private void DrawLineOfText( Page page, List <TextLine> list, bool draw) { if (alignment == Align.JUSTIFY) { float sum_of_word_widths = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { TextLine text = list[i]; sum_of_word_widths += text.font.StringWidth(text.GetFallbackFont(), text.str); } float dx = (w - sum_of_word_widths) / (list.Count - 1); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { TextLine text = list[i]; text.SetPosition(x1, y1); if (text.GetGoToAction() != null) { page.AddAnnotation(new Annotation( null, // The URI text.GetGoToAction(), // The destination name x, page.height - (y - text.font.ascent), x + text.font.StringWidth(text.GetFallbackFont(), text.GetText()), page.height - (y - text.font.descent), null, null, null)); } if (rotate == 0) { text.SetTextDirection(0); text.DrawOn(page, draw); x1 += text.font.StringWidth(text.GetFallbackFont(), text.str) + dx; } else if (rotate == 90) { text.SetTextDirection(90); text.DrawOn(page, draw); y1 -= text.font.StringWidth(text.GetFallbackFont(), text.str) + dx; } else if (rotate == 270) { text.SetTextDirection(270); text.DrawOn(page, draw); y1 += text.font.StringWidth(text.GetFallbackFont(), text.str) + dx; } } } else { DrawNonJustifiedLine(page, list, draw); } }
private TextLine DrawLineOnPage(TextLine textLine, Page page) { StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); String[] tokens = Regex.Split(textLine.GetText(), @"\s+"); bool testForFit = true; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; i++) { String token = tokens[i] +; if (testForFit && textLine.GetStringWidth((sb1.ToString() + token).Trim()) < this.w) { sb1.Append(token); } else { if (testForFit) { testForFit = false; } sb2.Append(token); } } textLine.SetText(sb1.ToString().Trim()); if (page != null) { textLine.DrawOn(page); } textLine.SetText(sb2.ToString().Trim()); return(textLine); }
public void DrawOn(Page page) { if (!prefix.Equals("")) { prefix.DrawOn(page); } text.DrawOn(page); }
public float[] DrawOn(Page page) { if (!prefix.Equals("")) { prefix.DrawOn(page); } return(textLine.DrawOn(page)); }
public Example_04() { String fileName = "data/happy-new-year.txt"; FileStream fos = new FileStream("Example_04.pdf", FileMode.Create); BufferedStream bos = new BufferedStream(fos); PDF pdf = new PDF(bos); pdf.setCompressor(Compressor.ORIGINAL_ZLIB); Font f1 = new Font( pdf, "AdobeMingStd-Light", // Chinese (Traditional) font CodePage.UNICODE); Font f2 = new Font( pdf, "AdobeSongStd-Light", // Chinese (Simplified) font CodePage.UNICODE); Font f3 = new Font( pdf, "KozMinProVI-Regular", // Japanese font CodePage.UNICODE); Font f4 = new Font( pdf, "AdobeMyungjoStd-Medium", // Korean font CodePage.UNICODE); Page page = new Page(pdf, Letter.PORTRAIT); f1.SetSize(14); f2.SetSize(14); f3.SetSize(14); f4.SetSize(14); double x_pos = 100.0; double y_pos = 20.0; StreamReader reader = new StreamReader( new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open)); TextLine text = new TextLine(f1); String line = null; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.IndexOf("Simplified") != -1) { text.SetFont(f2); } else if (line.IndexOf("Japanese") != -1) { text.SetFont(f3); } else if (line.IndexOf("Korean") != -1) { text.SetFont(f4); } text.SetText(line); text.SetPosition(x_pos, y_pos += 24); text.DrawOn(page); } reader.Close(); pdf.Flush(); bos.Close(); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void DrawText(PDFjet.NET.PDF pdf, PDFjet.NET.Page page, string text, int x, int y) { Font f1 = new Font(pdf, "Helvetica"); f1.SetSize(10); PDFjet.NET.TextLine tLine = new TextLine(f1); tLine.SetText(text); tLine.SetPosition(x, y); //tLine.SetURIAction(""); tLine.DrawOn(page); }
public float[] DrawOn(Page page) { for (int row = 0; row < 7; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < 7; col++) { if (row == 0) { float offset = (dx - f1.StringWidth(days[col])) / 2; TextLine text = new TextLine(f1, days[col]); text.SetLocation(x1 + col * dx + offset, y1 + (dy / 2) - f1.descent); text.DrawOn(page); // Draw the line separating the title from the dates. Line line = new Line( x1, y1 + dy / 2 + f1.descent, x1 + 7 * dx, y1 + dy / 2 + f1.descent); line.DrawOn(page); } else { int dayOfMonth = ((7 * row + col) - 6) - dayOfWeek; if (dayOfMonth > 0 && dayOfMonth <= daysInMonth) { String s1 = dayOfMonth.ToString(); float offset = (dx - f2.StringWidth(s1)) / 2; TextLine text = new TextLine(f2, s1); text.SetLocation(x1 + col * dx + offset, y1 + row * dy + f2.ascent); text.DrawOn(page); page.SetPenWidth(1.5f); page.SetPenColor(; page.DrawEllipse( x1 + col * dx + dx / 2, y1 + row * dy + f2.GetHeight() / 2, dx / 2.5, dy / 2.5); } } } } return(new float[] { this.x1 + 7 * this.dx, this.y1 + 7 * this.dy }); }
public void DrawOn(Page page) { for (int row = 0; row < 7; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < 7; col++) { if (row == 0) { float offset = (dx - f1.StringWidth(days[col])) / 2; TextLine text = new TextLine(f1, days[col]); text.SetLocation(x1 + col * dx + offset, x1 + row * dy); text.DrawOn(page); // Draw the line separating the title from the dates. Line line = new Line( x1, y1 + dx / 4, x1 + 7 * dx, y1 + dx / 4); line.SetWidth(0.5f); line.DrawOn(page); } else { int day_of_month = ((7 * row + col) - 6) - day_of_week; if (day_of_month > 0 && day_of_month <= days_in_month) { String s1 = day_of_month.ToString(); float offset = (dx - f2.StringWidth(s1)) / 2; TextLine text = new TextLine(f2, s1); text.SetLocation(x1 + col * dx + offset, y1 + row * dy); text.DrawOn(page); page.SetPenWidth(1.5f); page.SetPenColor(; page.DrawEllipse(x1 + col * dx + dx / 2, y1 + row * dy - dy / 5, 8f, 8f); } } } } }
private void DrawNonJustifiedLine( Page page, List <TextLine> list, bool draw) { float run_length = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { TextLine text = list[i]; if (i < (list.Count - 1)) { text.str += " "; } run_length += text.font.StringWidth(text.GetFallbackFont(), text.str); } if (alignment == Align.CENTER) { if (rotate == 0) { x1 = x + ((w - run_length) / 2); } else if (rotate == 90) { y1 = y - ((w - run_length) / 2); } else if (rotate == 270) { y1 = y + ((w - run_length) / 2); } } else if (alignment == Align.RIGHT) { if (rotate == 0) { x1 = x + (w - run_length); } else if (rotate == 90) { y1 = y - (w - run_length); } else if (rotate == 270) { y1 = y + (w - run_length); } } for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { TextLine text = list[i]; text.SetPosition(x1, y1); if (text.GetGoToAction() != null) { page.AddAnnotation(new Annotation( null, // The URI text.GetGoToAction(), // The destination name x, page.height - (y - text.font.ascent), x + text.font.StringWidth(text.GetFallbackFont(), text.GetText()), page.height - (y - text.font.descent), null, null, null)); } if (rotate == 0) { text.SetTextDirection(0); text.DrawOn(page, draw); x1 += text.font.StringWidth(text.GetFallbackFont(), text.str); } else if (rotate == 90) { text.SetTextDirection(90); text.DrawOn(page, draw); y1 -= text.font.StringWidth(text.GetFallbackFont(), text.str); } else if (rotate == 270) { text.SetTextDirection(270); text.DrawOn(page, draw); y1 += text.font.StringWidth(text.GetFallbackFont(), text.str); } } }
public Example_05() { FileStream fos = new FileStream("Example_05.pdf", FileMode.Create); BufferedStream bos = new BufferedStream(fos); PDF pdf = new PDF(bos); pdf.setCompressor(Compressor.ORIGINAL_ZLIB); // Before you enable this flag please read README.ZLIB.TXT // in the 'optional' directory. // If PDF/A is not required use Helvetica, TimesRoman or Courier Font f1 = new Font(pdf, "Helvetica"); Page page = new Page(pdf, Letter.PORTRAIT); TextLine text = new TextLine(f1); text.SetPosition(300.0, 300.0); for (int i = 0; i < 360; i += 15) { text.SetTextDirection(i); text.SetUnderline(true); // text.SetStrikeLine(true); text.SetText(" Hello, World -- " + i + " degrees."); text.DrawOn(page); } text = new TextLine(f1, "WAVE AWAY"); text.SetPosition(70.0, 50.0); text.DrawOn(page); f1.SetKernPairs(true); text.SetPosition(70.0, 70.0); text.DrawOn(page); f1.SetKernPairs(false); text.SetPosition(70.0, 90.0); text.DrawOn(page); f1.SetSize(8); text = new TextLine(f1, "-- font.SetKernPairs(false);"); text.SetPosition(150.0, 50.0); text.DrawOn(page); text.SetPosition(150.0, 90.0); text.DrawOn(page); text = new TextLine(f1, "-- font.SetKernPairs(true);"); text.SetPosition(150.0, 70.0); text.DrawOn(page); Point point = new Point(300.0, 300.0); point.SetShape(Point.CIRCLE); point.SetFillShape(true); point.SetColor(RGB.BLUE); point.SetRadius(37.0); point.DrawOn(page); point.SetRadius(25.0); point.SetColor(RGB.WHITE); point.DrawOn(page); pdf.Flush(); bos.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Populate a voter card with the information of a given voter. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">The page containing the card.</param> /// <param name="pdf">The pdf containing the page.</param> /// <param name="xO">The horizontal offset of the card in points.</param> /// <param name="yO">The vertical offset of the card in points.</param> /// <param name="voter">The voter whose information to be populated onto the card.</param> private static void PopulateCard(Page page, PDF pdf, double xO, double yO, VoterDO voter) { // ----- POPULATE: POLLING STATION ----- PollingStationDO ps = voter.PollingStation; var font = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.HELVETICA); font.SetSize(9); var t = new TextLine(font, ps.Name); t.SetPosition(xO + 9 * U, yO + 27.5 * U); t.DrawOn(page); t = new TextLine(font, ps.Address); t.SetPosition(xO + 9 * U, yO + 32 * U); t.DrawOn(page); t = new TextLine(font, "valgfrit"); t.SetPosition(xO + 29 * U, yO + 48.8 * U); t.DrawOn(page); t = new TextLine(font, "02-04861"); t.SetPosition(xO + 29 * U, yO + 58.7 * U); t.DrawOn(page); t = new TextLine(font, "09:00 - 20:00"); t.SetPosition(xO + 29 * U, yO + 68.2 * U); t.DrawOn(page); // ----- POPULATE: VOTER ----- MunicipalityDO mun = voter.PollingStation.Municipality; font = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.COURIER); font.SetSize(10); // Add top voter number 'Vælgernr.' t = new TextLine(font, "02-04861"); t.SetPosition(xO + 102 * U, yO + 12 * U); t.DrawOn(page); // Add sender 'Afsender' t = new TextLine(font, mun.Name); t.SetPosition(xO + 102 * U, yO + 32.5 * U); t.DrawOn(page); t = new TextLine(font, mun.Address); t.SetPosition(xO + 102 * U, yO + 36.5 * U); t.DrawOn(page); t = new TextLine(font, mun.City); t.SetPosition(xO + 102 * U, yO + 40.5 * U); t.DrawOn(page); // Add reciever 'Modtager' t = new TextLine(font, voter.Name); t.SetPosition(xO + 102 * U, yO + 62.5 * U); t.DrawOn(page); t = new TextLine(font, voter.Address); t.SetPosition(xO + 102 * U, yO + 66.5 * U); t.DrawOn(page); t = new TextLine(font, voter.City); t.SetPosition(xO + 102 * U, yO + 70.5 * U); t.DrawOn(page); // Add CPR barcode string barcode = BarCodeHashing.Hash(voter.PrimaryKey.Value).ToString(); var b = new BarCode(BarCode.CODE128, barcode); b.SetPosition(xO + 160 * U, yO + 60 * U); b.DrawOn(page); t = new TextLine(font, barcode); t.SetPosition(xO + 160 * U, yO + 72 * U); t.DrawOn(page); }
/// <summary> /// Generate lines, boxes, watermark and default text of a single voter card. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">The page containing the card.</param> /// <param name="pdf">The pdf containing the page.</param> /// <param name="xO">The horizontal offset of the card in points.</param> /// <param name="yO">The vertical offset of the card in points.</param> private static void GenerateCard(Page page, PDF pdf, double xO, double yO) { // Add watermark. var font = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.HELVETICA_BOLD); font.SetSize(55); var t = new TextLine(font, "FAKE VALGKORT"); var lightBlue = new[] { 0.647, 0.812, 0.957 }; t.SetColor(lightBlue); t.SetPosition(xO + 20 * U, yO + 50 * U); t.DrawOn(page); // Add 'Afstemningssted' box. var b = new Box(xO + 6 * U, yO + 20 * U, 80 * U, 22 * U); b.DrawOn(page); // Add 'Valgbord' box. b = new Box(xO + 6 * U, yO + 44.5 * U, 80 * U, 7 * U); b.DrawOn(page); // Add 'Vælgernr' box. b = new Box(xO + 6 * U, yO + 54 * U, 80 * U, 7 * U); b.DrawOn(page); // Add 'Afstemningstid' box. b = new Box(xO + 6 * U, yO + 63.5 * U, 80 * U, 7 * U); b.DrawOn(page); // Add lines. var l = new Line(xO + 96 * U, yO + 5 * U, xO + 96 * U, yO + 85 * U); l.DrawOn(page); l = new Line(xO + 96 * U, yO + 25 * U, xO + 205 * U, yO + 25 * U); l.DrawOn(page); l = new Line(xO + 96 * U, yO + 45 * U, xO + 205 * U, yO + 45 * U); l.DrawOn(page); l = new Line(xO + 6 * U, yO + 85 * U, xO + 205 * U, yO + 85 * U); l.DrawOn(page); // Add default text. font = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.HELVETICA); font.SetSize(7); t = new TextLine(font, "Afstemningssted:"); t.SetPosition(xO + 7 * U, yO + 23 * U); t.DrawOn(page); t = new TextLine(font, "Vælgernr.:"); t.SetPosition(xO + 7 * U, yO + 58 * U); t.DrawOn(page); t = new TextLine(font, "Afstemningstid:"); t.SetPosition(xO + 7 * U, yO + 68 * U); t.DrawOn(page); t = new TextLine(font, "Afsender:"); t.SetPosition(xO + 98 * U, yO + 29 * U); t.DrawOn(page); t = new TextLine(font, "Modtager:"); t.SetPosition(xO + 98 * U, yO + 49 * U); t.DrawOn(page); font = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.HELVETICA); font.SetSize(9); t = new TextLine(font, "Folketingsvalg"); t.SetPosition(xO + 7 * U, yO + 10 * U); t.DrawOn(page); t = new TextLine(font, "20. november 2001"); t.SetPosition(xO + 7 * U, yO + 14 * U); t.DrawOn(page); t = new TextLine(font, "Valgbord:"); t.SetPosition(xO + 7 * U, yO + 49 * U); t.DrawOn(page); font = new Font(pdf, CoreFont.HELVETICA_OBLIQUE); font.SetSize(7); t = new TextLine(font, "Medbring kortet ved afstemningen"); t.SetPosition(xO + 6.5 * U, yO + 18.5 * U); t.DrawOn(page); }
private float[] DrawCode39(Page page, float x1, float y1) { text = "*" + text + "*"; float x = x1; float y = y1; float w = m1 * barHeightFactor; // Barcode width when drawn vertically float h = m1 * barHeightFactor; // Barcode height when drawn horizontally float[] xy = new float[] { 0f, 0f }; if (direction == LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { String code = tableB[text[i]]; if (code == null) { throw new Exception("The input string '" + text + "' contains characters that are invalid in a Code39 barcode."); } for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) { char ch = code[j]; if (ch == 'w') { x += m1; } else if (ch == 'W') { x += m1 * 3; } else if (ch == 'b') { DrawVertBar(page, x, y, m1, h); x += m1; } else if (ch == 'B') { DrawVertBar(page, x, y, m1 * 3, h); x += m1 * 3; } } x += m1; } if (font != null) { TextLine textLine = new TextLine(font, text); textLine.SetLocation( x1 + ((x - x1) - font.StringWidth(text)) / 2, y1 + h + font.bodyHeight); xy = textLine.DrawOn(page); xy[0] = Math.Max(x, xy[0]); } } else if (direction == TOP_TO_BOTTOM) { for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { String code = tableB[text[i]]; if (code == null) { throw new Exception("The input string '" + text + "' contains characters that are invalid in a Code39 barcode."); } for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) { char ch = code[j]; if (ch == 'w') { y += m1; } else if (ch == 'W') { y += 3 * m1; } else if (ch == 'b') { DrawHorzBar(page, x, y, m1, h); y += m1; } else if (ch == 'B') { DrawHorzBar(page, x, y, 3 * m1, h); y += 3 * m1; } } y += m1; } if (font != null) { TextLine textLine = new TextLine(font, text); textLine.SetLocation( x - font.bodyHeight, y1 + ((y - y1) - font.StringWidth(text)) / 2); textLine.SetTextDirection(270); xy = textLine.DrawOn(page); xy[0] = Math.Max(x, xy[0]) + w; xy[1] = Math.Max(y, xy[1]); } } else if (direction == BOTTOM_TO_TOP) { float height = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { String code = tableB[text[i]]; if (code == null) { throw new Exception("The input string '" + text + "' contains characters that are invalid in a Code39 barcode."); } for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) { char ch = code[j]; if (ch == 'w' || ch == 'b') { height += m1; } else if (ch == 'W' || ch == 'B') { height += 3 * m1; } } height += m1; } y += height - m1; for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { String code = tableB[text[i]]; for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) { char ch = code[j]; if (ch == 'w') { y -= m1; } else if (ch == 'W') { y -= 3 * m1; } else if (ch == 'b') { DrawHorzBar2(page, x, y, m1, h); y -= m1; } else if (ch == 'B') { DrawHorzBar2(page, x, y, 3 * m1, h); y -= 3 * m1; } } y -= m1; } if (font != null) { y = y1 + (height - m1); TextLine textLine = new TextLine(font, text); textLine.SetLocation( x + w + font.bodyHeight, y - ((y - y1) - font.StringWidth(text)) / 2); textLine.SetTextDirection(90); xy = textLine.DrawOn(page); xy[1] = Math.Max(y, xy[1]); return(new float[] { xy[0], xy[1] + font.descent }); } } return(new float[] { xy[0], xy[1] }); }
private float[] DrawCode128(Page page, float x1, float y1) { float x = x1; float y = y1; float w = m1; float h = m1; if (direction == TOP_TO_BOTTOM) { w *= barHeightFactor; } else if (direction == LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { h *= barHeightFactor; } List <Int32> list = new List <Int32>(); for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { char symchar = text[i]; if (symchar < 32) { list.Add(GS1_128.SHIFT); list.Add(symchar + 64); } else if (symchar < 128) { list.Add(symchar - 32); } else if (symchar < 256) { list.Add(GS1_128.FNC_4); list.Add(symchar - 160); // 128 + 32 } else { // list.Add(31); // '?' list.Add(256); // This will generate an exception. } if (list.Count == 48) { // Maximum number of data characters is 48 break; } } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); int checkDigit = GS1_128.START_B; buf.Append((char)checkDigit); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { int codeword = list[i]; buf.Append((char)codeword); checkDigit += codeword * (i + 1); } checkDigit %= GS1_128.START_A; buf.Append((char)checkDigit); buf.Append((char)GS1_128.STOP); for (int i = 0; i < buf.Length; i++) { int si = buf[i]; String symbol = GS1_128.TABLE[si].ToString(); for (int j = 0; j < symbol.Length; j++) { int n = symbol[j] - 0x30; if (j % 2 == 0) { if (direction == LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { DrawVertBar(page, x, y, m1 * n, h); } else if (direction == TOP_TO_BOTTOM) { DrawHorzBar(page, x, y, m1 * n, w); } } if (direction == LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { x += n * m1; } else if (direction == TOP_TO_BOTTOM) { y += n * m1; } } } float[] xy = new float[] { x, y }; if (font != null) { if (direction == LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { TextLine textLine = new TextLine(font, text); textLine.SetLocation( x1 + ((x - x1) - font.StringWidth(text)) / 2, y1 + h + font.bodyHeight); xy = textLine.DrawOn(page); xy[0] = Math.Max(x, xy[0]); return(new float[] { xy[0], xy[1] + font.descent }); } else if (direction == TOP_TO_BOTTOM) { TextLine textLine = new TextLine(font, text); textLine.SetLocation( x + w + font.bodyHeight, y - ((y - y1) - font.StringWidth(text)) / 2); textLine.SetTextDirection(90); xy = textLine.DrawOn(page); xy[1] = Math.Max(y, xy[1]); } } return(xy); }
private float[] DrawCodeUPC(Page page, float x1, float y1) { float x = x1; float y = y1; float h = m1 * barHeightFactor; // Barcode height when drawn horizontally // Calculate the check digit: // 1. Add the digits in the odd-numbered positions (first, third, fifth, etc.) // together and multiply by three. // 2. Add the digits in the even-numbered positions (second, fourth, sixth, etc.) // to the result. // 3. Subtract the result modulo 10 from ten. // 4. The answer modulo 10 is the check digit. int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 11; i += 2) { sum += text[i] - 48; } sum *= 3; for (int i = 1; i < 11; i += 2) { sum += text[i] - 48; } int reminder = sum % 10; int checkDigit = (10 - reminder) % 10; text += checkDigit.ToString(); x = DrawEGuard(page, x, y, m1, h + 8); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { int digit = text[i] - 0x30; // page.DrawString(digit.ToString(), x + 1, y + h + 12); String symbol = tableA[digit].ToString(); for (int j = 0; j < symbol.Length; j++) { int n = symbol[j] - 0x30; if (j % 2 != 0) { DrawVertBar(page, x, y, n * m1, h); } x += n * m1; } } x = DrawMGuard(page, x, y, m1, h + 8); for (int i = 6; i < 12; i++) { int digit = text[i] - 0x30; // page.DrawString(digit.ToString(), x + 1, y + h + 12); String symbol = tableA[digit].ToString(); for (int j = 0; j < symbol.Length; j++) { int n = symbol[j] - 0x30; if (j % 2 == 0) { DrawVertBar(page, x, y, n * m1, h); } x += n * m1; } } x = DrawEGuard(page, x, y, m1, h + 8); float[] xy = new float[] { x, y }; if (font != null) { String label = text[0] + " " + text[1] + text[2] + text[3] + text[4] + text[5] + " " + text[6] + text[7] + text[8] + text[9] + text[10] + " " + text[11]; float fontSize = font.GetSize(); font.SetSize(10f); TextLine textLine = new TextLine(font, label); textLine.SetLocation( x1 + ((x - x1) - font.StringWidth(label)) / 2, y1 + h + font.bodyHeight); xy = textLine.DrawOn(page); xy[0] = Math.Max(x, xy[0]); xy[1] = Math.Max(y, xy[1]); font.SetSize(fontSize); return(new float[] { xy[0], xy[1] + font.descent }); } return(new float[] { xy[0], xy[1] }); }
public Example_13() { FileStream fos = new FileStream("Example_13.pdf", FileMode.Create); BufferedStream bos = new BufferedStream(fos); PDF pdf = new PDF(bos); pdf.setCompressor(Compressor.ORIGINAL_ZLIB); Font f1 = new Font(pdf, "Helvetica-Bold"); Font f2 = new Font(pdf, "Helvetica"); f1.SetSize(7.0); f2.SetSize(7.0); List<List<Cell>> tableData = new List<List<Cell>>(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader( new FileStream("data/winter-2009.txt", FileMode.Open)); String line; while (( line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { List<Cell> row = new List<Cell>(); String[] columns = line.Split(new Char[] {'|'}); for ( int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++ ) { row.Add(new Cell(f2, columns[i])); } tableData.Add(row); } reader.Close(); Table table = new Table(f1, f2); table.SetData(tableData, Table.DATA_HAS_2_HEADER_ROWS); table.SetPosition(100.0, 50.0); table.setCellMargin(2.0); table.RemoveLineBetweenRows(0, 1); Cell cell3 = table.GetCellAt(1, 1); = true; cell3 = table.GetCellAt(1, 2); = true; SetFontForRow(table, 0, f1); SetFontForRow(table, 1, f1); table.AutoAdjustColumnWidths(); List<Cell> column = table.GetColumn(7); for ( int i = 0; i < column.Count; i++ ) { Cell cell = column[i]; cell.SetTextAlignment(Align.CENTER); } column = table.GetColumn(4); for ( int i = 2; i < column.Count; i++ ) { Cell cell = column[i]; try { cell.SetTextAlignment(Align.CENTER); if ( Int32.Parse( cell.GetText()) > 40 ) { cell.SetBgColor( new double[] { 0.0, 0.85, 0.0 } ); } else { cell.SetBgColor( new double[] { 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 } ); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } Cell cell2 = table.GetCellAt(0, 1); cell2.SetColSpan( 2 ); cell2.SetTextAlignment(Align.CENTER); SetBgColorForRow(table, 0, new double[] { 0.85, 0.85, 0.85 }); SetBgColorForRow(table, 1, new double[] { 0.85, 0.85, 0.85 }); table.SetColumnWidth(3, 10); blankOutColumn(table, 3); table.SetColumnWidth(8, 10); blankOutColumn(table, 8); Page page = new Page(pdf, Letter.PORTRAIT); int numOfPages = table.GetNumberOfPages(page); int pageNumber = 1; while (true) { table.DrawOn(page); TextLine text = new TextLine(f1); text.SetText("Page " + pageNumber++ + " of " + numOfPages); text.SetPosition(300.0, 780.0); text.DrawOn(page); if (!table.HasMoreData()) break; page = new Page(pdf, Letter.PORTRAIT); } pdf.Flush(); bos.Close(); }