コード例 #1
ファイル: ScheduleViewModel.cs プロジェクト: jacalata/pax
 // create a single loooong list of expo booths
 void filterEventsToExpo()
     var eventsVar =
        (from Event in events
     where Event.Kind.Equals("Expo")
     select Event).ToList<Event>();
     ScheduleSlice expoList = new ScheduleSlice("all exhibitors", eventsVar);
コード例 #2
ファイル: ScheduleViewModel.cs プロジェクト: jacalata/pax
 /// <summary>
 /// create the slices, selecting only starred events and dividing them based on the event day
 /// </summary>
 void filterEventsByStars()
     List<string> eventDays = schedule.eventDays;
     ScheduleSlice starSlice;
     var eventsVar = (List<Event>)null;
     foreach (string dayName in eventDays)
         eventsVar =
        (from Event in events
     where Event.day.Equals(dayName) && (Event.Star == true)
     select Event).ToList<Event>();
         starSlice = new ScheduleSlice(dayName, eventsVar);
コード例 #3
ファイル: ScheduleViewModel.cs プロジェクト: jacalata/pax
        /// <summary>
        /// create the slices, retrieving events that contain the given search term in either title or description,
        /// and dividing events based on which field it was found in
        /// </summary>
        void filterEventsBySearch()
            var eventsVar =
             (from Event in events
              where isContainedIn(Event.Name, searchQuery)
              select Event).ToList<Event>();
             ScheduleSlice eventTitlesSlice = new ScheduleSlice("title", eventsVar);

              eventsVar =
             (from Event in events
              where isContainedIn(Event.Details, searchQuery)
              select Event).ToList<Event>();
              ScheduleSlice eventDetailsSlice = new ScheduleSlice("description", eventsVar);
コード例 #4
ファイル: ScheduleViewModel.cs プロジェクト: jacalata/pax
        /// <summary>
        /// create the slices, dividing events based on the event location
        /// </summary>
        void filterEventsByLocation()
            pivotTemplateName = "pivotListTemplate";

               List<String> eventLocations = schedule.eventLocations;
               var eventsVar = (List<Event>)null;
               ScheduleSlice eventLocationSlice;
               foreach (string location in eventLocations)
               eventsVar =
            (from Event in events
             where Event.Location.Contains(location) && !Event.Kind.Equals("Expo")
             select Event).ToList<Event>();
               eventLocationSlice = new ScheduleSlice(location, eventsVar);
               if (eventsVar.Count != 0)
コード例 #5
ファイル: ScheduleViewModel.cs プロジェクト: jacalata/pax
        /// <summary>
        /// create the slices, dividing events based on the event type (panel, show, etc)
        /// </summary>
        void filterEventsByEventType()
            pivotTemplateName = "pivotListTemplate";

               List<String> eventTypes = schedule.eventTypes;
               var eventsVar = (List<Event>)null;
               ScheduleSlice eventTypeSlice;
               foreach (string typeName in eventTypes)
               eventsVar =
            (from Event in events
             where Event.Kind == typeName && !Event.Kind.Equals("Expo")
             select Event).ToList<Event>();
               eventTypeSlice = new ScheduleSlice(typeName, eventsVar);
               if (eventsVar.Count != 0)
コード例 #6
ファイル: ScheduleViewModel.cs プロジェクト: jacalata/pax
 /// <summary>
 /// create the slices, dividing events based on the event day
 /// </summary>
 void filterEventsByDay()
     List<string> eventDays = schedule.eventDays;
     ScheduleSlice daySlice;
     var eventsVar = (List<Event>)null;
     foreach (string dayName in eventDays)
         eventsVar =
         (from Event in events
          where Event.day.Equals(dayName) &&!Event.Kind.Equals("Expo")
          select Event).ToList<Event>();
         daySlice = new ScheduleSlice(dayName, eventsVar);