private RemoteBlockReader(string file, string bpid, long blockId, DataInputStream @in, DataChecksum checksum, bool verifyChecksum, long startOffset, long firstChunkOffset , long bytesToRead, Peer peer, DatanodeID datanodeID, PeerCache peerCache) : base(new Path("/" + Block.BlockFilePrefix + blockId + ":" + bpid + ":of:" + file ), 1, verifyChecksum, checksum.GetChecksumSize() > 0 ? checksum : null, checksum .GetBytesPerChecksum(), checksum.GetChecksumSize()) { // Path is used only for printing block and file information in debug /*too non path-like?*/ this.isLocal = DFSClient.IsLocalAddress(NetUtils.CreateSocketAddr(datanodeID.GetXferAddr ())); this.peer = peer; this.datanodeID = datanodeID; this.@in = @in; this.checksum = checksum; this.startOffset = Math.Max(startOffset, 0); this.blockId = blockId; // The total number of bytes that we need to transfer from the DN is // the amount that the user wants (bytesToRead), plus the padding at // the beginning in order to chunk-align. Note that the DN may elect // to send more than this amount if the read starts/ends mid-chunk. this.bytesNeededToFinish = bytesToRead + (startOffset - firstChunkOffset); this.firstChunkOffset = firstChunkOffset; lastChunkOffset = firstChunkOffset; lastChunkLen = -1; bytesPerChecksum = this.checksum.GetBytesPerChecksum(); checksumSize = this.checksum.GetChecksumSize(); this.peerCache = peerCache; }
/// <summary>Test that the client respects its keepalive timeout.</summary> /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/> public virtual void TestClientResponsesKeepAliveTimeout() { Configuration clientConf = new Configuration(conf); // Set a client socket cache expiry time much shorter than // the datanode-side expiration time. long ClientExpiryMs = 10L; clientConf.SetLong(DFSConfigKeys.DfsClientSocketCacheExpiryMsecKey, ClientExpiryMs ); clientConf.Set(DFSConfigKeys.DfsClientContext, "testClientResponsesKeepAliveTimeout" ); DistributedFileSystem fs = (DistributedFileSystem)FileSystem.Get(cluster.GetURI() , clientConf); PeerCache peerCache = ClientContext.GetFromConf(clientConf).GetPeerCache(); DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(fs, TestFile, 1L, (short)1, 0L); // Clients that write aren't currently re-used. NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, peerCache.Size()); AssertXceiverCount(0); // Reads the file, so we should get a // cached socket, and should have an xceiver on the other side. DFSTestUtil.ReadFile(fs, TestFile); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, peerCache.Size()); AssertXceiverCount(1); // Sleep for a bit longer than the client keepalive timeout. Sharpen.Thread.Sleep(ClientExpiryMs + 50); // Taking out a peer which is expired should give a null. Peer peer = peerCache.Get(dn.GetDatanodeId(), false); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(peer == null); // The socket cache is now empty. NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, peerCache.Size()); }
public virtual void TestMultiplePeersWithSameKey() { int Capacity = 3; PeerCache cache = new PeerCache(Capacity, 100000); DatanodeID dnId = new DatanodeID("", "fakehostname", "fake_datanode_id" , 100, 101, 102, 103); HashMultiset <TestPeerCache.FakePeer> peers = HashMultiset.Create(Capacity); for (int i = 0; i < Capacity; ++i) { TestPeerCache.FakePeer peer = new TestPeerCache.FakePeer(dnId, false); peers.AddItem(peer); cache.Put(dnId, peer); } // Check that all of the peers ended up in the cache NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(Capacity, cache.Size()); while (!peers.IsEmpty()) { Peer peer = cache.Get(dnId, false); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(peer != null); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(!peer.IsClosed()); peers.Remove(peer); } NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, cache.Size()); cache.Close(); }
public virtual void TestEviction() { int Capacity = 3; PeerCache cache = new PeerCache(Capacity, 100000); DatanodeID[] dnIds = new DatanodeID[Capacity + 1]; TestPeerCache.FakePeer[] peers = new TestPeerCache.FakePeer[Capacity + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < dnIds.Length; ++i) { dnIds[i] = new DatanodeID("", "fakehostname_" + i, "fake_datanode_id_" + i, 100, 101, 102, 103); peers[i] = new TestPeerCache.FakePeer(dnIds[i], false); } for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < Capacity; ++i_1) { cache.Put(dnIds[i_1], peers[i_1]); } // Check that the peers are cached NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(Capacity, cache.Size()); // Add another entry and check that the first entry was evicted cache.Put(dnIds[Capacity], peers[Capacity]); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(Capacity, cache.Size()); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreSame(null, cache.Get(dnIds[0], false)); // Make sure that the other entries are still there for (int i_2 = 1; i_2 < Capacity; ++i_2) { Peer peer = cache.Get(dnIds[i_2], false); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreSame(peers[i_2], peer); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(!peer.IsClosed()); peer.Close(); } NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, cache.Size()); cache.Close(); }
public virtual void TestExpiry() { int Capacity = 3; int ExpiryPeriod = 10; PeerCache cache = new PeerCache(Capacity, ExpiryPeriod); DatanodeID[] dnIds = new DatanodeID[Capacity]; TestPeerCache.FakePeer[] peers = new TestPeerCache.FakePeer[Capacity]; for (int i = 0; i < Capacity; ++i) { dnIds[i] = new DatanodeID("", "fakehostname_" + i, "fake_datanode_id", 100, 101, 102, 103); peers[i] = new TestPeerCache.FakePeer(dnIds[i], false); } for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < Capacity; ++i_1) { cache.Put(dnIds[i_1], peers[i_1]); } // Wait for the peers to expire Sharpen.Thread.Sleep(ExpiryPeriod * 50); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, cache.Size()); // make sure that the peers were closed when they were expired for (int i_2 = 0; i_2 < Capacity; ++i_2) { NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(peers[i_2].IsClosed()); } // sleep for another second and see if // the daemon thread runs fine on empty cache Sharpen.Thread.Sleep(ExpiryPeriod * 50); cache.Close(); }
public virtual void TestAddAndRetrieve() { PeerCache cache = new PeerCache(3, 100000); DatanodeID dnId = new DatanodeID("", "fakehostname", "fake_datanode_id" , 100, 101, 102, 103); TestPeerCache.FakePeer peer = new TestPeerCache.FakePeer(dnId, false); cache.Put(dnId, peer); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(!peer.IsClosed()); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, cache.Size()); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(peer, cache.Get(dnId, false)); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, cache.Size()); cache.Close(); }
private ClientContext(string name, DFSClient.Conf conf) { = name; this.confString = ConfAsString(conf); this.shortCircuitCache = new ShortCircuitCache(conf.shortCircuitStreamsCacheSize, conf.shortCircuitStreamsCacheExpiryMs, conf.shortCircuitMmapCacheSize, conf.shortCircuitMmapCacheExpiryMs , conf.shortCircuitMmapCacheRetryTimeout, conf.shortCircuitCacheStaleThresholdMs , conf.shortCircuitSharedMemoryWatcherInterruptCheckMs); this.peerCache = new PeerCache(conf.socketCacheCapacity, conf.socketCacheExpiry); this.keyProviderCache = new KeyProviderCache(conf.keyProviderCacheExpiryMs); this.useLegacyBlockReaderLocal = conf.useLegacyBlockReaderLocal; this.domainSocketFactory = new DomainSocketFactory(conf); this.byteArrayManager = ByteArrayManager.NewInstance(conf.writeByteArrayManagerConf ); }
/// <summary>Regression test for HDFS-3357.</summary> /// <remarks> /// Regression test for HDFS-3357. Check that the datanode is respecting /// its configured keepalive timeout. /// </remarks> /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/> public virtual void TestDatanodeRespectsKeepAliveTimeout() { Configuration clientConf = new Configuration(conf); // Set a client socket cache expiry time much longer than // the datanode-side expiration time. long ClientExpiryMs = 60000L; clientConf.SetLong(DFSConfigKeys.DfsClientSocketCacheExpiryMsecKey, ClientExpiryMs ); clientConf.Set(DFSConfigKeys.DfsClientContext, "testDatanodeRespectsKeepAliveTimeout" ); DistributedFileSystem fs = (DistributedFileSystem)FileSystem.Get(cluster.GetURI() , clientConf); PeerCache peerCache = ClientContext.GetFromConf(clientConf).GetPeerCache(); DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(fs, TestFile, 1L, (short)1, 0L); // Clients that write aren't currently re-used. NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, peerCache.Size()); AssertXceiverCount(0); // Reads the file, so we should get a // cached socket, and should have an xceiver on the other side. DFSTestUtil.ReadFile(fs, TestFile); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, peerCache.Size()); AssertXceiverCount(1); // Sleep for a bit longer than the keepalive timeout // and make sure the xceiver died. Sharpen.Thread.Sleep(DFSConfigKeys.DfsDatanodeSocketReuseKeepaliveDefault + 50); AssertXceiverCount(0); // The socket is still in the cache, because we don't // notice that it's closed until we try to read // from it again. NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, peerCache.Size()); // Take it out of the cache - reading should // give an EOF. Peer peer = peerCache.Get(dn.GetDatanodeId(), false); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNotNull(peer); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(-1, peer.GetInputStream().Read()); }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"/> public virtual void TestManyClosedSocketsInCache() { // Make a small file Configuration clientConf = new Configuration(conf); clientConf.Set(DFSConfigKeys.DfsClientContext, "testManyClosedSocketsInCache"); DistributedFileSystem fs = (DistributedFileSystem)FileSystem.Get(cluster.GetURI() , clientConf); PeerCache peerCache = ClientContext.GetFromConf(clientConf).GetPeerCache(); DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(fs, TestFile, 1L, (short)1, 0L); // Insert a bunch of dead sockets in the cache, by opening // many streams concurrently, reading all of the data, // and then closing them. InputStream[] stms = new InputStream[5]; try { for (int i = 0; i < stms.Length; i++) { stms[i] = fs.Open(TestFile); } foreach (InputStream stm in stms) { IOUtils.CopyBytes(stm, new IOUtils.NullOutputStream(), 1024); } } finally { IOUtils.Cleanup(null, stms); } NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(5, peerCache.Size()); // Let all the xceivers timeout Sharpen.Thread.Sleep(1500); AssertXceiverCount(0); // Client side still has the sockets cached NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(5, peerCache.Size()); // Reading should not throw an exception. DFSTestUtil.ReadFile(fs, TestFile); }
public virtual void TestDomainSocketPeers() { int Capacity = 3; PeerCache cache = new PeerCache(Capacity, 100000); DatanodeID dnId = new DatanodeID("", "fakehostname", "fake_datanode_id" , 100, 101, 102, 103); HashMultiset <TestPeerCache.FakePeer> peers = HashMultiset.Create(Capacity); for (int i = 0; i < Capacity; ++i) { TestPeerCache.FakePeer peer = new TestPeerCache.FakePeer(dnId, i == Capacity - 1); peers.AddItem(peer); cache.Put(dnId, peer); } // Check that all of the peers ended up in the cache NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(Capacity, cache.Size()); // Test that get(requireDomainPeer=true) finds the peer with the // domain socket. Peer peer_1 = cache.Get(dnId, true); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(peer_1.GetDomainSocket() != null); peers.Remove(peer_1); // Test that get(requireDomainPeer=true) returns null when there are // no more peers with domain sockets. peer_1 = cache.Get(dnId, true); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(peer_1 == null); // Check that all of the other peers ended up in the cache. while (!peers.IsEmpty()) { peer_1 = cache.Get(dnId, false); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(peer_1 != null); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(!peer_1.IsClosed()); peers.Remove(peer_1); } NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, cache.Size()); cache.Close(); }
protected internal RemoteBlockReader2(string file, string bpid, long blockId, DataChecksum checksum, bool verifyChecksum, long startOffset, long firstChunkOffset, long bytesToRead , Peer peer, DatanodeID datanodeID, PeerCache peerCache) { this.isLocal = DFSClient.IsLocalAddress(NetUtils.CreateSocketAddr(datanodeID.GetXferAddr ())); // Path is used only for printing block and file information in debug this.peer = peer; this.datanodeID = datanodeID; this.@in = peer.GetInputStreamChannel(); this.checksum = checksum; this.verifyChecksum = verifyChecksum; this.startOffset = Math.Max(startOffset, 0); this.filename = file; this.peerCache = peerCache; this.blockId = blockId; // The total number of bytes that we need to transfer from the DN is // the amount that the user wants (bytesToRead), plus the padding at // the beginning in order to chunk-align. Note that the DN may elect // to send more than this amount if the read starts/ends mid-chunk. this.bytesNeededToFinish = bytesToRead + (startOffset - firstChunkOffset); bytesPerChecksum = this.checksum.GetBytesPerChecksum(); checksumSize = this.checksum.GetChecksumSize(); }
public _Runnable_120(PeerCache _enclosing) { this._enclosing = _enclosing; }
/// <summary>Create a new BlockReader specifically to satisfy a read.</summary> /// <remarks> /// Create a new BlockReader specifically to satisfy a read. /// This method also sends the OP_READ_BLOCK request. /// </remarks> /// <param name="file">File location</param> /// <param name="block">The block object</param> /// <param name="blockToken">The block token for security</param> /// <param name="startOffset">The read offset, relative to block head</param> /// <param name="len">The number of bytes to read</param> /// <param name="bufferSize">The IO buffer size (not the client buffer size)</param> /// <param name="verifyChecksum">Whether to verify checksum</param> /// <param name="clientName">Client name</param> /// <returns>New BlockReader instance, or null on error.</returns> /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/> public static Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.RemoteBlockReader NewBlockReader(string file , ExtendedBlock block, Org.Apache.Hadoop.Security.Token.Token <BlockTokenIdentifier > blockToken, long startOffset, long len, int bufferSize, bool verifyChecksum, string clientName, Peer peer, DatanodeID datanodeID, PeerCache peerCache, CachingStrategy cachingStrategy) { // in and out will be closed when sock is closed (by the caller) DataOutputStream @out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(peer.GetOutputStream ())); new Sender(@out).ReadBlock(block, blockToken, clientName, startOffset, len, verifyChecksum , cachingStrategy); // // Get bytes in block, set streams // DataInputStream @in = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(peer.GetInputStream (), bufferSize)); DataTransferProtos.BlockOpResponseProto status = DataTransferProtos.BlockOpResponseProto .ParseFrom(PBHelper.VintPrefixed(@in)); RemoteBlockReader2.CheckSuccess(status, peer, block, file); DataTransferProtos.ReadOpChecksumInfoProto checksumInfo = status.GetReadOpChecksumInfo (); DataChecksum checksum = DataTransferProtoUtil.FromProto(checksumInfo.GetChecksum( )); //Warning when we get CHECKSUM_NULL? // Read the first chunk offset. long firstChunkOffset = checksumInfo.GetChunkOffset(); if (firstChunkOffset < 0 || firstChunkOffset > startOffset || firstChunkOffset <= (startOffset - checksum.GetBytesPerChecksum())) { throw new IOException("BlockReader: error in first chunk offset (" + firstChunkOffset + ") startOffset is " + startOffset + " for file " + file); } return(new Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.RemoteBlockReader(file, block.GetBlockPoolId(), block.GetBlockId(), @in, checksum, verifyChecksum, startOffset, firstChunkOffset , len, peer, datanodeID, peerCache)); }