private void ReplaceDefinedTokens(PreprocessorLine line) { ThrowIfNull(line); int i = 0; List <Token> list = line.TokenList; while ((i < list.Count)) { Token token = list[i]; if (token.TokenType != TokenType.Word) { i += 1; continue; } Macro macro = null; if (_macroMap.TryGetValue(token.Value, out macro)) { // Remove the original token list.RemoveAt(i); List <Token> replaceList = null; if (macro.IsMethod) { MethodMacro method = (MethodMacro)macro; List <Token> args = ParseAndRemoveMacroMethodArguments(list, i); if (args == null) { // Parse did not succeed, move to the next token i += 1; } else { // Insert the tokens replaceList = ReplaceMethodMacro(method, args); } } else { // Use the scanner to create the replacement tokens replaceList = Scanner.TokenizeText(macro.Value, CreateScannerOptions()); } if (replaceList != null) { CollapseDoublePounds(replaceList); list.InsertRange(i, replaceList); } } else { i += 1; } } // Do one more pass to check and see if we need a recursive replace bool needAnotherPass = false; foreach (Token cur in line.TokenList) { if (cur.TokenType == TokenType.Word && _macroMap.ContainsKey(cur.Value)) { needAnotherPass = true; break; } } if (needAnotherPass) { ReplaceDefinedTokens(line); } }
public void AddInitialMacro(Macro m) { m.IsFromParse = false; _initialMacroList.Add(m); }
private static int TraceCompareMacros(Macro x, Macro y) { return(string.CompareOrdinal(x.Name, y.Name)); }