private UInt64 FrnFromPath(string pszPath) { UInt64 FRN = 0; IntPtr hPath = PInvokeWin32.CreateFile(pszPath, 0, PInvokeWin32.FILE_SHARE_READ | PInvokeWin32.FILE_SHARE_WRITE, IntPtr.Zero, PInvokeWin32.OPEN_EXISTING, PInvokeWin32.FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, IntPtr.Zero); if (hPath.ToInt32() != PInvokeWin32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { PInvokeWin32.BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION fi = new PInvokeWin32.BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION(); bool bRtn = PInvokeWin32.GetFileInformationByHandle(hPath, out fi); if (bRtn) { UInt64 fileIndexHigh = (UInt64)fi.FileIndexHigh; FRN = (fileIndexHigh << 32) | fi.FileIndexLow; } else { throw new IOException("GetFileInformationbyHandle() returned invalid handle", new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error())); } PInvokeWin32.CloseHandle(hPath); } else { throw new IOException("Unable to get frn entry", new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error())); } return(FRN); }
static public UInt64 InfoFromPath(string pszPath) { UInt64 ms = 0; IntPtr hPath = PInvokeWin32.CreateFile(pszPath, 0, PInvokeWin32.FILE_SHARE_READ | PInvokeWin32.FILE_SHARE_WRITE, IntPtr.Zero, PInvokeWin32.OPEN_EXISTING, PInvokeWin32.FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, IntPtr.Zero); if (hPath.ToInt32() != PInvokeWin32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { PInvokeWin32.BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION fi = new PInvokeWin32.BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION(); bool bRtn = PInvokeWin32.GetFileInformationByHandle(hPath, out fi); if (bRtn) { //System.DateTime dt = System.DateTime.FromFileTime((((long)fi.LastWriteTime.DateTimeHigh) << 32) | fi.LastWriteTime.DateTimeLow); //ms = (Int32)fi.LastWriteTime.DateTimeLow; UInt64 timeHigh = (UInt64)fi.LastWriteTime.DateTimeHigh; timeHigh = (timeHigh << 32) | fi.LastWriteTime.DateTimeLow; ms = timeHigh; } } PInvokeWin32.CloseHandle(hPath); return(ms); }
unsafe private void SetupMFT_Enum_DataBuffer(ref IntPtr medBuffer) { uint bytesReturned = 0; PInvokeWin32.USN_JOURNAL_DATA ujd = new PInvokeWin32.USN_JOURNAL_DATA(); bool bOk = PInvokeWin32.DeviceIoControl(_changeJournalRootHandle, // Handle to drive PInvokeWin32.FSCTL_QUERY_USN_JOURNAL, // IO Control Code IntPtr.Zero, // In Buffer 0, // In Buffer Size out ujd, // Out Buffer sizeof(PInvokeWin32.USN_JOURNAL_DATA), // Size Of Out Buffer out bytesReturned, // Bytes Returned IntPtr.Zero); // lpOverlapped if (bOk) { PInvokeWin32.MFT_ENUM_DATA med; med.StartFileReferenceNumber = 0; med.LowUsn = 0; med.HighUsn = ujd.NextUsn; int sizeMftEnumData = Marshal.SizeOf(med); medBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeMftEnumData); PInvokeWin32.ZeroMemory(medBuffer, sizeMftEnumData); Marshal.StructureToPtr(med, medBuffer, true); } else { throw new IOException("DeviceIoControl() returned false", new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error())); } }
unsafe private void CreateChangeJournal() { // This function creates a journal on the volume. If a journal already // exists this function will adjust the MaximumSize and AllocationDelta // parameters of the journal UInt64 MaximumSize = 0x800000; UInt64 AllocationDelta = 0x100000; UInt32 cb; PInvokeWin32.CREATE_USN_JOURNAL_DATA cujd; cujd.MaximumSize = MaximumSize; cujd.AllocationDelta = AllocationDelta; int sizeCujd = Marshal.SizeOf(cujd); IntPtr cujdBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeCujd); PInvokeWin32.ZeroMemory(cujdBuffer, sizeCujd); Marshal.StructureToPtr(cujd, cujdBuffer, true); bool fOk = PInvokeWin32.DeviceIoControl(_changeJournalRootHandle, PInvokeWin32.FSCTL_CREATE_USN_JOURNAL, cujdBuffer, sizeCujd, IntPtr.Zero, 0, out cb, IntPtr.Zero); if (!fOk) { throw new IOException("DeviceIoControl() returned false", new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error())); } }
private void GetRootHandle() { string vol = string.Concat("\\\\.\\", _drive); _changeJournalRootHandle = PInvokeWin32.CreateFile(vol, PInvokeWin32.GENERIC_READ | PInvokeWin32.GENERIC_WRITE, PInvokeWin32.FILE_SHARE_READ | PInvokeWin32.FILE_SHARE_WRITE, IntPtr.Zero, PInvokeWin32.OPEN_EXISTING, 0, IntPtr.Zero); if (_changeJournalRootHandle.ToInt32() == PInvokeWin32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { throw new IOException("CreateFile() returned invalid handle", new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error())); } }
public void EnumerateVolume(out Dictionary <UInt64, FileNameAndFrn> files, string[] fileExtensions) { files = new Dictionary <ulong, FileNameAndFrn>(); IntPtr medBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; try { GetRootFrnEntry(); GetRootHandle(); CreateChangeJournal(); SetupMFT_Enum_DataBuffer(ref medBuffer); EnumerateFiles(medBuffer, ref files, fileExtensions); } catch (Exception e) { //Log.Info(e.Message, e); Exception innerException = e.InnerException; while (innerException != null) { //Log.Info(innerException.Message, innerException); innerException = innerException.InnerException; } throw new ApplicationException("Error in EnumerateVolume()", e); } finally { if (_changeJournalRootHandle.ToInt32() != PInvokeWin32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { PInvokeWin32.CloseHandle(_changeJournalRootHandle); } if (medBuffer != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(medBuffer); } } }
unsafe private void EnumerateFiles(IntPtr medBuffer, ref Dictionary <ulong, FileNameAndFrn> files, string[] fileExtensions) { IntPtr pData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(UInt64) + 0x10000); PInvokeWin32.ZeroMemory(pData, sizeof(UInt64) + 0x10000); uint outBytesReturned = 0; while (false != PInvokeWin32.DeviceIoControl(_changeJournalRootHandle, PInvokeWin32.FSCTL_ENUM_USN_DATA, medBuffer, sizeof(PInvokeWin32.MFT_ENUM_DATA), pData, sizeof(UInt64) + 0x10000, out outBytesReturned, IntPtr.Zero)) { IntPtr pUsnRecord = new IntPtr(pData.ToInt32() + sizeof(Int64)); while (outBytesReturned > 60) { PInvokeWin32.USN_RECORD usn = new PInvokeWin32.USN_RECORD(pUsnRecord); if (0 != (usn.FileAttributes & PInvokeWin32.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { // // handle directories // if (!_directories.ContainsKey(usn.FileReferenceNumber)) { _directories.Add(usn.FileReferenceNumber, new FileNameAndFrn(usn.FileName, usn.ParentFileReferenceNumber)); } else { // this is debug code and should be removed when we are certain that // duplicate frn's don't exist on a given drive. To date, this exception has // never been thrown. Removing this code improves performance.... throw new Exception(string.Format("Duplicate FRN: {0} for {1}", usn.FileReferenceNumber, usn.FileName)); } } else { // // handle files // bool add = true; if (fileExtensions != null && fileExtensions.Length != 0) { add = false; string s = Path.GetExtension(usn.FileName); foreach (string extension in fileExtensions) { if (0 == string.Compare(s, extension, true)) { add = true; break; } } } if (add) { if (!files.ContainsKey(usn.FileReferenceNumber)) { files.Add(usn.FileReferenceNumber, new FileNameAndFrn(usn.FileName, usn.ParentFileReferenceNumber)); } else { FileNameAndFrn frn = files[usn.FileReferenceNumber]; if (0 != string.Compare(usn.FileName, frn.Name, true)) { //Log.InfoFormat( // "Attempt to add duplicate file reference number: {0} for file {1}, file from index {2}", // usn.FileReferenceNumber, usn.FileName, frn.Name); throw new Exception(string.Format("Duplicate FRN: {0} for {1}", usn.FileReferenceNumber, usn.FileName)); } } } } pUsnRecord = new IntPtr(pUsnRecord.ToInt32() + usn.RecordLength); outBytesReturned -= usn.RecordLength; } Marshal.WriteInt64(medBuffer, Marshal.ReadInt64(pData, 0)); } Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pData); }