public void RejectMessage( Message message, Message.RejectionTypes rejectType, Exception exc, string rejectInfo = null) { if (message.Direction == Message.Directions.Request) { var str = String.Format("{0} {1}", rejectInfo ?? "", exc == null ? "" : exc.ToString()); MessagingStatisticsGroup.OnRejectedMessage(message); Message rejection = message.CreateRejectionResponse(rejectType, str); SendRejectionMessage(rejection); } else { logger.Warn(ErrorCode.Messaging_Dispatcher_DiscardRejection, "Discarding {0} rejection for message {1}. Exc = {2}", Enum.GetName(typeof(Message.Directions), message.Direction), message, exc.Message); } }
public ClientStatisticsManager( ClientConfiguration config, SerializationManager serializationManager, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, IHostEnvironmentStatistics hostEnvironmentStatistics, IAppEnvironmentStatistics appEnvironmentStatistics, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IOptions <ClientStatisticsOptions> statisticsOptions, IOptions <ClusterClientOptions> clusterClientOptions) { this.config = config; this.statisticsOptions = statisticsOptions.Value; this.serviceProvider = serviceProvider; this.hostEnvironmentStatistics = hostEnvironmentStatistics; this.appEnvironmentStatistics = appEnvironmentStatistics; this.clusterClientOptions = clusterClientOptions.Value; logStatistics = new LogStatistics(this.statisticsOptions.LogWriteInterval, false, serializationManager, loggerFactory); logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger <ClientStatisticsManager>(); this.loggerFactory = loggerFactory; MessagingStatisticsGroup.Init(false); NetworkingStatisticsGroup.Init(false); ApplicationRequestsStatisticsGroup.Init(config.ResponseTimeout); }
private static bool ExpireMessageIfExpired(Message message, MessagingStatisticsGroup.Phase phase) { if (message.IsExpired) { message.DropExpiredMessage(phase); return true; } return false; }
internal void DropExpiredMessage(MessagingStatisticsGroup.Phase phase) { MessagingStatisticsGroup.OnMessageExpired(phase); ReleaseBodyAndHeaderBuffers(); }
public bool TryDecodeMessage(out Message msg) { msg = null; // if we read the entire buffer, assume we could have read more if buffer was bigger, and increase buffer size. if (receiveOffset == currentBufferSize && currentBufferSize < maxSustainedBufferSize) { GrowBuffer(); } // Is there enough read into the buffer to continue (at least read the lengths?) if (receiveOffset - decodeOffset < CalculateKnownMessageSize()) { return(false); } // parse lengths if needed if (headerLength == 0 || bodyLength == 0) { // get length segments List <ArraySegment <byte> > lenghts = ByteArrayBuilder.BuildSegmentListWithLengthLimit(readBuffer, decodeOffset, Message.LENGTH_HEADER_SIZE); // copy length segment to buffer int lengthBufferoffset = 0; foreach (ArraySegment <byte> seg in lenghts) { Buffer.BlockCopy(seg.Array, seg.Offset, lengthBuffer, lengthBufferoffset, seg.Count); lengthBufferoffset += seg.Count; } // read lengths headerLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(lengthBuffer, 0); bodyLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(lengthBuffer, 4); } // If message is too big for current buffer size, grow while (decodeOffset + CalculateKnownMessageSize() > currentBufferSize) { GrowBuffer(); } // Is there enough read into the buffer to read full message if (receiveOffset - decodeOffset < CalculateKnownMessageSize()) { return(false); } // decode header int headerOffset = decodeOffset + Message.LENGTH_HEADER_SIZE; List <ArraySegment <byte> > header = ByteArrayBuilder.BuildSegmentListWithLengthLimit(readBuffer, headerOffset, headerLength); // decode body int bodyOffset = headerOffset + headerLength; List <ArraySegment <byte> > body = ByteArrayBuilder.BuildSegmentListWithLengthLimit(readBuffer, bodyOffset, bodyLength); // need to maintain ownership of buffer, so if we are supporting forwarding we need to duplicate the body buffer. if (supportForwarding) { body = DuplicateBuffer(body); } // build message msg = new Message(header, body, !supportForwarding); MessagingStatisticsGroup.OnMessageReceive(msg, headerLength, bodyLength); if (headerLength + bodyLength > Message.LargeMessageSizeThreshold) { Log.Info(ErrorCode.Messaging_LargeMsg_Incoming, "Receiving large message Size={0} HeaderLength={1} BodyLength={2}. Msg={3}", headerLength + bodyLength, headerLength, bodyLength, msg.ToString()); if (Log.IsVerbose3) { Log.Verbose3("Received large message {0}", msg.ToLongString()); } } // update parse receiveOffset and clear lengths decodeOffset = bodyOffset + bodyLength; headerLength = 0; bodyLength = 0; return(true); }
internal async Task Start(ClientConfiguration config, StatisticsProviderManager statsManager, IMessageCenter transport, Guid clientId) { MessagingStatisticsGroup.Init(false); NetworkingStatisticsGroup.Init(false); ApplicationRequestsStatisticsGroup.Init(config.ResponseTimeout); runtimeStats.Start(); // Configure Metrics IProvider statsProvider = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.StatisticsProviderName)) { var extType = config.StatisticsProviderName; statsProvider = statsManager.GetProvider(extType); var metricsDataPublisher = statsProvider as IClientMetricsDataPublisher; if (metricsDataPublisher == null) { var msg = String.Format("Trying to create {0} as a metrics publisher, but the provider is not configured." , extType); throw new ArgumentException(msg, "ProviderType (configuration)"); } var configurableMetricsDataPublisher = metricsDataPublisher as IConfigurableClientMetricsDataPublisher; if (configurableMetricsDataPublisher != null) { configurableMetricsDataPublisher.AddConfiguration( config.DeploymentId, config.DNSHostName, clientId.ToString(), transport.MyAddress.Endpoint.Address); } tableStatistics = new ClientTableStatistics(transport, metricsDataPublisher, runtimeStats) { MetricsTableWriteInterval = config.StatisticsMetricsTableWriteInterval }; } else if (config.UseAzureSystemStore) { // Hook up to publish client metrics to Azure storage table var publisher = await ClientMetricsTableDataManager.GetManager(config, transport.MyAddress.Endpoint.Address, clientId); tableStatistics = new ClientTableStatistics(transport, publisher, runtimeStats) { MetricsTableWriteInterval = config.StatisticsMetricsTableWriteInterval }; } // Configure Statistics if (config.StatisticsWriteLogStatisticsToTable) { if (statsProvider != null) { logStatistics.StatsTablePublisher = statsProvider as IStatisticsPublisher; // Note: Provider has already been Init-ialized above. } else if (config.UseAzureSystemStore) { var statsDataPublisher = await StatsTableDataManager.GetManager(false, config.DataConnectionString, config.DeploymentId, transport.MyAddress.Endpoint.ToString(), clientId.ToString(), config.DNSHostName); logStatistics.StatsTablePublisher = statsDataPublisher; } } logStatistics.Start(); }
internal void OnSiloDropSendingMessage(SiloAddress localSiloAddress, Message message, string reason) { MessagingStatisticsGroup.OnDroppedSentMessage(message); LogSiloDropSendingMessage(this, localSiloAddress, message, reason, null); }
internal void DropExpiredMessage(MessagingStatisticsGroup.Phase phase) { MessagingStatisticsGroup.OnMessageExpired(phase); }
public bool TryDecodeMessage(out Message msg) { msg = null; // Is there enough read into the buffer to continue (at least read the lengths?) if (receiveOffset - decodeOffset < CalculateKnownMessageSize()) { return(false); } // parse lengths if needed if (headerLength == 0 || bodyLength == 0) { // get length segments List <ArraySegment <byte> > lenghts = ByteArrayBuilder.BuildSegmentListWithLengthLimit(readBuffer, decodeOffset, Message.LENGTH_HEADER_SIZE); // copy length segment to buffer int lengthBufferoffset = 0; foreach (ArraySegment <byte> seg in lenghts) { Buffer.BlockCopy(seg.Array, seg.Offset, lengthBuffer, lengthBufferoffset, seg.Count); lengthBufferoffset += seg.Count; } // read lengths headerLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(lengthBuffer, 0); bodyLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(lengthBuffer, 4); } // If message is too big for current buffer size, grow while (decodeOffset + CalculateKnownMessageSize() > currentBufferSize) { GrowBuffer(); } // Is there enough read into the buffer to read full message if (receiveOffset - decodeOffset < CalculateKnownMessageSize()) { return(false); } // decode header int headerOffset = decodeOffset + Message.LENGTH_HEADER_SIZE; List <ArraySegment <byte> > header = ByteArrayBuilder.BuildSegmentListWithLengthLimit(readBuffer, headerOffset, headerLength); // decode body int bodyOffset = headerOffset + headerLength; List <ArraySegment <byte> > body = ByteArrayBuilder.BuildSegmentListWithLengthLimit(readBuffer, bodyOffset, bodyLength); // build message this.deserializationContext.Reset(); this.deserializationContext.StreamReader.Reset(header); msg = new Message { Headers = SerializationManager.DeserializeMessageHeaders(this.deserializationContext) }; try { if (this.supportForwarding) { // If forwarding is supported, then deserialization will be deferred until the body value is needed. // Need to maintain ownership of buffer, so we need to duplicate the body buffer. msg.SetBodyBytes(this.DuplicateBuffer(body)); } else { // Attempt to deserialize the body immediately. msg.DeserializeBodyObject(this.serializationManager, body); } } finally { MessagingStatisticsGroup.OnMessageReceive(msg, headerLength, bodyLength); if (headerLength + bodyLength > this.serializationManager.LargeObjectSizeThreshold) { Log.Info( ErrorCode.Messaging_LargeMsg_Incoming, "Receiving large message Size={0} HeaderLength={1} BodyLength={2}. Msg={3}", headerLength + bodyLength, headerLength, bodyLength, msg.ToString()); if (Log.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Trace)) { Log.Trace("Received large message {0}", msg.ToLongString()); } } // update parse receiveOffset and clear lengths decodeOffset = bodyOffset + bodyLength; headerLength = 0; bodyLength = 0; AdjustBuffer(); } return(true); }
internal void DropExpiredMessage(MessagingStatisticsGroup.Phase phase) { MessagingStatisticsGroup.OnMessageExpired(phase); if (logger.IsVerbose2) logger.Verbose2("Dropping an expired message: {0}", this); ReleaseBodyAndHeaderBuffers(); }
public void ReceiveMessage(Message msg) { this.messagingTrace.OnIncomingMessageAgentReceiveMessage(msg); // Find the activation it targets; first check for a system activation, then an app activation if (msg.TargetGrain.IsSystemTarget()) { SystemTarget target = this.activationDirectory.FindSystemTarget(msg.TargetActivation); if (target == null) { MessagingStatisticsGroup.OnRejectedMessage(msg); Message response = this.messageFactory.CreateRejectionResponse(msg, Message.RejectionTypes.Unrecoverable, string.Format("SystemTarget {0} not active on this silo. Msg={1}", msg.TargetGrain, msg)); this.messageCenter.SendMessage(response); this.logger.LogWarning( (int)ErrorCode.MessagingMessageFromUnknownActivation, "Received a message {Message} for an unknown SystemTarget: {Target}", msg, msg.TargetAddress); return; } target.ReceiveMessage(msg); } else if (messageCenter.TryDeliverToProxy(msg)) { return; } else { try { var targetActivation = catalog.GetOrCreateActivation( msg.TargetAddress, msg.IsNewPlacement, msg.RequestContextData); if (targetActivation is null) { // Activation does not exists and is not a new placement. if (msg.Direction == Message.Directions.Response) { logger.LogWarning( (int)ErrorCode.Dispatcher_NoTargetActivation, "No target activation {Activation} for response message: {Message}", msg.TargetActivation, msg); return; } else { logger.LogInformation( (int)ErrorCode.Dispatcher_Intermediate_GetOrCreateActivation, "Intermediate NonExistentActivation for message {Message}", msg); var nonExistentActivation = msg.TargetAddress; ProcessRequestToInvalidActivation(msg, nonExistentActivation, null, "Non-existent activation"); return; } } targetActivation.ReceiveMessage(msg); } catch (Exception ex) { MessagingProcessingStatisticsGroup.OnDispatcherMessageProcessedError(msg); logger.LogError( (int)ErrorCode.Dispatcher_ErrorCreatingActivation, ex, "Error creating activation for grain {TargetGrain} (interface: {InterfaceType}). Message {Message}", msg.TargetGrain, msg.InterfaceType, msg); this.RejectMessage(msg, Message.RejectionTypes.Transient, ex); } } }
public bool TryDecodeMessage(out Message msg) { msg = null; // Is there enough read into the buffer to continue (at least read the lengths?) if (receiveOffset - decodeOffset < KnownMessageSize()) { return(false); } // parse lengths if needed if (headerLength == 0 || bodyLength == 0) { // get length segments List <ArraySegment <byte> > lenghts = ByteArrayBuilder.BuildSegmentListWithLengthLimit(readBuffer, decodeOffset, Message.LENGTH_HEADER_SIZE); // copy length segment to buffer int lengthBufferoffset = 0; foreach (ArraySegment <byte> seg in lenghts) { Buffer.BlockCopy(seg.Array, seg.Offset, lengthBuffer, lengthBufferoffset, seg.Count); lengthBufferoffset += seg.Count; } // read lengths headerLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(lengthBuffer, 0); bodyLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(lengthBuffer, 4); } // If message is too big for default buffer size, grow while (decodeOffset + KnownMessageSize() > currentBufferSize) { //TODO: Add configurable max message size for safety //TODO: Review networking layer and add max size checks to all dictionaries, arrays, or other variable sized containers. // double buffer size up to max grow block size, then only grow it in those intervals int growBlockSize = Math.Min(currentBufferSize, GROW_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE); readBuffer.AddRange(BufferPool.GlobalPool.GetMultiBuffer(growBlockSize)); currentBufferSize += growBlockSize; } // Is there enough read into the buffer to read full message if (receiveOffset - decodeOffset < KnownMessageSize()) { return(false); } // decode header int headerOffset = decodeOffset + Message.LENGTH_HEADER_SIZE; List <ArraySegment <byte> > header = ByteArrayBuilder.BuildSegmentListWithLengthLimit(readBuffer, headerOffset, headerLength); // decode body int bodyOffset = headerOffset + headerLength; List <ArraySegment <byte> > body = ByteArrayBuilder.BuildSegmentListWithLengthLimit(readBuffer, bodyOffset, bodyLength); // need to maintain ownership of buffer, so if we are supporting forwarding we need to duplicate the body buffer. if (supportForwarding) { body = DuplicateBuffer(body); } // build message msg = new Message(header, body, !supportForwarding); MessagingStatisticsGroup.OnMessageReceive(msg, headerLength, bodyLength); if (headerLength + bodyLength > Message.LargeMessageSizeThreshold) { Log.Info(ErrorCode.Messaging_LargeMsg_Incoming, "Receiving large message Size={0} HeaderLength={1} BodyLength={2}. Msg={3}", headerLength + bodyLength, headerLength, bodyLength, msg.ToString()); if (Log.IsVerbose3) { Log.Verbose3("Received large message {0}", msg.ToLongString()); } } // update parse receiveOffset and clear lengths decodeOffset = bodyOffset + bodyLength; headerLength = 0; bodyLength = 0; // drop buffers consumed in message and adjust parse receiveOffset // TODO: This can be optimized further. Linked lists? int consumedBytes = 0; while (readBuffer.Count != 0) { ArraySegment <byte> seg = readBuffer[0]; if (seg.Count <= decodeOffset - consumedBytes) { consumedBytes += seg.Count; readBuffer.Remove(seg); BufferPool.GlobalPool.Release(seg.Array); } else { break; } } decodeOffset -= consumedBytes; receiveOffset -= consumedBytes; if (consumedBytes != 0) { if (currentBufferSize <= maxSustainedBufferSize) { readBuffer.AddRange(BufferPool.GlobalPool.GetMultiBuffer(consumedBytes)); } else { // shrink buffer to DEFAULT_MAX_SUSTAINED_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE int backfillBytes = Math.Max(consumedBytes + maxSustainedBufferSize - currentBufferSize, 0); currentBufferSize -= consumedBytes; currentBufferSize += backfillBytes; if (backfillBytes > 0) { readBuffer.AddRange(BufferPool.GlobalPool.GetMultiBuffer(backfillBytes)); } } } return(true); }
internal void DropExpiredMessage(ILogger logger, MessagingStatisticsGroup.Phase phase) { logger.LogWarning((int)ErrorCode.Messaging_DroppingExpiredMessage, "Dropped expired message during {Phase} phase. Message: {Message}", phase.ToString(), logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Trace) ? this.ToLongString() : this.ToString()); MessagingStatisticsGroup.OnMessageExpired(phase); }