コード例 #1
ファイル: OrchidGUI.cs プロジェクト: tankorsmash/OrchidGUI
        public static void CreateMenu(Rectangle rect, List<string> msgList, CommandHandler command, Menu parent, Color? colorBG)
            if (rect == null)

                 rect = new Rectangle(100, 100, 275, 50);
                   //new List<string>(new string[] { "Menu 1" })
            Menu menu= new Menu(Orchid.game, Orchid.graphicsDevice, spriteBatch, rect, Color.GreenYellow,
                msgList, parent: parent, subMenus: null, command: command, textColor:Color.Green);

            //return menu;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Input.cs プロジェクト: tankorsmash/OrchidGUI
        //bool guiFound = false;
        public InputHandler(Game1 game)
            //save a refernce to the main game, to easily access its attributes
            this.theGame = game;

            //create empty element
            emptyElement = new GuiElement(this.theGame, this.theGame.spriteBatch);
            hoveredElement = new GuiElement(this.theGame, this.theGame.spriteBatch);
            activeElement = new GuiElement(this.theGame, this.theGame.spriteBatch);

            emptyMenu = new Menu(this.theGame, this.theGame.GraphicsDevice,
                    this.theGame.spriteBatch, new Rectangle(10,10,10,10),
                    Color.Black, Orchid.CreateMsgList("empty menu"), null, null,
                    null, Color.White);
            //so the emptyMenu is never seen
            emptyMenu.IsHidden = true;
            //so the other menus know that it's not normal
            emptyMenu.name = "empty menu not a real one";
コード例 #3
ファイル: Menu.cs プロジェクト: tankorsmash/OrchidGUI
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="textColor">If left empty, it'll be black</param>
        public Menu(Game1 game,
                    GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice,
                    SpriteBatch spriteBatch,
                    Rectangle rect,
                    Color colorBG,
                    List<string> msgList,
                    Menu parent,
                    List<Menu> subMenus,
                    CommandHandler command,
                    Color textColor)
            : base(game, graphicsDevice, spriteBatch, rect, colorBG, msgList,
                textColor: textColor, moveLocked: false)
            this.parent = parent;
            //for now this just adds itself to its parent,if applicable

            if (subMenus == null)
                this.subMenus = new List<Menu>();
            else if (subMenus != null)
                this.subMenus = subMenus;

            if (command != null)
                this.command += command;
                this.command +=
                    () =>
                                new List<string>(new string[]
                                {"test default"}));
コード例 #4
ファイル: Menu.cs プロジェクト: tankorsmash/OrchidGUI
 private void CreateTopMenu()
     //Creates a menu that will be drawn before it ever gets clicked on.
     this.TopMenu = new Menu(game, this.graphicsDevice, spriteBatch,
             rect, colorBG, Orchid.CreateMsgList(this.TopMenuName),
             //colorBG is given to the MenuContainer constructor
             null, null, null, textColor: Color.Black);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Menu.cs プロジェクト: tankorsmash/OrchidGUI
        public void CreateVisibleMenu()
            //loop over all the menu items and create a surface to draw to
            for (int i = 0; i < MenuItems.Count; i++)
                //rect to change size for more than one menu shows, instead of
                //being on top of each other
                Rectangle size  = this.rect;
                size.Offset(size.Height * i, 0);
                Menu new_menu = new Menu(game, this.GraphicsDevice,
                                         spriteBatch, rect, colorBG,
                                         new List<string>(new string[] {"TEST!"}),
                                         null, null, null,

コード例 #6
ファイル: Menu.cs プロジェクト: tankorsmash/OrchidGUI
        //object to build all the menu items once the MenuContainer is told
        //to begin building
        public MenuContainer(Menu parent,
                             Game1 game,
                             SpriteBatch spriteBatch,
                             Rectangle rect,
                             Color colorBG,
                             string name = "Default MenuContainer")
            : base(game, spriteBatch)
            this.TopMenuName = name;
            this.graphicsDevice = graphicsDevice;
            this.rect = rect;

            this.colorBG = colorBG;

            this.parent = parent;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Input.cs プロジェクト: tankorsmash/OrchidGUI
        public void CheckMouseAgainstElements(List<GuiElement> guiElementList)
            currentMouseState = Mouse.GetState();
            Point mousePos = new Point(currentMouseState.X, currentMouseState.Y);

            //this.theGame.testArea.Drag(currentMouseState, lastMouseState);

            //if mouse1 is pressed, but not dragging
            if (currentMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed &
                lastMouseState.LeftButton  != ButtonState.Pressed)

                //for making sure an element is found
                bool elem_found = false;

                //loop over the elements in the gui list
                foreach (GuiElement elem in guiElementList)
                    //if it's a Button or a child
                    if (elem is Button)

                        Button castedElem = elem as Button;
                        //elem = elem as Button;
                        if (castedElem.rect.Contains(mousePos))
                            activeElement = elem;

                            elem_found = true;

                    //if it's a child of Surface
                    else if (elem is Surface)
                        //if it's gotten clicked
                        if (elem.rect.Contains(mousePos))
                            Surface castedElem = elem as Surface;
                            string text = String.Format("{0}, the Surface, has mouse down", castedElem);

                            //activate the pressed element
                            activeElement = castedElem;

                            //set active menu if you've clicked a menu otherwise
                            //reset it
                            if (elem is Menu)
                                activeMenu = (Menu)elem;
                            else { activeMenu = emptyMenu;}

                            elem_found = true;


            //if no element was found to be clicked on reset em all to default
            if (! elem_found)
                activeElement = emptyElement;

                activeMenu = emptyMenu;


            //if the mouse1 button is being dragged
            if (currentMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed &
                lastMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
            {                             //if mousepos is along the left side of the box
                // make sure it's not too high

                if (activeElement is Surface)
                    Surface castedElem = (Surface)activeElement;
                    if ((castedElem.rect.Top < mousePos.Y &
                        mousePos.Y < castedElem.rect.Bottom) )
                        //// make sure its not too far the the left or right.
                        //(castedElem.rect.Left - (castedElem.rect.Width * .1) < mousePos.X) &
                        //(castedElem.rect.Left + (castedElem.rect.Width * .1) > mousePos.X))
                        string text2 = String.Format("{0}, the Surface, has mouse in", castedElem);
                        castedElem.Resize(currentMouseState, lastMouseState);


            //if mouse1 is clicked
            if (currentMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released &&
                   lastMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                //Console.WriteLine("trying for a mouse up");
                activeElement = emptyElement;

                foreach (GuiElement elem in guiElementList)
                    if (elem is TextEntry)
                        if (elem.rect.Contains(mousePos))
                            TextEntry castedElem = (TextEntry)elem;

                            activeElement = elem;

                            theGame.currentGameState = theGame.typingGameState;



            //if mouse2 is pressed
            if  (lastMouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                //Console.WriteLine("trying for a mouse up");
                //activeElement = emptyElement;

                bool guiFound = false;
                foreach (GuiElement elem in Orchid.masterGuiElementList)
                    if (elem.rect.Contains(mousePos) && !guiFound)
                        if (elem is MessageBox)
                            MessageBox msgbox = (MessageBox)elem;
                            msgbox.Drag(currentMouseState, lastMouseState);
                            Console.WriteLine("dragging something");
                            guiFound = true;

                        else { Console.WriteLine("is not message box"); }


            //if the mouse is just chilling, hovering
            if (currentMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released &&
                currentMouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Released)

                //TODO: will need to make sure that hoveredElement becomes null or default
                // because it just keeps on calling OffMouseHover until a new element comes along
                if (!hoveredElement.rect.Contains(mousePos))

                    //reset hoveredElement
                    hoveredElement = emptyElement;

                List<GuiElement> orig_elemlist = new List<GuiElement>(guiElementList);
                foreach (GuiElement elem in orig_elemlist)
                    if (elem.rect.Contains(mousePos))
                        //called hover method and set a element that is hovered over
                        hoveredElement = elem;


            //cache the mouse state so you have something to compare it against next frame.
            lastMouseState = currentMouseState;