private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { timer1.Interval = new Random().Next(7000) + 3000; // notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(5000,"title","message"+timer1.Interval,ToolTipIcon.Warning); for (int i = 0; i < mats.Count - 1; i++) { mats.Remove(mats.First()); } mats.Add(OpenCvSharp.Extensions.BitmapConverter.ToMat(UtilsPic.GetScreenCapture())); }
public Form1(login _login) { SynchronizationContext synchronizationContext = SynchronizationContext.Current; this._login = _login; InitializeComponent(); this.Text += " - " + login.s_id; title = Text; maps = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); var stringses = UtilsDB.selectDB("SELECT `NAME`,S_ID,OL FROM members WHERE MGR>2 AND S_ID <>'" + login.s_id + "' ORDER BY OL DESC, MGR DESC,S_ID"); for (int i = 0; i < stringses.Count; i++) { var map = new Dictionary <string, string>(); map.Add("name", stringses[i][0]); map.Add("id", stringses[i][1]); map.Add("online", stringses[i][2]); maps.Add(map); } for (int i = 0; i < maps.Count; i++) { listBox1.Items.Add("oi"); } new Thread(() => { while (!login.over) { //todo:查询需求、查询在线状况(自己和成员)、上传截图、 if (isworking && !ispause) { var strs = UtilsDB.selectDB( "SELECT NUM_PIC,`NAME`,MSG FROM members JOIN (SELECT NUM_PIC,LOOKER,MSG FROM pictures WHERE MSG<>'' AND S_ID='" + login.s_id + "') AS x ON x.LOOKER=members.S_ID"); if (strs.Count >= 1) { UtilsDB.changeDB("UPDATE pictures SET MSG='' WHERE NUM_PIC=" + strs[0][0]); synchronizationContext.Post((obj) => { notifyIcon1.BalloonTipTitle = strs[0][1]; notifyIcon1.BalloonTipText = strs[0][2]; notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(5000); }, null); } var temp = UtilsDB.selectDB( "SELECT MAX(NUM_PIC) FROM pictures WHERE S_ID='" + login.s_id + "' AND SERIER_PIC=0"); if (temp.Count == 1 && temp[0][0] != "") { UtilsDB.changeDB( "UPDATE pictures SET SERIER_PIC=" + serier + " , BLOB_PIC=@blobData WHERE NUM_PIC=" + temp[0][0], new MySqlParameter("@blobData", UtilsPic.Bitmap2Byte(UtilsPic.GetScreenCapture()))); } //TODO:修改时间间隔 if (worktime % 50 == 0) { UtilsDB.changeDB( "INSERT INTO,pictures.S_ID,pictures.OPER_device,pictures.BLOB_PIC) VALUES('" + serier + "','" + login.s_id + "',@macData,@blobData);", new MySqlParameter("@blobData", UtilsPic.Bitmap2Byte(UtilsPic.GetScreenCapture())), new MySqlParameter("@macData", UtilsDB.addr_Mac)); } } if (worktime % 2 == 0) { if (isworking) { UtilsDB.changeDB("UPDATE members SET OL=5 WHERE S_ID='" + login.s_id + "'"); } synchronizationContext.Post((obj) => { listBox1.BeginUpdate(); maps = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); var sts = UtilsDB.selectDB("SELECT `NAME`,S_ID,OL FROM members WHERE MGR>2 AND S_ID <>'" + login.s_id + "' ORDER BY OL DESC, MGR DESC,S_ID"); int total_ol = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sts.Count; i++) { var map = new Dictionary <string, string>(); map.Add("name", sts[i][0]); map.Add("id", sts[i][1]); map.Add("online", sts[i][2]); total_ol += int.Parse(sts[i][2]) > 0 ? 1 : 0; label1.Text = "在线人数:" + (total_ol + (!ispause && isworking ? 1 : 0)); maps.Add(map); } listBox1.EndUpdate(); }, null); } worktime++; synchronizationContext.Post((state) => { label2.Text = "当前时长:" + state; }, $"{stopwatch.Elapsed.Hours}:{stopwatch.Elapsed.Minutes}:{stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds}"); Thread.Sleep(900); } }).Start(); }