/* PageCorruption */ public static PageCorruption <KEY, VALUE> Crashed <KEY, VALUE>(GBPTreePointerType gbpTreePointerType) { return((pageCursor, layout, node, treeState) => { int offset = gbpTreePointerType.Offset(node); long stableGeneration = treeState.stableGeneration(); long unstableGeneration = treeState.unstableGeneration(); long crashGeneration = crashGeneration(treeState); pageCursor.Offset = offset; long pointer = pointer(GenerationSafePointerPair.Read(pageCursor, stableGeneration, unstableGeneration, NO_GENERATION_TARGET)); OverwriteGSPP(pageCursor, offset, crashGeneration, pointer); }); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldRead() public virtual void ShouldRead() { // GIVEN _cursor.Offset = SLOT_A_OFFSET; long preStatePointerA = StateA.materialize(_cursor, POINTER_A); _cursor.Offset = _slotBOffset; long preStatePointerB = StateB.materialize(_cursor, POINTER_B); // WHEN _cursor.Offset = GSPP_OFFSET; GenerationKeeper generationKeeper = new GenerationKeeper(); long result = GenerationSafePointerPair.Read(_cursor, STABLE_GENERATION, UNSTABLE_GENERATION, generationKeeper); // THEN ExpectedReadOutcome.verifyRead(_cursor, result, StateA, StateB, preStatePointerA, preStatePointerB, generationKeeper.Generation); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void checkChildShouldThrowOnReadFailure() internal virtual void CheckChildShouldThrowOnReadFailure() { long result = GenerationSafePointerPair.Read(_cursor, 0, 1, NO_GENERATION_TARGET); assertThrows(typeof(TreeInconsistencyException), () => PointerChecking.checkPointer(result, false)); }