private bool EnumWindowsProc(IntPtr hwnd, int lParam) { try { if (!PNInterop.IsWindowVisible(hwnd)) { return(true); } var count = PNInterop.GetWindowTextLength(hwnd); if (count <= 0) { return(true); } var sb = new StringBuilder(count + 1); PNInterop.GetWindowText(hwnd, sb, count + 1); var sbClass = new StringBuilder(1024); PNInterop.GetClassName(hwnd, sbClass, sbClass.Capacity); m_Windows.Add(new PinWindow { ClassWnd = sbClass.ToString(), TextWnd = sb.ToString() }); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { PNStatic.LogException(ex); return(false); } }
private bool importSearchProviders(string iniPath) { try { bool result = false; int size = 1024; var buffer = new string(' ', size); while (PNInterop.GetPrivateProfileString("search_engines", null, null, buffer, size, iniPath) == size - 2) { // loop until sufficient buffer size size *= 2; buffer = new string(' ', size); } var names = buffer.Split('\0'); var keys = names.Where(n => n.Trim().Length > 0); var sqlList = new List <string>(); var providers = new List <PNSearchProvider>(); foreach (var key in keys) { var query = new StringBuilder(1024); while ( PNInterop.GetPrivateProfileStringByBuilder("search_engines", key, "", query, query.Capacity, iniPath) == query.Capacity - 1) { query.Capacity *= 2; } providers.Add(new PNSearchProvider { Name = key, QueryString = query.ToString() }); var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO SEARCH_PROVIDERS (SP_NAME, SP_QUERY) VALUES("); sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(key); sb.Append("', "); sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(query); sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(")"); sqlList.Add(sb.ToString()); } if (sqlList.Count > 0 && PNData.ExecuteTransactionForList(sqlList, PNData.ConnectionString)) { result = true; foreach (var prv in providers) { PNStatic.SearchProviders.RemoveAll(pr => pr.Name == prv.Name); PNStatic.SearchProviders.Add(prv); } } return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { PNStatic.LogException(ex); return(false); } }
private void DlgPin_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { PNLang.Instance.ApplyControlLanguage(this); Title += @" [" + m_NoteName + @"]"; PNInterop.EnumWindowsProcDelegate enumProc = EnumWindowsProc; PNInterop.EnumWindows(enumProc, 0); grdWindows.ItemsSource = m_Windows; } catch (Exception ex) { PNStatic.LogException(ex); } }
private void popComps_Opened(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { lstComps.Items.Clear(); var comps = PNInterop.GetNetworkComputers(); foreach (var c in comps) { var st = new StackPanel { Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal }; var img = new Image { Source = TryFindResource("computer") as BitmapImage,//new BitmapImage(new Uri(PNStrings.RESOURCE_PREFIX + "computer.png")), Margin = new Thickness(4), Stretch = Stretch.None, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center }; var tb = new TextBlock { Text = c, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, Margin = new Thickness(4) }; st.Children.Add(img); st.Children.Add(tb); lstComps.Items.Add(st); } lstComps.Focus(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtCompName.Text)) { return; } foreach ( var st in lstComps.Items.OfType <StackPanel>() .Where(st => st.Children.OfType <TextBlock>().Any(tb => tb.Text == txtCompName.Text))) { lstComps.SelectedItem = st; return; } } catch (Exception ex) { PNStatic.LogException(ex); } }
internal static ImageSource ToImageSource(this Icon icon) { var bitmap = icon.ToBitmap(); var hBitmap = bitmap.GetHbitmap(); ImageSource wpfBitmap = Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap( hBitmap, IntPtr.Zero, Int32Rect.Empty, BitmapSizeOptions.FromEmptyOptions()); if (!PNInterop.DeleteObject(hBitmap)) { throw new Win32Exception(); } return(wpfBitmap); }
private bool importTags(string iniPath) { try { var result = false; var tags = new StringBuilder(1024); while ( PNInterop.GetPrivateProfileStringByBuilder("tags_pre", "tags", "", tags, tags.Capacity, iniPath) == tags.Capacity - 1) { tags.Capacity *= 2; } if (tags.Length > 0) { var arr = tags.ToString().Split(','); var listSql = new List <string>(); foreach (var tag in arr) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO TAGS (TAG) VALUES('"); sb.Append(tag); sb.Append("')"); listSql.Add(sb.ToString()); } if (PNData.ExecuteTransactionForList(listSql, PNData.ConnectionString)) { result = true; foreach (string tag in arr) { if (!PNStatic.Tags.Contains(tag)) { PNStatic.Tags.Add(tag); } } } } return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { PNStatic.LogException(ex); return(false); } }
void Reposition() { //release DispatcherOperation _repositionCallback = null; //get WPF Window location var translatePoint = _PlacementTarget.TranslatePoint(new Point(), _WpfWindow); //get size of placement target var translateSize = new Point(_PlacementTarget.ActualWidth, _PlacementTarget.ActualHeight); //get HwndSource of WPF Window var hwndSource = (HwndSource)PresentationSource.FromVisual(_WpfWindow); if (hwndSource == null) { return; } //get the visual manager of target window CompositionTarget ct = hwndSource.CompositionTarget; if (ct == null) { return; } //transform location and size translatePoint = ct.TransformToDevice.Transform(translatePoint); translateSize = ct.TransformToDevice.Transform(translateSize); var screenLocation = new PNInterop.POINTINT(translatePoint); PNInterop.ClientToScreen(hwndSource.Handle, ref screenLocation); var screenSize = new PNInterop.POINTINT(translateSize); //move WinForm PNInterop.MoveWindow(_WinForm.Handle, screenLocation.X, screenLocation.Y, screenSize.X, screenSize.Y, true); if (EditControlSizeChanged != null) { //raise EditControlSizeChanged event providing new PNRichEditBox size EditControlSizeChanged(this, new EditControlSizeChangedEventArgs(new Rectangle(new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0), _EditBox.Size))); } }
private bool importExternals(string iniPath) { try { var result = false; var size = 1024; var buffer = new string(' ', size); while (PNInterop.GetPrivateProfileString("external_programs", null, null, buffer, size, iniPath) == size - 2) { // loop until sufficient buffer size size *= 2; buffer = new string(' ', size); } var names = buffer.Split('\0'); var keys = names.Where(n => n.Trim().Length > 0); var listSql = new List <string>(); var externals = new List <PNExternal>(); foreach (string key in keys) { var prog = new StringBuilder(1024); while ( PNInterop.GetPrivateProfileStringByBuilder("external_programs", key, "", prog, prog.Capacity, iniPath) == prog.Capacity - 1) { prog.Capacity *= 2; } var data = prog.ToString().Split((char)1); var ext = new PNExternal { Name = key, Program = data[0] }; var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO EXTERNALS (EXT_NAME, PROGRAM, COMMAND_LINE) VALUES("); sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(key); sb.Append("', "); sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(data[0]); sb.Append("', "); sb.Append("'"); if (data.Length == 2) { sb.Append(data[1]); ext.CommandLine = data[1]; } sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(")"); listSql.Add(sb.ToString()); externals.Add(ext); } if (listSql.Count > 0 && PNData.ExecuteTransactionForList(listSql, PNData.ConnectionString)) { result = true; foreach (PNExternal ext in externals) { PNStatic.Externals.RemoveAll(ex => ex.Name == ext.Name); PNStatic.Externals.Add(ext); } } return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { PNStatic.LogException(ex); return(false); } }
private bool importContacts(string iniPath) { try { var result = false; var size = 1024; var buffer = new string(' ', size); while (PNInterop.GetPrivateProfileString("contacts", null, null, buffer, size, iniPath) == size - 2) { // loop until sufficient buffer size size *= 2; buffer = new string(' ', size); } var names = buffer.Split('\0'); var keys = names.Where(n => n.Trim().Length > 0); var sqlList = new List <string>(); var contacts = new List <PNContact>(); int tempID = 0; if (PNStatic.Contacts.Count > 0) { tempID = PNStatic.Contacts.Max(c => c.ID) + 1; } foreach (var key in keys) { var cont = new PCONTPROP(); cont = PNInterop.ReadINIStructure(iniPath, "contacts", key, cont); if ( != null && > 0) { var pnc = new PNContact { ComputerName =, GroupID =, Name =, UseComputerName = cont.usename }; if (cont.address != 0) { pnc.IpAddress = buildAddressString(cont.address); } var temp = PNStatic.Contacts.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == pnc.Name); pnc.ID = temp != null ? temp.ID : tempID++; contacts.Add(pnc); } } // get contact froups size = 1024; buffer = new string(' ', size); while (PNInterop.GetPrivateProfileString("cont_groups", null, null, buffer, size, iniPath) == size - 2) { // loop until sufficient buffer size size *= 2; buffer = new string(' ', size); } names = buffer.Split('\0'); keys = names.Where(n => n.Trim().Length > 0); var groups = new List <PNContactGroup>(); tempID = 0; if (PNStatic.ContactGroups.Count > 0) { tempID = PNStatic.ContactGroups.Max(g => g.ID) + 1; } foreach (var key in keys) { var grp = new PCONTGROUP(); grp = PNInterop.ReadINIStructure(iniPath, "cont_groups", key, grp); if ( == null || <= 0) { continue; } var pg = new PNContactGroup { Name = }; var temp = PNStatic.ContactGroups.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Name ==; pg.ID = temp != null ? temp.ID : tempID++; groups.Add(pg); } // build sql foreach (var pg in groups) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO CONTACT_GROUPS (ID, GROUP_NAME) VALUES("); sb.Append(pg.ID); sb.Append(", '"); sb.Append(pg.Name); sb.Append("')"); sqlList.Add(sb.ToString()); } foreach (var pc in contacts) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO CONTACTS (ID, GROUP_ID, CONTACT_NAME, COMP_NAME, IP_ADDRESS, USE_COMP_NAME) VALUES("); sb.Append(pc.ID); sb.Append(", "); sb.Append(pc.GroupID); sb.Append(", '"); sb.Append(pc.Name); sb.Append("', '"); sb.Append(pc.ComputerName); sb.Append("', '"); sb.Append(pc.IpAddress); sb.Append("', "); sb.Append(Convert.ToInt32(pc.UseComputerName)); sb.Append(")"); sqlList.Add(sb.ToString()); } if (sqlList.Count > 0 && PNData.ExecuteTransactionForList(sqlList, PNData.ConnectionString)) { result = true; foreach (PNContactGroup pg in groups) { PNStatic.ContactGroups.RemoveAll(g => g.Name == pg.Name); PNStatic.ContactGroups.Add(pg); } foreach (PNContact pc in contacts) { PNStatic.Contacts.RemoveAll(c => c.Name == pc.Name); PNStatic.Contacts.Add(pc); } } return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { PNStatic.LogException(ex); return(false); } }
private static bool enumAllWindowsProc(IntPtr hwnd, int msg) { try { var sb = new StringBuilder(256); PNInterop.GetWindowText(hwnd, sb, 256); if (sb.Length > 0 && sb.ToString() == "PNotes.NET Main Window") { if (msg == PNInterop.WM_COPYDATA) { var cpdata = new PNInterop.COPYDATASTRUCT { dwData = new IntPtr((int)_copyDataType) }; var data = new StringBuilder(); switch (_copyDataType) { case CopyDataType.NewNote: cpdata.cbData = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(_newNoteString).Count() + Encoding.Default.GetBytes(_newNoteName).Count() + Encoding.Default.GetBytes(_newNoteTags).Count() + 3; data.Append(_newNoteString); data.Append(PNStrings.DEL_CHAR); data.Append(_newNoteName); data.Append(PNStrings.DEL_CHAR); data.Append(_newNoteTags); break; case CopyDataType.LoadNotes: foreach (var f in _FilesToLoad) { cpdata.cbData += Encoding.Default.GetBytes(f).Count() + 1; data.Append(f); data.Append(PNStrings.DEL_CHAR); } if (data.Length > 0) { data = data.Remove(data.Length - 1, 1); } break; case CopyDataType.ShowNoteById: cpdata.cbData = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(_idToShow).Count(); data.Append(_idToShow); break; } cpdata.lpData = data.ToString(); PNInterop.SendMessageCopyData(hwnd, (uint)msg, IntPtr.Zero, ref cpdata); } else { PNInterop.SendMessage(hwnd, (uint)msg, 0, 0); } _mainWindowExists = true; return(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { PNStatic.LogException(ex); return(false); } }
private static void Main() { try { var nonetwork = false; var nosplash = false; var args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); PNStatic.CultureInvariant = (CultureInfo)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Clone(); PNStatic.CultureInvariant.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = "."; var currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain; currentDomain.UnhandledException += currentDomain_UnhandledException; checkPreRun(); if (args.Length > 1) { switch (args[1]) { case "-x": PNInterop.EnumWindows(enumAllWindowsProc, PNInterop.WPM_CLOSE_PROG); return; case "-xs": PNInterop.EnumWindows(enumAllWindowsProc, PNInterop.WPM_CLOSE_SILENT_SAVE); return; case "-xn": PNInterop.EnumWindows(enumAllWindowsProc, PNInterop.WPM_CLOSE_SILENT_WO_SAVE); return; case "-c": PNInterop.EnumWindows(enumAllWindowsProc, PNInterop.WPM_NEW_NOTE); return; case "-cr": PNInterop.EnumWindows(enumAllWindowsProc, PNInterop.WPM_NEW_NOTE_FROM_CB); return; case "-cd": PNInterop.EnumWindows(enumAllWindowsProc, PNInterop.WPM_NEW_DIARY); return; case "-cn": if (args.Length > 2) { _newNoteString = args[2]; } if (args.Length > 3) { _newNoteName = args[3]; } if (args.Length > 4) { _newNoteTags = args[4]; } _copyDataType = CopyDataType.NewNote; PNInterop.EnumWindows(enumAllWindowsProc, PNInterop.WM_COPYDATA); return; case "-l": if (args.Length > 2) { _FilesToLoad.AddRange(args.Skip(2)); } _copyDataType = CopyDataType.LoadNotes; PNInterop.EnumWindows(enumAllWindowsProc, PNInterop.WM_COPYDATA); return; case "-i": if (args.Length > 2) { _idToShow = args[2]; } _copyDataType = CopyDataType.ShowNoteById; PNInterop.EnumWindows(enumAllWindowsProc, PNInterop.WM_COPYDATA); if (_mainWindowExists) { //return if main window exists and program is already running return; } //continue to start the program and add note's id to be proceeded later PNSingleton.Instance.NoteFromShortcut = _idToShow; break; case "-r": PNInterop.EnumWindows(enumAllWindowsProc, PNInterop.WPM_RELOAD_NOTES); return; case "-b": if (args.Length >= 3) { var backFile = Path.Combine(args[2], DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + PNStrings.FULL_BACK_EXTENSION); PNStatic.CreateFullBackup(backFile); return; } if (PNInterop.EnumWindows(enumAllWindowsProc, PNInterop.WPM_BACKUP)) { // if no previos instance of PNotes is running - create backup at default directory and exit var backFile = Path.Combine(PNPaths.Instance.BackupDir, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + PNStrings.FULL_BACK_EXTENSION); PNStatic.CreateFullBackup(backFile); } return; case "-nosplash": if (isPrevInstance()) { return; } nosplash = true; break; case "-nonetwork": if (isPrevInstance()) { return; } nonetwork = true; if (args[args.Length - 1] == "nosplash") { nosplash = true; } break; case "-updater": if (args.Length == 3) { var updPath = args[2]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(updPath)) { var name = Path.GetFileName(updPath); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { var localPath = Path.Combine(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath, name); if (File.Exists(updPath)) { File.Copy(updPath, localPath, true); var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(updPath); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dir)) { Directory.Delete(dir, true); } } } } } break; case "-conf": case "-config": case "-confnonetwork": case "-confignonetwork": if (isPrevInstance()) { return; } if (args.Length >= 3 && args[2].Trim().Length > 0) { PNPaths.Instance.SettingsDir = args[2]; } if (args.Length >= 4 && args[3].Trim().Length > 0) { PNPaths.Instance.DataDir = args[3]; } if (args.Length >= 5 && args[4].Trim().Length > 0) { PNPaths.Instance.SkinsDir = args[4]; } if (args.Length >= 6 && args[5].Trim().Length > 0) { PNPaths.Instance.BackupDir = args[5]; } if (args.Length >= 7 && args[6].Trim().Length > 0) { PNPaths.Instance.LangDir = args[6]; } if (args.Length >= 8 && args[7].Trim().Length > 0) { PNPaths.Instance.SoundsDir = args[7]; } if (args.Length >= 9 && args[8].Trim().Length > 0) { PNPaths.Instance.FontsDir = args[8]; } if (args.Length >= 10 && args[9].Trim().Length > 0) { PNPaths.Instance.DictDir = args[9]; } if (args.Length >= 11 && args[10].Trim().Length > 0) { PNPaths.Instance.PluginsDir = args[10]; } if (args.Length >= 12 && args[11].Trim().Length > 0) { PNPaths.Instance.ThemesDir = args[11]; } if (args[1] == "-confnonetwork" || args[1] == "-confignonetwork") { nonetwork = true; } if (args[args.Length - 1] == "nosplash") { nosplash = true; } break; default: if (args[1].StartsWith("/u")) { string[] pars = args[1].Split('='); if (pars.Length == 2) { string guid = pars[1]; string path = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.SystemX86), "msiexec.exe"); var psi = new ProcessStartInfo(path, "/x " + guid); Process.Start(psi); return; } } break; } } if (!isPrevInstance()) { installFonts(); if (!nosplash && File.Exists(Path.Combine(PNPaths.Instance.DataDir, PNStrings.NOSPLASH))) { nosplash = true; } if (!nosplash) { PNStatic.SplashThread = new Thread(PNStatic.ShowSplash); PNStatic.SplashThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); PNStatic.SplashThread.Start(); } PNStatic.StartProgram(nonetwork); PNStatic.FormMain = new WndMain(); var app = new Application(); var res1 = new ResourceDictionary { Source = new Uri(@"/styles/Resources.xaml", UriKind.Relative) }; var res2 = new ResourceDictionary { Source = new Uri(@"/styles/Images.xaml", UriKind.Relative) }; var name = res1["ThemeName"] as string; var sampleImage = res2["sample"] as BitmapImage; PNStatic.Themes.Add(name, Tuple.Create(new Uri(@"/styles/Resources.xaml", UriKind.Relative), new Uri(@"/styles/Images.xaml", UriKind.Relative), sampleImage, "", new Version())); loadThemes(); app.Resources.MergedDictionaries.Add(res1); app.Resources.MergedDictionaries.Add(res2); app.Resources.MergedDictionaries.Add(new ResourceDictionary { Source = new Uri(@"/styles/Styles.xaml", UriKind.Relative) }); app.Resources.MergedDictionaries.Add(new ResourceDictionary { Source = new Uri(@"/Themes/generic.xaml", UriKind.Relative) }); PNStatic.ApplyTheme(PNStatic.Settings.Behavior.Theme); app.Run(PNStatic.FormMain); if (PNStatic.Settings != null) { PNStatic.Settings.Dispose(); } if (PNSingleton.Instance.Restart) { System.Windows.Forms.Application.Restart(); } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PNSingleton.Instance.UpdaterCommandLine)) { var psi = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = Path.Combine(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath, "PNUpdater.exe"), Arguments = PNSingleton.Instance.UpdaterCommandLine, UseShellExecute = true }; var prc = new Process { StartInfo = psi }; prc.Start(); } } } else { PNInterop.EnumWindows(enumAllWindowsProc, PNInterop.WPM_START_FROM_ANOTHER_INSTANCE); } } catch (Exception ex) { PNStatic.LogException(ex); } }