internal FieldEntry(int id, string name, string prefix) { this.ID = id; this.Name = name; this.Prefix = prefix; this.CodeType = new CodeTypeReference(name); }
public CodeVariableDeclarationStatement(string type, string name, CodeExpression initExpression) { this.type = new CodeTypeReference(type); = name; this.initExpression = initExpression; }
public CodeCatchClause(string localName, CodeTypeReference catchExceptionType, params CodeStatement[] statements) { this.localName = localName; this.catchExceptionType = catchExceptionType; this.Statements.AddRange(statements); }
public CodeCastExpression(CodeTypeReference targetType, CodeExpression expression) { this.targetType = targetType; this.expression = expression; }
protected override string DetermineTypeOutput(CodeTypeReference type) { switch (type.BaseType.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { case "system.byte": return "ubyte"; case "system.sbyte": return "byte"; case "system.exception": return "Exception"; case "system.argumentoutofrangeexception": return "Exception"; default: return base.DetermineTypeOutput(type); } }
public CodeArrayCreateExpression(string createType, int size) { this.createType = new CodeTypeReference(createType); this.size = size; }
public CodeCatchClause(string localName, CodeTypeReference catchExceptionType) { this.localName = localName; this.catchExceptionType = catchExceptionType; }
public CodeTypeOfExpression(Type type) { this.type = new CodeTypeReference(type); }
public CodeArrayCreateExpression(CodeTypeReference createType, int size) { this.createType = createType; this.size = size; }
protected override void OutputType(CodeTypeReference type) { base.Output.Write(this.GetTypeOutput(type)); }
public CodeTypeReference(Type baseType) { if (baseType == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("baseType"); } if (baseType.IsGenericParameter) { this.baseType = baseType.Name; this.referenceOptions = CodeTypeReferenceOptions.GenericTypeParameter; } else if (baseType.IsGenericTypeDefinition) this.baseType = baseType.FullName; else if (baseType.IsGenericType) { this.baseType = baseType.GetGenericTypeDefinition().FullName; foreach (Type arg in baseType.GetGenericArguments ()) { if (arg.IsGenericParameter) TypeArguments.Add(new CodeTypeReference(new CodeTypeParameter(arg.Name))); else TypeArguments.Add(new CodeTypeReference(arg)); } } else if (baseType.IsArray) { this.arrayRank = baseType.GetArrayRank(); this.arrayElementType = new CodeTypeReference(baseType.GetElementType()); this.baseType = arrayElementType.BaseType; } else { Parse(baseType.FullName); } this.isInterface = baseType.IsInterface; }
public CodeMemberField(Type type, string name) { this.type = new CodeTypeReference(type); this.Name = name; }
protected override string GetTypeOutput(CodeTypeReference type) { if ((type.Options & CodeTypeReferenceOptions.GenericTypeParameter) != (CodeTypeReferenceOptions)0) { return type.BaseType; } string text; if (type.ArrayElementType != null) { text = this.GetTypeOutput(type.ArrayElementType); } else { text = this.DetermineTypeOutput(type); } int i = type.ArrayRank; if (i > 0) { text += '['; for (i--; i > 0; i--) { text += ','; } text += ']'; } return text; }
public CodeMemberField(CodeTypeReference type, string name) { this.type = type; this.Name = name; }
public CodeTypeReferenceExpression(string type) { this.type = new CodeTypeReference(type); }
public CodeCastExpression(Type targetType, CodeExpression expression) { this.targetType = new CodeTypeReference(targetType); this.expression = expression; }
public CodeTypeReference(CodeTypeReference arrayElementType, int arrayRank) { this.baseType = null; this.arrayRank = arrayRank; this.arrayElementType = arrayElementType; }
protected virtual string DetermineTypeOutput(CodeTypeReference type) { string baseType = type.BaseType; string text = baseType.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); string result; switch (text) { case "system.int32": result = "int"; return result; case "system.int64": result = "long"; return result; case "system.int16": result = "short"; return result; case "system.boolean": result = "bool"; return result; case "system.char": result = "char"; return result; case "system.string": result = "string"; return result; case "system.object": result = "object"; return result; case "system.void": result = "void"; return result; case "system.byte": result = "byte"; return result; case "system.sbyte": result = "sbyte"; return result; case "system.decimal": result = "decimal"; return result; case "system.double": result = "double"; return result; case "system.single": result = "float"; return result; case "system.uint16": result = "ushort"; return result; case "system.uint32": result = "uint"; return result; case "system.uint64": result = "ulong"; return result; } StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(baseType.Length); if ((type.Options & CodeTypeReferenceOptions.GlobalReference) != (CodeTypeReferenceOptions)0) { stringBuilder.Append("global::"); } int num2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < baseType.Length; i++) { char c = baseType[i]; if (c != '+' && c != '.') { if (c == '`') { stringBuilder.Append(this.CreateEscapedIdentifier(baseType.Substring(num2, i - num2))); i++; int num3 = i; while (num3 < baseType.Length && char.IsDigit(baseType[num3])) { num3++; } int count = int.Parse(baseType.Substring(i, num3 - i)); this.OutputTypeArguments(type.TypeArguments, stringBuilder, count); i = num3; if (i < baseType.Length && (baseType[i] == '+' || baseType[i] == '.')) { stringBuilder.Append('.'); i++; } num2 = i; } } else { stringBuilder.Append(this.CreateEscapedIdentifier(baseType.Substring(num2, i - num2))); stringBuilder.Append('.'); i++; num2 = i; } } if (num2 < baseType.Length) { stringBuilder.Append(this.CreateEscapedIdentifier(baseType.Substring(num2))); } result = stringBuilder.ToString(); return result; }
private void Parse(string baseType) { if (baseType == null || baseType.Length == 0) { this.baseType = typeof(void).FullName; return; } int array_start = baseType.IndexOf('['); if (array_start == -1) { this.baseType = baseType; return; } int array_end = baseType.LastIndexOf(']'); if (array_end < array_start) { this.baseType = baseType; return; } int lastAngle = baseType.LastIndexOf('>'); if (lastAngle != -1 && lastAngle > array_end) { this.baseType = baseType; return; } string[] args = baseType.Substring(array_start + 1, array_end - array_start - 1).Split(','); if ((array_end - array_start) != args.Length) { this.baseType = baseType.Substring(0, array_start); int escapeCount = 0; int scanPos = array_start; StringBuilder tb = new StringBuilder(); while (scanPos < baseType.Length) { char currentChar = baseType[scanPos]; switch (currentChar) { case '[': if (escapeCount > 1 && tb.Length > 0) { tb.Append(currentChar); } escapeCount++; break; case ']': escapeCount--; if (escapeCount > 1 && tb.Length > 0) { tb.Append(currentChar); } if (tb.Length != 0 && (escapeCount % 2) == 0) { TypeArguments.Add(tb.ToString()); tb.Length = 0; } break; case ',': if (escapeCount > 1) { // skip anything after the type name until we // reach the next separator while (scanPos + 1 < baseType.Length) { if (baseType[scanPos + 1] == ']') { break; } scanPos++; } } else if (tb.Length > 0) { CodeTypeReference typeArg = new CodeTypeReference(tb.ToString()); TypeArguments.Add(typeArg); tb.Length = 0; } break; default: tb.Append(currentChar); break; } scanPos++; } } else { arrayElementType = new CodeTypeReference(baseType.Substring(0, array_start)); arrayRank = args.Length; } }
public CodeParameterDeclarationExpression(Type type, string name) { this.type = new CodeTypeReference(type); = name; }
public CodeTypeOfExpression(CodeTypeReference type) { this.type = type; }
// // Methods // public int Add(CodeTypeReference value) { return List.Add(value); }
public CodeArrayCreateExpression(CodeTypeReference createType, params CodeExpression[] initializers) { this.createType = createType; this.Initializers.AddRange(initializers); }
public CodeVariableDeclarationStatement(Type type, string name) { this.type = new CodeTypeReference(type); = name; }
public CodeArrayCreateExpression(string createType, params CodeExpression[] initializers) { this.createType = new CodeTypeReference(createType); this.Initializers.AddRange(initializers); }
public CodeTypeReferenceCollection(CodeTypeReference[] value) { AddRange(value); }
public CodeArrayCreateExpression(Type createType, CodeExpression size) { this.createType = new CodeTypeReference(createType); this.sizeExpression = size; }
public CodeDefaultValueExpression(CodeTypeReference type) { this.type = type; }
public void Remove(CodeTypeReference value) { List.Remove(value); }
public void AddRange(CodeTypeReference[] value) { if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); } for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++) { Add(value[i]); } }