protected internal virtual States BuildStates() { ConnectedState connected = new ConnectedState(); ReadyState ready = new ReadyState(); StreamingState streaming = new StreamingState(); FailedState failed = new FailedState(); InterruptedState interrupted = new InterruptedState(); connected.ReadyState = ready; connected.FailedState = failed; ready.StreamingState = streaming; ready.InterruptedState = interrupted; ready.FailedState = failed; streaming.ReadyState = ready; streaming.InterruptedState = interrupted; streaming.FailedState = failed; failed.ReadyState = ready; failed.InterruptedState = interrupted; interrupted.ReadyState = ready; interrupted.FailedState = failed; return(new States(connected, failed)); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void shouldThrowWhenNotInitialized() throws Exception //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: internal virtual void ShouldThrowWhenNotInitialized() { InterruptedState state = new InterruptedState(); assertThrows(typeof(System.InvalidOperationException), () => state.Process(ResetMessage.INSTANCE, _context)); state.ReadyState = _readyState; assertThrows(typeof(System.InvalidOperationException), () => state.Process(ResetMessage.INSTANCE, _context)); state.ReadyState = null; state.FailedState = _failedState; assertThrows(typeof(System.InvalidOperationException), () => state.Process(ResetMessage.INSTANCE, _context)); }