//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldBeAbleToCloseOnlyAfterWriterIsClosed() throws Exception //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void ShouldBeAbleToCloseOnlyAfterWriterIsClosed() { using (SegmentFile segment = create(FsRule.get(), _fileNames.getForVersion(0), _readerPool, 0, _contentMarshal, _logProvider, _segmentHeader)) { // given assertFalse(segment.TryClose()); // when segment.CloseWriter(); // then assertTrue(segment.TryClose()); } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldPruneReaderPoolOnClose() throws Exception //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void ShouldPruneReaderPoolOnClose() { using (SegmentFile segment = create(FsRule.get(), _fileNames.getForVersion(0), _readerPool, 0, _contentMarshal, _logProvider, _segmentHeader)) { segment.Write(0, _entry1); segment.Flush(); segment.CloseWriter(); IOCursor <EntryRecord> cursor = segment.GetCursor(0); cursor.next(); cursor.close(); } verify(_readerPool).prune(0); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldHaveIdempotentCloseMethods() throws Exception //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void ShouldHaveIdempotentCloseMethods() { // given SegmentFile segment = create(FsRule.get(), _fileNames.getForVersion(0), _readerPool, 0, _contentMarshal, _logProvider, _segmentHeader); IOCursor <EntryRecord> cursor = segment.GetCursor(0); // when segment.CloseWriter(); cursor.close(); // then assertTrue(segment.TryClose()); segment.Close(); assertTrue(segment.TryClose()); segment.Close(); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldHandleReaderPastEndCorrectly() throws Exception //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void ShouldHandleReaderPastEndCorrectly() { using (SegmentFile segment = create(FsRule.get(), _fileNames.getForVersion(0), _readerPool, 0, _contentMarshal, _logProvider, _segmentHeader)) { // given segment.Write(0, _entry1); segment.Write(1, _entry2); segment.Flush(); segment.CloseWriter(); IOCursor <EntryRecord> cursor = segment.GetCursor(3); // then assertFalse(cursor.next()); // when cursor.close(); // then assertTrue(segment.TryClose()); } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldCallDisposeHandlerAfterLastReaderIsClosed() throws Exception //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void ShouldCallDisposeHandlerAfterLastReaderIsClosed() { using (SegmentFile segment = create(FsRule.get(), _fileNames.getForVersion(0), _readerPool, 0, _contentMarshal, _logProvider, _segmentHeader)) { // given IOCursor <EntryRecord> cursor0 = segment.GetCursor(0); IOCursor <EntryRecord> cursor1 = segment.GetCursor(0); // when segment.CloseWriter(); cursor0.close(); // then assertFalse(segment.TryClose()); // when cursor1.close(); // then assertTrue(segment.TryClose()); } }