コード例 #1
 public LinkEditorViewController(PSPDFDocument document)
     : base(document)
     Document.EditableAnnotationTypes = new NSOrderedSet (
         (NSObject) PSPDFAnnotationString.Link, // Important!!
         (NSObject) PSPDFAnnotationString.Highlight,
         (NSObject) PSPDFAnnotationString.Underline,
         (NSObject) PSPDFAnnotationString.Squiggly,
         (NSObject) PSPDFAnnotationString.StrikeOut,
         (NSObject) PSPDFAnnotationString.Note,
         (NSObject) PSPDFAnnotationString.FreeText,
         (NSObject) PSPDFAnnotationString.Ink,
         (NSObject) PSPDFAnnotationString.Square,
         (NSObject) PSPDFAnnotationString.Circle,
         (NSObject) PSPDFAnnotationString.Stamp );
コード例 #2
        public DropboxPDFViewController(PSPDFDocument document)
            : base(document)
            PageTransition = PSPDFPageTransition.ScrollContinuous;
            ScrollDirection = PSPDFScrollDirection.Vertical;
            StatusBarStyleSetting = PSPDFStatusBarStyle.Default;
            ShouldHideStatusBarWithHUD = false;
            RenderAnimationEnabled = false;
            ThumbnailBarMode = PSPDFThumbnailBarMode.None;
            ThumbnailController.FilterOptions = null;
            OutlineButtonItem.AvailableControllerOptions = new NSOrderedSet (PSPDFOutlineBarButtonItemOption.Outline);
            LeftBarButtonItems = null;
            RightBarButtonItems = null;
            Title = document.Title;
            DocumentLabelEnabled = false;

            DidChangeViewMode += (o, s) => UpdateFloatingToolbarAnimated (true);
コード例 #3
 public PlayGroundViewController(PSPDFDocument document)
     : base(document)
コード例 #4
ファイル: Extras.cs プロジェクト: pauldotknopf/Xamarin-v3
 public static void RegisterOverrideClasses(NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiver, PSPDFDocument document)
     _RegisterOverrideClasses (unarchiver.Handle, document.Handle);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Extras.cs プロジェクト: pauldotknopf/Xamarin-v3
 public PSPDFDocumentProvider(CGDataProvider dataProvider, PSPDFDocument document)
     : this(dataProvider.Handle, document)
コード例 #6
ファイル: Extras.cs プロジェクト: pauldotknopf/Xamarin-v3
 public PSPDFTextParser(CGPDFPage pageRef, uint page, PSPDFDocument document, NSMutableDictionary fontCache, bool hideGlyphsOutsidePageRect, CGPDFBox pdfBox)
     : this(pageRef.Handle, page, document, fontCache, hideGlyphsOutsidePageRect, pdfBox)
コード例 #7
ファイル: DVCMenu.cs プロジェクト: kingyond/Xamarin-v3
        public DVCMenu()
            : base(UITableViewStyle.Grouped, null)
            Root = new RootElement ("PSPDFKit") {
                new Section (PSPDFKitGlobal.VersionString){
                    new StringElement ("PSPDFViewController playground", () => {
                        var pdfViewer = new PlayGroundViewController (NSUrl.FromFilename (HackerMonthlyFile));
                        NavigationController.PushViewController (pdfViewer, true);
                new Section ("Annotations"){
                    new StringElement ("Annotations From Code", () => {
                        // we use a NSData document here but it'll work even better with a file-based variant.
                        NSError err;
                        var documentData = NSData.FromUrl (NSUrl.FromFilename (HackerMonthlyFile), NSDataReadingOptions.Mapped, out err);
                        var pdfViewer = new AnnotationsFromCodeViewController (documentData);
                        NavigationController.PushViewController (pdfViewer, true);
                new Section ("Interface"){
                    new StringElement ("Dropbox-like interface", () => {
                        var document = new PSPDFDocument (NSUrl.FromFilename (HackerMonthlyFile));
                        var pdfViewer = new DropboxPDFViewController (document);
                        NavigationController.PushViewController (pdfViewer, true);
                new Section ("Password / Security", "Password is: test123") {
                    new StringElement ("Password Preset", () => {
                        var document = new PSPDFDocument (NSUrl.FromFilename (ProtectedFile));
                        document.UnlockWithPassword ("test123");
                        var pdfViewer = new PSPDFViewController (document);
                        NavigationController.PushViewController (pdfViewer, true);
                    new StringElement ("Password Not Preset", () => {
                        var document = new PSPDFDocument (NSUrl.FromFilename (ProtectedFile));
                        var pdfViewer = new PSPDFViewController (document);
                        NavigationController.PushViewController (pdfViewer, true);
                    new StringElement ("Create Password Protected PDF", () => {
                        var document = new PSPDFDocument (NSUrl.FromFilename (HackerMonthlyFile));
                        var status = PSPDFStatusHUDItem.GetProgressItem ("Preparing");
                        status.Push (true);
                        // Create temp file and password
                        var tempPdf = NSUrl.FromFilename (Path.Combine (Path.GetTempPath (), Guid.NewGuid ().ToString () + ".pdf"));
                        var password = new NSString ("test123");

                        // Lets create the dictionary options needed by the PSPDFProcesor
                        // With password protected pages, PSPDFProcessor can only add link annotations.
                        // We use a helper class to access the CGPDFContextKeys used by the dictionary
                        var processorOptions = new NSMutableDictionary ();
                        processorOptions.LowlevelSetObject (password, Helper.CGPDFContextUserPassword);
                        processorOptions.LowlevelSetObject (password, Helper.CGPDFContextOwnerPassword);
                        processorOptions.LowlevelSetObject (NSNumber.FromInt32 (128), Helper.CGPDFContextEncryptionKeyLength);
                        processorOptions.LowlevelSetObject (NSNumber.FromBoolean (true), PSPDFProcessorOptionKeys.AnnotationAsDictionary.Handle);
                        processorOptions.LowlevelSetObject (NSNumber.FromObject (PSPDFAnnotationType.Link), PSPDFProcessorOptionKeys.AnnotationTypes.Handle);

                        // We create the page range we want to include in our pdf
                        var pageRange = new [] { NSIndexSet.FromNSRange (new NSRange (0, (int)document.PageCount)) };
                        // We start a new task so this executes on a separated thread since it is a hevy task and we don't want to block the UI
                        Task.Factory.StartNew (()=> {
                            NSError err;
                            PSPDFProcessor.DefaultProcessor.GeneratePDFFromDocument (document: document,
                                                                                     pageRange: pageRange,
                                                                                     fileURL: tempPdf,
                                                                                     options: (NSDictionary) processorOptions,
                                progressHandler: (currentPage, numberOfProcessedPages, totalPages) => InvokeOnMainThread (()=> status.Progress = ((float)numberOfProcessedPages / (float)totalPages)),
                                                                                     error: out err);
                        }).ContinueWith ((task) => {
                            InvokeOnMainThread (()=> {
                                status.Pop (true);
                                var docToShow = new PSPDFDocument (tempPdf);
                                var pdfViewer = new PSPDFViewController (docToShow);
                                NavigationController.PushViewController (pdfViewer, true);
                new Section ("Subclassing", "Examples how to subclass PSPDFKit."){
                    new StringElement ("Annotation Link Editor", () => {
                        var document = new PSPDFDocument (NSUrl.FromFilename (HackerMonthlyFile));
                        // Need to cast to solve ambiguity between NSObject and string ctor
                        document.EditableAnnotationTypes = new NSOrderedSet (
                            (NSObject) PSPDFAnnotationString.Link, // Important!!
                            (NSObject) PSPDFAnnotationString.Highlight,
                            (NSObject) PSPDFAnnotationString.Underline,
                            (NSObject) PSPDFAnnotationString.Squiggly,
                            (NSObject) PSPDFAnnotationString.StrikeOut,
                            (NSObject) PSPDFAnnotationString.Note,
                            (NSObject) PSPDFAnnotationString.FreeText,
                            (NSObject) PSPDFAnnotationString.Ink,
                            (NSObject) PSPDFAnnotationString.Square,
                            (NSObject) PSPDFAnnotationString.Circle,
                            (NSObject) PSPDFAnnotationString.Stamp );

                        var pdfViewer = new LinkEditorViewController (document);
                        NavigationController.PushViewController (pdfViewer, true);
                    new StringElement ("Capture Bookmarks", () => {
                        var document = new PSPDFDocument (NSUrl.FromFilename (HackerMonthlyFile));
                        document.OverrideClass (new Class (typeof (PSPDFBookmarkParser)), new Class (typeof (CustomBookmarkParser)));
                        var pdfViewer = new PSPDFViewController (document);
                        pdfViewer.RightBarButtonItems = new NSObject[] { pdfViewer.BookmarkButtonItem, pdfViewer.SearchButtonItem, pdfViewer.OutlineButtonItem, pdfViewer.ViewModeButtonItem };
                        NavigationController.PushViewController (pdfViewer, true);
                    new StringElement ("Change link background color to red", () => {
                        var document = new PSPDFDocument (NSUrl.FromFilename (HackerMonthlyFile));
                        // Note: You can also globally change the color using:
                        // PSPDFLinkAnnotationView.SetGlobalBorderColor = UIColor.Green;
                        // We don't use this in the example here since it would change the color globally for all examples.
                        var pdfViewer = new PSPDFViewController (document);
                        pdfViewer.OverrideClass (new Class (typeof (PSPDFLinkAnnotationView)), new Class (typeof (CustomLinkAnnotationView)));
                        NavigationController.PushViewController (pdfViewer, true);
                    new StringElement ("Custom AnnotationProvider", () => {
                        var document = new PSPDFDocument (NSUrl.FromFilename (HackerMonthlyFile));
                        document.SetDidCreateDocumentProviderBlock ((documentProvider)=> {
                            documentProvider.AnnotationManager.AnnotationProviders = new NSObject[] { new CustomAnnotationProvider ((int)documentProvider.Document.PageCount), documentProvider.AnnotationManager.FileAnnotationProvider };
                        var pdfViewer = new PSPDFViewController (document);
                        NavigationController.PushViewController (pdfViewer, true);
コード例 #8
 public ViewerPageController(PSPDFDocument document)
     : base(document)
     document.Title = document.FileName.Replace (".pdf", "");
コード例 #9
        public void OpenPDF(LibraryType DocumentType, string MediaURL, string FileName, int NavigationRoot = 0, Action<bool> completed = null)
            UIWindow window = UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow;

            var uid = MediaURL.Substring (MediaURL.LastIndexOf ("/") + 1, MediaURL.Length - 1 - MediaURL.LastIndexOf ("/")).Replace (".pdf", "") + FileName;
            if (DocumentType == LibraryType.NewsLetter) {
                PSPDFDocument document;
                if (!MediaURL.StartsWith ("http")) {
                    var documents = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
                    var directoryname = Path.Combine (documents, "Downloads");
                    MediaURL = Path.Combine (directoryname, MediaURL);
                    document = new PSPDFDocument (NSUrl.FromFilename (new Uri (MediaURL).ToString ()));
                } else {
                    document = new PSPDFDocument (NSUrl.FromString (MediaURL));
                document.Uid = uid;
                var pdfViewer = new ViewerPageController (document);
                var rootController = window.RootViewController.ChildViewControllers [0].ChildViewControllers [2];
                var navcontroller = rootController as UINavigationController;
                if (navcontroller != null) {
                    pdfViewer.HidesBottomBarWhenPushed = true;
                    navcontroller.PushViewController (pdfViewer, true);
            } else if (DocumentType == LibraryType.MyDocuments) {
                var documents = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
                var directoryname = Path.Combine (documents, "Downloads");
                var path = Path.Combine (directoryname, MediaURL);
                var document = new PSPDFDocument (NSUrl.FromFilename (new Uri (path).ToString ()));
                document.Uid = uid;
                var pdfViewer = new ViewerPageController (document);
                var rootController = window.RootViewController.ChildViewControllers [0].ChildViewControllers [3];
                var navcontroller = rootController as UINavigationController;
                if (navcontroller != null) {
                    pdfViewer.HidesBottomBarWhenPushed = true;
                    navcontroller.PushViewController (pdfViewer, true);
            } else if (DocumentType == LibraryType.Search) {
                PSPDFDocument document;
                if (!MediaURL.StartsWith ("http")) {
                    var documents = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
                    var directoryname = Path.Combine (documents, "Downloads");
                    MediaURL = Path.Combine (directoryname, MediaURL);
                    document = new PSPDFDocument (NSUrl.FromFilename (new Uri (MediaURL).ToString ()));
                } else {
                    document = new PSPDFDocument (NSUrl.FromString (MediaURL));
                document.Uid = uid;
                var pdfViewer = new ViewerPageController (document);
                var rootController = window.RootViewController.ChildViewControllers [0].ChildViewControllers [NavigationRoot];
                var navcontroller = rootController as UINavigationController;
                if (navcontroller != null) {
                    pdfViewer.HidesBottomBarWhenPushed = true;
                    navcontroller.PushViewController (pdfViewer, true);
            } else {
                PSPDFDocument document;
                if (!MediaURL.StartsWith ("http")) {
                    var documents = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
                    var directoryname = Path.Combine (documents, "Downloads");
                    MediaURL = Path.Combine (directoryname, MediaURL);
                    document = new PSPDFDocument (NSUrl.FromFilename (new Uri (MediaURL).ToString ()));
                } else {
                    document = new PSPDFDocument (NSUrl.FromString (MediaURL));
                document.Uid = uid;
                var pdfViewer = new ViewerPageController (document);
                var rootController = window.RootViewController.ChildViewControllers [0].ChildViewControllers [1];
                var navcontroller = rootController as UINavigationController;
                if (navcontroller != null) {
                    pdfViewer.HidesBottomBarWhenPushed = true;
                    navcontroller.PushViewController (pdfViewer, true);
コード例 #10
 public PSCSimpleDrawingPDFViewController(PSPDFDocument document)
     : base(document)