Inheritance: Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Generators.DesKeyGenerator
コード例 #1
ファイル: DESExample.cs プロジェクト: randombit/hacrypto
		* Constructor, that takes the arguments appropriate for
		* processing the command line directives.
		public DesExample(
			string	infile,
			string	outfile,
			string	keyfile,
			bool	encrypt)
			* First, determine that infile & keyfile exist as appropriate.
			* This will also create the BufferedInputStream as required
			* for reading the input file.  All input files are treated
			* as if they are binary, even if they contain text, it's the
			* bytes that are encrypted.
			this.encrypt = encrypt;
				inStr = File.OpenRead(infile);
			catch (FileNotFoundException e)
				Console.Error.WriteLine("Input file not found ["+infile+"]");
				throw e;

				outStr = File.Create(outfile);
			catch (IOException e)
				Console.Error.WriteLine("Output file not created ["+outfile+"]");
				throw e;

			if (encrypt)
					* The process of creating a new key requires a 
					* number of steps.
					* First, create the parameters for the key generator
					* which are a secure random number generator, and
					* the length of the key (in bits).
					SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom();

					KeyGenerationParameters kgp = new KeyGenerationParameters(
						DesEdeParameters.DesEdeKeyLength * 8);

					* Second, initialise the key generator with the parameters
					DesEdeKeyGenerator kg = new DesEdeKeyGenerator();

					* Third, and finally, generate the key
					key = kg.GenerateKey();

					* We can now output the key to the file, but first
					* hex Encode the key so that we can have a look
					* at it with a text editor if we so desire
					using (Stream keystream = File.Create(keyfile))
						Hex.Encode(key, keystream);
				catch (IOException e)
					Console.Error.WriteLine("Could not decryption create key file "+
					throw e;
					// TODO This block is a bit dodgy

					// read the key, and Decode from hex encoding
					Stream keystream = File.OpenRead(keyfile);
//					int len = keystream.available();
					int len = (int) keystream.Length;
					byte[] keyhex = new byte[len];
					keystream.Read(keyhex, 0, len);
					key = Hex.Decode(keyhex);
				catch (IOException e)
					Console.Error.WriteLine("Decryption key file not found, "
						+ "or not valid ["+keyfile+"]");
					throw e;
コード例 #2
ファイル: DESedeTest.cs プロジェクト: randombit/hacrypto
		public override void PerformTest()

			byte[] kek1 = Hex.Decode("255e0d1c07b646dfb3134cc843ba8aa71f025b7c0838251f");
			byte[] iv1 = Hex.Decode("5dd4cbfc96f5453b");
			byte[] in1 = Hex.Decode("2923bf85e06dd6ae529149f1f1bae9eab3a7da3d860d3e98");
			byte[] out1 = Hex.Decode("690107618ef092b3b48ca1796b234ae9fa33ebb4159604037db5d6a84eb3aac2768c632775a467d4");

			WrapTest(1, kek1, iv1, in1, out1);

			// key generation
			SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
			DesEdeKeyGenerator keyGen = new DesEdeKeyGenerator();

			keyGen.Init(new KeyGenerationParameters(random, 112));

			byte[] kB = keyGen.GenerateKey();
			if (kB.Length != 16)
				Fail("112 bit key wrong length.");
			keyGen.Init(new KeyGenerationParameters(random, 168));
			kB = keyGen.GenerateKey();
			if (kB.Length != 24)
				Fail("168 bit key wrong length.");
				keyGen.Init(new KeyGenerationParameters(random, 200));
				Fail("invalid key length not detected.");
			catch (ArgumentException)
				// expected

				DesEdeParameters.IsWeakKey(new byte[4], 0);
				Fail("no exception on small key");
			catch (ArgumentException e)
				if (!e.Message.Equals("key material too short."))
					Fail("wrong exception");

				new DesEdeParameters(weakKey);
				Fail("no exception on weak key");
			catch (ArgumentException e)
				if (!e.Message.Equals("attempt to create weak DESede key"))
					Fail("wrong exception");
コード例 #3
ファイル: KeyMaster.cs プロジェクト: hakandilek/keysmith
 /// <summary>
 /// The generate secret key.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 /// The <see cref="SecretKey"/>.
 /// </returns>
 public SecretKey GenerateSecretKey()
     var kgp = new KeyGenerationParameters(new SecureRandom(), DesEdeParameters.DesEdeKeyLength * 8);
     var kg = new DesEdeKeyGenerator();
     var key = new SecretKey(kg.GenerateKey());
     return key;