public List<Breed> GetBreedList(int sid, PetfirstCustomer mCustomer) { List<Breed> lstReturn = null; string cacheKey = string.Concat("$BreedList_sid$" ,sid); object CachedList = m_Cache.Get(cacheKey) as List<Breed>; if (CachedList == null)//get from the service { CoreServiceReference.CoreServiceClient cs = new CoreServiceClient(); CoreServiceGetBreedListRequest cRequest = new CoreServiceGetBreedListRequest(); cRequest.SpeciesId = sid; CoreServiceGetBreedListResponse cbResponse = cs.GetBreedList(cRequest); //insert select breed on the top if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cbResponse.Error.ErrorText))//check error { if (cbResponse.Breeds != null) { lstReturn = ModifyMixedBreed(sid, cbResponse.Breeds); m_Cache.Add(cacheKey, lstReturn); } } else { lstReturn = null; LogException le = new LogException(); try { le.LogError(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, "Error during getting breed list", cbResponse.Error.ErrorText, mCustomer); ///Test email server //le.SendErrorEmail(string.Concat(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, "<br/><hr />", msg, "<hr />User Input:", le.BuildUserDataString(mCustomer))); } catch (Exception ex) { ///Test email server //lblError.Text = ex.ToString(); try { le.SendErrorEmail(string.Concat(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, "<br/><hr />", ex.Message, "<br />StackTrace: ", ex.StackTrace, "<br /><hr />User Input:", le.BuildUserDataString(mCustomer))); } catch { } } } } else { lstReturn = (List<Breed>)CachedList; } return lstReturn; }
public PetColor[] GetColorList(PetfirstCustomer mCustomer) { PetColor[] lstReturn = null; string cacheKey = "$ColorList$"; object CachedList = m_Cache.Get(cacheKey) as PetColor[]; if (CachedList == null)//get from the service { CoreServiceReference.CoreServiceClient cs = new CoreServiceClient(); CoreServiceGetColorListResponse ccResponse = cs.GetColorList(); //insert select breed on the top if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ccResponse.Error.ErrorText))//check error { if (ccResponse.Colors !=null) { lstReturn = ccResponse.Colors; m_Cache.Add(cacheKey, lstReturn); } } else { lstReturn = null; LogException le = new LogException(); try { le.LogError(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, "Error during getting color list", ccResponse.Error.ErrorText, mCustomer); ///Test email server //le.SendErrorEmail(string.Concat(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, "<br/><hr />", msg, "<hr />User Input:", le.BuildUserDataString(mCustomer))); } catch (Exception ex) { ///Test email server //lblError.Text = ex.ToString(); try { le.SendErrorEmail(string.Concat(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, "<br/><hr />", ex.Message, "<br />StackTrace: ", ex.StackTrace, "<br /><hr />User Input:", le.BuildUserDataString(mCustomer))); } catch { } } } } else { lstReturn = (PetColor[])CachedList; } return lstReturn; }
private QuoteServiceReference.Customer CreateQuoteCustomer(PetfirstCustomer mCustomer) { return new QuoteServiceReference.Customer() { FirstName = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.FirstName, LastName = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.LastName, StreetAddress = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Address1, StreetAddress2 = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Address2, CityName = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.City, StateId = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.StateId, ZipCode = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Zip, EmailAddress = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Email, HomePhone = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Phone, MobilePhone = String.Empty, WorkPhone = String.Empty }; }
private void SetQuoteOtherAttributes(ref QuoteServiceCreateNewQuoteRequest qRequest, PetfirstCustomer mCustomer, List<Pet> lstPets,bool bMontly) { qRequest.UnderwriterID = mCustomer.Underwriter; qRequest.IncludeRoutine = false; qRequest.IncludeRoutine125 = false; qRequest.IncludeRoutine250 = false; qRequest.IncludeRoutine400 = false; qRequest.MilitaryDiscount = mCustomer.DiscountMilitarySelected; qRequest.InternetDiscount = mCustomer.DiscountInternetPurchase; qRequest.VetDiscount = mCustomer.DiscountVetSelected; if (!lstPets[0].Routine.ToLower().Equals("0")) { qRequest.IncludeRoutine = true; switch (lstPets[0].Routine.ToLower()) { case "routine125": qRequest.IncludeRoutine125 = true; break; case "routine250": qRequest.IncludeRoutine250 = true; break; case "routine400": qRequest.IncludeRoutine400 = true; break; } } qRequest.PlanId = lstPets[0].PlanId; if (bMontly) qRequest.PaymentFrequencyId = 1;//1 monthly, 2: annually else qRequest.PaymentFrequencyId = 2; qRequest.IncludeBreeders = lstPets[0].Breeder; if(lstPets[0].Hereditary.ToLower().Equals("hereditary100")) { qRequest.IncludeHereditary100 =true; } else if (lstPets[0].Hereditary.ToLower().Equals("hereditary25")) { qRequest.IncludeHereditary25 = true; } else { qRequest.IncludeHereditary100 = false; qRequest.IncludeHereditary25 = false; } qRequest.IncludePrescriptionFood = lstPets[0].PrescriptionFood; qRequest.KrogerLoyaltyNumber = String.Empty; qRequest.EnrollmentCode = mCustomer.EnrollmentCode; qRequest.Deductible = lstPets[0].DeductibleAmount; qRequest.CoInsurance = 1-lstPets[0].Reimbursement; qRequest.UnderwriterID = mCustomer.Underwriter; try { int nPlan = lstPets[0].PlanId; qRequest.FilingID = (from pts in context.v_PlansToStates where pts.stateProvinceID.Equals(mCustomer.MembershipInfo.StateId) && pts.UnderwriterID.Equals(mCustomer.Underwriter) && pts.plan_id == nPlan select pts.FilingID).First(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw (ex); } }
private bool LoadPlanInfo(ref PetfirstCustomer mCustomer, string splanLookup) { bool bReturn = true; SqlConnection con = GetConnection(); SqlDataReader sdr = null; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("usp_pricecompare_prequote_get_by_quote_id", con); string sMemberCodeString = "I"; if (mCustomer.DiscountMilitarySelected) { sMemberCodeString += "M"; } if (mCustomer.DiscountVetSelected) { sMemberCodeString += "A"; } cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@pre_quote_id", SqlDbType.BigInt)); cmd.Parameters["@pre_quote_id"].Value = Int32.Parse(splanLookup); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@membercodestring", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20)); cmd.Parameters["@membercodestring"].Value = sMemberCodeString; try { con.Open(); sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (sdr.Read()) { foreach (Pet mp in mCustomer.MyPets) { mp.AnnualPaymentTotal = sdr.GetDecimal(PTANNUALTOTAL); mp.DeductibleAmount = sdr.GetDecimal(PTDEDUCTIBLE); mp.Enrolled = true; mp.FirstMonthPaymentTotal = sdr.GetDecimal(PTFIRSTMONTHTOTAL); mp.FirstMonthPremiumOnly = sdr.GetDecimal(PTFIRSTMONTHTOTAL); mp.FirstMonthTax = sdr.GetDecimal(PTFIRSTMONTHTAXFEE); mp.IsFamilyPlan = false; mp.PlanId = sdr.GetByte(PTPLANID); mp.QuoteId = sdr.GetInt32(PTQUOTEID); mp.RecurringMonthPaymentTotal = sdr.GetDecimal(PTRECURRINGMONTHTOTAL); mp.RecurringMonthPremiumOnly = sdr.GetDecimal(PTRECURRINGMONTHTOTAL); mp.RecurringMonthTax = sdr.GetDecimal(PTRECURRINGMONTHTAXFEE); mp.Reimbursement = 1 - sdr.GetDecimal(PTCOPAY); mp.InternetDiscountAmount = sdr.GetDecimal(PTDISCOUNTS); using (PetfirstData pfData = new PetfirstData()) { mp.LimitAmount = pfData.GetPlanLimitByPlanId(mp.PlanId); mp.PlanName = pfData.GetPlanShortNameByPlanId(mp.PlanId); pfData.SavePet(mp, mCustomer.CustomerId); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { bReturn = false; LoggingError(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } finally { if (con != null) { con.Close(); con.Dispose(); con = null; } if (cmd != null) { cmd.Dispose(); cmd = null; } } return (bReturn); }
public void StoreLeadCapture(ref PetfirstCustomer mCustomer, List<Pet> lstPets) { //lead capture string[,] petData = new string[3, 5] { { "", "", "", "", "" }, { "", "", "", "", "" }, { "", "", "", "", "" } }; int count = lstPets.Count; if (count == 1) { SetLeadPet1(ref petData, lstPets); } else if (count == 2) { SetLeadPet2(ref petData, lstPets); } else if (count ==3) { SetLeadPet3(ref petData, lstPets); } decimal reimbursement = 0; decimal dedcutible = 0; decimal coverage = 0; int quoteId = 0; string planName = ""; string policyNumber = ""; string leadId = ""; Int64 policyId = 0; foreach(Pet pet in lstPets)//only create one lead { reimbursement = pet.Reimbursement; dedcutible = pet.DeductibleAmount; coverage = pet.LimitAmount; quoteId = pet.QuoteId; planName = pet.PlanName; policyNumber = pet.PolicyNumber; leadId = pet.LeadId; policyId = pet.PolicyId; break; } LeadCaptureServiceStoreLeadCaptureRequest lRequest = new LeadCaptureServiceStoreLeadCaptureRequest() { Email = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Email, //ExtensionData = null, City = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(mCustomer.MembershipInfo.City) ? mCustomer.MembershipInfo.City : "", Company = "PetFirst Web", EnrollmentCode = mCustomer.EnrollmentCode, PlanCopay = reimbursement != 0m ? ((1 - reimbursement) * 100).ToString() : null, PlanDeductible = dedcutible != 0m ? dedcutible.ToString() : null, Coverage = coverage != -0m ? coverage.ToString("C0") : null, PlanSelected = planName, EmailNow = false, //what value?? FirstName = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.FirstName, LastName = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.LastName, LoyaltyCard = string.Empty, PaymentType = mCustomer.PayFrequency.ToString(), Pet1Name = petData[0, 0], Pet1BDay = petData[0, 1], Pet1Breed = petData[0, 2], Pet1Species = petData[0, 3], Pet1Gender = petData[0, 4], Pet2Name = petData[1, 0], Pet2BDay = petData[1, 1], Pet2Breed = petData[1, 2], Pet2Species = petData[1, 3], Pet2Gender = petData[1, 4], Pet3Name = petData[2, 0], Pet3BDay = petData[2, 1], Pet3Breed = petData[2, 2], Pet3Species = petData[2, 3], Pet3Gender = petData[2, 4], PetsCovered = count.ToString(), PhoneNumber = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Phone, //PolicyId = policyNumber, PolicyId = policyId.ToString(), QuoteId = quoteId.ToString(), State = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.StateId != 0 ? mCustomer.MembershipInfo.StateId.ToString() : null, StreetAddress1 = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Address1, StreetAddress2 = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Address2, ZipCode = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Zip, PolicySold = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(policyNumber), LeadId = leadId }; Lead_CaptureServiceClient lsClient = new Lead_CaptureServiceClient(); try { LeadCaptureServiceStoreLeadCaptureResponse response = lsClient.InsertLeadCapture(lRequest); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.Error.ErrorText)) { foreach (Pet pet in lstPets)//only create one lead { pet.LeadId = response.LeadId; } mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg = ""; } else { mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg = response.Error.ErrorText; } } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { try { if (lsClient.State == CommunicationState.Faulted) lsClient.Abort(); else if(lsClient.State == CommunicationState.Opened) lsClient.Close(); } catch { } } }
public string BuildUserDataString(PetfirstCustomer mCustomer) { StringBuilder sb = null; if (mCustomer != null) { //capture the user input data sb = new StringBuilder(3000); sb.Append(string.Concat("Enrollment:", mCustomer.EnrollmentCode,",")); if (mCustomer.MyPets != null) { int i = 1; foreach (Pet pet in mCustomer.MyPets) { sb.Append(string.Concat("Pet",i,"Name:", pet.PetName, ",")); sb.Append(string.Concat("Pet",i,"Species:", pet.SpeciesId.ToString(), ",")); sb.Append(string.Concat("Pet",i,"bDay:", pet.Birthday.ToShortDateString(), ",")); sb.Append(string.Concat("Pet",i,"Breed:", pet.BreedId.ToString(), ",")); if (pet.LimitAmount != 0) sb.Append(string.Concat("Pet", i, "Limit:", pet.LimitAmount.ToString("C0"), ",")); if (pet.DeductibleAmount != 0) sb.Append(string.Concat("Pet", i, "Deductible:", pet.DeductibleAmount.ToString("C0"), ",")); if (pet.Reimbursement != 0) { sb.Append(string.Concat("Pet", i, "Copay:", pet.Reimbursement.ToString("0%"), ",")); sb.Append(string.Concat("Pet", i, "Routine:", pet.Routine.ToString(), ",")); sb.Append(string.Concat("Pet", i, "PlanId:", pet.PlanId.ToString(), ",")); } i++; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mCustomer.MembershipInfo.FirstName)) sb.Append(string.Concat("MemberFirstName:", mCustomer.MembershipInfo.FirstName, ",")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mCustomer.MembershipInfo.LastName)) sb.Append(string.Concat("MemberLastName:", mCustomer.MembershipInfo.LastName, ",")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Address1)) sb.Append(string.Concat("MemberAddress1:", mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Address1, ",")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Address2)) sb.Append(string.Concat("MemberAddress2:", mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Address2, ",")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mCustomer.MembershipInfo.City)) sb.Append(string.Concat("MemberCity:", mCustomer.MembershipInfo.City, ",")); if( mCustomer.MembershipInfo.StateId!=0) sb.Append(string.Concat("MemberStateId:", mCustomer.MembershipInfo.StateId.ToString(), ",")); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Zip)) sb.Append(string.Concat("MemberZip:", mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Zip, ",")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Phone)) sb.Append(string.Concat("MemberPhone:", mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Phone, ",")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Email)) sb.Append(string.Concat("MemberEmail:", mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Email, ",")); if (!mCustomer.IsBillSameAsMembership) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mCustomer.BillingInfo.FirstName)) sb.Append(string.Concat("BillingFirstName:", mCustomer.BillingInfo.FirstName, ",")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mCustomer.BillingInfo.LastName)) sb.Append(string.Concat("BillingLastName:", mCustomer.BillingInfo.LastName, ",")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mCustomer.BillingInfo.Address1)) sb.Append(string.Concat("BillingAddress1:", mCustomer.BillingInfo.Address1, ",")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mCustomer.BillingInfo.Address2)) sb.Append(string.Concat("BillingAddress2:", mCustomer.BillingInfo.Address2, ",")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mCustomer.BillingInfo.City)) sb.Append(string.Concat("BillingCity:", mCustomer.BillingInfo.City, ",")); if (mCustomer.BillingInfo.StateId != 0) sb.Append(string.Concat("BillingStateId:", mCustomer.BillingInfo.StateId.ToString(), ",")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mCustomer.BillingInfo.Zip)) sb.Append(string.Concat("BillingZip:", mCustomer.BillingInfo.Zip, ",")); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mCustomer.CcNumber)) sb.Append(string.Concat("CC:", GetCCLast4(mCustomer.CcNumber), ",")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mCustomer.SecCode)) sb.Append(string.Concat("Cvv2:", mCustomer.SecCode, ",")); if (mCustomer.ExpirationMonth != 0) sb.Append(string.Concat("CCExpireMonth:", mCustomer.ExpirationMonth.ToString(), ",")); if (mCustomer.ExpirationYear != 0) sb.Append(string.Concat("CCExpireYear:", mCustomer.ExpirationYear.ToString(), ",")); if (mCustomer.PayFrequency != 0) sb.Append(string.Concat("PaymentFrequency:", mCustomer.PayFrequency.ToString())); if (mCustomer.GiftCards != null) { int i = 1; foreach (GiftCard gc in mCustomer.GiftCards) { sb.Append(string.Concat("GC", i, "Number:", gc.Number, ",")); sb.Append(string.Concat("GC", i, "Pin:", gc.Pin, ",")); i++; } } } else { sb = new StringBuilder(30); sb.Append("Session data is null"); } return sb.ToString(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { mCustomer = (PetfirstCustomer)Session["Customer"]; if (mCustomer == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } else { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Email))// add check to deal with android browser cache { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } else { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { if (Request.UrlReferrer != null)////kp: 2015-05-04 retrieve quote - show quote retrieved pop up modal ////if it comes from default.aspx page { if (Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri.ToLower().Contains("default.aspx") || Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri.ToLower().EndsWith("") || Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri.ToLower().Contains("")) { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.Append("$('#retrieve_quote').modal('show');"); ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "ShowModalCheckout", sb.ToString(), true ); } } PopulateCCExpiration(); rblPayFrequency.SelectedValue = "1"; //lblpetcount.Text = mCustomer.MyPets.Count.ToString(); List<Pet> myPet = new List<Pet>(); foreach (Pet p in mCustomer.MyPets) { myPet.Add(p); } FakeMultiPet(ref myPet); CreatePetsTable(myPet); CalculateTotals(); BindPlanRepeater(); load_states(); lblCoverageDate.Text = (DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)).ToShortDateString(); //load from session LoadCustomerInfo(); txtAddress1.Attributes.Add("onchange", "TextBoxChange()"); txtAddress2.Attributes.Add("onchange", "TextBoxChange()"); txtCity.Attributes.Add("onchange", "TextBoxChange()"); txtZip.Attributes.Add("onchange", "TextBoxChange()"); ddlState.Attributes.Add("onchange", "DropdownListChange()"); } this.Master.PhoneNumber = mCustomer.CallCenter; } } }
private void SaveCustomerToDb(PetfirstCustomer mCustomer, wsQCustomer dbCustomer, bool bAdd) { dbCustomer.BillCity = mCustomer.BillingInfo.City; dbCustomer.BillFirstName = mCustomer.BillingInfo.FirstName; dbCustomer.BillLastName = mCustomer.BillingInfo.LastName; dbCustomer.BillState = mCustomer.BillingInfo.State; dbCustomer.BillStateId = mCustomer.BillingInfo.StateId; dbCustomer.BillStreetAddress = mCustomer.BillingInfo.Address1; dbCustomer.BillStreetAddress2 = mCustomer.BillingInfo.Address2; dbCustomer.BillZipcode = mCustomer.BillingInfo.Zip; dbCustomer.City = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.City; dbCustomer.FirstName = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.FirstName; dbCustomer.LastName = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.LastName; dbCustomer.State = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.State; dbCustomer.StateId = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.StateId; dbCustomer.StreetAddress = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Address1; dbCustomer.StreetAddress2 = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Address2; dbCustomer.Zipcode = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Zip; dbCustomer.Email = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Email; dbCustomer.EnrollmentCode = mCustomer.EnrollmentCode; dbCustomer.Phone = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Phone; dbCustomer.PaymentFrequency = mCustomer.PayFrequency; if (!bAdd) dbCustomer.ModifyDate = DateTime.Now; else context.wsQCustomers.AddObject(dbCustomer); context.SaveChanges(); if (mCustomer.CustomerId == 0) mCustomer.CustomerId = dbCustomer.QCustomerID; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { mCustomer = (PetfirstCustomer)Session["Customer"]; if (mCustomer == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } else { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Email))// add check to deal with android browser cache { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } else { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { lblEmail.Text = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Email; txtEmail.Text = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Email; //kp: 2015-06-29 //loadColorList(); LoadBirthYear(); //end 2015-06-29 ResetInput();//this will default to dog and load breed ////kp: 2015-05-04 retrieve quote //try //{ // if (mCustomer.OldCustData) // { // RetrieveSavedData(); // } //} //catch{ } ////end 2015-05-04 bindPets(); DetermineButtonText(); } this.Master.PhoneNumber = mCustomer.CallCenter; } } }
public void RetrieveSavedData(ref PetfirstCustomer mCustomer) { wsQCustomer dbCustomer = GetCustomerById(mCustomer.CustomerId); if (dbCustomer != null) { mCustomer.BillingInfo.City = dbCustomer.BillCity; mCustomer.BillingInfo.FirstName = dbCustomer.BillFirstName; mCustomer.BillingInfo.LastName = dbCustomer.BillLastName; mCustomer.BillingInfo.State = dbCustomer.BillState; if(dbCustomer.BillStateId !=null) mCustomer.BillingInfo.StateId = (int)dbCustomer.BillStateId; mCustomer.BillingInfo.Address1 = dbCustomer.BillStreetAddress; mCustomer.BillingInfo.Address2 = dbCustomer.BillStreetAddress2; mCustomer.BillingInfo.Zip = dbCustomer.BillZipcode; mCustomer.MembershipInfo.City = dbCustomer.City; mCustomer.MembershipInfo.FirstName = dbCustomer.FirstName; mCustomer.MembershipInfo.LastName = dbCustomer.LastName; mCustomer.MembershipInfo.State = dbCustomer.State; if(dbCustomer.StateId !=null) mCustomer.MembershipInfo.StateId = (int)dbCustomer.StateId; mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Address1 = dbCustomer.StreetAddress; mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Address2 = dbCustomer.StreetAddress2; mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Zip = dbCustomer.Zipcode; mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Email = dbCustomer.Email; mCustomer.EnrollmentCode = dbCustomer.EnrollmentCode; mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Phone = dbCustomer.Phone; if(dbCustomer.PaymentFrequency !=null) mCustomer.PayFrequency = (short)dbCustomer.PaymentFrequency; } int custId =mCustomer.CustomerId; ////kp:2015-05-04 Retrieve Quote DateTime endDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(90);// prinsloo wants to data from 90 days back//TODO: verify with Prinsloo //end 2015-05-04 //retrieve pets if (custId != 0) { mCustomer.MyPets.Clear(); //find the pets that does not have a policy but have plandata var lstDbPet1 = (from p in context.wsQPets join pl in context.wsQPlans on p.QPlanID equals pl.QPlanID where p.QCustomerID == custId && (pl.PolicyNumber.Equals("") || pl.PolicyNumber == null) && pl.CreateDate <= endDate select p).ToList(); //list of pets that does not have a quote yet var lstDbPet2 = (from p in context.wsQPets where p.QCustomerID == custId && (p.QPlanID==0 ||p.QPlanID ==null) //&& p.CreateDate <=endDate select p).ToList(); var lstDbPet = lstDbPet1.Concat(lstDbPet2).ToList(); //this filter dup //var lstDbPet = new List<wsQPet>(lstDbPet1); //lstDbPet.AddRange(lstDbPet2.Where(p2 => lstDbPet1.All(p1 => p1.QPetID != p2.QPetID))); foreach (wsQPet dbPet in lstDbPet) { Pet pet = new Pet(); pet.PetId = dbPet.QPetID; if(dbPet.Birthdate !=null) pet.Birthday =(DateTime) dbPet.Birthdate; if (dbPet.BreedId != null) { pet.BreedId = (int)dbPet.BreedId; pet.BreedName = dbPet.BreedName; } if (dbPet.ColorId != null) { pet.ColorId = (int)dbPet.ColorId; pet.ColorName = dbPet.ColorName; } pet.PetName = dbPet.PetName; pet.Gender = dbPet.Gender; if (dbPet.Gender.Equals("M")) pet.GenderFull = "Male"; else if (dbPet.Gender.Equals("F")) pet.GenderFull = "Female"; custId = dbPet.QCustomerID; if(dbPet.QPlanID !=null) pet.QPlanId =(int) dbPet.QPlanID; if(dbPet.SpayedOrNeutered !=null) pet.SpayedOrNeutered = (bool)dbPet.SpayedOrNeutered; if (dbPet.SpeciesId != null) { pet.SpeciesId = (int)dbPet.SpeciesId; pet.SpeciesName = dbPet.SpeciesName; } if(dbPet.WeightId!=null) pet.WeightId =(int) dbPet.WeightId; if (dbPet.QPlanID !=null) { pet.QPlanId = (int)dbPet.QPlanID; } else pet.Enrolled = false; if (dbPet.ModifyDate == null) pet.ModifiedDate = dbPet.CreateDate; else pet.ModifiedDate = (DateTime)dbPet.ModifyDate; mCustomer.MyPets.Add(pet); } //retrieve plans var lstDbPlan = (from p in context.wsQPets join pl in context.wsQPlans on p.QPlanID equals pl.QPlanID where p.QCustomerID == custId && (pl.PolicyNumber.Equals("") || pl.PolicyNumber == null) && pl.CreateDate <= endDate ////kp: 2015-05-21 delete standard plan site wide && pl.PlanId >=61 //only retrieve lifetime ////end 2015-05-21 select pl).ToList(); foreach (wsQPlan dbQPlan in lstDbPlan) { foreach (Pet p in mCustomer.MyPets) { int count = 0; if (p.QPlanId == dbQPlan.QPlanID) { count++; if (dbQPlan.Deductible != null) p.DeductibleAmount = (decimal)dbQPlan.Deductible; p.LeadId = dbQPlan.LeadId; if (dbQPlan.PlanId != null) p.PlanId = (int)dbQPlan.PlanId; if (dbQPlan.PlanTypeId != null) p.PlanType = dbQPlan.PlanTypeId.ToString(); p.PlanName = dbQPlan.PlanName; if (dbQPlan.QuoteId != null) p.QuoteId = (int)dbQPlan.QuoteId; if (dbQPlan.Limit != null) p.LimitAmount = (decimal)dbQPlan.Limit; if (dbQPlan.Reimbursement != null) p.Reimbursement = (decimal)dbQPlan.Reimbursement; p.Breeder = dbQPlan.RiderBreeders; if (dbQPlan.RiderHereditary100) p.Hereditary = "hereditary100"; else if (dbQPlan.RiderHereditary25) p.Hereditary = "hereditary25"; p.PrescriptionFood = dbQPlan.RiderPrescriptionFood; if (dbQPlan.RiderRoutine125) p.Routine = "routine125"; else if (dbQPlan.RiderRoutine250) p.Routine = "routine250"; else if (dbQPlan.RiderRoutine400) p.Routine = "routine400"; if (dbQPlan.AnnualPayment != null) p.AnnualPaymentTotal = (decimal)dbQPlan.AnnualPayment; if (dbQPlan.FirstMonthPayment != null) p.FirstMonthPaymentTotal = (decimal)dbQPlan.FirstMonthPayment; if (dbQPlan.FirstMonthTax != null) p.FirstMonthTax = (decimal)dbQPlan.FirstMonthTax; if (dbQPlan.RecurringMonthPayment != null) p.RecurringMonthPaymentTotal = (decimal)dbQPlan.RecurringMonthPayment; if (dbQPlan.RecurringMonthTax != null) p.RecurringMonthTax = (decimal)dbQPlan.RecurringMonthTax; if (dbQPlan.PolicyId != null) p.PolicyId = (Int64)dbQPlan.PolicyId; p.Enrolled = true; p.OldQuoteData = true; //retrieved old quote amount ////kp: 2015-05-04 retrieve quote if (dbQPlan.ModifyDate == null) p.ModifiedDate = dbQPlan.CreateDate; else p.ModifiedDate = (DateTime)dbQPlan.ModifyDate; //concat rider name to display on the page string ridername = string.Empty; bool hasRider = false; //routine if (p.Routine.Equals("routine125")) { hasRider = true; ridername = "Routine Care 125"; } else if (p.Routine.Equals("routine250")) { hasRider = true; ridername = "Routine Care 250"; } else if (p.Routine.Equals("routine400")) { hasRider = true; ridername = "Routine Care 400"; } //prescrption food if (hasRider && p.PrescriptionFood) { ridername += "<br />" + "Prescription Food"; } else if (p.PrescriptionFood) { hasRider = true; ridername = "Prescription Food"; } //hereditary if (hasRider && p.Hereditary.Equals("hereditary25")) { ridername += "<br />" + "Hereditary & Chronic 25%"; } else if (hasRider && p.Hereditary.Equals("hereditary100")) { ridername += "<br />" + "Hereditary & Chronic 100%"; } else if (p.Hereditary.Equals("hereditary25")) { hasRider = true; ridername = "Hereditary & Chronic 25%"; } else if (p.Hereditary.Equals("hereditary100")) { hasRider = true; ridername = "Hereditary & Chronic 100%"; } //breeder if (hasRider && p.Breeder) { ridername += "<br />" + "Breeder Coverage"; } else if (p.Breeder) { ridername = "Breeder Coverage"; } p.RiderName = ridername; ////end 2015-05-04 } if (count > 1) p.IsFamilyPlan = true; } } } }
public void SaveCustomer(PetfirstCustomer mCustomer) { wsQCustomer dbCustomer = null; bool bAdd = false; dbCustomer = GetCustomerByEmailZip(mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Email, mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Zip);//tries to get by email and zip if (dbCustomer == null) { if (mCustomer.CustomerId==0) { dbCustomer = new wsQCustomer(); bAdd = true; dbCustomer.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; } else dbCustomer = GetCustomerById(mCustomer.CustomerId); } else { mCustomer.OldCustData = true;//customer saved in db mCustomer.CustomerId = dbCustomer.QCustomerID; } if (dbCustomer == null) { dbCustomer = new wsQCustomer(); bAdd = true; dbCustomer.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; SaveCustomerToDb(mCustomer, dbCustomer, bAdd); } else { SaveCustomerToDb(mCustomer, dbCustomer, bAdd); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { HandleMenuItems(); mCustomer = (PetfirstCustomer)Session["Customer"]; mthisPet = (Pet)Session["Pet"]; if (mCustomer == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } else { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { if (mCustomer != null) { ListsManager lm = new ListsManager(); PopulatePlanDetails(lm); } if (mthisPet != null) { if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["canceladd"])) //see if we are cancelling add pet. If so, then load latest pet. { mthisPet = mCustomer.MyPets.ElementAtOrDefault(mCustomer.MyPets.Count - 1); mCustomer.MyPets.RemoveAt(mCustomer.MyPets.Count - 1); } string jd; PetName.Text = mthisPet.PetName + "'s"; ddlLimit.SelectedValue = mthisPet.LimitAmount.ToString("C0"); ddlDeductible.SelectedValue = mthisPet.DeductibleAmount.ToString("C0"); ddlReimburse.SelectedValue = jd = (mthisPet.Reimbursement.ToString("P0").Replace(" ", "")); ddlRoutine.SelectedValue = GetRiderNameFromValue(mthisPet.Routine); lblDiscounts.Text = (mthisPet.InternetDiscountAmount + mthisPet.EBDiscountAmount + mthisPet.MilitaryDiscountAmount + mthisPet.VetDiscountAmount).ToString("C2"); } } if (mthisPet != null) { UpdateLabels(); } this.Master.NumberofPets = (mCustomer.MyPets.Count + 1).ToString(); } #region debug // if (mCustomer != null && mthisPet != null) // { // CustomerDebug.Text = String.Format(@" First Name: [{0}], Last Name: [{1}], Add1: [{2}], Add2: [{3}], City: [{4}], State: [{5}], StateCode: [{6}], // Zip: [{7}], Phone: [{8}], Email: [{9}], CustomerID: [{10}], CallCenter: [{11}], EC: [{12}], Pay Freq: [{13}], // CC Num: [{14}], Sec Code: [{15}], Exp: [{16}/{17}], LifeTimeActive: [{18}] DISCOUNTS: EBEC: [{19}], Vet: [{20}], // Military: [{21}], MilBranchID [{22}], MilStatusID[{23}]", // mCustomer.MembershipInfo.FirstName, // mCustomer.MembershipInfo.LastName, // mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Address1, // mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Address2, // mCustomer.MembershipInfo.City, // mCustomer.MembershipInfo.State, // mCustomer.MembershipInfo.StateId, // mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Zip, // mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Phone, // mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Email, // mCustomer.CustomerId, // mCustomer.CallCenter, // mCustomer.EnrollmentCode, // mCustomer.PayFrequency, // mCustomer.CcNumber, // mCustomer.SecCode, // mCustomer.ExpirationMonth, // mCustomer.ExpirationYear, // mCustomer.LifeTimeActive, // mCustomer.EBEnrollmentCodeDiscount, // mCustomer.VetDiscount, // mCustomer.MilitaryDiscount, // mCustomer.MilitaryBranchID, // mCustomer.MilitaryStatusID // ); // CurrentPetDebug.Text = String.Format(@"ID: [{0}], Name: [{1}], SpeciesID: [{2}], SpeciesName: [{3}], BreedID: [{4}], BreedName: [{5}], Age: [{6}], // BirthDay: [{7}], WeightID: [{8}], Gender: [{9}], GenderFull: [{10}], Limit Amount: [{11}], Deductible Amount: [{12}], Reimbursement: [{13}], // Rider Name: [{14}], Routine: [{15}], AnnualPaymentTotal: [{16}], FirstMonthlyPaymentTotal: [{17}], FirstMonthlyPremiumOnly: [{18}], // FirstMonthTax: [{19}], RecurringMonthPaymentTotal: [{20}], RecurringMonthPremiumOnly: [{21}], RecurringMonthTax [{22}], PolicyNumber[{23}], // PolicyID: [{24}], PlanType: [{25}], PlanName: [{26}], PlanID: [{27}], SpayedNeutered: [{28}]", // mthisPet.PetId, // mthisPet.PetName, // mthisPet.SpeciesId, // mthisPet.SpeciesName, // mthisPet.BreedId, // mthisPet.BreedName, // mthisPet.Age, // mthisPet.Birthday, // mthisPet.WeightId, // mthisPet.Gender, // mthisPet.GenderFull, // mthisPet.LimitAmount, // mthisPet.DeductibleAmount, // mthisPet.Reimbursement, // mthisPet.RiderName, // mthisPet.Routine, // mthisPet.AnnualPaymentTotal, // mthisPet.FirstMonthPaymentTotal, // mthisPet.FirstMonthPremiumOnly, // mthisPet.FirstMonthTax, // mthisPet.RecurringMonthPaymentTotal, // mthisPet.RecurringMonthPremiumOnly, // mthisPet.RecurringMonthTax, // mthisPet.PolicyNumber, // mthisPet.PolicyId, // mthisPet.PlanType, // mthisPet.PlanName, // mthisPet.PlanId, // mthisPet.SpayedOrNeutered); // } #endregion }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { HandleMenuItems(); bCurrentCustomer = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["current_customer"])) { bCurrentCustomer = true; } mCustomer = (PetfirstCustomer)Session["Customer"]; mthisPet = (Pet)Session["Pet"]; if (mCustomer == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } else { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { if (bCurrentCustomer) { chkInternetDiscount.Checked = mCustomer.DiscountInternetPurchase; MilitaryBlock.Visible = mCustomer.DiscountMilitaryAvailable; chkMilitary.Checked = mCustomer.DiscountMilitarySelected; chkEmployeeGroup.Checked = mCustomer.DiscountEBEnrollmentCode; txtEmployer.Text = mCustomer.EBEnrollmentCodeCompany; VetBlock.Visible = mCustomer.DiscountVetAvailable; chkVetEmp.Checked = mCustomer.DiscountVetSelected; txtEmail.Text = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Email; load_militarybranches(); ddlBranch.SelectedIndex = mCustomer.MilitaryBranchID; load_militarystatus(); rblServiceType.SelectedIndex = mCustomer.MilitaryStatusID; bCurrentCustomer = true; } else { chkInternetDiscount.Checked = mCustomer.DiscountInternetPurchase; PetfirstData pfData = new PetfirstData(); chkEmployeeGroup.Checked = mCustomer.DiscountEBEnrollmentCode = pfData.IsCorporateDiscount(mCustomer.EnrollmentCode); MilitaryBlock.Visible = mCustomer.DiscountMilitaryAvailable; VetBlock.Visible = mCustomer.DiscountVetAvailable; load_militarystatus(); load_militarybranches(); } } this.Master.NumberofPets = mCustomer.MyPets.Count.ToString(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { mCustomer = (PetfirstCustomer)Session["Customer"]; if (mCustomer == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } else { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Email))// add check to deal with android browser cache { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } else { this.Master.PhoneNumber = mCustomer.CallCenter; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { ////kp: 2015-05-04 retrieve quote--add popup if comes from default.aspx page if (Request.UrlReferrer != null) { //default page url example: // // or // if (Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri.ToLower().Contains("default.aspx") || Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri.ToLower().EndsWith("") || Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri.ToLower().Contains("")) { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.Append("$('#retrieve_quote').modal('show');"); ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "ShowModalPlanInfo", sb.ToString(), true); } } ////end 2015-05-04 Session.Remove("EditPlanPet"); lblEmail.Text = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Email; txtEmail.Text = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Email; BindPetsRepeater(); //dvStandard.Visible = false; //dvLifetime.Visible = false; try { ////kp: 2015-05-21 delete standard plan site wide //ListsManager lm = new ListsManager(); //List<PlanType> lstPlanType = lm.GetPlanType(mCustomer.EnrollmentCode); //foreach (PlanType pt in lstPlanType) //{ // if (pt.TypeName.ToLower().Contains("standard")) // { // dvStandard.Visible = true; // } // else if (pt.TypeName.ToLower().Contains("lifetime")) // { // dvLifetime.Visible = true; // } //} ////end 2015-05-21 DetermineReviewQuoteStatus(); //when edit is clicked on Checkout page, it will redirect to this page with quoteid in session int quoteId = 0; if (Session["qid"] != null) { quoteId = int.Parse(Session["qid"].ToString()); SetEditPets(quoteId); Session.Remove("qid"); } else { //default to lifetime and calls to populate plan detail: limit, reimbursement, etc and riders ////kp: 2015-05-21 delete standard plan site wide //ToggleButtonActive(false); mCustomer.LifeTimeActive = true; PopulatePlanPanel(); ////end 2015-05-21 DetermineFamilyOrIndividualPlan(); } } catch (Exception ex) { displayError(string.Concat("Error during load plan info by enrollment code:", mCustomer.EnrollmentCode), ex.ToString(), lblStartError); } } } } }
private void something(PetfirstCustomer mCustomer) { //int count = 0; string[,] petData = new string[3, 5] { { "", "", "", "", "" }, { "", "", "", "", "" }, { "", "", "", "", "" } }; //foreach (PlanPet pp in mCustomer.PlanPets) //{ // if (pp.PetsEnrolled.Count != 0) // { // count = 1; // petData[0, 0] = pp.PetsEnrolled[0].PetName; ; // petData[0, 1] = pp.PetsEnrolled[0].Birthday.ToShortDateString(); // petData[0, 2] = pp.PetsEnrolled[0].BreedId.ToString(); // petData[0, 3] = pp.PetsEnrolled[0].SpeciesId.ToString(); // petData[0, 4] = pp.PetsEnrolled[0].Gender; // if (pp.PetsEnrolled[1] != null) // { // petData[1, 0] = pp.PetsEnrolled[1].PetName; // petData[1, 1] = pp.PetsEnrolled[1].Birthday.ToShortDateString(); // petData[1, 2] = pp.PetsEnrolled[1].BreedId.ToString(); // petData[1, 3] = pp.PetsEnrolled[1].SpeciesId.ToString(); // petData[1, 4] = pp.PetsEnrolled[1].Gender; // count++; // } // if (pp.PetsEnrolled[2] != null) // { // petData[2, 0] = pp.PetsEnrolled[2].PetName; // petData[2, 1] = pp.PetsEnrolled[2].Birthday.ToShortDateString(); // petData[2, 2] = pp.PetsEnrolled[2].BreedId.ToString(); // petData[2, 3] = pp.PetsEnrolled[2].SpeciesId.ToString(); // petData[2, 4] = pp.PetsEnrolled[2].Gender; // count++; // } // } //} }
public void GetAnnualQuote(ref PetfirstCustomer mCustomer, List<Pet> lstPets) { mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg = ""; QuoteServiceClient qclient = new QuoteServiceClient(); QuoteServiceCreateNewQuoteRequest qRequest = new QuoteServiceCreateNewQuoteRequest(); qRequest.Customer = CreateQuoteCustomer(mCustomer); SetQuoteRequestPets(ref qRequest,lstPets); SetQuoteOtherAttributes(ref qRequest,mCustomer,lstPets, false); try { QuoteServiceCreateNewQuoteResponse resp = qclient.CreateNewQuote(qRequest); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resp.Error.ErrorText)) { foreach (Pet p in lstPets) { p.AnnualPaymentTotal = resp.FirstDebitAmt; } } else { mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg = resp.Error.ErrorText; } } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { try { if (qclient.State == CommunicationState.Faulted) qclient.Abort(); else if (qclient.State == CommunicationState.Opened) qclient.Close(); } catch { } } }
public void CreatePolicy(ref PetfirstCustomer mCustomer, List<Pet> lstPets) { mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg = ""; PolicyServiceSellPolicyRequest pRequest = new PolicyServiceSellPolicyRequest(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mCustomer.CcNumber)) { pRequest.CreditCard = new CreditCard() { Address1 = mCustomer.BillingInfo.Address1, Address2 = mCustomer.BillingInfo.Address2, City = mCustomer.BillingInfo.City, Cvvs2 = mCustomer.SecCode, ExpirationMonth = mCustomer.ExpirationMonth, ExpirationYear = mCustomer.ExpirationYear, FirstName = mCustomer.BillingInfo.FirstName, LastName = mCustomer.BillingInfo.LastName, Number = mCustomer.CcNumber, StateId = mCustomer.BillingInfo.StateId, ZipCode = mCustomer.BillingInfo.Zip }; } if (mCustomer.GiftCards != null) { int gcCount = mCustomer.GiftCards.Count; pRequest.GiftCards = new PolicyServiceReference.GiftCard[gcCount]; int i =0; foreach (GiftCard gc in mCustomer.GiftCards) { PolicyServiceReference.GiftCard pGC = new PolicyServiceReference.GiftCard(); pGC.Pin = gc.Pin; pGC.SrcRefNum = 0; pRequest.GiftCards[i] = pGC; i++; } } pRequest.Customer = new PolicyServiceReference.Customer() { ZipCode = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Zip, WorkPhone = String.Empty, StreetAddress2 = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Address2, StreetAddress = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Address1, StateId = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.StateId, MobilePhone = String.Empty, LastName = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.LastName, FirstName = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.FirstName, HomePhone = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Phone, CityName = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.City, EmailAddress = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Email }; pRequest.CoInsurance = 1-lstPets[0].Reimbursement; pRequest.Deductible = lstPets[0].DeductibleAmount; pRequest.EnrollmentCode = mCustomer.EnrollmentCode; pRequest.PlanId = lstPets[0].PlanId; pRequest.PaymentFrequencyId = (int)mCustomer.PayFrequency;//annual pRequest.IncludeRoutine = false; pRequest.IncludeRoutine125 = false; pRequest.IncludeRoutine250 = false; pRequest.IncludeRoutine400 = false; if (!lstPets[0].Routine.ToLower().Equals("0")) { pRequest.IncludeRoutine = true; switch (lstPets[0].Routine.ToLower()) { case "routine125": pRequest.IncludeRoutine125 = true; break; case "routine250": pRequest.IncludeRoutine250 = true; break; case "routine400": pRequest.IncludeRoutine400 = true; break; } } pRequest.InternetDiscount = mCustomer.DiscountInternetPurchase; pRequest.MilitaryDiscount = mCustomer.DiscountMilitarySelected; pRequest.VetDiscount = mCustomer.DiscountVetSelected; int nPlan = lstPets[0].PlanId; int stateid = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.StateId; int underwriter = mCustomer.Underwriter; pRequest.UnderwriterID = mCustomer.Underwriter; pRequest.FilingID = (from pts in context.v_PlansToStates where pts.stateProvinceID.Equals(stateid) && pts.UnderwriterID.Equals(underwriter) && pts.plan_id == nPlan select pts.FilingID).First(); pRequest.IncludeBreeders = lstPets[0].Breeder; if (lstPets[0].Hereditary.ToLower().Equals("hereditary100")) { pRequest.IncludeHereditary100 = true; } else if (lstPets[0].Hereditary.ToLower().Equals("hereditary25")) { pRequest.IncludeHereditary25 = true; } else { pRequest.IncludeHereditary100 = false; pRequest.IncludeHereditary25 = false; } pRequest.IncludePrescriptionFood = lstPets[0].PrescriptionFood; pRequest.KrogerLoyaltyNumber = string.Empty; PolicyServiceReference.Pet p1 = CreatePolicyRequestPet(lstPets[0]); if (lstPets.Count ==3)//3 pets { pRequest.Pets = new PolicyServiceReference.Pet[3]; pRequest.Pets[0] = p1; pRequest.Pets[1] = CreatePolicyRequestPet(lstPets[1]); pRequest.Pets[2] = CreatePolicyRequestPet(lstPets[2]); } else if (lstPets.Count ==2) { pRequest.Pets = new PolicyServiceReference.Pet[2]; pRequest.Pets[0] = p1; pRequest.Pets[1] = CreatePolicyRequestPet(lstPets[1]); } else { pRequest.Pets = new PolicyServiceReference.Pet[1]; pRequest.Pets[0] = p1; } PolicyServiceClient pc = new PolicyServiceClient(); try { PolicyServiceSellPolicyResponse resp = pc.SellPolicy(pRequest); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resp.Error)) { foreach (Pet p in lstPets) { p.PolicyNumber = resp.PolicyNumber; p.PolicyId = resp.PolicyId; } } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resp.PolicyNumber)) { foreach (Pet p in lstPets) { p.PolicyNumber = resp.PolicyNumber; p.PolicyId = resp.PolicyId; } } mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg = resp.Error; } } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { try { if (pc.State == CommunicationState.Faulted) pc.Abort(); else if (pc.State == CommunicationState.Opened) pc.Close(); } catch { } } }
public List<MilitaryStatus> GetMilitaryStatusList(PetfirstCustomer mCustomer) { List<MilitaryStatus> lstReturn = new List<MilitaryStatus>(); string cacheKey = "$MilitaryStatusList$"; object CachedList = m_Cache.Get(cacheKey) as List<MilitaryBranch>; if (CachedList == null)//get from the service { CoreServiceReference.CoreServiceClient cs = new CoreServiceClient(); CoreServiceGetMilitaryStatusResponse ccResponse = cs.GetMilitaryStatusList(); foreach (MilitaryStatus ms in ccResponse.Status) { lstReturn.Add(ms); } if (lstReturn.Count > 0) { m_Cache.Add(cacheKey, lstReturn); } else { lstReturn = null; LogException le = new LogException(); try { le.LogError(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, "Error retreiving military status", ccResponse.Error.ErrorText, mCustomer); ///Test email server //le.SendErrorEmail(string.Concat(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, "<br/><hr />", msg, "<hr />User Input:", le.BuildUserDataString(mCustomer))); } catch (Exception ex) { ///Test email server //lblError.Text = ex.ToString(); try { le.SendErrorEmail(string.Concat(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, "<br/><hr />", ex.Message, "<br />StackTrace: ", ex.StackTrace, "<br /><hr />User Input:", le.BuildUserDataString(mCustomer))); } catch { } } } } else { lstReturn = (List<MilitaryStatus>)CachedList; } return lstReturn; }
public void LogError(string source, string msg, string stack, PetfirstCustomer mCustomer) { //string hostname = GetDnsName(); string ip = GetIPAddress(); string userName = GetUserName(); string userData = BuildUserDataString(mCustomer); WebExceptionCaptureServiceRequest wrequest = new WebExceptionCaptureServiceRequest(); wrequest.CustomizedData = userData; wrequest.UserName = userName; wrequest.IPAddress = GetIPAddress(); wrequest.HostName = GetDnsName(); wrequest.Stacktrace = stack; wrequest.ErrorPageUrl = source; wrequest.ErrorMessage = msg; WebExceptionServiceClient wsc = new WebExceptionServiceClient(); try { WebExceptionCaptureServiceResponse resp = wsc.SaveWebException(wrequest); } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { try { if (wsc.State == CommunicationState.Faulted) wsc.Abort(); else if (wsc.State == CommunicationState.Opened) wsc.Close(); } catch { } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { mCustomer = (PetfirstCustomer)Session["Customer"]; mthisPet = (Pet)Session["Pet"]; HandleMenuItems(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["new_pet"]) && mCustomer != null)//if there is query srtring passed { bAddPet = true; //adding a new pet only CancelLink.HRef = "customizeplan.aspx?canceladd=true"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["current_pet"])) { bSamePet = true; } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { if(bSamePet) { txtZip.Text = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Zip; txtPetName.Text = mthisPet.PetName; DateTime today = DateTime.Today; int age = today.Year - mthisPet.Birthday.Year; //if (mthisPet.Birthday > today.AddYears(-age)) age--; ddlAge.SelectedIndex = age; load_breeds(mthisPet.SpeciesId); if (mthisPet.BreedId == 54) { ddlBreed.SelectedValue = "10000"; //+ mthisPet.WeightId).ToString(); rbRadioButtonListMixed.SelectedValue = mthisPet.WeightId.ToString(); } else { ddlBreed.SelectedValue = mthisPet.BreedId.ToString(); } rblSpecies.SelectedValue = mthisPet.SpeciesId.ToString(); } else { InitiatePetfirstCustomer(); InitiateNewPet(); rblSpecies.SelectedValue = "1"; load_breeds(1); ddlBreed.SelectedIndex = 0; rbRadioButtonListMixed.SelectedValue = "1"; } } lblYourPet.Text = mthisPet.PetName; if (bAddPet) { txtZip.Text = mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Zip; txtZip.Enabled = false; } this.Master.NumberofPets = mCustomer.MyPets.Count.ToString(); }
public bool GetFastQuote(ref PetfirstCustomer mCustomer, ref Pet thispet, bool bNewQuote) { bool bReturn = false; //Load from prequote; if (bNewQuote) { bReturn = LoadFastQuote(ref mCustomer, ref thispet); } if (thispet.preQuotes != null) { Int16 nPlanID = (Int16)thispet.PlanId; decimal dDeductible = thispet.DeductibleAmount; decimal dCopay = (1 - thispet.Reimbursement); Boolean b125 = false; Boolean b250 = false; Boolean b400 = false; switch (thispet.Routine) { case "routine125": b125 = true; break; case "routine250": b250 = true; break; case "routine400": b400 = true; break; default: break; } try { FastQuoteResponse thisQuote = (from qr in thispet.preQuotes.AsEnumerable() where dDeductible == qr.Field<decimal>("Deductible") && dCopay == qr.Field<decimal>("Copay") && nPlanID == qr.Field<Int16>("PlanId") && b125 == qr.Field<Boolean>("Routine125") && b250 == qr.Field<Boolean>("Routine250") && b400 == qr.Field<Boolean>("Routine400") select new FastQuoteResponse { QuoteID = qr.Field<int>("QuoteID"), FilingID = qr.Field<int>("FilingID"), AnnualPremiumAmount = qr.Field<decimal>("AnnualPremiumAmount"), AdminFee = qr.Field<decimal>("AdminFee"), RecurringMonthlyAmount = qr.Field<decimal>("ReccuringMonthlyAmount"), FirstMonthPremiumAmount = qr.Field<decimal>("FirstMonthPremiumAmount"), AnnualSavings = qr.Field<decimal>("AnnualSavings"), AnnualDiscountAmount = qr.Field<decimal>("AnnualDiscountAmount") }).FirstOrDefault(); if (thisQuote == null) { bReturn = false; } else { thispet.FirstMonthPaymentTotal = thisQuote.FirstMonthPremiumAmount; thispet.FirstMonthTax = thisQuote.AdminFee; thispet.RecurringMonthPaymentTotal = thisQuote.RecurringMonthlyAmount; thispet.RecurringMonthTax = thisQuote.AdminFee; thispet.InternetDiscountAmount = thisQuote.AnnualDiscountAmount; thispet.EBDiscountAmount = 0; thispet.MilitaryDiscountAmount = 0; thispet.VetDiscountAmount = 0; thispet.AnnualPaymentTotal = thisQuote.AnnualPremiumAmount; if (mCustomer.Underwriter == 4) { thispet.FirstMonthPremiumOnly = thisQuote.FirstMonthPremiumAmount - thisQuote.AdminFee; thispet.RecurringMonthPremiumOnly = thisQuote.RecurringMonthlyAmount - thisQuote.AdminFee; } else { thispet.FirstMonthPremiumOnly = thisQuote.FirstMonthPremiumAmount - thisQuote.AdminFee; thispet.RecurringMonthPremiumOnly = thisQuote.RecurringMonthlyAmount - thisQuote.AdminFee; } thispet.QuoteId = thisQuote.QuoteID; thispet.Enrolled = true; thispet.OldQuoteData = false; if (thisQuote.FilingID > 47) thispet.MultiPetAvailable = true; bReturn = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { bReturn = false; } } return (bReturn); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["quoteref"])) //Make sure we have a quote { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } else { string[] sQuoteRef = (Request.QueryString["quoteref"]).Split('-'); if (sQuoteRef.Count() == 2) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sQuoteRef[0]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sQuoteRef[1])) //Make sure the quote is well formed { mCustomer = new PetfirstCustomer(); if (mCustomer != null) { if (LoadCustomerInfo(ref mCustomer, sQuoteRef[1])) { if (LoadPlanInfo(ref mCustomer, sQuoteRef[0])) { //Everthing is loaded that we can so move on to checkout. Session["Customer"] = mCustomer; Response.Redirect("Checkout.aspx", false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } else { //couldn't find plan in db..... Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } } else { //couldn't load customer data from db.... Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } } else { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } } else { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } } else { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", false); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } } }
public void GetMonthlyQuote(ref PetfirstCustomer mCustomer, List<Pet> lstPets) { mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg = ""; QuoteServiceClient qclient = new QuoteServiceClient(); QuoteServiceCreateNewQuoteRequest qRequest = new QuoteServiceCreateNewQuoteRequest(); qRequest.Customer = CreateQuoteCustomer(mCustomer); SetQuoteRequestPets(ref qRequest, lstPets); SetQuoteOtherAttributes(ref qRequest, mCustomer,lstPets, true); try { QuoteServiceCreateNewQuoteResponse resp = qclient.CreateNewMonthlyQuote(qRequest); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resp.Error.ErrorText)) { foreach (Pet p in lstPets) { p.FirstMonthPaymentTotal = resp.FirstDebitAmt; p.FirstMonthTax = resp.FirstTaxAmt;//this include tax and admin fee p.RecurringMonthPaymentTotal = resp.RecurringDebitAmt; p.RecurringMonthTax = resp.RecurringTaxAmt;//this include tax and admin fee p.InternetDiscountAmount = resp.InternetDiscountAmount; p.EBDiscountAmount = resp.EBDiscountAmount; p.MilitaryDiscountAmount = resp.MilitaryDiscountAmount; p.VetDiscountAmount = resp.VetDiscountAmount; if (mCustomer.Underwriter == 4) { p.FirstMonthPremiumOnly = resp.FirstDebitAmt - resp.FirstTaxAmt; p.RecurringMonthPremiumOnly = resp.RecurringDebitAmt - resp.RecurringTaxAmt; } else { p.FirstMonthPremiumOnly = resp.FirstDebitAmt - resp.FirstTaxAmt; p.RecurringMonthPremiumOnly = resp.RecurringDebitAmt - resp.RecurringTaxAmt; } p.QuoteId = resp.Id; p.Enrolled = true; p.OldQuoteData = false; p.MultiPetAvailable = resp.MultiPolicyDiscountAvailable; } } else { mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg = resp.Error.ErrorText; } } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { try { if (qclient.State == CommunicationState.Faulted) qclient.Abort(); else if (qclient.State == CommunicationState.Opened) qclient.Close(); } catch { } } }
public bool LoadFastQuote(ref PetfirstCustomer mCustomer, ref Pet thispet) { bool bReturn = false; string sMemberCodeString = ""; sMemberCodeString += mCustomer.DiscountMilitarySelected ? "M" : ""; sMemberCodeString += mCustomer.DiscountInternetPurchase ? "I" : ""; sMemberCodeString += mCustomer.DiscountVetSelected ? "A" : ""; try { if (thispet.preQuotes == null) { thispet.preQuotes = new DataTable(); } thispet.preQuotes.Clear(); using (var con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PFQuoteDB"].ConnectionString)) { using (var cmd = new SqlCommand("usp_GetPreQuotes", con)) { cmd.Parameters.Add("@StateID", SqlDbType.TinyInt); cmd.Parameters["@StateID"].Value = (byte)mCustomer.MembershipInfo.StateId; cmd.Parameters.Add("@BreedID", SqlDbType.Int); cmd.Parameters.Add("@Age", SqlDbType.Int); cmd.Parameters["@Age"].Value = thispet.Age; cmd.Parameters.Add("@WeightID", SqlDbType.TinyInt); cmd.Parameters.Add("@EnrollmentCode", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20).Value = mCustomer.EnrollmentCode; cmd.Parameters.Add("@MemberCodeString", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20).Value = sMemberCodeString; if (thispet.SpeciesId == 2) { cmd.Parameters["@WeightID"].Value = (byte)1; cmd.Parameters["@BreedID"].Value = 2; } else if (thispet.SpeciesId == 1 && thispet.BreedId == 54) { cmd.Parameters["@WeightID"].Value = (byte)thispet.WeightId; cmd.Parameters["@BreedID"].Value = thispet.BreedId; } else { cmd.Parameters["@WeightID"].Value = (byte)0; cmd.Parameters["@BreedID"].Value = thispet.BreedId; } using (var da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd)) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; da.Fill(thispet.preQuotes); if (thispet.preQuotes.Rows.Count > 0) { bReturn = true; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { bReturn = false; mCustomer.WebserviceErrorMsg = ex.Message; } return (bReturn); }
private void InitiatePetfirstCustomer() { if (!bAddPet) { mCustomer = new PetfirstCustomer(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["enrollment_code"]))//if there is query srtring passed { mCustomer.EnrollmentCode = (string)Request.QueryString["enrollment_code"]; GetPhoneNumber(); //mCustomer.DiscountEBEnrollmentCode = true; } } }
private bool LoadCustomerInfo(ref PetfirstCustomer mCustomer, string scustomerLookup) { bool bReturn = true; SqlConnection con = GetConnection(); SqlDataReader sdr = null; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("usp_pricecompare_tmpcustomer_get_by_customer_id", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@customer_id", SqlDbType.BigInt)); cmd.Parameters["@customer_id"].Value = Int32.Parse(scustomerLookup); try { con.Open(); sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (sdr.Read()) { mCustomer.MembershipInfo.FirstName = sdr.GetString(CTFIRSTNAME); mCustomer.MembershipInfo.LastName = sdr.GetString(CTLASTNAME); mCustomer.EnrollmentCode = sdr.GetString(CTENROLLMENTCODE); using (PetfirstData pfData = new PetfirstData()) { mCustomer.CallCenter = pfData.GetPhoneNumber(mCustomer.EnrollmentCode); } mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Email = sdr.GetString(CTEMAIL); mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Zip = sdr.GetString(CTZIP); mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Phone = sdr.GetString(CTPHONE); if ((sdr.GetString(CTPAYFREQUENCY)).ToString().Contains("monthly") == true) { mCustomer.PayFrequency = 1; } else { mCustomer.PayFrequency = 2; } CoreServiceClient csc = new CoreServiceClient(); CoreServiceGetStateByZipResponse resp = csc.GetStateByZip(mCustomer.MembershipInfo.Zip); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resp.Error.ErrorText)) { mCustomer.MembershipInfo.StateId = resp.State.Id; mCustomer.MembershipInfo.City = resp.State.CityName; mCustomer.MembershipInfo.State = resp.State.StateName; } Pet myPet = new Pet(); myPet.Birthday = sdr.GetDateTime(CTPETBIRTHDAY); myPet.ColorId = 146; //Any Breed// myPet.ColorName = "Any"; if ((sdr.GetString(CTSPECIESNAME)).ToString().Contains("dog") == true) { myPet.SpeciesId = 1; myPet.SpeciesName = "Dog"; } else { myPet.SpeciesId = 2; myPet.SpeciesName = "Cat"; } myPet.BreedId = sdr.GetInt32(CTBREEDID); myPet.WeightId = sdr.GetByte(CTWEIGHTID); myPet.PetName = sdr.GetString(CTPETNAME); myPet.GenderFull = sdr.GetString(CTPETGENDER); myPet.GenderFull.Trim(); if (myPet.GenderFull.Contains("female")) { myPet.Gender = "F"; } else { myPet.Gender = "M"; } myPet.DeductibleAmount = sdr.GetDecimal(CTDEDUCTIBLE); myPet.Reimbursement = sdr.GetDecimal(CTREIMBURSEMENT); myPet.SpayedOrNeutered = sdr.GetBoolean(CTSPAYORNEUTER); //stored procedure will take care of figuring out if this is true or not. mCustomer.DiscountVetAvailable = true; mCustomer.DiscountMilitaryAvailable = true; mCustomer.DiscountMilitarySelected = sdr.GetBoolean(CTMILITARY); mCustomer.DiscountVetSelected = sdr.GetBoolean(CTVETPROFFESIONAL); mCustomer.MyPets.Add(myPet); try { using (PetfirstData pfData = new PetfirstData()) { pfData.SaveCustomer(mCustomer); } } catch { throw; } } con.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { bReturn = false; LoggingError(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } finally { if (con != null) { con.Close(); con.Dispose(); con = null; } if (cmd != null) { cmd.Dispose(); cmd = null; } } return (bReturn); }