コード例 #1
		public override void Added()

			// Create main fire ball particle system
			Particle_Dust = new ParticleSystem( X, Y );
			Particle_Dust.Initialize( 50, 20, 0, 360, 5, 15, "../../resources/particle/smoke.png", 87, 87, 0.8f );
			Particle_Dust.particleShake = 1;
			Particle_Dust.beginColour = Color.Gray * Color.Gray * Color.Orange + Color.Gray;
			Particle_Dust.beginColour.A = 0.5f;
			Particle_Dust.endColour = Color.Black;
			Particle_Dust.endColour.A = 0;
			Particle_Dust.particleEndScale = 5.0f;
			Particle_Dust.particleStartRotation = Rand.Float( -720, 720 );
			Particle_Dust.particleEndRotation = Rand.Float( -720, 720 );
			Particle_Dust.particleLocalSpace = true;
			Scene.Add( Particle_Dust );

			// Intitialize the ground trail mark image
			GroundTrail = new Otter.Image( "../../resources/particle/scorch.png" );

			// Initialize trail mark timers to seconds
			TrailBetween = TRAIL_BETWEEN * 60;
			TrailBetweenRandom = TRAIL_BETWEEN_RANDOM * 60;

			// Remove default audio sample
			AudioLoop = null;

			// Initialize the dust storm audio loop
			AudioLoop = new Sound( "../../resources/audio/dust.wav", true );
			AudioLoop.Attenuation = 0.1f;
コード例 #2
		public override void Added()

			// Initialize the key graphic
			Image_Key = new Otter.Image( "../../resources/key.png" ); // Initialize to element type
				Image_Key.X = X;
				Image_Key.Y = Y;
			AddGraphic( Image_Key );

			// Initialize this key's character text display
			KeyCharacter = new Text( Key, 48 );
				KeyCharacter.OriginY = Image_Key.HalfHeight;
				KeyCharacter.X = X;
				KeyCharacter.Y = Y;
				KeyCharacter.OutlineThickness = 4;
				KeyCharacter.OutlineQuality = TextOutlineQuality.Absurd;
			AddGraphic( KeyCharacter );
コード例 #3
		public override void Added()

			// Create main fireball particle system
			Particle_Fire = new ParticleSystem( X, Y );
			Particle_Fire.Initialize( 50, 20, 0, 360, 5, 15, "../../resources/particle/fire.png", 87, 87, 0.8f );
			Particle_Fire.beginColour = Color.Orange + ( Color.Yellow * Color.Gray * Color.Gray );
			Particle_Fire.endColour = Color.Red;
			Particle_Fire.endColour.A = 0;
			Particle_Fire.particleLocalSpace = true;
			Scene.Add( Particle_Fire );

			// Create fireball trail particle system
			Particle_Fire_Trail = new ParticleSystem( X, Y );
			Particle_Fire_Trail.Initialize( 100, 20, 0, 180, 5, 10, "../../resources/particle/fire.png", 87, 87, 0.8f );
			Particle_Fire_Trail.beginColour = Color.Orange + ( Color.Yellow * Color.Gray * Color.Gray );
			Particle_Fire_Trail.endColour = Color.Red;
			Particle_Fire_Trail.endColour.A = 0;
			Scene.Add( Particle_Fire_Trail );

			GroundSplat = new Otter.Image( "../../resources/particle/ground_explosion.png" );

			// Remove default audio sample
			AudioLoop = null;

			// Initialize the fire audio loop
			AudioLoop = new Sound( "../../resources/audio/fire.wav", true );
			AudioLoop.Attenuation = 0.1f;
コード例 #4
		public override void Added()

			// Create main spell particle system
			Particle_Spray = new ParticleSystem( X, Y );
            Particle_Spray.Initialize(10, 10, 0, 360, 15, 15, "../../resources/particle/water_circle.png", 87, 87, 1.5f);
            Particle_Spray.beginColour = Color.White;
            Particle_Spray.endColour = (Color.Blue * Color.Gray * Color.Gray);
            Particle_Spray.endColour.A = 0;
            Particle_Spray.particleShake = 4;
            Particle_Spray.particleStartRotation = Rand.Float(-360, 360);
            Particle_Spray.particleEndRotation = Rand.Float(-360, 360);

            GroundSplat = new Otter.Image("../../resources/particle/splash.png");
            GroundSplat.Color = Color.Cyan;
            GroundSplat.Scale = 2.5f;
            GroundSplat.Color.A = 0.4f;

            GroundTrail = new Otter.Image("../../resources/particle/splash.png");
            GroundTrail.Color = Color.Cyan;
			GroundTrail.Color.A = 0.2f;

			// Remove default audio sample
			AudioLoop = null;

			// Initialize the fire audio loop
			AudioLoop = new Sound( "../../resources/audio/water.wav", true );
			AudioLoop.Attenuation = 0.1f;
コード例 #5
		public void Initialize( Game game )
			// Initialize the ground surface render target
			GroundSurface = new Surface( 1920, 1080 );
			GroundSurface.AutoClear = false;
			AddGraphic( GroundSurface );

			// Initialize the ground graphic (Added in ClearGround)
			Ground = new Otter.Image( "../../resources/ground.png" );

			// Set the reference to LeapController within the GameWands class & add to game update
			GameWands.LeapController = LeapController;
			GameWands.OnCast = OnCast;
			Add( GameWands );

			// Initialize the two wizard players
			float wizardoffset = 256;

			// Create new wizard list
			Wizards = new List<WizardClass>();
				Wizards.Add( new WizardClass(
					game.Session( "LightWizard" ),
				) );

				// Dark wizard on the left
				Wizards.Add( new WizardClass(
					game.Session( "DarkWizard" ),
				) );

			// Add the wizards to the scene.
			foreach ( WizardClass wiz in Wizards )
				wiz.CurrentScene = this;
				Add( wiz );

			// Add a reference of this scene to the HUDHandler
			HUDHandler = new HUDHandlerClass( this );
			Add( HUDHandler );

			// Setup state manager last
			TragicStateManager.CurrentScene = this;
			Add( TragicStateManager );
コード例 #6
ファイル: AoEWeapon.cs プロジェクト: voiddaek/STD
 public AoEWeapon(Turret tower)
     : base(range:tower.Range, damage:1, cooldown: 13)
     ShootSound = new Sound(Resources.Sound.Monsters.BASIC_ENEMY_SHOOT);
     ShootSound.Volume = 0.2f;
     Tower = tower;
     Range = 100;
     RangeImage = Image.CreateCircle(100, new Color(0x25456320));
コード例 #7
		public override void Added()

			// Add base rock image to projectile
			Graphic = new Otter.Image( "../../resources/particle/rock" + Rand.Int( 1, IMAGE_ROCKS ) + ".png" );

			// Add the circling smaller rocks
			for ( int extra = 1; extra <= extras; extra++ )
				AddGraphic( new Otter.Image( "../../resources/particle/rock_small" + Rand.Int( 1, IMAGE_ROCKS_SMALL ) + ".png" ) );
				Graphics[extra].OriginX = -ROCK_EXTRA_OFFSET;
				Graphics[extra].OriginY = -ROCK_EXTRA_OFFSET;
				Graphics[extra].Angle = 360 / extras * extra;

			// Create main fire ball particle system
			Particle_Dust = new ParticleSystem( X, Y );
			Particle_Dust.Initialize( 50, 20, 0, 360, 1, 15, "../../resources/particle/smoke.png", 87, 87, 0.8f );
			Particle_Dust.particleShake = 1;
			Particle_Dust.beginColour = Color.Gray * Color.Gray * Color.Orange + Color.Gray;
			Particle_Dust.beginColour.A = 0.5f;
			Particle_Dust.endColour = Color.Black;
			Particle_Dust.endColour.A = 0;
			Particle_Dust.particleStartScale = 0.1f;
			Particle_Dust.particleEndScale = 1.0f;
			Particle_Dust.particleStartRotation = Rand.Float( -720, 720 );
			Particle_Dust.particleEndRotation = Rand.Float( -720, 720 );
			Particle_Dust.particleLocalSpace = true;
			Scene.Add( Particle_Dust );

			// Intitialize the ground trail mark image
			GroundTrail = new Otter.Image( "../../resources/particle/scorch.png" );

			// Initialize trail mark timers to seconds
			TrailBetween = TRAIL_BETWEEN * 60;
			TrailBetweenRandom = TRAIL_BETWEEN_RANDOM * 60;

			// Remove default audio sample
			AudioLoop = null;

			// Initialize the dust storm audio loop
			AudioLoop = new Sound( "../../resources/audio/dust.wav", true );
			AudioLoop.Attenuation = 0.1f;
コード例 #8
		public override void Added()

			float offsetsin = Rand.Float( -180, 180 );

			// Create first vine
			VineSineOne = new SineWave( 5, 1, offsetsin );
			VineOne = new ParticleSystem( X, Y - VineSineOne.Value * 100 );
			VineOne.Initialize( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 60, "../../resources/particle/vine.png", 87, 87, 0.3f );
			VineOne.beginColour = Color.Orange * Color.Gray;
			VineOne.endColour = ( Color.Green * Color.Gray * Color.Red );
			VineOne.endColour.A = 0;
			VineOne.particleShake = 4;
			VineOne.particleStartRotation = ( VineSineOne.Value * ( 180.0f / (float) Math.PI ) ) * 2;
			VineOne.particleEndRotation = VineOne.particleStartRotation;
			Scene.Add( VineOne );
			this.AddComponent( VineSineOne );

			// Create second vine
			VineSineTwo = new SineWave( 5, 1, 180.0f + offsetsin );
			VineTwo = new ParticleSystem( X, Y - VineSineTwo.Value * 100 );
			VineTwo.Initialize( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 60, "../../resources/particle/vine.png", 87, 87, 0.3f );
			VineTwo.beginColour = Color.Orange * Color.Gray;
			VineTwo.endColour = ( Color.Green * Color.Gray * Color.Red );
			VineTwo.endColour.A = 0;
			VineTwo.particleShake = 4;
			VineTwo.particleStartRotation = ( VineSineTwo.Value * ( 180.0f / (float) Math.PI ) ) * 2;
			VineTwo.particleEndRotation = VineTwo.particleStartRotation;
			Scene.Add( VineTwo );
			this.AddComponent( VineSineTwo );

			GroundTrail = new Otter.Image( "../../resources/particle/leaf.png" );
			GroundTrail.Color = Color.Green * Color.Gray * Color.Yellow;

			TrailBetween = 5;
			TrailBetweenRandom = 5;

			// Remove default audio sample
			AudioLoop = null;

			// Initialize the fire audio loop
			AudioLoop = new Sound( "../../resources/audio/vine.wav", true );
			AudioLoop.Attenuation = 0.1f;
コード例 #9
ファイル: FirstScene.cs プロジェクト: voiddaek/STD
 public FirstScene()
     var background = new Image(Resources.Sprites.BACKGROUND);
     background.Repeat = true;
     Add(new Map());
     Add(new AoEWeaponTurret(Rand.Float(Global.GAME.Width), Rand.Float(Global.GAME.Height)));
     Add(new AoEWeaponTurret(Rand.Float(Global.GAME.Width), Rand.Float(Global.GAME.Height)));
     Add(new AoEWeaponTurret(Rand.Float(Global.GAME.Width), Rand.Float(Global.GAME.Height)));
     Add(new AoEWeaponTurret(Rand.Float(Global.GAME.Width), Rand.Float(Global.GAME.Height)));
     Add(new AoEWeaponTurret(Rand.Float(Global.GAME.Width), Rand.Float(Global.GAME.Height)));
     Add(new ToCloserMonsterWeaponTurret(Rand.Float(Global.GAME.Width), Rand.Float(Global.GAME.Height)));
     Add(new ToCloserMonsterWeaponTurret(Rand.Float(Global.GAME.Width), Rand.Float(Global.GAME.Height)));
     Add(new ToCloserMonsterWeaponTurret(Rand.Float(Global.GAME.Width), Rand.Float(Global.GAME.Height)));
     Add(new ToCloserMonsterWeaponTurret(Rand.Float(Global.GAME.Width), Rand.Float(Global.GAME.Height)));
     Add(new ToCloserMonsterWeaponTurret(Rand.Float(Global.GAME.Width), Rand.Float(Global.GAME.Height)));
コード例 #10
		public override void Added()

			// Initialize the array of element images
			Image_Element = new Otter.Image[COMBO_MAX];
				for ( int element = 0; element < COMBO_MAX; element++ )
					float offset = element - ( COMBO_MAX / 2 );

					string elementtype = "fire";
					Image_Element[element] = new Otter.Image( "../../resources/element/" + elementtype + ".png" ); // Initialize to element type
						Image_Element[element].X = X;
						Image_Element[element].Y = Y + ( Image_Element[element].Width * ELEMENT_OFFSET * offset );
						Image_Element[element].Alpha = 0; // Don't display until a combo is entered
					Parent.AddGraphic( Image_Element[element] );
コード例 #11
		public override void Added()

			// Initialize the background Leap cable image
			Image_LeapCable_Background = new Otter.Image( "../../resources/leap/leapcableback.png" );
				Image_LeapCable_Background.X = X;
				Image_LeapCable_Background.Y = Y;
				Image_LeapCable_Background.OriginX = Image_LeapCable_Background.Width + 32;
			Parent.AddGraphic( Image_LeapCable_Background );

			// Initialize the Leap cable image
			Image_LeapCable = new Otter.Image( "../../resources/leap/leapcable.png" );
				Image_LeapCable.X = X;
				Image_LeapCable.Y = Y;
				Image_LeapCable.OriginX = Image_LeapCable.Width + 32;
			Parent.AddGraphic( Image_LeapCable );

			// Initialize the Leap controller image
			Image_Leap = new Otter.Image( "../../resources/leap/leapmotion.png" );
				Image_Leap.X = X;
				Image_Leap.Y = Y;
				Image_Leap.OriginX = 0;
			Parent.AddGraphic( Image_Leap );

			Text_Warning = new Otter.Text( "Plug in Leap Motion Controller device", 16 );
				Text_Warning.X = X + 55;
				Text_Warning.Y = Y;
			Parent.AddGraphic( Text_Warning );

			// Initialize the cable offset
			Cable = new ClampedSpeedValueClass();
				Cable.Value = 32;
				Cable.Minimum = -6;
				Cable.Maximum = 32;

			// Initialize the cable offset
			Alpha = new ClampedSpeedValueClass();
				Alpha.Value = 0;
				Alpha.Minimum = 0;
				Alpha.Maximum = 1;
				Alpha.Speed = FADE_SPEED;

			// Update the images to have this initial alpha value
			foreach ( Graphic graphic in Parent.Graphics )
				graphic.Alpha = Alpha.Value;
コード例 #12
ファイル: Wizard.cs プロジェクト: NeroInu/TragicMagicOtter
		// Cleanup any objects belonging solely to this wizard
		// IN: N/A
		// OUT: N/A
		public void Cleanup()
			// Remove the wizard body sprite
			if ( Body != null )
				RemoveGraphic( Body );
				Body = null;
コード例 #13
ファイル: Wizard.cs プロジェクト: NeroInu/TragicMagicOtter
		public override void Added()

			// Draw wizard on top of all but the HUD & particles
			Layer = 8 + ID;

			// Initialize the wizard's shader
			//TestShader = new Shader( "../../shaders/video.fs" );

			// Initialize the position interpolation objects
			ClampedPosition_X.Speed = 7;
			ClampedPosition_Y.Speed = 7;

			// Initialize the position of the wizard
			Position = new Vector2( 0, 0 );
			Destination = new Vector2( 0, 0 );

			// Initialize the wizard type unique variables
			string wizardtypeimage = "light";
			WandOffset = WAND_OFFSET;
				if ( WizardType == WizardTypeStruct.WIZARD_DARK )
					wizardtypeimage = "dark";
					WandOffset *= -1;
					WandAngleDirection *= -1;


			// Initialize the wizard's body sprite
			Body = new Otter.Image( "../../resources/wizard_" + wizardtypeimage + ".png" );
				Body.ScaleX = SPRITE_SCALE;
				Body.ScaleY = SPRITE_SCALE;
				Body.Angle = Angle;
			// Body graphic is added later after wand

			// Initialize the wizard's wand sprite
			WandOffset *= new Vector2( Body.Width * SPRITE_SCALE, Body.Height * SPRITE_SCALE ); // Multiply offset by the size of the wizard body

			Wand = new Otter.Image( "../../resources/wand_" + wizardtypeimage + ".png" );
				Wand.ScaleX = SPRITE_SCALE;
				Wand.ScaleY = SPRITE_SCALE;
				Wand.Angle = Angle + WandAngle;
				Wand.OriginY = Wand.Height;
				//Wand.Shader = TestShader;

			// Add the graphics to the scene
			AddGraphic( Wand ); // Add wand below wizard robes
			AddGraphic( Body );

			// Add a hitbox to the wizard
			int size = (int) Math.Floor( Body.Width * Body.ScaleX * HITBOX_SCALE );
            SetHitbox( size, size, ( (int) ColliderType.Wizard ) + ID );

            // Calculate the forward & right vectors of this wizard
            double radangle = Math.PI * Angle / 180;
            double sin = Math.Sin( radangle );
            double cos = Math.Cos( radangle );

            Vector2 origin = new Vector2( 0, 1 ); // Default is facing upwards
            Forward = new Vector2(
				(float) ( ( (double) origin.X * cos ) - ( (double) origin.Y * sin ) ),
				(float) ( ( (double) origin.X * sin ) + ( (double) origin.Y * cos ) )
			Right = new Vector2(

			// Initialize the clamped position of the wizard (for player movement)
				// Calculate the side of the screen the player is on
				float side = Math.Sign( Forward.X ); // -1, 0, 1
				float onleft = Math.Max( 0, side ); // 0 or 1 boolean number
				float onright = Math.Max( 0, -side ); // 0 or 1 boolean number

				// X
				float halfwidth = Body.Width * Body.ScaleX * COLLISION_SCALE; // Image is centered, ensure the whole thing stays onscreen
				ClampedX.Minimum = ( Game.Instance.HalfWidth * onright ) + halfwidth;
				ClampedX.Maximum = Game.Instance.Width - ( Game.Instance.HalfWidth * onleft ) - halfwidth;

				// Y
				float halfheight = Body.Height * Body.ScaleY * COLLISION_SCALE; // Image is centered, ensure the whole thing stays onscreen
				ClampedY.Minimum = halfheight;
				ClampedY.Maximum = Game.Instance.Height - halfheight;

			// Initialize the hurt sound effects
			Hurt = new Sound[SOUND_HURT];
				for ( short effect = 0; effect < SOUND_HURT; effect++ )
					Hurt[effect] = new Sound( "../../resources/audio/hurt" + ( effect + 1 ) + ".wav" );
					Hurt[effect].Attenuation = 0.1f;
コード例 #14
		public override void Added()

			// The number of rows on the keyboard for positioning other elements
			short rows = 0;

			// Initialize entered text display
			Text_UserString = new Text( "@", 48 );
				Text_UserString.X = X + ( KEY_SIZE * 2 );
				Text_UserString.Y = Y;
				Text_UserString.OutlineThickness = 4;
				Text_UserString.OutlineQuality = TextOutlineQuality.Absurd;
			AddGraphic( Text_UserString );

			// Initialie the array of key character strings
			KeyCharacter = new string[KEYS];
				// Start key index at 0 to enable key++ in one line
				short key = 0;

				// Row 1
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "1";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "2";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "3";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "4";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "5";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "6";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "7";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "8";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "9";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "0";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "_";

				// Row 2
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "Q";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "W";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "E";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "R";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "T";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "Y";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "U";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "I";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "O";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "P";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "";

				// Row 3
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "A";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "S";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "D";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "F";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "G";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "H";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "J";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "K";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "L";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "";

				// Row 4
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "Z";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "X";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "C";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "V";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "B";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "N";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "M";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "";
				KeyCharacter[key++] = "";

			// Initialize the array of keys
			HUDElement_Child = new HUDElementClass[KEYS];
				// Initialize key positions
				short column = 0;
				short row = 0;

				for ( short key = 0; key < KEYS; key++ )
					// Check if the key exists before drawing it
					if ( KeyCharacter[key] != "" )
						// Center the key row on the keyboard
						float startx = -( ( KEYS_ROW - 1 ) * ( KEY_SIZE + KEY_OFFSET ) / 2 ) + ( row * ( KEY_SIZE + KEY_OFFSET ) / 2 );
						// Offset the key by the current column
						float keyx = ( column * ( KEY_SIZE + KEY_OFFSET ) );
						// Offset the key by the current row
						float keyy = -( row * ( KEY_SIZE + KEY_OFFSET ) );

						HUDElement_Child[key] = new HUDElement_KeyClass(
							CurrentScene, // Reference to the current scene
							startx + keyx + X, // Position X
							keyy + Y, // Position Y
							KeyCharacter[key] // The key string to display
						HUDElement_Child[key].Parent = this;
						HUDElement_Child[key].Layer = 1;
						CurrentScene.Add( HUDElement_Child[key] );

					// Offset the button to the correct row and column
					if ( column >= KEYS_ROW )
						column = 0;
				rows = row;

			// Initialize instructional graphics
			float offsetx = ( rows * 2 * ( KEY_SIZE + KEY_OFFSET ) ) * 1.1f;

			// Fire, red, enter character
			Button_Fire = new Otter.Image( "../../resources/button.png" );
				Button_Fire.Color = Color.Red;
				Button_Fire.X = X - offsetx;
				Button_Fire.Y = Y;
			AddGraphic( Button_Fire );

			Text_Enter = new Text( "Enter the selected character", 32 );
				Text_Enter.OutlineThickness = 4;
				Text_Enter.X = X - offsetx;
				Text_Enter.Y = Y;
			AddGraphic( Text_Enter );

			// Move the two elements to be centered together
				Button_Fire.OriginX = Button_Fire.HalfWidth * 1.1f + Text_Enter.HalfWidth;
				Text_Enter.OriginX = -Button_Fire.HalfWidth * 1.1f + Text_Enter.HalfWidth;
				Text_Enter.OriginY = Button_Fire.OriginY / 2;
			offsetx += Button_Fire.Width * 1.1f;

			// Lightning, yellow, remove character
			Button_Lightning = new Otter.Image( "../../resources/button.png" );
				Button_Lightning.Color = Color.Yellow;
				Button_Lightning.X = X - offsetx;
				Button_Lightning.Y = Y;
			AddGraphic( Button_Lightning );

			Text_Remove = new Text( "Remove the last character", 32 );
				Text_Remove.OutlineThickness = 4;
				Text_Remove.X = X - offsetx;
				Text_Remove.Y = Y;
			AddGraphic( Text_Remove );

			// Move the two elements to be centered together
				Button_Lightning.OriginX = Button_Lightning.HalfWidth * 1.1f + Text_Remove.HalfWidth;
				Text_Remove.OriginX = -Button_Lightning.HalfWidth * 1.1f + Text_Remove.HalfWidth;
				Text_Remove.OriginY = Button_Lightning.OriginY / 2;
			offsetx += Button_Lightning.Width * 1.1f;

			// Earth, green, toggle ready
			Button_Earth = new Otter.Image( "../../resources/button.png" );
				Button_Earth.Color = Color.Green;
				Button_Earth.X = X - offsetx;
				Button_Earth.Y = Y;
			AddGraphic( Button_Earth );

			Text_Ready = new Text( "Ready to tweet", 32 );
				Text_Ready.OutlineThickness = 4;
				Text_Ready.X = X - offsetx;
				Text_Ready.Y = Y;
			AddGraphic( Text_Ready );

			// Move the two elements to be centered together
				Button_Earth.OriginX = Button_Earth.HalfWidth * 1.1f + Text_Ready.HalfWidth;
				Text_Ready.OriginX = -Button_Earth.HalfWidth * 1.1f + Text_Ready.HalfWidth;
				Text_Ready.OriginY = Button_Earth.OriginY / 2;
			offsetx += Button_Earth.Width * 1.1f;

			// Initialize as parent to Key elements
			IsParent = true;

			// Initialzie the controller session
			ControllerSession = Game.Instance.Sessions[Player];

			// Flag an update to ensure that the first key is highlighted
			FirstUpdate = true;

			// Initialize unready
			Ready = false;

			// Draw the preview tweet a layer above the keyboard
			Layer = 0;
コード例 #15
		public override void Added()

			float height = 16;

			// Initialize the Team Member's image
			Image_Avatar = new Otter.Image( "../../resources/team/" + Username + ".png" );
				Image_Avatar.Scale = IMAGE_SCALE;
				Image_Avatar.X = X;
				Image_Avatar.Y = Y;
				Image_Avatar.OriginY += IMAGE_OFFSET_TEXT;
			AddGraphic( Image_Avatar );

			// Store the y offset for text elements
			float offsety = ( IMAGE_OFFSET_TEXT * Image_Avatar.Width * Image_Avatar.ScaleX );

			// Initialize the Team Member's twitter username
			Text_Name = new Otter.Text( Name, FONT_SIZE );
				Text_Name.X = X - offsety;
				Text_Name.Y = Y;

				// Add to the offset for the next text
				offsety += height * TEXT_OFFSET_SCALE;
			AddGraphic( Text_Name );

			// Initialize the Team Member's role
			Text_Role = new Otter.Text( Role, FONT_SIZE );
				Text_Role.X = X - offsety;
				Text_Role.Y = Y;

				// Add to the offset for the next text
				offsety += height * TEXT_OFFSET_SCALE;
			AddGraphic( Text_Role );

			// Add extra offset between name&role, and contact details
			offsety += Text_Role.Height * TEXT_OFFSET_SCALE / 2;

			// Initialize the Team Member's twitter username
			Text_Username = new Otter.Text( "@" + Username, FONT_SIZE );
				Text_Username.X = X - offsety;
				Text_Username.Y = Y;

				// Add to the offset for the next text
				offsety += height * TEXT_OFFSET_SCALE;
			AddGraphic( Text_Username );

			// Initialize the Team Member's website url
			Text_Website = new Otter.Text( Website, FONT_SIZE );
				Text_Website.X = X - offsety;
				Text_Website.Y = Y;

				// Add to the offset for the next text
				offsety += height * TEXT_OFFSET_SCALE;
			//AddGraphic( Text_Website );

			// Initialize the cable offset
			Alpha = new ClampedSpeedValueClass();
				Alpha.Value = 0;
				Alpha.Minimum = 0;
				Alpha.Maximum = 1;
				Alpha.Speed = FADE_SPEED;

			// Update the images to have this initial alpha value
			foreach ( Graphic graphic in Graphics )
				graphic.Alpha = Alpha.Value;