public void hashCode(HashFunction hashfunction, bool only_structure) //only_structure=false { SafraTreeNode root = getRootNode(); if (root != null) { root.hashCode(hashfunction, only_structure); } }
/** * Calculate a hashvalue using HashFunction for this node. * @param hashfunction the HashFunction functor * @param only_structure Ignore naming of the nodes? */ public void hashCode(HashFunction hashfunction, bool only_structure) //=false { if (!only_structure) { hashfunction.hash(getID()); } getLabeling().hashCode(hashfunction); hashfunction.hash(hasFinalFlag()); if (getChildCount() > 0) { //for (child_iterator cit=children_begin();cit!=children_end();++cit) for (SafraTreeNode cit = children_begin(); cit != children_end(); cit = cit.increment()) { cit.hashCode(hashfunction, only_structure); } } }