コード例 #1
        public static Monomer validateAndAllocate(Chain chain, string group3, int seqcode, int firstIndex, int lastIndex, int[] specialAtomIndexes, Atom[] atoms)
			//    System.out.println("PhosphorusMonomer.validateAndAllocate");
			if (firstIndex != lastIndex || specialAtomIndexes[JmolConstants.ATOMID_NUCLEIC_PHOSPHORUS] != firstIndex)
				return null;
			return new PhosphorusMonomer(chain, group3, seqcode, firstIndex, lastIndex, phosphorusOffsets);
コード例 #2
        public static new Monomer validateAndAllocate(Chain chain, string group3, int seqcode, int firstAtomIndex, int lastAtomIndex, int[] specialAtomIndexes, Atom[] atoms)
			sbyte[] offsets = scanForOffsets(firstAtomIndex, specialAtomIndexes, interestingAminoAtomIDs);
			if (offsets == null)
				return null;
			if (specialAtomIndexes[JmolConstants.ATOMID_CARBONYL_OXYGEN] < 0)
				int carbonylOxygenIndex = specialAtomIndexes[JmolConstants.ATOMID_O1];
				System.Console.Out.WriteLine("I see someone who does not have a carbonyl oxygen");
				if (carbonylOxygenIndex < 0)
					return null;
				offsets[1] = (sbyte) (carbonylOxygenIndex - firstAtomIndex);
			if (!isBondedCorrectly(firstAtomIndex, offsets, atoms))
				return null;
			AminoMonomer aminoMonomer = new AminoMonomer(chain, group3, seqcode, firstAtomIndex, lastAtomIndex, offsets);
			return aminoMonomer;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Model.cs プロジェクト: xuchuansheng/GenXSource
        public Chain getOrAllocateChain(char chainID)
			//    System.out.println("chainID=" + chainID + " -> " + (chainID + 0));
			Chain chain = getChain(chainID);
			if (chain != null)
				return chain;
			if (chainCount == chains.Length)
				chains = (Chain[]) Util.doubleLength(chains);
			return chains[chainCount++] = new Chain(mmset.frame, this, chainID);
コード例 #4

        public NucleicMonomer(Chain chain, string group3, int seqcode, int firstAtomIndex, int lastAtomIndex, sbyte[] offsets)
            : base(chain, group3, seqcode, firstAtomIndex, lastAtomIndex, offsets)
			if (offsets[0] == - 1)
				sbyte leadOffset = offsets[20];
				if (leadOffset == - 1)
					leadOffset = offsets[21];
				if (leadOffset == - 1)
					leadOffset = offsets[22];
				offsets[0] = leadOffset;
			this.hasRnaO2Prime = offsets[2] != - 1;
			this.isPyrimidine_Renamed_Field = offsets[9] != - 1;
			this.isPurine_Renamed_Field = offsets[10] != - 1 && offsets[11] != - 1 && offsets[12] != - 1;
			System.out.println("NucleicMonomer(" + this + ")" +
			" hasRnaO2Prime=" + hasRnaO2Prime +
			" isPyrimidine=" + isPyrimidine +
			" isPurine=" + isPurine +
			" offsets[3]=" + offsets[3]);
コード例 #5
        public static new Monomer validateAndAllocate(Chain chain, string group3, int seqcode, int firstAtomIndex, int lastAtomIndex, int[] specialAtomIndexes, Atom[] atoms)
			sbyte[] offsets = scanForOffsets(firstAtomIndex, specialAtomIndexes, interestingNucleicAtomIDs);
			if (offsets == null)
				return null;
			NucleicMonomer nucleicMonomer = new NucleicMonomer(chain, group3, seqcode, firstAtomIndex, lastAtomIndex, offsets);
			return nucleicMonomer;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Monomer.cs プロジェクト: xuchuansheng/GenXSource
        public Monomer(Chain chain, string group3, int seqcode, int firstAtomIndex, int lastAtomIndex, sbyte[] interestingAtomOffsets)
            : base(chain, group3, seqcode, firstAtomIndex, lastAtomIndex)
			offsets = interestingAtomOffsets;
コード例 #7
ファイル: ChemFrame.cs プロジェクト: xuchuansheng/GenXSource
 private void finalizeBuild()
     currentModel = null;
     currentChain = null;
コード例 #8
ファイル: ChemFrame.cs プロジェクト: xuchuansheng/GenXSource
        private void distinguishAndPropogateGroup(int groupIndex, Chain chain, string group3,
                                                  int seqcode, int firstAtomIndex, int maxAtomIndex)
            //    System.out.println("distinguish & propogate group:" +
            //                       " group3:" + group3 +
            //                       " seqcode:" + Group.getSeqcodeString(seqcode) +
            //                       " firstAtomIndex:" + firstAtomIndex +
            //                       " maxAtomIndex:" + maxAtomIndex);
            int distinguishingBits = 0;
            // clear previous specialAtomIndexes
            for (int i = JmolConstants.ATOMID_MAX; --i >= 0; )
                specialAtomIndexes[i] = Int32.MinValue;

            if (specialAtomIDs != null)
                for (int i = maxAtomIndex; --i >= firstAtomIndex; )
                    int specialAtomID = specialAtomIDs[i];
                    if (specialAtomID > 0)
                        if (specialAtomID < JmolConstants.ATOMID_DISTINGUISHING_ATOM_MAX)
                            distinguishingBits |= 1 << specialAtomID;
                        specialAtomIndexes[specialAtomID] = i;

            int lastAtomIndex = maxAtomIndex - 1;
            if (lastAtomIndex < firstAtomIndex)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException();
            Group group = null;
            //    System.out.println("distinguishingBits=" + distinguishingBits);
            if ((distinguishingBits & JmolConstants.ATOMID_PROTEIN_MASK) == JmolConstants.ATOMID_PROTEIN_MASK)
                //      System.out.println("may be an AminoMonomer");
                group = AminoMonomer.validateAndAllocate(chain, group3, seqcode, firstAtomIndex, lastAtomIndex, specialAtomIndexes, atoms);
            else if (distinguishingBits == JmolConstants.ATOMID_ALPHA_ONLY_MASK)
                //      System.out.println("AlphaMonomer.validateAndAllocate");
                group = AlphaMonomer.validateAndAllocate(chain, group3, seqcode, firstAtomIndex, lastAtomIndex, specialAtomIndexes, atoms);
            else if (((distinguishingBits & JmolConstants.ATOMID_NUCLEIC_MASK) == JmolConstants.ATOMID_NUCLEIC_MASK))
                group = NucleicMonomer.validateAndAllocate(chain, group3, seqcode, firstAtomIndex, lastAtomIndex, specialAtomIndexes, atoms);
            else if (distinguishingBits == JmolConstants.ATOMID_PHOSPHORUS_ONLY_MASK)
                // System.out.println("PhosphorusMonomer.validateAndAllocate");
                group = PhosphorusMonomer.validateAndAllocate(chain, group3, seqcode, firstAtomIndex, lastAtomIndex, specialAtomIndexes, atoms);
            if (group == null)
                group = new Group(chain, group3, seqcode, firstAtomIndex, lastAtomIndex);

            groups[groupIndex] = group;

            for (int i = maxAtomIndex; --i >= firstAtomIndex; )
                atoms[i].Group = group;
コード例 #9
ファイル: ChemFrame.cs プロジェクト: xuchuansheng/GenXSource
 private void startGroup(Chain chain, string group3, int groupSequenceNumber,
                         char groupInsertionCode, int firstAtomIndex)
     if (groupCount == group3s.Length)
         chains = (Chain[])Util.doubleLength(chains);
         group3s = Util.doubleLength(group3s);
         seqcodes = Util.doubleLength(seqcodes);
         firstAtomIndexes = Util.doubleLength(firstAtomIndexes);
     firstAtomIndexes[groupCount] = firstAtomIndex;
     chains[groupCount] = chain;
     group3s[groupCount] = group3;
     seqcodes[groupCount] = Group.getSeqcode(groupSequenceNumber, groupInsertionCode);
コード例 #10
ファイル: ChemFrame.cs プロジェクト: xuchuansheng/GenXSource
        private Atom AddAtom(int modelIndex, object atomUid, sbyte atomicNumber, string atomName,
                             int formalCharge, float partialCharge, int occupancy, float bfactor,
                             float x, float y, float z, bool isHetero, int atomSerial, char chainID,
                             string group3, int groupSequenceNumber, char groupInsertionCode,
                             float vectorX, float vectorY, float vectorZ, char alternateLocationID,
                             object clientAtomReference)
            if (modelIndex != currentModelIndex)
                currentModel = mmset.getModel(modelIndex);
                currentModelIndex = modelIndex;
                currentChainID = '\uFFFF';
            if (chainID != currentChainID)
                currentChainID = chainID;
                currentChain = currentModel.getOrAllocateChain(chainID);
                currentGroupInsertionCode = '\uFFFF';
            if (groupSequenceNumber != currentGroupSequenceNumber ||
                groupInsertionCode != currentGroupInsertionCode)
                currentGroupSequenceNumber = groupSequenceNumber;
                currentGroupInsertionCode = groupInsertionCode;
                startGroup(currentChain, group3, groupSequenceNumber, groupInsertionCode, atomCount);

            if (atomCount == atoms.Length)

            Atom atom = new Atom(this,
                                 formalCharge, partialCharge,
                                 x, y, z,
                                 isHetero, atomSerial, chainID,
                                 vectorX, vectorY, vectorZ,

            atoms[atomCount] = atom;
            htAtomMap[atomUid] = atom;

            return atom;
コード例 #11
ファイル: ChemFrame.cs プロジェクト: xuchuansheng/GenXSource
        public /*Chem*/Frame(Org.OpenScience.CDK.Interfaces.IChemFile chemFile, Device graphicsDevice)
            shapes = new Shape[JmolConstants.SHAPE_MAX];
            this.g3d = new NuGraphics3D(graphicsDevice);
            this.frameRenderer = new FrameRenderer();

            for (int i = MAX_BONDS_LENGTH_TO_CACHE; --i > 0; ) // .GT. 0
                freeBonds[i] = new Bond[MAX_NUM_TO_CACHE][];

            // convert to jmol native
            mmset = new Mmset(this);

            // set properties
            mmset.ModelSetProperties = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection();

            // init build
            currentModelIndex = -1;
            currentModel = null;
            currentChainID = '\uFFFF';
            currentChain = null;
            currentGroupSequenceNumber = -1;
            currentGroupInsertionCode = '\uFFFF';

            int atomCountEstimate = 0;
            for (int seq = 0; seq < chemFile.ChemSequenceCount; seq++)
                for (int model = 0; model < chemFile.ChemSequences[seq].ChemModelCount; model++)
                    Org.OpenScience.CDK.Interfaces.IChemModel chemModel = chemFile.ChemSequences[seq].ChemModels[model];
                    for (int atomC = 0; atomC < chemModel.SetOfMolecules.AtomContainerCount; atomC++)
                        atomCountEstimate += chemModel.SetOfMolecules.AtomContainers[atomC].AtomCount;

            if (atomCountEstimate <= 0)
                atomCountEstimate = ATOM_GROWTH_INCREMENT;
            atoms = new Atom[atomCountEstimate];
            bonds = new Bond[2 * atomCountEstimate];

            // translate IChemSequence[] into Model[]
            mmset.ModelCount = chemFile.ChemSequenceCount;
            for (int seq = 0; seq < chemFile.ChemSequenceCount; ++seq)
                int modelNumber = seq + 1;
                string modelName = modelNumber.ToString();
                NameValueCollection modelProperties = new NameValueCollection();    // FIXME: Loading property values
                mmset.setModelNameNumberProperties(seq, modelName, modelNumber, modelProperties);

            // translate Atoms
            Dictionary<Org.OpenScience.CDK.Interfaces.IAtom, Atom> atomsList = new Dictionary<Org.OpenScience.CDK.Interfaces.IAtom, Atom>();
                for (int seq = 0; seq < chemFile.ChemSequenceCount; seq++)
                    for (int model = 0; model < chemFile.ChemSequences[seq].ChemModelCount; model++)
                        Org.OpenScience.CDK.Interfaces.IChemModel chemModel = chemFile.ChemSequences[seq].ChemModels[model];
                        for (int atomC = 0; atomC < chemModel.SetOfMolecules.AtomContainerCount; atomC++)
                            for (int atomIdx = 0; atomIdx < chemModel.SetOfMolecules.AtomContainers[atomC].AtomCount; atomIdx++)
                                Org.OpenScience.CDK.Interfaces.IAtom atom = chemModel.SetOfMolecules.AtomContainers[atomC].Atoms[atomIdx];

                                sbyte elementNumber = (sbyte)atom.AtomicNumber;
                                if (elementNumber <= 0)
                                    elementNumber = JmolConstants.elementNumberFromSymbol(atom.Symbol);
                                char alternateLocation = '\0';

                                int sequenceNumber = int.MinValue;
                                char groupInsertionCode = '\0';

                                string atomName = null;
                                string group3Name = null;
                                char chainID = '\0';
                                if (atom is PDBAtom)
                                    PDBAtom pdbAtom = (PDBAtom)atom;
                                    if (pdbAtom.ResSeq != null && pdbAtom.ResSeq.Length > 0)
                                        sequenceNumber = int.Parse(pdbAtom.ResSeq);
                                    if (pdbAtom.ICode != null && pdbAtom.ICode.Length > 0)
                                        groupInsertionCode = pdbAtom.ICode[0];

                                    atomName = pdbAtom.Name;
                                    group3Name = pdbAtom.ResName;
                                    if (pdbAtom.ChainID != null && pdbAtom.ChainID.Length >= 1)
                                        chainID = pdbAtom.ChainID[0];
                                    atomName = atom.AtomTypeName;
                                atomsList[atom] = AddAtom(model, atom, elementNumber, atomName, atom.getFormalCharge(),
                                                          (float)atom.getCharge(), 100, float.NaN, (float)atom.X3d, (float)atom.Y3d,
                                                          (float)atom.Z3d, false, int.MinValue, chainID, group3Name, sequenceNumber,
                                                          groupInsertionCode, float.NaN, float.NaN, float.NaN, alternateLocation, null);
            //catch (Exception e)
            //    throw new ApplicationException("Problem translating atoms", e);

            fileHasHbonds = false;

            // translate bonds
                for (int seq = 0; seq < chemFile.ChemSequenceCount; seq++)
                    for (int model = 0; model < chemFile.ChemSequences[seq].ChemModelCount; model++)
                        Org.OpenScience.CDK.Interfaces.IChemModel chemModel = chemFile.ChemSequences[seq].ChemModels[model];

                        for (int atomC = 0; atomC < chemModel.SetOfMolecules.AtomContainerCount; atomC++)
                            for (int bondIdx = 0; bondIdx < chemModel.SetOfMolecules.AtomContainers[atomC].Bonds.Length; bondIdx++)
                                Org.OpenScience.CDK.Interfaces.IBond bond = chemModel.SetOfMolecules.AtomContainers[atomC].Bonds[bondIdx];
                                Org.OpenScience.CDK.Interfaces.IAtom[] cdkAtoms = bond.getAtoms();
                                // locate translated atoms
                                Atom atom1, atom2;
                                atomsList.TryGetValue(cdkAtoms[0], out atom1);
                                atomsList.TryGetValue(cdkAtoms[1], out atom2);
                                bondAtoms(atom1, atom2, (int)bond.Order);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new ApplicationException("Problem translating bonds", e);

            // translate structures of PDBPolymer only
            for (int seq = 0; seq < chemFile.ChemSequenceCount; seq++)
                for (int model = 0; model < chemFile.ChemSequences[seq].ChemModelCount; model++)
                    Org.OpenScience.CDK.Interfaces.IChemModel chemModel = chemFile.ChemSequences[seq].ChemModels[model];

                    foreach (Org.OpenScience.CDK.Interfaces.IMolecule molecule in chemModel.SetOfMolecules.Molecules)
                        if (molecule is PDBPolymer)
                            PDBPolymer pdbPolymer = (PDBPolymer)molecule;
                            if (pdbPolymer.Structures != null && pdbPolymer.Structures.Count > 0)
                                structuresDefined = true;
                                foreach (PDBStructure pdbStruct in pdbPolymer.Structures)
                                    structuresDefined = true;
                                    mmset.defineStructure(pdbStruct.StructureType, pdbStruct.StartChainID,
                                                          pdbStruct.StartSequenceNumber, pdbStruct.StartInsertionCode,
                                                          pdbStruct.EndChainID, pdbStruct.EndSequenceNumber, pdbStruct.EndInsertionCode);
            autoBond(null, null);

            // build groups


            // create ribbon shapes
                setShapeSize(JmolConstants.SHAPE_RIBBONS, -1, new BitArray(0));
                setShapeSize(JmolConstants.SHAPE_CARTOON, -1, new BitArray(0));
            catch (Exception) { }
コード例 #12

        public AminoMonomer(Chain chain, string group3, int seqcode, int firstAtomIndex, int lastAtomIndex, sbyte[] offsets)
            : base(chain, group3, seqcode, firstAtomIndex, lastAtomIndex, offsets)
		{ }
コード例 #13
ファイル: Frame.cs プロジェクト: xuchuansheng/GenXSource
        public void initializeBuild(int atomCountEstimate)
			currentModel = null;
			currentChainID = '\uFFFF';
			currentChain = null;
			currentGroupInsertionCode = '\uFFFF';
			if (atomCountEstimate <= 0)
				atomCountEstimate = ATOM_GROWTH_INCREMENT;
			atoms = new Atom[atomCountEstimate];
			bonds = new Bond[2 * atomCountEstimate];
コード例 #14
ファイル: Group.cs プロジェクト: xuchuansheng/GenXSource
        public Group(Chain chain, string group3, int seqcode, int firstAtomIndex, int lastAtomIndex)
			this.chain = chain;
			this.seqcode = seqcode;
			if (group3 == null)
				group3 = "";
			this.groupID = getGroupID(group3);
			this.firstAtomIndex = firstAtomIndex;
			this.lastAtomIndex = lastAtomIndex;
コード例 #15
ファイル: AlphaMonomer.cs プロジェクト: carlhuth/GenXSource

        public AlphaMonomer(Chain chain, string group3, int seqcode, int firstAtomIndex, int lastAtomIndex, sbyte[] offsets)
            : base(chain, group3, seqcode, firstAtomIndex, lastAtomIndex, offsets)
コード例 #16
        public static Monomer validateAndAllocate(Chain chain, string group3, int seqcode, int firstIndex, int lastIndex, int[] specialAtomIndexes, Atom[] atoms)
			if (firstIndex != lastIndex || specialAtomIndexes[JmolConstants.ATOMID_ALPHA_CARBON] != firstIndex)
				return null;
			return new AlphaMonomer(chain, group3, seqcode, firstIndex, lastIndex, alphaOffsets);