetBoneWorldPosition(bodyAddv, boneAddv + 5 * 48);

                            headPos.Z += 7;

                            var  clampPos = headPos - player.Position;
                            bool w2sHead  = Algorithms.WorldToScreen3DBox(viewMatrix, new ShpVector3(headPos.X, headPos.Y - (Settings.bPredict * 2), headPos.Z - (Settings.bYAxis * 8)), out ShpVector2 HeadPosition, _window.Width, _window.Height);

                            AimTargets[i]                   = new AimTarget();
                            AimTargets[i].Screen2D          = HeadPosition;
                            AimTargets[i].uniqueID          = player.TeamID;
                            AimTargets[i].CrosshairDistance = ShpVector2.Distance(HeadPosition, new ShpVector2(ScreenCenterX, ScreenCenterY));

                            if (BestTargetUniqID == -1)
                                if (Algorithms.isInside(ScreenCenterX, ScreenCenterY, Settings.bFovArray[Settings.bFovInt], AimTargets[i].Screen2D.X, AimTargets[i].Screen2D.Y))
                                    fClosestDist     = AimTargets[i].CrosshairDistance;
                                    BestTargetUniqID = AimTargets[i].uniqueID;
                            if (MainForm.GetAsyncKeyState(Settings.bAimKeys[Settings.bAimKeyINT]))
                                if (BestTargetUniqID != -1)
                                    var best = FindAimTargetByUniqueID(AimTargets, BestTargetUniqID);

                                    if (best != null)
                                            var roundPos = new ShpVector2((float)Math.Round(best.Screen2D.X), (float)Math.Round(best.Screen2D.Y));
                                            AimAtPosV2(roundPos.X, roundPos.Y, _window.Width, _window.Height, false);
                                BestTargetUniqID = -1;
                        if (Settings.bDrawFow)
                            gfx.DrawCircle(_red, ScreenCenterX, ScreenCenterY, Settings.bFovArray[Settings.bFovInt], 2);

コード例 #7
ファイル: ESPForm.cs プロジェクト: leeza007/pubghack
        private void DrawPlayerBone(long bodyAddv, long boneAddv, float w, D3DMatrix viewMatrix, int winWidth, int winHeight)
            float sightX = winWidth / 2, sightY = winHeight / 2;

            ShpVector3 headPos = Algorithms.GetBoneWorldPosition(bodyAddv, boneAddv + 5 * 48);

            headPos.Z += 7;
            ShpVector2 head;

            Algorithms.WorldToScreenBone(viewMatrix, headPos, out head, out int distance, winWidth, winHeight);
            ShpVector2 neck = head;
            ShpVector2 chest;
            ShpVector3 chestPos = Algorithms.GetBoneWorldPosition(bodyAddv, boneAddv + 4 * 48);

            Algorithms.WorldToScreenBone(viewMatrix, chestPos, out chest, out distance, winWidth, winHeight);
            ShpVector2 pelvis;
            ShpVector3 pelvisPos = Algorithms.GetBoneWorldPosition(bodyAddv, boneAddv + 1 * 48);

            Algorithms.WorldToScreenBone(viewMatrix, pelvisPos, out pelvis, out distance, winWidth, winHeight);
            ShpVector2 lSholder;
            ShpVector3 lSholderPos = Algorithms.GetBoneWorldPosition(bodyAddv, boneAddv + 11 * 48);

            Algorithms.WorldToScreenBone(viewMatrix, lSholderPos, out lSholder, out distance, winWidth, winHeight);
            ShpVector2 rSholder;
            ShpVector3 rSholderPos = Algorithms.GetBoneWorldPosition(bodyAddv, boneAddv + 32 * 48);

            Algorithms.WorldToScreenBone(viewMatrix, rSholderPos, out rSholder, out distance, winWidth, winHeight);
            ShpVector2 lElbow;
            ShpVector3 lElbowPos = Algorithms.GetBoneWorldPosition(bodyAddv, boneAddv + 12 * 48);

            Algorithms.WorldToScreenBone(viewMatrix, lElbowPos, out lElbow, out distance, winWidth, winHeight);
            ShpVector2 rElbow;
            ShpVector3 rElbowPos = Algorithms.GetBoneWorldPosition(bodyAddv, boneAddv + 33 * 48);

            Algorithms.WorldToScreenBone(viewMatrix, rElbowPos, out rElbow, out distance, winWidth, winHeight);
            ShpVector2 lWrist;
            ShpVector3 lWristPos = Algorithms.GetBoneWorldPosition(bodyAddv, boneAddv + 63 * 48);

            Algorithms.WorldToScreenBone(viewMatrix, lWristPos, out lWrist, out distance, winWidth, winHeight);
            ShpVector2 rWrist;
            ShpVector3 rWristPos = Algorithms.GetBoneWorldPosition(bodyAddv, boneAddv + 62 * 48);

            Algorithms.WorldToScreenBone(viewMatrix, rWristPos, out rWrist, out distance, winWidth, winHeight);
            ShpVector2 lThigh;
            ShpVector3 lThighPos = Algorithms.GetBoneWorldPosition(bodyAddv, boneAddv + 52 * 48);

            Algorithms.WorldToScreenBone(viewMatrix, lThighPos, out lThigh, out distance, winWidth, winHeight);
            ShpVector2 rThigh;
            ShpVector3 rThighPos = Algorithms.GetBoneWorldPosition(bodyAddv, boneAddv + 56 * 48);

            Algorithms.WorldToScreenBone(viewMatrix, rThighPos, out rThigh, out distance, winWidth, winHeight);
            ShpVector2 lKnee;
            ShpVector3 lKneePos = Algorithms.GetBoneWorldPosition(bodyAddv, boneAddv + 53 * 48);

            Algorithms.WorldToScreenBone(viewMatrix, lKneePos, out lKnee, out distance, winWidth, winHeight);
            ShpVector2 rKnee;
            ShpVector3 rKneePos = Algorithms.GetBoneWorldPosition(bodyAddv, boneAddv + 57 * 48);

            Algorithms.WorldToScreenBone(viewMatrix, rKneePos, out rKnee, out distance, winWidth, winHeight);
            ShpVector2 lAnkle;
            ShpVector3 lAnklePos = Algorithms.GetBoneWorldPosition(bodyAddv, boneAddv + 54 * 48);

            Algorithms.WorldToScreenBone(viewMatrix, lAnklePos, out lAnkle, out distance, winWidth, winHeight);
            ShpVector2 rAnkle;
            ShpVector3 rAnklePos = Algorithms.GetBoneWorldPosition(bodyAddv, boneAddv + 58 * 48);

            Algorithms.WorldToScreenBone(viewMatrix, rAnklePos, out rAnkle, out distance, winWidth, winHeight);

            if (head != null && chest != null && pelvis != null && lSholder != null &&
                rSholder != null && lElbow != null && rElbow != null && lWrist != null &&
                rWrist != null && lThigh != null && rThigh != null && lKnee != null &&
                rKnee != null && lAnkle != null && rAnkle != null)
                _graphics.DrawCircle(_white, new Circle(head.X, head.Y, w / 6), 1);
                _graphics.DrawLine(_white, new Line(neck.X, neck.Y, chest.X, chest.Y), 1);
                _graphics.DrawLine(_white, new Line(chest.X, chest.Y, pelvis.X, pelvis.Y), 1);

                _graphics.DrawLine(_white, new Line(chest.X, chest.Y, lSholder.X, lSholder.Y), 1);
                _graphics.DrawLine(_white, new Line(chest.X, chest.Y, rSholder.X, rSholder.Y), 1);

                _graphics.DrawLine(_white, new Line(lSholder.X, lSholder.Y, lElbow.X, lElbow.Y), 1);
                _graphics.DrawLine(_white, new Line(rSholder.X, rSholder.Y, rElbow.X, rElbow.Y), 1);

                _graphics.DrawLine(_white, new Line(lElbow.X, lElbow.Y, lWrist.X, lWrist.Y), 1);
                _graphics.DrawLine(_white, new Line(rElbow.X, rElbow.Y, rWrist.X, rWrist.Y), 1);

                _graphics.DrawLine(_white, new Line(pelvis.X, pelvis.Y, lThigh.X, lThigh.Y), 1);
                _graphics.DrawLine(_white, new Line(pelvis.X, pelvis.Y, rThigh.X, rThigh.Y), 1);

                _graphics.DrawLine(_white, new Line(lThigh.X, lThigh.Y, lKnee.X, lKnee.Y), 1);
                _graphics.DrawLine(_white, new Line(rThigh.X, rThigh.Y, rKnee.X, rKnee.Y), 1);

                _graphics.DrawLine(_white, new Line(lKnee.X, lKnee.Y, lAnkle.X, lAnkle.Y), 1);
                _graphics.DrawLine(_white, new Line(rKnee.X, rKnee.Y, rAnkle.X, rAnkle.Y), 1);
コード例 #8
ファイル: ESPForm.cs プロジェクト: leeza007/pubghack
        private void Draw3DBox(D3DMatrix viewMatrix, PlayerData player, ShpVector3 playersc, int winWidth, int winHeight, float hei = 180f)
            float num  = 70f;
            float num2 = 60f;
            float num3 = 50f;
            float num4 = 85f;

            hei = 180f;
            ShpVector3 vector  = new ShpVector3(num3, -num2 / 2f, 0f);
            ShpVector3 vector2 = new ShpVector3(num3, num2 / 2f, 0f);
            ShpVector3 vector3 = new ShpVector3(num3 - num, num2 / 2f, 0f);
            ShpVector3 vector4 = new ShpVector3(num3 - num, -num2 / 2f, 0f);

            Matrix     matrix  = Matrix.RotationZ((6.28318548f * (player.Position.Y) / 180f / 2f));
            ShpVector3 vector5 = new ShpVector3(player.Position.X, player.Position.Y, player.Position.Z - num4);

            vector  = ShpVector3.TransformCoordinate(vector, matrix) + vector5;
            vector2 = ShpVector3.TransformCoordinate(vector2, matrix) + vector5;
            vector3 = ShpVector3.TransformCoordinate(vector3, matrix) + vector5;
            vector4 = ShpVector3.TransformCoordinate(vector4, matrix) + vector5;
            ShpVector2 vector6;

            if (!Algorithms.WorldToScreen3DBox(viewMatrix, vector, out vector6, winWidth, winHeight))
            ShpVector2 vector7;

            if (!Algorithms.WorldToScreen3DBox(viewMatrix, vector2, out vector7, winWidth, winHeight))
            ShpVector2 vector8;

            if (!Algorithms.WorldToScreen3DBox(viewMatrix, vector3, out vector8, winWidth, winHeight))
            ShpVector2 vector9;

            if (!Algorithms.WorldToScreen3DBox(viewMatrix, vector4, out vector9, winWidth, winHeight))

            RawVector2[] array = new RawVector2[]
            DrawLines(array, _boxBrush);
            vector.Z += hei;

            bool arg_240_0 = Algorithms.WorldToScreen3DBox(viewMatrix, vector, out vector6, winWidth, winHeight);

            vector2.Z += hei;
            bool flag = Algorithms.WorldToScreen3DBox(viewMatrix, vector2, out vector7, winWidth, winHeight);

            vector3.Z += hei;
            bool flag2 = Algorithms.WorldToScreen3DBox(viewMatrix, vector3, out vector8, winWidth, winHeight);

            vector4.Z += hei;
            bool flag3 = Algorithms.WorldToScreen3DBox(viewMatrix, vector4, out vector9, winWidth, winHeight);

            if (!arg_240_0 || !flag || !flag2 || !flag3)
            RawVector2[] array2 = new RawVector2[]
            DrawLines(array2, _boxBrush);
            DrawLine(new RawVector2(array[0].X, array[0].Y), new RawVector2(array2[0].X, array2[0].Y), _boxBrush);
            DrawLine(new RawVector2(array[1].X, array[1].Y), new RawVector2(array2[1].X, array2[1].Y), _boxBrush);
            DrawLine(new RawVector2(array[2].X, array[2].Y), new RawVector2(array2[2].X, array2[2].Y), _boxBrush);
            DrawLine(new RawVector2(array[3].X, array[3].Y), new RawVector2(array2[3].X, array2[3].Y), _boxBrush);
コード例 #9
ファイル: ESPForm.cs プロジェクト: leeza007/pubghack
        public void Update()
            var gfx = _graphics;

            // Draw FPS
            //gfx.DrawTextWithBackground(_font, _red, _black, 10, 10, "FPS: " + gfx.FPS);
            // Draw Menu
            if (Settings.ShowMenu)
                //gfx.FillRectangle(_menuBrush, 10f, _window.Height / 2 - 75, 180, _window.Height / 2 + 165);
                DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _green, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 - 65), "  [ AM7 PUBG ] ");
                DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _green, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 - 50), "┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈");
                DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _green, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 - 35), "ESP Menu");
                if (Settings.PlayerESP)
                    DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _red, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 - 20), "Player ESP    (Num1) :  " + Settings.PlayerESP.ToString());
                    DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _green, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 - 20), "Player ESP    (Num1) :  " + Settings.PlayerESP.ToString());
                if (Settings.PlayerBox)
                    DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _red, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 - 5), "Player Box    (Num2) :  " + Settings.PlayerBox.ToString());
                    DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _green, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 - 5), "Player Box    (Num2) :  " + Settings.PlayerBox.ToString());
                if (Settings.PlayerBone)
                    DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _red, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 + 10), "Player Bone   (Num3) :  " + Settings.PlayerBone.ToString());
                    DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _green, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 + 10), "Player Bone   (Num3) :  " + Settings.PlayerBone.ToString());
                if (Settings.PlayerLines)
                    DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _red, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 + 25), "Player Line   (Num4) :  " + Settings.PlayerLines.ToString());
                    DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _green, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 + 25), "Player Line   (Num4) :  " + Settings.PlayerLines.ToString());
                if (Settings.PlayerHealth)
                    DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _red, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 + 40), "Player Health (Num5) :  " + Settings.PlayerHealth.ToString());
                    DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _green, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 + 40), "Player Health (Num5) :  " + Settings.PlayerHealth.ToString());
                if (Settings.ItemESP)
                    DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _red, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 + 55), "Item ESP      (Num6) :  " + Settings.ItemESP.ToString());
                    DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _green, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 + 55), "Item ESP      (Num6) :  " + Settings.ItemESP.ToString());
                if (Settings.VehicleESP)
                    DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _red, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 + 70), "Vehicle ESP   (Num7) :  " + Settings.VehicleESP.ToString());
                    DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _green, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 + 70), "Vehicle ESP   (Num7) :  " + Settings.VehicleESP.ToString());
                if (Settings.Player3dBox)
                    DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _red, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 + 85), "Player 3D Box    (Num8) :  " + Settings.Player3dBox.ToString());
                    DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _green, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 + 85), "Player 3D Box   (Num8) :  " + Settings.Player3dBox.ToString());
                DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _green, new Point(20f, _window.Height / 2 + 100), "┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈");
            if (_data.Players.Length > 0)
                playerCount = _data.Players.Length;
                DrawShadowText(gfx, _bigfont, _red, new Point(_window.Width / 2 - 40f, 40f), "Enemy near  :  " + playerCount);
            // Read View Matrix
            long      viewMatrixAddr = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(_data.ViewMatrixBase) + 32) + 512;
            D3DMatrix viewMatrix     = Algorithms.ReadViewMatrix(viewMatrixAddr);

            // Draw Player ESP
            if (Settings.PlayerESP)
                foreach (var player in _data.Players)
                    //if (player.Health <= 0) continue;
                    if (Algorithms.WorldToScreenPlayer(viewMatrix, player.Position, out ShpVector3 playerScreen, out int distance, _window.Width, _window.Height))
                        // Too Far not render
                        if (distance > 500)
                        float x = playerScreen.X;
                        float y = playerScreen.Y;
                        float h = playerScreen.Z;
                        float w = playerScreen.Z / 2;

                            _boxBrush = _randomBrush[player.TeamID % 7];
                        catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                            _boxBrush = _green;
                        //DrawShadowText(gfx,_font, _green, new Point((x - playerScreen.Z / 4) - 3, y - 15), player.Pose.ToString());

                        // Adjust Box
                        if (player.Pose == 1114636288)
                            y  = playerScreen.Y + playerScreen.Z / 5;
                            h -= playerScreen.Z / 5;
                        if (player.Pose == 1112014848 || player.Status == 7)
                            y  = playerScreen.Y + playerScreen.Z / 4;
                            h -= playerScreen.Z / 4;

                        // Draw Info
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[");
                        if (player.IsRobot)
                            sb.Append("[Bot] ");
                        DrawShadowText(gfx, _infoFont, _boxBrush, new Point(x + w / 2, y - 5), sb.ToString());
                        // Draw Distance
                        sb = new StringBuilder("[");
                        DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _boxBrush, new Point(x + w / 2, y + 7), sb.ToString());

                        if (Settings.PlayerBox)
                            // Draw Box
                            gfx.DrawRectangle(_boxBrush, Rectangle.Create(x - playerScreen.Z / 4 - 3, y - 5, w + 3, h + 5), 1);
                        if (Settings.Player3dBox)
                            Draw3DBox(viewMatrix, player, playerScreen, _window.Width, _window.Height, 180f);
                            // Draw Box
                            //gfx.DrawRectangle(_boxBrush, Rectangle.Create(x - playerScreen.Z / 4 - 3, y - 5, w + 3, h + 5), 1);
                        if (Settings.PlayerBone)
                            // Draw Bone
                            long tmpAddv  = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(player.Address + tmpOffset);
                            long bodyAddv = tmpAddv + actorOffset;
                            long boneAddv = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(tmpAddv + boneOffset) + 48;
                            DrawPlayerBone(bodyAddv, boneAddv, w, viewMatrix, _window.Width, _window.Height);
                        if (Settings.PlayerHealth)
                            // Draw Health
                            DrawPlayerBlood((x - playerScreen.Z / 4) - 8, y - 5, h + 5, 3, player.Health);
                        if (Settings.PlayerLines)
                            // Draw Line
                            gfx.DrawLine(_white, new Line(_window.Width / 2, 0, x, y), 2);
            // Draw Item ESP
            if (Settings.ItemESP)
                foreach (var item in _data.Items)
                    if (Algorithms.WorldToScreenItem(viewMatrix, item.Position, out ShpVector2 itemScreen, out int distance, _window.Width, _window.Height))
                        // Too Far not render
                        if (distance > 100)
                        // Draw Item
                        string disStr = string.Format("[{0}m]", distance);
                        DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _yellow, new Point(itemScreen.X, itemScreen.Y), item.Name);
                        DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _yellow, new Point(itemScreen.X, itemScreen.Y + 10), disStr);
                foreach (var box in _data.Boxes)
                    if (Algorithms.WorldToScreenItem(viewMatrix, box.Position, out ShpVector2 itemScreen, out int distance, _window.Width, _window.Height))
                        // Too Far not render
                        if (distance > 100)
                        DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _yellow, new Point(itemScreen.X, itemScreen.Y), "Lootbox [" + distance.ToString() + "M]");
            // Draw Vehicle ESP
            if (Settings.VehicleESP)
                foreach (var car in _data.Vehicles)
                    if (Algorithms.WorldToScreenItem(viewMatrix, car.Position, out ShpVector2 carScreen, out int distance, _window.Width, _window.Height))
                        // Too Far not render
                        if (distance > 300)
                        string disStr = string.Format("[{0}m]", distance);
                        // Draw Car
                        DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _blue, new Point(carScreen.X, carScreen.Y), car.Name);
                        DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, _blue, new Point(carScreen.X, carScreen.Y + 10), disStr);
            // Grenade alert
            foreach (var gre in _data.Grenades)
                if (Algorithms.WorldToScreenItem(viewMatrix, gre.Position, out ShpVector2 greScreen, out int distance, _window.Width, _window.Height))
                    DrawShadowText(gfx, _font, 15, _red, new Point(greScreen.X, greScreen.Y), string.Format("!!! {0} !!! [{1}M]", gre.Type.GetDescription(), distance));
コード例 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Bone's World to Screen Function
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="viewMatrix"></param>
 /// <param name="pos"></param>
 /// <param name="screen"></param>
 /// <param name="windowWidth"></param>
 /// <param name="windowHeight"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool WorldToScreenBone(D3DMatrix viewMatrix, ShpVector3 pos, out ShpVector2 screen, out int distance, int windowWidth, int windowHeight)
 => WorldToScreenItem(viewMatrix, pos, out screen, out distance, windowWidth, windowHeight);