コード例 #1
        public void ProcessFiles(UpdateJobContext jobContext)
            var repoData = _repository.Get(jobContext.RepositoryId);

            if (repoData == null) return;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(repoData.PageContentTypeName)) repoData.PageContentTypeName = WellKnownConstants.DefaultRepoPageContentType;

            var repoSettings = new BitbucketRepositorySettings(repoData, _encryptionService);

            var urlMappings = repoData.UrlMappings();

            // Ordering so files on the top of the folder hierarchy and index files are first. This way subsequent files will be able to find
            // their parent.
            foreach (var file in jobContext.Files.OrderBy(f => f.Path.Count(c => c == '/')).ThenBy(f => f.Path.IsIndexFilePath() ? 0 : 1))
                Process(file, urlMappings, repoData, repoSettings, jobContext);
コード例 #2
        public void Repopulate(int repositoryId)
            var repoData = GetRepositoryDataOrThrow(repositoryId);
            var repoSettings = new BitbucketRepositorySettings(repoData, _encryptionService);

            var lastChangeset = _apiService.FetchFromRepo<ChangesetsResponse>(repoSettings, "changesets?limit=1").Changesets.FirstOrDefault();

            if (lastChangeset == null) return;

            Func<string, List<FolderSrcFile>> recursivelyFetchFileList = null;
            recursivelyFetchFileList =
                (path) =>
                    var responseData = _apiService.FetchFromRepo<FolderSrcResponse>(repoSettings, UriHelper.Combine("src", lastChangeset.Revision.ToString(), path, "/"));

                    if (responseData.Directories == null) throw new ApplicationException("The path " + path + " was not found in the repo.");

                    if (responseData.Directories.Count == 0) return responseData.Files;

                    var files = new List<FolderSrcFile>();
                    foreach (var directory in responseData.Directories)
                        files.AddRange(recursivelyFetchFileList(UriHelper.Combine(path, directory)));

                    return files;

            foreach (var mapping in repoData.UrlMappings())
                var jobFiles = new List<UpdateJobFile>();

                if (!mapping.RepoPath.IsMarkdownFilePath())
                    var files = recursivelyFetchFileList(mapping.RepoPath);
                    foreach (var file in files)
                        jobFiles.Add(new UpdateJobFile(file.Path, UpdateJobfileType.AddedOrModified));
                    jobFiles.Add(new UpdateJobFile(mapping.RepoPath, UpdateJobfileType.AddedOrModified));

                var jobContext = new UpdateJobContext(

                _jobManager.CreateJob(Industry, jobContext, 99);

            repoData.LastCheckedNode = lastChangeset.Node;
            repoData.LastCheckedRevision = lastChangeset.Revision;
            repoData.LastProcessedNode = "";
            repoData.LastProcessedRevision = -1;
コード例 #3
        private void ProcessFile(UpdateJobFile file, string localPath, BitbucketRepositoryDataRecord repoData, BitbucketRepositorySettings repoSettings, UpdateJobContext jobContext)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Path.GetExtension(localPath))) return;

            if (file.Type != UpdateJobfileType.Removed)
                var sizeProbe = _apiService.FetchFromRepo<FolderSrcResponse>(repoSettings, UriHelper.Combine("src", jobContext.Revision.ToString(), Path.GetDirectoryName(file.Path)));
                var size = sizeProbe.Files.Where(f => f.Path == file.Path).Single().Size;
                if (size > repoData.MaximalFileSizeKB * 1024) return;
                _fileService.SaveFile(localPath, _apiService.FetchFromRepo(repoSettings, UriHelper.Combine("raw", jobContext.Revision.ToString(), file.Path)));
コード例 #4
        private void ProcessPage(UpdateJobFile file, string localPath, BitbucketRepositoryDataRecord repoData, BitbucketRepositorySettings repoSettings, UpdateJobContext jobContext)
            localPath = localPath.Replace("Index", "").Replace(".md", "");
            if (file.Path.IsIndexFilePath()) localPath = UriHelper.Combine(localPath, "/"); // Trailing slash for index files directly fetched
            var repoBasePath = UriHelper.Combine("bitbucket.org", repoData.AccountName, repoData.Slug);
            var fullRepoFilePath = UriHelper.Combine(repoBasePath, file.Path);

            ContentItem page = null;

            if (file.Type != UpdateJobfileType.Removed)
                var src = _apiService.FetchFromRepo<FileSrcResponse>(repoSettings, UriHelper.Combine("src", jobContext.Revision.ToString(), file.Path));

                if (file.Type != UpdateJobfileType.Added) page = FetchPage(repoData.PageContentTypeName, fullRepoFilePath);

                var isNew = page == null;

                if (isNew) page = _contentManager.New(repoData.PageContentTypeName);

                var pagePart = page.As<MarkdownPagePart>();
                // We're updating the path for the repo file in the DB if it doesn't match the one that comes from the repo.
                // This is needed to overcome the issue caused by the case-sensitive URLs on BitBucket, when the casing of any character changes in the file path.
                if (pagePart.RepoPath != fullRepoFilePath)
                    var autoroutePart = page.As<AutoroutePart>();
                    autoroutePart.CustomPattern = localPath;
                    autoroutePart.UseCustomPattern = true;
                    autoroutePart.DisplayAlias = localPath;
                    page.As<MarkdownPagePart>().RepoPath = fullRepoFilePath;

                // Searching for the (first) title in the markdown text. Doesn't work if the text is less than or equal to a single line.
                var lines = Regex.Split(src.Data, "\r\n|\r|\n").ToList();
                int i = 1;
                var titleFound = false;
                var title = string.Empty;
                while (!titleFound && i < lines.Count)
                    // If this line consists of just equals signs, the above line is a H1
                    if (Regex.IsMatch(lines[i], "^[=]+$"))
                        title = lines[i - 1];
                        titleFound = true;
                        lines.RemoveAt(i - 1);
                    // Or if it starts with a single hashmark
                    else if (lines[i - 1].StartsWith("#"))
                        title = lines[i - 1].Substring(1).Trim();
                        titleFound = true;
                        lines.RemoveAt(i - 1);

                page.As<TitlePart>().Title = Regex.Replace(title, @"\\([\`*_{}[\]()#+-.!])", match => match.Groups[1].Value);

                // Cleaning leading line breaks
                while (lines.Count > 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(lines[0].Trim())) lines.RemoveAt(0);

                page.As<BodyPart>().Text = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines);

                var parent = FindParent(repoData.PageContentTypeName, repoBasePath, fullRepoFilePath);
                if (parent != null) page.As<CommonPart>().Container = parent;

                // This is needed after the title is set, because slug generation needs it
                if (isNew) _contentManager.Create(page);

                // This is needed so published handlers can run
                page = FetchPage(repoData.PageContentTypeName, fullRepoFilePath);

                if (page == null) return;

コード例 #5
        private void Process(UpdateJobFile file, IEnumerable<UrlMapping> urlMappings, BitbucketRepositoryDataRecord repoData, BitbucketRepositorySettings repoSettings, UpdateJobContext jobContext)
            var mapping = urlMappings.Where(urlMapping => file.Path.StartsWith(urlMapping.RepoPath)).FirstOrDefault();
            if (mapping == null) return;

            var localPath = file.Path;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mapping.RepoPath)) localPath = localPath.Replace(mapping.RepoPath, mapping.LocalPath.Trim('/'));
            else localPath = UriHelper.Combine(mapping.LocalPath, localPath);

            if (file.Path.IsMarkdownFilePath()) ProcessPage(file, localPath, repoData, repoSettings, jobContext);
            else if (repoData.MirrorFiles) ProcessFile(file, localPath, repoData, repoSettings, jobContext);