//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void shouldBeAbleToParseWeirdlyFormattedPoints() internal virtual void ShouldBeAbleToParseWeirdlyFormattedPoints() { assertEqual(pointValue(WGS84, 1.0, 2.0), PointValue.Parse(" \t\n { latitude : 2.0 ,longitude :1.0 } \t")); // TODO: Should some/all of these fail? assertEqual(pointValue(WGS84, 1.0, 2.0), PointValue.Parse(" \t\n { latitude : 2.0 ,longitude :1.0 , } \t")); assertEqual(pointValue(Cartesian, 2.0E-8, -1.0E7), PointValue.Parse(" \t\n { x :+.2e-7,y: -1.0E07 , } \t")); assertEqual(pointValue(Cartesian, 2.0E-8, -1.0E7), PointValue.Parse(" \t\n { x :+.2e-7,y: -1.0E07 , garbage} \t")); assertEqual(pointValue(Cartesian, 2.0E-8, -1.0E7), PointValue.Parse(" \t\n { gar ba ge,x :+.2e-7,y: -1.0E07} \t")); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void shouldBeAbleToParseIncompletePointWithHeaderInformation() internal virtual void ShouldBeAbleToParseIncompletePointWithHeaderInformation() { string headerInformation = "{latitude: 40.7128}"; string data = "{longitude: -74.0060, height: 567.8, crs:wgs-84-3D}"; assertThrows(typeof(InvalidValuesArgumentException), () => PointValue.Parse(data)); // this should work PointValue.Parse(data, PointValue.ParseHeaderInformation(headerInformation)); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void shouldBeAbleToParsePointThatOverridesHeaderInformation() internal virtual void ShouldBeAbleToParsePointThatOverridesHeaderInformation() { string headerInformation = "{crs:wgs-84}"; string data = "{latitude: 40.7128, longitude: -74.0060, height: 567.8, crs:wgs-84-3D}"; PointValue expected = PointValue.Parse(data); PointValue actual = PointValue.Parse(data, PointValue.ParseHeaderInformation(headerInformation)); assertEqual(expected, actual); assertEquals("wgs-84-3d", actual.CoordinateReferenceSystem.Name.ToLower()); }
//------------------------------------------------------------- // Parser tests //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void shouldBeAbleToParsePoints() internal virtual void ShouldBeAbleToParsePoints() { assertEqual(pointValue(WGS84, 13.2, 56.7), PointValue.Parse("{latitude: 56.7, longitude: 13.2}")); assertEqual(pointValue(WGS84, -74.0060, 40.7128), PointValue.Parse("{latitude: 40.7128, longitude: -74.0060, crs: 'wgs-84'}")); // - explicitly WGS84 assertEqual(pointValue(Cartesian, -21, -45.3), PointValue.Parse("{x: -21, y: -45.3}")); // - default to cartesian 2D assertEqual(pointValue(WGS84, -21, -45.3), PointValue.Parse("{x: -21, y: -45.3, srid: 4326}")); // - explicitly set WGS84 by SRID assertEqual(pointValue(Cartesian, 17, -52.8), PointValue.Parse("{x: 17, y: -52.8, crs: 'cartesian'}")); // - explicit cartesian 2D assertEqual(pointValue(WGS84_3D, 13.2, 56.7, 123.4), PointValue.Parse("{latitude: 56.7, longitude: 13.2, height: 123.4}")); // - defaults to WGS84-3D assertEqual(pointValue(WGS84_3D, 13.2, 56.7, 123.4), PointValue.Parse("{latitude: 56.7, longitude: 13.2, z: 123.4}")); // - defaults to WGS84-3D assertEqual(pointValue(WGS84_3D, -74.0060, 40.7128, 567.8), PointValue.Parse("{latitude: 40.7128, longitude: -74.0060, height: 567.8, crs: 'wgs-84-3D'}")); // - explicitly WGS84-3D assertEqual(pointValue(Cartesian_3D, -21, -45.3, 7.2), PointValue.Parse("{x: -21, y: -45.3, z: 7.2}")); // - default to cartesian 3D assertEqual(pointValue(Cartesian_3D, 17, -52.8, -83.1), PointValue.Parse("{x: 17, y: -52.8, z: -83.1, crs: 'cartesian-3D'}")); // - explicit cartesian 3D }
private InvalidValuesArgumentException AssertCannotParse(string text) { return(assertThrows(typeof(InvalidValuesArgumentException), () => PointValue.Parse(text))); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void shouldBeAbleToParsePointWithUnquotedCrs() internal virtual void ShouldBeAbleToParsePointWithUnquotedCrs() { assertEqual(pointValue(WGS84_3D, -74.0060, 40.7128, 567.8), PointValue.Parse("{latitude: 40.7128, longitude: -74.0060, height: 567.8, crs:wgs-84-3D}")); // - explicitly WGS84-3D, without quotes }