public static Mat3Matrix operator *(Mat3Matrix M1, Mat3Matrix M2) { if (M1.Cols != M2.Rows) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid dimensions"); } Mat3Matrix M = new Mat3Matrix(M1.Rows, M2.Cols); if (M1.Diagonal && M2.Diagonal) { for (int i = 0; i < M1.Rows; i++) { M [i, i] = M1 [i, i] * M2 [i, i]; } } else if (M1.Diagonal) { for (int i = 0; i < M1.Rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < M2.Cols; j++) { M [i, j] = M1 [i, i] * M2 [i, j]; } } } else if (M2.Diagonal) { for (int i = 0; i < M1.Rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < M2.Cols; j++) { M [i, j] = M1 [i, j] * M2 [j, j]; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < M1.Rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < M2.Cols; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < M1.Cols; k++) { M [i, j].Add(M1 [i, k] * M2 [k, j]); } } } } return(M); }
private void SpheresUpdate(double dt) { if (Spheres == null) { return; } var contactObjects = new List <Entity> (); var contactIntersectionData = new List <Intersection> (); var contactCollisionMatrices = new List <Mat3> (); /* Build up broad phase collision hash grid */ var hgridObjects = AddSpheresToHGrid(); for (int i = 0; i < Spheres.Count; i++) { Sphere sphere = Spheres [i]; // Add gravity and take a half timestep sphere.f.Set(sphere.m * g); sphere.v.Add(0.5 * dt * sphere.m_inv * sphere.f); intersections.Clear(); /* Broad phase collision detection againt other spheres */ List <Sphere> possibleCollisions = hgrid.CheckObjAgainstGrid(hgridObjects [i]); hgrid.RemoveObject(hgridObjects [i]); foreach (Sphere other in possibleCollisions) { var data = sphere.Collider.CheckIntersection(other); foreach (var d in data) { d.self = sphere; } intersections.AddRange(data); } foreach (Entity entity in entities) { // FIXME not needed? // This is here so that the ground doesn't accumulate velocity entity.v.SetZero(); var data = entity.Collider.CheckIntersection(sphere); foreach (var d in data) { d.self = sphere; } intersections.AddRange(data); } foreach (Intersection data in intersections) { const double e = 0.8; const double mu = 0.1; Entity other = data.entity; var u = sphere.v - other.v; var r = sphere.x - other.x; var u_n = Vec3.Dot(u, data.normal) * data.normal; var r_a = sphere.x - data.point; var r_b = other.x - data.point; /* Check if contact is a separating contact */ if (Vec3.Dot(u, data.normal) > 0) { continue; } var rax = Mat3.SkewSymmetric(r_a); var rbx = Mat3.SkewSymmetric(r_b); var I_a = sphere.I_inv; var I_b = other.I_inv; var M_a = sphere.m_inv; var M_b = other.m_inv; Mat3 K = M_a + M_b; // - (rax * I_a * rax.Transpose + rbx * I_b * rbx.Transpose); Vec3 J = K.Inverse * (-e * u_n - u); var j_n = Vec3.Dot(J, data.normal) * data.normal; var j_t = J - j_n; bool in_allowed_friction_cone = j_t.SqLength < mu * mu * j_n.SqLength; if (!in_allowed_friction_cone) { Vec3 n = data.normal; Vec3 t = j_t.UnitVector; var j = -(1 + e) * u_n.Length / Vec3.Dot(n * K, n - mu * t); J = -j * n - mu * j * t; } sphere.v.Add(sphere.m_inv * J); * Vec3.Cross(r_a, J)); other.v.Add(-other.m_inv * J); * Vec3.Cross(r_b, J)); var u_new = sphere.v - other.v; var contactTest = Vec3.Dot(data.normal, u_new); /* Check if contact is a resting contact */ if (contactTest <= 0.3) { // Add to contact matrix if (!contactObjects.Contains(other)) { contactObjects.Add(other); } if (!contactObjects.Contains(sphere)) { contactObjects.Add(sphere); } data.i = contactObjects.FindIndex(s => { return(s == sphere); }); data.j = contactObjects.FindIndex(s => { return(s == other); }); contactIntersectionData.Add(data); contactCollisionMatrices.Add(K); } } // Add the other half of the time step sphere.v.Add(0.5 * dt * sphere.m_inv * sphere.f); } if (contactObjects.Count > 0) { double d = timestepsToStabilizeConstraint; double k = 1000; double a = 4 / (dt * (1 + 4 * d)); double b = (4 * d) / (1 + 4 * d); var M = contactIntersectionData.Count; var N = contactObjects.Count; var G = new Vec3Matrix(M, N); var CollisionMatrix = new Mat3Matrix(M, M); var dW = new Vec3Vector(N); var W = new Vec3Vector(N); var q = new Vec3Vector(M); var M_inv = new Mat3Matrix(N, N); // Jacobian for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) { int body_i = contactIntersectionData [i].i; int body_j = contactIntersectionData [i].j; G [i, body_i] = contactIntersectionData [i].normal; G [i, body_j] = -contactIntersectionData [i].normal; CollisionMatrix [i, i] = contactCollisionMatrices [i]; } // Set constraints q for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) { q [i] = -contactIntersectionData [i].distance * contactIntersectionData [i].normal; } // Set values to M, f, W for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { dW [i] = contactObjects [i].m_inv * contactObjects [i].f; W [i] = contactObjects [i].v; M_inv [i, i] = contactObjects [i].m_inv; } Vec3Matrix S = G * M_inv * G.Transpose; for (int i = 0; i < S.Rows; i++) { var e = 4 / (dt * dt * k * (1 + 4 * d)); S [i, i].Add(e); } Vec3Vector B = -a * q - b * (G * W) - dt * (G * dW); // Data collection if (sphereTimeSteps < timestepLimit) { sphereTimeSteps++; } else if (sphereTimeSteps == timestepLimit) { sphereTimeSteps++; Debug.Log("Spheres sample complete! Timestep: " + 1 / Time.fixedDeltaTime + "Hz"); sphereData.Close(); sphereData = null; } Vec3Vector lambda = Solver.GaussSeidel(S, B, maxSolverIterations, logFile: sphereData); /* If lambda has negative values, clamp to zero */ foreach (Vec3 elem in lambda) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (elem [j] < 0) { elem [j] = 0; //Debug.Log ("Negative lambda"); } } } var fc = G.Transpose * lambda; for (int i = 0; i < contactObjects.Count; i++) { contactObjects [i].v.Add(contactObjects [i].m_inv * fc [i]); } } // Finally, integrate foreach (var sphere in Spheres) { sphere.x.Add(dt * sphere.v); } }
private void RopeUpdate(double dt) { if (Rope == null) { return; } // Data collection if (ropeTimeSteps < timestepLimit) { ropeTimeSteps++; } else if (ropeTimeSteps == timestepLimit) { ropeTimeSteps++; Debug.Log("Rope sample complete! Timestep: " + 1 / Time.fixedDeltaTime + "Hz"); ropeData.Close(); ropeData = null; } // Add gravity foreach (var p in Rope) { p.f.Set(p.m * g); } intersections.Clear(); CheckCollisions(Rope); HandleCollisions(); /* Constant parameters in SPOOK */ double d = timestepsToStabilizeConstraint; double a = 4 / (dt * (1 + 4 * d)); double b = (4 * d) / (1 + 4 * d); var N = Rope.Count; List <Constraint> C = Rope.constraints; var G = new Vec3Matrix(C.Count, N); // Constraint Jacobian matrix var M_inv = new Mat3Matrix(N, N); // Inverse Mass matrix // All forces, velocities, generalized positions var f = new Vec3Vector(N); var W = new Vec3Vector(N); var q = new Vec3Vector(C.Count); for (int i = 0; i < C.Count; i++) { // Set Jacobians var c = C [i]; Vec3[] jac = c.getJacobians(Rope); G [i, c.body_i] = jac [0]; G [i, c.body_j] = jac [1]; // Set constraints q q [i] = c.getConstraint(Rope); } // Set values to M, f, W for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { M_inv [i, i] = Mat3.Diag(Rope [i].m_inv); f [i] = Rope [i].f; W [i] = Rope [i].v; } Vec3Matrix S = G * M_inv * G.Transpose; for (int i = 0; i < S.Rows; i++) { var e = 4 / (dt * dt * C [i].k * (1 + 4 * d)); S [i, i].Add(e); } Vec3Vector B = -a * q - b * (G * W) - dt * (G * (M_inv * f)); Vec3Vector lambda = Solver.GaussSeidel(S, B, maxSolverIterations, iterationDirection, logFile: ropeData); Vec3Vector fc = G.Transpose * lambda; // Integrate for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { Particle p = Rope [i]; p.v = p.v + p.m_inv * fc [i] + dt * p.m_inv * p.f; p.x = p.x + dt * p.v; } AdjustIntersections(); }