private void ClickDelete(object sender, EventArgs e) { SlotChangeManager m = GetSenderInfo(ref sender, out SlotChange info); if (m == null) { return; } if ((sender as PictureBox)?.Image == null) { System.Media.SystemSounds.Asterisk.Play(); return; } var sav = m.SE.SAV; if (info.IsParty && sav.IsPartyAllEggs(info.Slot) && !m.SE.HaX) { WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgSaveSlotEmpty); return; } if (sav.IsSlotLocked(info.Box, info.Slot)) { WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgSaveSlotLocked); return; } m.HoverCancel(); if (info.Type == StorageSlotType.Party) // Party { m.SetPKM(sav.BlankPKM, info, true, Resources.slotDel); return; } if (info.Type == StorageSlotType.Box || m.SE.HaX) { if (info.Type == StorageSlotType.Box) { m.SE.UndoStack.Push(new SlotChange(info, sav)); m.SE.Menu_Undo.Enabled = true; } m.SetPKM(sav.BlankPKM, info, true, Resources.slotDel); } else { return; } m.SE.RedoStack.Clear(); m.SE.Menu_Redo.Enabled = false; }
private void ClickView(object sender, EventArgs e) { SlotChangeManager m = GetSenderInfo(ref sender, out SlotChange info); if (m == null) { return; } if ((sender as PictureBox)?.Image == null) { System.Media.SystemSounds.Asterisk.Play(); return; } m.HoverCancel(); m.SE.PKME_Tabs.PopulateFields(m.GetPKM(info), false, true); m.SetColor(info.Box, info.Slot, Resources.slotView); }
private void ClickSet(object sender, EventArgs e) { SlotChangeManager m = GetSenderInfo(ref sender, out SlotChange info); if (m == null) { return; } var editor = m.SE.PKME_Tabs; var sav = m.SE.SAV; if (info.IsParty && editor.IsEmptyOrEgg && sav.IsPartyAllEggs(info.Slot) && !m.SE.HaX) { WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgSaveSlotEmpty); return; } if (m.SE.SAV.IsSlotLocked(info.Box, info.Slot)) { WinFormsUtil.Alert(MsgSaveSlotLocked); return; } if (!editor.VerifiedPKM()) { return; } PKM pk = editor.PreparePKM(); var errata = sav.IsPKMCompatible(pk); if (errata.Count > 0 && DialogResult.Yes != WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, string.Join(Environment.NewLine, errata), MsgContinue)) { return; } m.HoverCancel(); if (info.Type == StorageSlotType.Party) // Party { // If info.Slot isn't overwriting existing PKM, make it write to the lowest empty PKM info.Slot if (sav.PartyCount < info.Slot + 1) { var pb = (PictureBox)WinFormsUtil.GetUnderlyingControl(sender); var view = WinFormsUtil.FindFirstControlOfType <ISlotViewer <PictureBox> >(pb); info = view.GetSlotData(view.SlotPictureBoxes[sav.PartyCount]); } m.SetPKM(pk, info, true, Resources.slotSet); } else if (info.Type == StorageSlotType.Box || m.SE.HaX) { if (info.Type == StorageSlotType.Box) { m.SE.UndoStack.Push(new SlotChange(info, sav)); m.SE.Menu_Undo.Enabled = true; } m.SetPKM(pk, info, true, Resources.slotSet); } else { return; } editor.LastData = pk.Data; m.SE.RedoStack.Clear(); m.SE.Menu_Redo.Enabled = false; }