private short WriteBasePixels(IntPtr port, ref VRect writeRect, PixelMemoryDesc srcDesc) { #if DEBUG DebugUtils.Ping(DebugFlags.ChannelPorts, string.Format("port: {0}, rect: {1}", port.ToString(), writeRect.ToString())); #endif return(PSError.memFullErr); }
private unsafe short WriteBasePixels(IntPtr port, VRect *writeRect, PixelMemoryDesc srcDesc) { #if DEBUG DebugUtils.Ping(DebugFlags.ChannelPorts, string.Format("port: {0}, rect: {1}", port.ToString(), DebugUtils.PointerToString(writeRect))); #endif if (writeRect == null) { return(PSError.paramErr); } return(PSError.memFullErr); }
private static unsafe void FillSelectionMask(PixelMemoryDesc destiniation, SurfaceGray8 source, VRect srcRect) { byte *dstPtr = (byte *); int stride = destiniation.rowBits / 8; int bpp = destiniation.colBits / 8; int offset = destiniation.bitOffset / 8; for (int y =; y < srcRect.bottom; y++) { byte *src = source.GetPointAddressUnchecked(srcRect.left, y); byte *dst = dstPtr + (y * stride) + offset; for (int x = srcRect.left; x < srcRect.right; x++) { *dst = *src; src++; dst += bpp; } } }
private static unsafe void FillChannelData(int channel, PixelMemoryDesc destiniation, SurfaceBase source, VRect srcRect, ImageModes mode) { byte *dstPtr = (byte *); int stride = destiniation.rowBits / 8; int bpp = destiniation.colBits / 8; int offset = destiniation.bitOffset / 8; switch (mode) { case ImageModes.GrayScale: for (int y =; y < srcRect.bottom; y++) { byte *src = source.GetPointAddressUnchecked(srcRect.left, y); byte *dst = dstPtr + (y * stride) + offset; for (int x = srcRect.left; x < srcRect.right; x++) { *dst = *src; src++; dst += bpp; } } break; case ImageModes.RGB: for (int y =; y < srcRect.bottom; y++) { byte *src = source.GetPointAddressUnchecked(srcRect.left, y); byte *dst = dstPtr + (y * stride) + offset; for (int x = srcRect.left; x < srcRect.right; x++) { switch (channel) { case PSConstants.ChannelPorts.Red: *dst = src[2]; break; case PSConstants.ChannelPorts.Green: *dst = src[1]; break; case PSConstants.ChannelPorts.Blue: *dst = src[0]; break; case PSConstants.ChannelPorts.Alpha: *dst = src[3]; break; } src += 4; dst += bpp; } } break; case ImageModes.Gray16: for (int y =; y < srcRect.bottom; y++) { ushort *src = (ushort *)source.GetPointAddressUnchecked(srcRect.left, y); ushort *dst = (ushort *)(dstPtr + (y * stride) + offset); for (int x = srcRect.left; x < srcRect.right; x++) { *dst = *src; src++; dst += bpp; } } break; case ImageModes.RGB48: for (int y =; y < srcRect.bottom; y++) { ushort *src = (ushort *)source.GetPointAddressUnchecked(srcRect.left, y); ushort *dst = (ushort *)(dstPtr + (y * stride) + offset); for (int x = srcRect.left; x < srcRect.right; x++) { switch (channel) { case PSConstants.ChannelPorts.Red: *dst = src[2]; break; case PSConstants.ChannelPorts.Green: *dst = src[1]; break; case PSConstants.ChannelPorts.Blue: *dst = src[0]; break; case PSConstants.ChannelPorts.Alpha: *dst = src[3]; break; } src += 4; dst += bpp; } } break; } }
private unsafe short ReadPixelsProc(IntPtr port, ref PSScaling scaling, ref VRect writeRect, ref PixelMemoryDesc destination, ref VRect wroteRect) { #if DEBUG DebugUtils.Ping(DebugFlags.ChannelPorts, string.Format("port: {0}, rect: {1}", port.ToString(), writeRect.ToString())); #endif if (destination.depth != 8 && destination.depth != 16) { return(PSError.errUnsupportedDepth); } // The offsets must be aligned to a System.Byte. if ((destination.bitOffset % 8) != 0) { return(PSError.errUnsupportedBitOffset); } if ((destination.colBits % 8) != 0) { return(PSError.errUnsupportedColBits); } if ((destination.rowBits % 8) != 0) { return(PSError.errUnsupportedRowBits); } int channel = port.ToInt32(); if (channel < PSConstants.ChannelPorts.Gray || channel > PSConstants.ChannelPorts.SelectionMask) { return(PSError.errUnknownPort); } VRect srcRect = scaling.sourceRect; VRect dstRect = scaling.destinationRect; int srcWidth = srcRect.right - srcRect.left; int srcHeight = srcRect.bottom -; int dstWidth = dstRect.right - dstRect.left; int dstHeight = dstRect.bottom -; bool isSelection = channel == PSConstants.ChannelPorts.SelectionMask; SurfaceBase source = filterImageProvider.Source; if ((source.BitsPerChannel == 8 || isSelection) && destination.depth == 16) { return(PSError.errUnsupportedDepthConversion); // converting 8-bit image data to 16-bit is not supported. } if (isSelection) { if (srcWidth == dstWidth && srcHeight == dstHeight) { FillSelectionMask(destination, filterImageProvider.Mask, srcRect); } else if (dstWidth < srcWidth || dstHeight < srcHeight) // scale down { if ((scaledSelectionMask == null) || scaledSelectionMask.Width != dstWidth || scaledSelectionMask.Height != dstHeight) { if (scaledSelectionMask != null) { scaledSelectionMask.Dispose(); scaledSelectionMask = null; } try { scaledSelectionMask = new SurfaceGray8(dstWidth, dstHeight); scaledSelectionMask.SuperSampleFitSurface(filterImageProvider.Mask); } catch (OutOfMemoryException) { return(PSError.memFullErr); } } FillSelectionMask(destination, scaledSelectionMask, dstRect); } else if (dstWidth > srcWidth || dstHeight > srcHeight) // scale up { if ((scaledSelectionMask == null) || scaledSelectionMask.Width != dstWidth || scaledSelectionMask.Height != dstHeight) { if (scaledSelectionMask != null) { scaledSelectionMask.Dispose(); scaledSelectionMask = null; } try { scaledSelectionMask = new SurfaceGray8(dstWidth, dstHeight); scaledSelectionMask.BicubicFitSurface(filterImageProvider.Mask); } catch (OutOfMemoryException) { return(PSError.memFullErr); } } FillSelectionMask(destination, scaledSelectionMask, dstRect); } } else { ImageModes mode = imageMode; if (source.BitsPerChannel == 16 && destination.depth == 8) { if (ditheredChannelSurface == null) { short err = CreateDitheredChannelPortSurface(source); if (err != PSError.noErr) { return(err); } } mode = ditheredChannelImageMode; } if (srcWidth == dstWidth && srcHeight == dstHeight) { FillChannelData(channel, destination, ditheredChannelSurface ?? source, srcRect, mode); } else if (dstWidth < srcWidth || dstHeight < srcHeight) // scale down { if ((scaledChannelSurface == null) || scaledChannelSurface.Width != dstWidth || scaledChannelSurface.Height != dstHeight) { if (scaledChannelSurface != null) { scaledChannelSurface.Dispose(); scaledChannelSurface = null; } try { scaledChannelSurface = SurfaceFactory.CreateFromImageMode(dstWidth, dstHeight, mode); scaledChannelSurface.SuperSampleFitSurface(ditheredChannelSurface ?? source); } catch (OutOfMemoryException) { return(PSError.memFullErr); } #if DEBUG using (System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = scaledChannelSurface.ToGdipBitmap()) { } #endif } FillChannelData(channel, destination, scaledChannelSurface, dstRect, mode); } else if (dstWidth > srcWidth || dstHeight > srcHeight) // scale up { if ((scaledChannelSurface == null) || scaledChannelSurface.Width != dstWidth || scaledChannelSurface.Height != dstHeight) { if (scaledChannelSurface != null) { scaledChannelSurface.Dispose(); scaledChannelSurface = null; } try { scaledChannelSurface = SurfaceFactory.CreateFromImageMode(dstWidth, dstHeight, mode); scaledChannelSurface.BicubicFitSurface(ditheredChannelSurface ?? source); } catch (OutOfMemoryException) { return(PSError.memFullErr); } } FillChannelData(channel, destination, scaledChannelSurface, dstRect, mode); } } wroteRect = dstRect; return(PSError.noErr); }