コード例 #1
 /*time to day of year*/
 public static double time2doy(rtktime t)
     double[] ep = new double[6];
     time2epoch(t, ep);
     ep[1] = ep[2] = 1.0; ep[3] = ep[4] = ep[5] = 0.0;
     return(timediff(t, epoch2time(ep)) / 86400.0 + 1.0);
コード例 #2
        public static void time2epoch(rtktime t, double[] ep)
            int[] mday =  /* # of days in a month */
                31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31,
                31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31
            int days, sec, mon, day;

            /* leap year if year%4==0 in 1901-2099 */
            days = (int)(t.time_int / 86400);
            sec  = (int)(t.time_int - (Int64)days * 86400);
            for (day = days % 1461, mon = 0; mon < 48; mon++)
                if (day >= mday[mon])
                    day -= mday[mon];
            ep[0] = 1970 + days / 1461 * 4 + mon / 12; ep[1] = mon % 12 + 1; ep[2] = day + 1;
            ep[3] = sec / 3600; ep[4] = sec % 3600 / 60; ep[5] = sec % 60 + t.sec;
コード例 #3
        public static void tidedisp(time tutc, rtktime utc, double[] rr, erp_t erp, double[] disp)
            time    tut = new time();
            rtktime ut  = new rtktime();

            double[] pos  = new double[2], E = new double[9], erpv = new double[5], rs = new double[3], rm = new double[3];
            double[] gmst = new double[1], drt = new double[3];
            double   r;

            if (erp != null)
                pppcmn.geterp(tutc, utc, erp, erpv);
            tut.ut1 = tutc.utc + erpv[2];
            ut      = rtklibcmn.timeadd(utc, erpv[2]);
            r       = Math.Sqrt(rr[0] * rr[0] + rr[1] * rr[1] + rr[2] * rr[2]);
            if (r <= 0)
            pos[0] = Math.Asin(rr[2] / r);
            pos[1] = Math.Atan2(rr[1], rr[0]);
            transcoor.mat_xyz2enu(matrix.Array2matrix(pos), E);

            pppcmn.sunmoonpos(tutc, utc, erpv, rs, rm, gmst);
            pppcmn.tide_solid(rs, rm, pos, E, gmst[0], drt);

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                disp[i] += drt[i];
コード例 #4
        /* time to day and sec -------------------------------------------------------*/
        public static double time2sec(rtktime t, rtktime day)
            double[] ep = new double[6];
            double   sec;

            time2epoch(t, ep);//转化为 y m d h  m s
            sec   = ep[3] * 3600.0 + ep[4] * 60.0 + ep[5];
            ep[3] = ep[4] = ep[5] = 0.0;
            day   = epoch2time(ep);
コード例 #5
        public static rtktime gpst2time(int week, double sec)
            rtktime t = epoch2time(gpst0);

            if (sec < -1E9 || 1E9 < sec)
                sec = 0.0;
            t.time_int += 86400 * 7 * week + (int)sec;
            t.sec       = sec - (int)sec;
コード例 #6
        public static double time2gpst(rtktime t, int[] week)
            rtktime t0  = epoch2time(gpst0);
            Int64   sec = t.time_int - t0.time_int;
            int     w   = (int)(sec / (86400 * 7));

            if (week != null)
                week[0] = w;
            return((double)(sec - w * 86400 * 7) + t.sec);
コード例 #7
        public static rtktime utc2gpst(rtktime t)
            int i;

            for (i = 0; leaps[i][0] > 0; i++)
                if (timediff(t, epoch2time(leaps[i])) >= 0.0)
                    return(timeadd(t, -leaps[i][6]));
コード例 #8
        public static rtktime adjweek(rtktime t, rtktime t0)
            double tt = timediff(t, t0);//返回这两个时间所相差的秒数,t.sec是表示小于1秒的小数(double),time_t是整形

            if (tt < -302400.0)
                return(timeadd(t, 604800.0));
            if (tt > 302400.0)
                return(timeadd(t, -604800.0));
コード例 #9
        public static rtktime timeadd(rtktime t, double sec)
            double  tt;
            rtktime tep = new rtktime();

            tep.time_int = t.time_int;
            tep.sec      = t.sec;

            tep.sec      += sec;
            tt            = Math.Floor(tep.sec);
            tep.time_int += (int)tt;
            tep.sec      -= tt;
コード例 #10
        public static rtktime gpst2utc(rtktime t)
            rtktime tu = new rtktime();
            int     i;

            for (i = 0; leaps[i][0] > 0; i++)
                tu = timeadd(t, leaps[i][6]);//加上跳秒
                if (timediff(tu, epoch2time(leaps[i])) >= 0.0)
コード例 #11
        /* utc to gmst -----------------------------------------------------------------
        * convert utc to gmst (Greenwich mean sidereal time)
        * args   : gtime_t t        I   time expressed in utc
        *          double ut1_utc   I   UT1-UTC (s)
        * return : gmst (rad)
        public static double utc2gmst(rtktime t, double ut1_utc)
            double[] ep2000 = { 2000, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0 };
            rtktime  tut = new rtktime(), tut0 = new rtktime();
            double   ut, t1, t2, t3, gmst0, gmst;

            tut   = timeadd(t, ut1_utc);//这里的t是UTC表示
            ut    = time2sec(tut, tut0);
            t1    = timediff(tut0, epoch2time(ep2000)) / 86400.0 / 36525.0;
            t2    = t1 * t1; t3 = t2 * t1;
            gmst0 = 24110.54841 + 8640184.812866 * t1 + 0.093104 * t2 - 6.2E-6 * t3;
            gmst  = gmst0 + 1.002737909350795 * ut;

            return((gmst % 86400.0) * Math.PI / 43200.0); /* 0 <= gmst <= 2*PI   fmod函数在c#中可用%代替*/
コード例 #12
        public static void str2time(string line, rtktime t)
            double[] ep = new double[6];
            string[] s  = line.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                ep[i] = double.Parse(s[i]);
            if (ep[0] < 100.0)
                ep[0] += ep[0] < 80.0 ? 2000.0 : 1900.0;
            rtktime t1 = epoch2time(ep);

            t.time_int = t1.time_int; t.sec = t1.sec;
コード例 #13
        /* convert calendar day/time to time -------------------------------------------
        * convert calendar day/time to gtime_t struct
        * args   : double *ep       I   day/time {year,month,day,hour,min,sec}
        * return : gtime_t struct
        * notes  : proper in 1970-2037 or 1970-2099 (64bit time_t)
        public static rtktime epoch2time(double[] ep)
            int[]   doy = { 1, 32, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335 };
            rtktime time = new rtktime();
            int     days, sec, year = (int)ep[0], mon = (int)ep[1], day = (int)ep[2];

            if (year < 1970 || 2099 < year || mon < 1 || 12 < mon)

            /* leap year if year%4==0 in 1901-2099 */
            days          = (year - 1970) * 365 + (year - 1969) / 4 + doy[mon - 1] + day - 2 + (year % 4 == 0 && mon >= 3 ? 1 : 0);
            sec           = (int)Math.Floor(ep[5]);
            time.time_int = (Int64)days * 86400 + (int)ep[3] * 3600 + (int)ep[4] * 60 + sec;
            time.sec      = ep[5] - sec;
コード例 #14
        public static void propos(obs_t obss, dcb_t dcb, pcv_t pcv, station sta, nav_t nav, erp_t erp, List <result> res, RichTextBox text)
            int     nobs    = 0;
            rtktime solt    = new rtktime();
            string  timestr = null;
            obs_t   obs     = new obs_t();
            ppp_t   p3      = new ppp_t();
            spp_t   spp     = new spp_t();

            while ((nobs = inputobs(obs, obss)) > 0)
                result re = new result();
                solt = spp.tcur;
                if (pntpos(obs.obs_b, nav, spp, dcb) == 0)
                p3.spp     = spp;
                p3.soltime = spp.tcur;
                if (solt.time_int != 0)
                    p3.tt = rtklibcmn.timediff(p3.soltime, solt);
                if (pppos(p3, obs.obs_b, nav, dcb, sta, erp) != 1)

                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    spp.rr[j] = p3.x[j];
                spp.dtr = p3.x[4];
                re.time = obs.obs_b[0].t.calend;
                re.X    = p3.x[0]; re.Y = p3.x[1]; re.Z = p3.x[2];
                timestr = re.time[0] + "/" + re.time[1] + "/" + re.time[2] + " " + re.time[3] + ":" + re.time[4] + ":" + re.time[5];
                text.AppendText(string.Format("{0,-20}", timestr) + string.Format("{0,-20}", re.X) + string.Format("{0,-20}", re.Y) + string.Format("{0,-20}", re.Z) + "\r\n");

コード例 #15
ファイル: Read.cs プロジェクト: zhuxiaojunahu/bookcode
        const double CLIGHT = 299792458.0;   /* speed of light (m/s) */

        /*读取观测值文件 支持ver 2.11*/
        public static int readobs(string path, obs_t obs, station sta)
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path))
                if (readobsh(sr, obs, sta) == 1 && (sta.ver < 3 && sta.ver > 0))
                    string line = "";
                    while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                        time    tcurrent = new time(); string[] sprn = new string[64];
                        rtktime rtktcur = new rtktime();
                        int     ns      = 0;                                 //每个历元观测到的卫星数
                        line = sr.ReadLine();
                        if (line != null)                                    //读取含历元时间信息和卫星数的一行
                            tcurrent = new time(line.Substring(0, 26), "o"); //读取时间信息
                            rtklibcmn.str2time(line.Substring(0, 26), rtktcur);
                            ns   = int.Parse(line.Substring(29, 3));         //读取当前历元观测到的卫星数
                            sprn = new string[ns];                           //卫星prn
                            for (int i = 0, j = 32; i < ns; i++, j += 3)
                                if (j >= 68)
                                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                                    j    = 32;
                                sprn[i] = line.Substring(j, 3);

                        for (int i = 0; i < ns; i++)//读取每个卫星相应的观测值
                            obs_s sat = new obs_s();
                            sat.t    = tcurrent;
                            sat.rtkt = rtktcur;
                            sat.sprn = sprn[i];
                            line     = sr.ReadLine();
                            for (int k = 0, j = 0; k < obs.ntype; k++, j += 16)//读取一颗卫星的所有观测值信息
                                obssat obsat = new obssat();
                                if (j >= 80)
                                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                                    j    = 0;
                                obsat.type = obs.obstype[k];
                                if (j >= line.Length)
                                    obsat.value = 0;
                                    if (line.Substring(j, 14).Trim() == "")
                                        obsat.value = 0;
                                        obsat.value = double.Parse(line.Substring(j, 14));
                        obs.n += ns;
コード例 #16
ファイル: Read.cs プロジェクト: zhuxiaojunahu/bookcode
 public static int readsp3(string path, sp3_t sp3)
     using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path))
         double   value = 0.0, std = 0.0, ba;
         double[] bfact = new double[2];
         int      flag  = 0;
         string   line  = "";
         for (int i = 0; i < 22; i++)//IGS
             line = sr.ReadLine();
             if (i == 2)
                 sp3.ns = int.Parse(line.Substring(4, 2));
             if (i == 14)
                 bfact[0] = str2num(line, 3, 10);
                 bfact[1] = str2num(line, 14, 12);
         if (sp3.ns == 0)
         while (!sr.EndOfStream)
             time    t1    = new time();
             rtktime rtkt1 = new rtktime();
             line = sr.ReadLine();
             if (line.Contains("EOF"))
             if (line.Contains("*"))
                 t1 = new time(line, "sp3");
                 rtklibcmn.str2time(line.Substring(1), rtkt1);
             for (int i = 0; i < sp3.ns; i++)
                 sp3b sb = new sp3b();
                 sb.t    = t1;
                 sb.rtkt = rtkt1;
                 line    = sr.ReadLine();
                 if (line.Substring(1, 1) == "G" && line.Substring(0, 1) == "P")//只读取GPS卫星
                     sb.prn = line.Substring(1, 3);
                     for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                         value = str2num(line, 4 + j * 14, 14);
                         std   = str2num(line, 61 + j * 3, j < 3 ? 2 : 3);
                         if (value != 0 && Math.Abs(value - 999999.999999) >= 1E-6)//读取卫星XYZ坐标,单位为米
                             sb.xyzt[j] = value * (j < 3 ? 1000.0 : 1E-6);
                         if ((ba = bfact[j < 3 ? 0 : 1]) > 0.0 && std > 0.0)
                             sb.std[j] = Math.Pow(ba, std) * (j < 3 ? 1E-3 : 1E-12);
コード例 #17
 public static double timediff(rtktime t1, rtktime t2)
     return(t1.time_int - t2.time_int + t1.sec - t2.sec);
コード例 #18
        public static double ionmodel(time t, rtktime rtkt, double[] alpha, double[] bela, double[] pos, double[] azel)//由广播星历计算的电离层模型,克布罗歇模型
            double[] ion_default = new double[8] {
                0.1118E-07, -0.7451E-08, -0.5961E-07, 0.1192E-06,
                0.1167E+06, -0.2294E+06, -0.1311E+06, 0.1049E+07
            double tt, f, psi, phi, lam, amp, per, x;
            int    i;

            if (pos[2] < -1E3 || azel[1] <= 0)
            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (alpha[i] != 0 || bela[i] != 0)
            if (i < 4)
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    ion_default[j]     = alpha[j];
                    ion_default[j + 4] = bela[j];
            /* earth centered angle (semi-circle) */
            psi = 0.0137 / (azel[1] / Math.PI + 0.11) - 0.022;
            /* subionospheric latitude/longitude (semi-circle) */
            phi = pos[0] / Math.PI + psi * Math.Cos(azel[0]);
            if (phi > 0.416)
                phi = 0.416;
            else if (phi < -0.416)
                phi = -0.416;
            lam = pos[1] / Math.PI + psi * Math.Sin(azel[0]) / Math.Cos(phi * Math.PI);
            /* geomagnetic latitude (semi-circle) */
            phi += 0.064 * Math.Cos((lam - 1.617) * Math.PI);

            /* local time (s) */
            //tt = 43200.0 * lam + time2gpst(t, &week);
            tt  = 43200.0 * lam + rtklibcmn.time2gpst(rtkt, null);
            tt -= Math.Floor(tt / 86400.0) * 86400.0; /* 0<=tt<86400 */

            /* slant factor */
            f = 1.0 + 16.0 * Math.Pow(0.53 - azel[1] / Math.PI, 3.0);

            /* ionospheric delay */
            amp = ion_default[0] + phi * (ion_default[1] + phi * (ion_default[2] + phi * ion_default[3]));
            per = ion_default[4] + phi * (ion_default[5] + phi * (ion_default[6] + phi * ion_default[7]));
            amp = amp < 0.0 ? 0.0 : amp;
            per = per < 72000.0 ? 72000.0 : per;
            x   = 2.0 * Math.PI * (tt - 50400.0) / per;

            return(CLIGHT * f * (Math.Abs(x) < 1.57 ? 5E-9 + amp * (1.0 + x * x * (-0.5 + x * x / 24.0)) : 5E-9));
コード例 #19
 public static int ioncorr(time t, rtktime rtkt, nav_t nav, double[] pos, double[] azel, double[] ion)
     ion[0] = ionmodel(t, rtkt, nav.alpha, nav.beta, pos, azel);
     ion[1] = Math.Pow(ion[0] * ERR_BRDCI, 2);