コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers a new activation, in single activation mode, with the directory service.
        /// If there is already an activation registered for this grain, then the new activation will
        /// not be registered and the address of the existing activation will be returned.
        /// Otherwise, the passed-in address will be returned.
        /// <para>This method must be called from a scheduler thread.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="address">The address of the potential new activation.</param>
        /// <param name="retries"></param>
        /// <returns>The address registered for the grain's single activation.</returns>
        public async Task <Tuple <ActivationAddress, int> > RegisterSingleActivation(ActivationAddress address, int retries)
            if (logger.IsVerbose2)
                logger.Verbose2("Trying to register activation for grain. GrainId: {0}. ActivationId: {1}.", address.Grain, address.Activation);

            // validate that this grain should be stored in our partition
            SiloAddress owner = router.CalculateTargetSilo(address.Grain);

            if (owner == null)
                // We don't know about any other silos, and we're stopping, so throw
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Grain directory is stopping");

            if (router.MyAddress.Equals(owner))
                return(partition.AddSingleActivation(address.Grain, address.Activation, address.Silo));

            if (retries <= 0)
                throw new OrleansException("Silo " + router.MyAddress + " is not the owner of the grain " +
                                           address.Grain + " Owner=" + owner);

            if (logger.IsVerbose2)
                logger.Verbose2("Retry {0} RemoteGrainDirectory.RegisterSingleActivation for address={1} at Owner={2}", retries, address, owner);

            await Task.Delay(RETRY_DELAY);

            SiloAddress o = router.CalculateTargetSilo(address.Grain);

            if (o == null)
                // We don't know about any other silos, and we're stopping, so throw
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Grain directory is stopping");
            if (o.Equals(router.MyAddress))
                return(partition.AddSingleActivation(address.Grain, address.Activation, address.Silo));
            return(await GetDirectoryReference(o).RegisterSingleActivation(address, retries - 1));
コード例 #2
 public AddressAndTag Register(ActivationAddress address, bool singleActivation)
     if (singleActivation)
         var result = directoryPartition.AddSingleActivation(address.Grain, address.Activation, address.Silo, GrainDirectoryEntryStatus.ClusterLocal);
         var tag = directoryPartition.AddActivation(address.Grain, address.Activation, address.Silo);
         return(new AddressAndTag()
             Address = address, VersionTag = tag
コード例 #3
 public virtual AddressAndTag Register(ActivationAddress address, bool singleActivation)
     if (singleActivation)
         var result = DirectoryPartition.AddSingleActivation(address.Grain, address.Activation, address.Silo);
         var tag = DirectoryPartition.AddActivation(address.Grain, address.Activation, address.Silo);
         return(new AddressAndTag()
             Address = address, VersionTag = tag
コード例 #4
        public async Task <AddressAndTag> RegisterAsync(ActivationAddress address, bool singleActivation)
            if (!singleActivation)
                throw new OrleansException("global single instance protocol is incompatible with using multiple activations");

            var myClusterId = Silo.CurrentSilo.ClusterId;

            if (myClusterId == null)
                // no multicluster network. Go to owned state directly.
                return(directoryPartition.AddSingleActivation(address.Grain, address.Activation, address.Silo, GrainDirectoryEntryStatus.Owned));

            // examine the multicluster configuration
            var config = Silo.CurrentSilo.LocalMultiClusterOracle.GetMultiClusterConfiguration();

            if (config == null || !config.Clusters.Contains(myClusterId))
                // we are not joined to the cluster yet/anymore. Go to doubtful state directly.
                return(directoryPartition.AddSingleActivation(address.Grain, address.Activation, address.Silo, GrainDirectoryEntryStatus.Doubtful));

            var remoteClusters = config.Clusters.Where(id => id != myClusterId).ToList();

            // Try to go into REQUESTED_OWNERSHIP state
            var myActivation = directoryPartition.AddSingleActivation(address.Grain, address.Activation, address.Silo, GrainDirectoryEntryStatus.RequestedOwnership);

            if (!myActivation.Address.Equals(address))
                //This implies that the registration already existed in some state? return the existing activation.

            // Do request rounds until successful or we run out of retries

            int retries = numRetries;

            while (retries-- > 0)
                if (logger.IsVerbose)
                    logger.Verbose("GSIP:Req {0} Round={1} Act={2}", address.Grain.ToString(), numRetries - retries, myActivation.Address.ToString());

                var outcome = await SendRequestRound(address, remoteClusters);

                if (logger.IsVerbose)
                    logger.Verbose("GSIP:End {0} Round={1} Outcome={2}", address.Grain.ToString(), numRetries - retries, outcome);

                switch (outcome.State)
                case OutcomeState.RemoteOwner:
                case OutcomeState.RemoteOwnerLikely:
                    directoryPartition.CacheOrUpdateRemoteClusterRegistration(address.Grain, address.Activation, outcome.RemoteOwnerAddress.Address);

                case OutcomeState.Succeed:
                    if (directoryPartition.UpdateClusterRegistrationStatus(address.Grain, address.Activation, GrainDirectoryEntryStatus.Owned, GrainDirectoryEntryStatus.RequestedOwnership))
                        break;         // concurrently moved to RACE_LOSER

                case OutcomeState.Inconclusive:

                // we were not successful, reread state to determine what is going on
                int version;
                var mcstatus = directoryPartition.TryGetActivation(address.Grain, out address, out version);

                if (mcstatus == GrainDirectoryEntryStatus.RequestedOwnership)
                    // we failed because of inconclusive answers. Stay in this state for retry.
                else if (mcstatus == GrainDirectoryEntryStatus.RaceLoser)
                    // we failed because an external request moved us to RACE_LOSER. Go back to REQUESTED_OWNERSHIP for retry
                    var success = directoryPartition.UpdateClusterRegistrationStatus(address.Grain, address.Activation, GrainDirectoryEntryStatus.RequestedOwnership, GrainDirectoryEntryStatus.RaceLoser);
                    if (!success)
                        ProtocolError(address, "unable to transition from RACE_LOSER to REQUESTED_OWNERSHIP");
                    // do not wait before retrying because there is a dominant remote request active so we can probably complete quickly
                    ProtocolError(address, "unhandled protocol state");

            // we are done with the quick retries. Now we go into doubtful state, which means slower retries.

            var ok = directoryPartition.UpdateClusterRegistrationStatus(address.Grain, address.Activation, GrainDirectoryEntryStatus.Doubtful, GrainDirectoryEntryStatus.RequestedOwnership);

            if (!ok)
                ProtocolError(address, "unable to transition into doubtful");

