private void Client_NoticeRecieved(object sender, IrcNoticeEventArgs e) { IrcClient client = (IrcClient)sender; MessageSource source = new MessageSource(client, e.Message.Prefix.Split('!')[0]); Token token = TokenManager.GetToken(source); if (OnNotice != null) { OnNotice(e.Notice, token); } }
private static void SetModeChanserv(Connection conn, Message msg) { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(msg.Data); var nick = ms.ReadString(); var mode_str = ms.ReadString().ToLower(); var token = ms.ReadString(); bool mode_set = mode_str.StartsWith("+"); char mode = mode_str[1]; string command = (!mode_set ? "DE" : "") + ModeAliases[mode]; MessageSource source = IrcManager.TokenManager.GetSource(token); source.Client.SendMessage(command + " " + source.Source + " " + nick, "ChanServ"); }
public Token GetToken(MessageSource source) { if (Dictionary.ContainsValue(source)) { var tokens = Dictionary.Where(p => p.Value.Equals(source) && (p.Key.Expiration - DateTime.Now).TotalSeconds > 30); if (tokens.Any()) { return(tokens.First().Key); } } var token = new Token(source); Dictionary.Add(token, source); Console.WriteLine("Added token {0} for ({1}:{2}), expires at {3}", token.Key, source.Client.ServerAddress, source.Source, token.Expiration); return(token); }
public Token(MessageSource source) { Expiration = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1); byte[] rnd = new byte[8]; Random.GetBytes(rnd); byte[] key = new byte[16]; source.GetHash().CopyTo(key, 0); rnd.CopyTo(key, 8); Key = BitConverter.ToString(key).ToLower().Replace("-", ""); if (source.Notice) { Key = Key.Substring(0, Key.Length - 1) + 'n'; } Source = source; }
private void ChannelMessage(object sender, PrivateMessageEventArgs e) { IrcClient client = (IrcClient)sender; if (!client.authed) { client.authact(); } var source = new MessageSource(client, e.PrivateMessage.Source); string id = BitConverter.ToString(source.GetHash()).ToLower().Replace("-", ""); if ((Config.Contains("ignored", e.PrivateMessage.User.Nick) || Config.Contains("ignored", id + "/" + e.PrivateMessage.User.Nick)) && e.PrivateMessage.User.Nick != client.Owner) { return; } //Triggers.ForEach(t => t.ExecuteIfMatches(e.IrcMessage, client)); string msg = e.PrivateMessage.Message; bool authed = e.PrivateMessage.User.Nick == client.Owner; if (msg.StartsWith("$rehash") && authed) { foreach (string str in Program.GetModules()) { Program.Connection.SendMessage("", "rehash", str); } Config.Load(); client.SendMessage("done", e.PrivateMessage.Source); } bool quiet_mode = ((ConnectionOptions)source.Client.Options).Quiet; if (!quiet_mode) { if (msg.StartsWith("$whatmatches") && authed) { string args = msg.Substring("$whatmatches".Length).Trim(); foreach (Trigger t in Triggers) { if (t.Matches(args)) { client.SendMessage(string.Format("{0}: matches {1}", t.ID, t), e.PrivateMessage.Source); } } return; } } if (!(authed && msg.StartsWith("$"))) { foreach (Trigger t in Triggers) { string result = t.ExecuteIfMatches(e.IrcMessage, client); if (result != "") { msg = result; if (result.StartsWith("$")) { authed = true; } if (t.StopExecution) { break; } } } } if (!quiet_mode) { if (msg.StartsWith("$ignoremodule")) { if (authed) { IgnoreModules.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(msg.Substring("$ignoremodule".Length), e.PrivateMessage.Source)); } return; } else if (msg.StartsWith("$meow")) { if (authed) { int count = int.Parse(msg.Split(' ')[1]); client.SendMessage(MacBotGen.GenerateMacBot(count, true), e.PrivateMessage.Source); } return; } else if (msg.StartsWith("$registered")) { if (authed) { Task.Factory.StartNew(delegate { client.SendMessage(IsRegistered(client, msg.Substring("$registered".Length).Trim()).ToString(), e.PrivateMessage.Source); return; }); } } else if (msg.StartsWith(".bang")) { client.KickUser(e.PrivateMessage.Source, e.PrivateMessage.User.Nick, "There you f*****g go"); } else if (msg.StartsWith(".permabang")) { Task.Factory.StartNew(delegate { client.SendRawMessage("MODE {0} +b *!*@{1}", e.PrivateMessage.Source, e.PrivateMessage.User.Hostname); client.KickUser(e.PrivateMessage.Source, e.PrivateMessage.User.Nick, "Consequences will never be the same"); Thread.Sleep(10000); client.SendRawMessage("MODE {0} -b *!*@{1}", e.PrivateMessage.Source, e.PrivateMessage.User.Hostname); client.InviteUser(e.PrivateMessage.Source, e.PrivateMessage.User.Nick); }); } else if (msg.StartsWith("$unignoremodule")) { if (authed) { IgnoreModules.RemoveAll(p => p.Value == e.PrivateMessage.Source && p.Key == msg.Substring("$unignoremodule".Length)); } return; } else if (msg.StartsWith(".prebots")) { if (authed) { client.SendMessage("Reporting in! [C#]", msg.Split(' ')[1]); LastBots = DateTime.Now; } return; } else if (msg.StartsWith("$addtrigger")) { if (authed) { Trigger trigger = Trigger.ParseTrigger(msg.Substring("$addtrigger".Length)); Triggers.Add(trigger); client.SendMessage(string.Format("Use 11$removetrigger {0} to remove this trigger.", trigger.ID), e.PrivateMessage.Source); } return; } else if (msg.StartsWith("$removetrigger")) { if (authed) { string ID = msg.Substring("$removetrigger".Length).Trim(); Triggers.RemoveAll(t => t.ID == ID); client.SendMessage(string.Format("Removed trigger 11{0}.", ID), e.PrivateMessage.Source); } return; } else if (msg.StartsWith(".bots")) { if ((DateTime.Now - LastBots).TotalSeconds < 3) { return; } client.SendMessage("Reporting in! [C#]", e.PrivateMessage.Source); return; } else if (msg == "$leave") { if (authed) { client.PartChannel(e.PrivateMessage.Source, "Bye!"); } return; } else if (msg.StartsWith("$say")) { if (authed) { client.SendMessage(msg.Substring("$say".Length).Trim(), e.PrivateMessage.Source); } return; } else if (msg.StartsWith("$raw")) { if (authed) { client.SendRawMessage(msg.Substring("$raw".Length).Trim()); } return; } else if (msg == "^") { client.SendMessage("can confirm", e.PrivateMessage.Source); return; } else if (msg.StartsWith("$join")) { if (authed) { client.JoinChannel(msg.Substring(".join".Length).Trim()); } return; } else if (msg.StartsWith("$macbot")) { if (authed) { int count = int.Parse(msg.Split(' ')[1]); client.SendMessage(MacBotGen.GenerateMacBot(count), e.PrivateMessage.Source); } return; } else if (msg.StartsWith("rape")) { msg = msg.Trim(); if (!msg.Contains(" ")) { return; } if (!client.Channels[e.PrivateMessage.Source].Users.Any(user => user.Nick == msg.Split(' ')[1])) { return; } string nick = msg.Split(' ')[1]; client.SendAction(string.Format("rapes {0}", nick), e.PrivateMessage.Source); } else if (msg.ToLower() == "who's a healer s**t" || msg.ToLower() == "who's the healer s**t") { client.SendMessage(string.Format("I-I am, {0}~", e.PrivateMessage.User.Nick), e.PrivateMessage.Source); } else if (MatchesHealRequest(msg) && !dontheal.Contains(e.PrivateMessage.User.Nick)) { msg = msg.Trim(); string nick = e.PrivateMessage.User.Nick; if (msg.Contains(" ")) { if (client.Channels[e.PrivateMessage.Source].Users.Any(user => user.Nick == msg.Split(' ')[1] && !dontheal.Contains(user.Nick))) { nick = msg.Split(' ')[1]; } } double rnd = MacBotGen.Random.NextDouble(); if (msg.ToLower().EndsWith("s**t") || msg.ToLower().EndsWith("w***e") || msg.ToLower().EndsWith("bıtch") || msg.ToLower().EndsWith("bitch")) { if (rnd < 0.9 && !authed) { client.SendAction(string.Format("h-heals {0} (3+{1} HP~!)", nick, MacBotGen.Random.Next(90, 110)), e.PrivateMessage.Source); } else { client.SendAction(string.Format("h-heals {0} (3+{1} HP~! Critical heal~!)", nick, MacBotGen.Random.Next(250, 300)), e.PrivateMessage.Source); } } else { if (rnd < 0.9 && !authed) { client.SendAction(string.Format("heals {0} (3+{1} HP!)", nick, MacBotGen.Random.Next(90, 110)), e.PrivateMessage.Source); } else { client.SendAction(string.Format("heals {0} (3+{1} HP! Critical heal!)", nick, MacBotGen.Random.Next(250, 300)), e.PrivateMessage.Source); } } return; } else if (msg.StartsWith("$spam")) { if (authed) { int amount = int.Parse(msg.Split(' ')[1]); Task.Factory.StartNew(delegate { for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { client.SendMessage(GenerateRandom(), e.PrivateMessage.Source); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } }); } } if (msg.StartsWith("$ignore")) { if (authed) { string nick = msg.Substring(".ignore".Length).Trim(); Config.Add("ignored", id + "/" + nick); Config.Save(); //Ignore.Add(msg.Substring(".ignore".Length).Trim()); } return; } else if (msg.StartsWith("$unignore")) { if (authed) { string nick = msg.Substring(".unignore".Length).Trim(); Config.Remove("ignored", id + "/" + nick); Config.Save(); } return; } } Token token = TokenManager.GetToken(new MessageSource(client, e.PrivateMessage.Source)); e.PrivateMessage.Message = msg; if (OnMessage != null) { OnMessage(e.PrivateMessage, token); } }