コード例 #1
 void DestroyPinnedShadow()
     if (mPinnedSection != null)
         mRecycleSection = mPinnedSection;
         mPinnedSection  = null;
コード例 #2
        /** Create shadow wrapper with a pinned view for a view at given position */
        void CreatePinnedShadow(int position)
            // try to recycle shadow
            PinnedSection pinnedShadow = mRecycleSection;

            mRecycleSection = null;

            // create new shadow, if needed
            if (pinnedShadow == null)
                pinnedShadow = new PinnedSection();
            // request new view using recycled view, if such
            View pinnedView = Adapter.GetView(position, pinnedShadow.ViewHolder, this);

            // read layout parameters
            LayoutParams layoutParams = (LayoutParams)pinnedView.LayoutParameters;

            if (layoutParams == null)
                layoutParams = (LayoutParams)GenerateDefaultLayoutParams();
                pinnedView.LayoutParameters = layoutParams;

            MeasureSpecMode heightMode = MeasureSpec.GetMode(layoutParams.Height);
            int             heightSize = MeasureSpec.GetSize(layoutParams.Height);

            if (heightMode == MeasureSpecMode.Unspecified)
                heightMode = MeasureSpecMode.Exactly;

            int maxHeight = Height - ListPaddingTop - ListPaddingBottom;

            if (heightSize > maxHeight)
                heightSize = maxHeight;

            // measure & layout
            int ws = MeasureSpec.MakeMeasureSpec(Width - ListPaddingLeft - ListPaddingRight, MeasureSpecMode.Exactly);
            int hs = MeasureSpec.MakeMeasureSpec(heightSize, heightMode);

            pinnedView.Measure(ws, hs);
            pinnedView.Layout(0, 0, pinnedView.MeasuredWidth, pinnedView.MeasuredHeight);
            mTranslateY = 0;

            // initialize pinned shadow
            pinnedShadow.ViewHolder = pinnedView;
            pinnedShadow.Position   = position;
            pinnedShadow.ID         = Adapter.GetItemId(position);

            // store pinned shadow
            mPinnedSection = pinnedShadow;