コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Reverse (or continue in same direction)
        /// <\summary>

        internal void Reverse(TrackDirection oldDirection, TrackCircuitPartialPathRoute route, float offset)
            if (null == route)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(route));

            RouteListIndex = route.GetRouteIndex(TrackCircuitSectionIndex, 0);
            Direction      = RouteListIndex >= 0 ? route[RouteListIndex].Direction : Direction = Direction.Reverse();

            TrackCircuitSection section = TrackCircuitSection.TrackCircuitList[TrackCircuitSectionIndex];

            if (oldDirection != Direction)
                Offset = section.Length - Offset; // actual reversal so adjust offset
            DistanceTravelled = offset;
コード例 #2
        /// Constructor (from route path details)
        public TrackCircuitReversalInfo(TrackCircuitPartialPathRoute lastRoute, int prevReversalIndex, TrackCircuitPartialPathRoute firstRoute, float reverseReversalOffset, int reversalIndex, int reversalSectionIndex)
            // preset values
            Valid                  = false;
            LastDivergeIndex       = -1;
            FirstDivergeIndex      = -1;
            LastSignalIndex        = -1;
            FirstSignalIndex       = -1;
            SignalAvailable        = false;
            SignalUsed             = false;
            ReverseReversalOffset  = reverseReversalOffset;
            ReversalIndex          = reversalIndex;
            ReversalSectionIndex   = reversalSectionIndex;
            ReversalActionInserted = false;

            // search for first common section in last and first

            int lastIndex  = lastRoute.Count - 1;
            int firstIndex = 0;

            int lastCommonSection  = -1;
            int firstCommonSection = -1;

            bool commonFound   = false;
            bool validDivPoint = false;

            while (!commonFound && lastIndex >= 0)
                TrackCircuitRouteElement lastElement = lastRoute[lastIndex];

                while (!commonFound && firstIndex <= firstRoute.Count - 1)
                    TrackCircuitRouteElement firstElement = firstRoute[firstIndex];
                    if (lastElement.TrackCircuitSection.Index == firstElement.TrackCircuitSection.Index)
                        commonFound        = true;
                        lastCommonSection  = lastIndex;
                        firstCommonSection = firstIndex;

                        Valid = (lastElement.Direction != firstElement.Direction);
                firstIndex = 0;

            // search for last common section going backward along route
            // do not go back on last route beyond previous reversal point to prevent fall through of reversals
            if (Valid)
                Valid = false;

                lastIndex  = lastCommonSection;
                firstIndex = firstCommonSection;

                int endLastIndex = (prevReversalIndex > 0 && prevReversalIndex < lastCommonSection &&
                                    Simulator.Instance.TimetableMode) ? prevReversalIndex : 0;

                while (lastIndex >= endLastIndex && firstIndex <= (firstRoute.Count - 1) && lastRoute[lastIndex].TrackCircuitSection.Index == firstRoute[firstIndex].TrackCircuitSection.Index)
                    LastDivergeIndex   = lastIndex;
                    FirstDivergeIndex  = firstIndex;
                    DivergeSectorIndex = lastRoute[lastIndex].TrackCircuitSection.Index;


                // if next route ends within last one, last diverge index can be set to endLastIndex
                if (firstIndex > firstRoute.Count - 1)
                    LastDivergeIndex   = endLastIndex;
                    DivergeSectorIndex = lastRoute[endLastIndex].TrackCircuitSection.Index;

                Valid         = LastDivergeIndex >= 0; // it is a reversal
                validDivPoint = true;
                if (Simulator.Instance.TimetableMode)
                    validDivPoint = LastDivergeIndex > 0 && FirstDivergeIndex < (firstRoute.Count - 1); // valid reversal point
                if (lastRoute.Count == 1 && FirstDivergeIndex < (firstRoute.Count - 1))
                    validDivPoint = true;                                                                     // valid reversal point in first and only section

            // determine offset

            if (validDivPoint)
                DivergeOffset = 0.0f;
                for (int iSection = LastDivergeIndex; iSection < lastRoute.Count; iSection++)
                    TrackCircuitSection thisSection = lastRoute[iSection].TrackCircuitSection;
                    DivergeOffset += thisSection.Length;

                // find last signal furthest away from diverging point

                bool signalFound  = false;
                int  startSection = 0;

                if (!Simulator.Instance.TimetableMode)
                // In activity mode test starts only after reverse point.
                    for (int iSection = 0; iSection < firstRoute.Count; iSection++)
                        if (firstRoute[iSection].TrackCircuitSection.Index == ReversalSectionIndex)
                            startSection = iSection;
                    for (int iSection = startSection; iSection <= FirstDivergeIndex && !signalFound; iSection++)
                        TrackCircuitSection thisSection = firstRoute[iSection].TrackCircuitSection;
                        if (thisSection.EndSignals[firstRoute[iSection].Direction] != null)   // signal in required direction
                            signalFound       = true;
                            FirstSignalIndex  = iSection;
                            SignalSectorIndex = thisSection.Index;
                // in timetable mode, search for first signal beyond diverging point
                    for (int iSection = FirstDivergeIndex; iSection >= startSection && !signalFound; iSection--)
                        TrackCircuitSection thisSection = firstRoute[iSection].TrackCircuitSection;
                        if (thisSection.EndSignals[firstRoute[iSection].Direction] != null)   // signal in required direction
                            signalFound       = true;
                            FirstSignalIndex  = iSection;
                            SignalSectorIndex = thisSection.Index;

                // signal found
                if (signalFound)
                    LastSignalIndex = lastRoute.GetRouteIndex(SignalSectorIndex, LastDivergeIndex);
                    if (LastSignalIndex > 0)
                        SignalAvailable = true;

                        SignalOffset = 0.0f;
                        for (int iSection = LastSignalIndex; iSection < lastRoute.Count; iSection++)
                            TrackCircuitSection thisSection = lastRoute[iSection].TrackCircuitSection;
                            SignalOffset += thisSection.Length;
                FirstDivergeIndex = -1;
                LastDivergeIndex  = -1;