public EditNodeWindow(Sidebar sidebar, Group group) : this(sidebar, ViewType.Group) { titlePanelEditNode.lblTitle.Text = "Edit Group"; lblName.Text = "Group Name:"; txtName.Text = group.Name; }
public LevelSave(Group group, int levelWidth, int levelHeight, string name) { Diodes = new List<DiodeData>(); foreach (var n in { if (n.HasComp<Diode>()) { Diodes.Add(new DiodeData(n.Comp<Diode>())); } } this.levelHeight = levelHeight; this.levelWidth = levelWidth; = name; polygonVertices = new List<float[]>(); polygonPositions = new List<float[]>(); foreach(Node n in group.fullSet) { if (n.body.shape is Polygon) { Polygon p = (Polygon)n.body.shape; float[] verts = new float[p.vertexCount * 2]; for(int i = 0; i < p.vertexCount; i++) { verts[i * 2] = p.vertices[i].X; verts[(i * 2) + 1] = p.vertices[i].Y; } polygonVertices.Add(verts); polygonPositions.Add(new float[]{n.body.pos.X, n.body.pos.Y}); //cover angle? } } }
//, Control under) public LoadLevelWindow(Sidebar sidebar) { previouslyPaused = sidebar.ui.IsPaused; sidebar.ui.IsPaused = true; sidebar.master.Visible = false; Control par = sidebar.tbcViews.TabPages[0]; UserInterface.GameInputDisabled = true; this.manager = sidebar.manager; this.sidebar = sidebar; tomShaneSidebar = new TomShaneSidebar(manager); tomShaneSidebar.Init(); tomShaneSidebar.Left = sidebar.master.Left; tomShaneSidebar.Width = par.Width; tomShaneSidebar.Top = 20; tomShaneSidebar.Height = par.Height + 15; tomShaneSidebar.BevelBorder = BevelBorder.All; tomShaneSidebar.BevelColor = Color.Black; tomShaneSidebar.Left = LeftPadding; tomShaneSidebar.Text = "Load Level"; tomShaneSidebar.BackColor = new Color(30, 60, 30); manager.Add(tomShaneSidebar); wallGroup =; foreach(Node n in wallGroup.entities) { previousWallNodes.Add(n); } TitlePanel titlePanelAddComponent = new TitlePanel(sidebar, tomShaneSidebar, "Load Level", false); //titlePanelAddComponent.btnBack.Click += Close; HeightCounter += titlePanelAddComponent.Height; normalView = new NormalView(sidebar, tomShaneSidebar, 0, 100, Height: 350); normalView.Width -= 15; PopulateLevelSaves(); normalView.OnSelectionChanged += normalView_OnSelectionChanged; btnLoad = new Button(manager); btnLoad.Init(); tomShaneSidebar.Add(btnLoad); btnLoad.Text = "Load"; btnLoad.Top = 500; btnLoad.Left = LeftPadding * 4; btnLoad.Width = 70; btnLoad.Click += btnLoad_Click; btnCancel = new Button(manager); btnCancel.Init(); tomShaneSidebar.Add(btnCancel); btnCancel.Text = "Cancel"; btnCancel.Top = 500; btnCancel.Left = btnLoad.Left + btnLoad.Width + 50; btnCancel.Width = 70; btnCancel.Click += btnCancel_Click; }
public Group(Room room, Node defaultNode = null, Group parentGroup = null, string Name = "", bool Spawnable = true, ObservableHashSet<Node> entities = null) { if (parentGroup != null) room =; = room ??; GroupId = -1; this.defaultNode = defaultNode ??; this.entities = entities ?? new ObservableHashSet<Node>(); this.inherited = new ObservableHashSet<Node>(); this.fullSet = new ObservableHashSet<Node>(); if (entities != null) { foreach (Node e in entities) { fullSet.Add(e); } } this.parentGroup = parentGroup; //this.groupState = groupState; this.Spawnable = Spawnable; this.childGroups = new Dictionary<string, Group>(); this.entities.CollectionChanged += entities_CollectionChanged; this.inherited.CollectionChanged += entities_CollectionChanged; if (Name.Equals("")) { this.GroupId = GroupNumber; Name = "Group" + GroupNumber; //maybe a check that the name is unique GroupNumber++; } this.Name = Name; groupPath = new List<Group>(); if (parentGroup != null) { parentGroup.AddGroup(this.Name, this); Group g = parentGroup; while (g != null) { groupPath.Add(g); g = g.parentGroup; } } }
public PlayerView(Sidebar sidebar, Control parent, int Left, int Top) : base(sidebar, parent, Left, Top, false) { playerGroup =; btnEditAllPlayers = new Button(manager); btnEditAllPlayers.Init(); btnEditAllPlayers.Parent = parent; btnEditAllPlayers.Text = "Edit All Players"; btnEditAllPlayers.Width = 150; btnEditAllPlayers.Left = parent.Width / 2 - btnEditAllPlayers.Width / 2; btnEditAllPlayers.Top = Top + VertPadding * 2; HeightCounter += btnEditAllPlayers.Height * 2; btnEditAllPlayers.Click += (s, e) => { editGroupWindow = new EditNodeWindow(sidebar, "All Players", room.groups.player.Name, ViewType.Group); editGroupWindow.componentView.SwitchGroup(room.groups.player); //editGroupWindow.componentView.SwitchNode(n, false); }; lblPlayers = new Label(manager); lblPlayers.Init(); lblPlayers.Parent = parent; lblPlayers.Text = "Players"; lblPlayers.Width = 150; lblPlayers.Left = LeftPadding; lblPlayers.TextColor = Color.Black; lblPlayers.Top = HeightCounter; HeightCounter += lblPlayers.Height + VertPadding; Width = parent.Width - LeftPadding * 4; base.Initialize(); insView = new InspectorView(sidebar, parent, Left, HeightCounter); insView.GroupSync = true; insView.Height = 120; insView.Width = Width; this.ItemCreator += ItemCreatorDelegate; InitializePlayers(); }
public void AssignColor(Group activegroup, Node newNode) { if (Group.IntToColor.ContainsKey(activegroup.GroupId)) { newNode.body.color = Group.IntToColor[activegroup.GroupId]; } else { int Enumsize = Enum.GetValues(typeof(System.Drawing.KnownColor)).Length; //int rand = Utils.random.Next(size - 1); int index = 0; foreach (char c in activegroup.Name.ToCharArray().ToList()) { index += (int)c; } index = index % (Enumsize - 1); System.Drawing.Color syscolor = System.Drawing.Color.FromKnownColor((System.Drawing.KnownColor)index); Color xnacol = new Color(syscolor.R, syscolor.G, syscolor.B, syscolor.A); newNode.body.color = xnacol; } }
public void MakePresetGroups() { var infos = Component.compInfos; int runenum = 0; foreach(Type t in infos.Keys) { Info info = infos[t]; if ((info.compType & mtypes.essential) == mtypes.essential) continue; if ((info.compType & mtypes.exclusiveLinker) == mtypes.exclusiveLinker) continue; if ((info.compType & mtypes.item) == mtypes.item) continue; if (info.userLevel == UserLevel.Developer || info.userLevel == UserLevel.Advanced) continue; if (t == typeof(Lifetime)) continue; if (t == typeof(Rune)) continue; Node nodeDef = defaultNode.CreateClone(this); nodeDef.SetColor(Utils.randomColor()); nodeDef.addComponent(t, true); nodeDef.addComponent(typeof(Rune), true); nodeDef.Comp<Rune>().runeTexture = (textures)runenum++; Group presetgroup = new Group(this, nodeDef, groups.preset, t.ToString().LastWord('.') + " Group"); } }
public static void SaveLevel(Group group, int levelWidth, int levelHeight, string name) { if (name.Equals("")) return; name = name.Trim(); //string filename = "Presets//Nodes//" + name + ".xml"; string filename = Assets.levelsFilepath + "/" + name + ".xml"; Action completeSave = delegate { LevelSave levelSave = new LevelSave(group, levelWidth, levelHeight, name); = new Polenter.Serialization.SharpSerializer();, filename); //Assets.NodePresets.Add(serializenode); }; if (File.Exists(filename)) { //we must be overwriting, therefore don't update the live presetList PopUp.Prompt("OverWrite?", "O/W?", delegate(bool c, object a) { if (c) { completeSave(); PopUp.Toast("Level '" + name + "' was overwritten."); } return true; }); } else { PopUp.Toast("Level Saved as " + name); completeSave(); } }
public Node CreateNode() { Vector2 pos = UserInterface.WorldMousePos; //new node(s) Dictionary<dynamic, dynamic> userP = new Dictionary<dynamic, dynamic>() { { nodeE.position, pos }, }; HashSet<Type> comps = new HashSet<Type>() { typeof(BasicDraw), typeof(Movement), typeof(Lifetime)}; List<Type> allComps = new List<Type>(); foreach (Type c in Component.compTypes) { allComps.Add(c); } int total = allComps.Count - comps.Count; Random random = Utils.random; int compsToAdd = random.Next(total); int a = 21 * 21; int randLog = random.Next(a); int root = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(randLog)); root = 21 - root; compsToAdd = root; //System.Console.WriteLine(compsToAdd + " " + root); int counter = 0; while (compsToAdd > 0) { if (counter++ > allComps.Count) break; int compNum = random.Next(allComps.Count - 1); Type newcomp = allComps[compNum]; if (comps.Contains(newcomp)) { continue; } comps.Add(newcomp); compsToAdd--; } foreach (Type c in comps) { userP.Add(c, true); } Node n = room.spawnNode(userP, blank: true, lifetime: 5000); if (n != null) { //savedDicts.Enqueue(userP); savedNodes.Enqueue(n); Group p = room.masterGroup.childGroups["Link Groups"]; Group g = new Group(room, n, p,; //p.AddGroup(g.Name, g); OrbIt.ui.sidebar.UpdateGroupComboBoxes(); savedGroups.Enqueue(g); } return n; //ListBox lst = Game1.ui.sidebar.lstMain; //Node newNode = (Node)lst.Items.ElementAt(lst.ItemIndex + 1); //System.Console.WriteLine(; }
private Node SpawnNodeHelper(Node newNode, Action<Node> afterSpawnAction = null, Group g = null, int lifetime = -1) { //newNode.addComponent(comp.itempayload, true); newNode.OnSpawn(); if (afterSpawnAction != null) afterSpawnAction(newNode); if (lifetime != -1) { newNode.addComponent<Lifetime>(true); newNode.Comp<Lifetime>().timeUntilDeath.value = lifetime; newNode.Comp<Lifetime>().timeUntilDeath.enabled = true; } g.IncludeEntity(newNode); newNode.spawned = true; return newNode; }
public CreateGroupWindow(Sidebar sidebar) { this.sidebar = sidebar; this.manager = sidebar.manager; sidebar.CreatingGroup = true; //; //temproom =; //tempgroup = g;// sidebar.ActiveGroup;//temproom.groups.generalGroups.childGroups.ElementAt(0).Value; neoSidebar = new NeoSidebar(manager); neoSidebar.Init(); int tomtom = 5; neoSidebar.ClientArea.BackColor = UserInterface.TomDark; neoSidebar.BackColor = Color.Black; neoSidebar.BevelBorder = BevelBorder.All; Margins tomtomtomtom = new Margins(tomtom, tomtom, tomtom, tomtom); neoSidebar.ClientMargins = tomtomtomtom; neoSidebar.Left = sidebar.master.Left; neoSidebar.Width = sidebar.Width; neoSidebar.Top = 0; neoSidebar.Height = OrbIt.ScreenHeight; //poop.Text = "Create Group"; //poop.Closed += delegate { UserInterface.GameInputDisabled = false; sidebar.CreatingGroup = false;; sidebar.groupsView.createGroupWindow = null; }; //window.ShowModal(); manager.Add(neoSidebar); int width = 120; int offset = neoSidebar.Width - width - 20; TitlePanel titlePanelCreateGroup = new TitlePanel(sidebar, neoSidebar, "Create Group", true); titlePanelCreateGroup.btnBack.Click += (s, e) => Close(); HeightCounter += titlePanelCreateGroup.Height; Label lblName = new Label(manager); lblName.Init(); lblName.Parent = neoSidebar; lblName.Left = LeftPadding; lblName.Top = HeightCounter; lblName.Width = width; lblName.Text = "Group Name:"; TextBox txtName = new TextBox(manager); txtName.Init(); txtName.Parent = neoSidebar; txtName.Top = HeightCounter; txtName.Width = width; txtName.Left = offset; HeightCounter += txtName.Height + LeftPadding; Button btnRandomName = new Button(manager); btnRandomName.Init(); btnRandomName.Parent = neoSidebar; btnRandomName.Top = HeightCounter; btnRandomName.Width = txtName.Width; btnRandomName.Left = offset; btnRandomName.Text = "Random Name"; HeightCounter += txtName.Height + LeftPadding; btnRandomName.Click += (s, e) => { txtName.Text = Utils.RandomName(); }; RadioButton rdEmpty = new RadioButton(manager); rdEmpty.Init(); rdEmpty.Parent = neoSidebar; rdEmpty.Top = HeightCounter; rdEmpty.Left = LeftPadding; rdEmpty.Text = "Default"; rdEmpty.Checked = true; HeightCounter += rdEmpty.Height + LeftPadding; RadioButton rdExisting = new RadioButton(manager); rdExisting.Init(); rdExisting.Parent = neoSidebar; rdExisting.Top = HeightCounter; rdExisting.Left = LeftPadding; rdExisting.Text = "Existing"; rdExisting.Checked = false; rdExisting.Width = width; ComboBox cbExisting = new ComboBox(manager); cbExisting.Init(); cbExisting.Parent = neoSidebar; cbExisting.Top = HeightCounter; cbExisting.Width = width; cbExisting.Left = offset; foreach(Group gg in { cbExisting.Items.Add(gg); } cbExisting.ItemIndex = 0; cbExisting.Enabled = false; HeightCounter += cbExisting.Height + LeftPadding; RadioButton rdTemplate = new RadioButton(manager); rdTemplate.Init(); rdTemplate.Parent = neoSidebar; rdTemplate.Top = HeightCounter; rdTemplate.Left = LeftPadding; rdTemplate.Text = "Template"; rdTemplate.Checked = false; rdTemplate.Width = width; ComboBox cbTemplate = new ComboBox(manager); cbTemplate.Init(); cbTemplate.Parent = neoSidebar; cbTemplate.Top = HeightCounter; cbTemplate.Width = width; cbTemplate.Left = offset; foreach (Node n in Assets.NodePresets) { cbTemplate.Items.Add(n); } if (Assets.NodePresets.Count > 0) cbTemplate.ItemIndex = 0; cbTemplate.Enabled = false; HeightCounter += cbTemplate.Height + LeftPadding; componentView = new ComponentView(sidebar, neoSidebar, 0, HeightCounter, ViewType.Group); componentView.Height = 150; componentView.Width = neoSidebar.Width - LeftPadding * 4; neoSidebar.Width += 100; neoSidebar.Width -= 100; tempgroup = new Group(,, null, "tempgroup", false); SetGroup(; rdEmpty.Click += (s, e) => { cbExisting.Enabled = false; cbTemplate.Enabled = false; SetGroup(; }; rdExisting.Click += (s, e) => { cbExisting.Enabled = true; cbTemplate.Enabled = false; ComboUpdate(cbExisting); }; cbExisting.ItemIndexChanged += (s, e) => { ComboUpdate(cbExisting); }; rdTemplate.Click += (s, e) => { cbExisting.Enabled = false; cbTemplate.Enabled = true; ComboUpdate(cbTemplate); }; cbTemplate.ItemIndexChanged += (s, e) => { ComboUpdate(cbTemplate); }; btnCreateGroup = new Button(manager); btnCreateGroup.Init(); btnCreateGroup.Parent = neoSidebar; btnCreateGroup.Top = componentView.bottomArea.Top + componentView.bottomArea.Height + LeftPadding * 2; btnCreateGroup.Text = "Create Group"; btnCreateGroup.Width = width; btnCreateGroup.Left = neoSidebar.Width / 2 - btnCreateGroup.Width / 2; btnCreateGroup.Click += (s, e) => { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtName.Text)) PopUp.Toast("Please enter a group name."); else if( PopUp.Toast("Group already exists."); else{ =; Node newNode = tempgroup.defaultNode.CreateClone(; newNode.body.color = ColorChanger.randomColorHue(); newNode.basicdraw.UpdateColor(); Group newGroup = new Group(, newNode,, txtName.Text.Trim()); = txtName.Text.Trim(); = newGroup; sidebar.groupsView.UpdateGroups(); foreach(DetailedItem item in sidebar.groupsView.viewItems) { if (item.obj == newGroup) { sidebar.groupsView.SelectItem(item); break; } } Close(); } }; }
public void SyncTitleNumber(Group group = null) { if (group == null) { group = GetActiveGroup(); if (group == null) return; } int count = group == null ? 0 : group.entities.Count; title1.Text = group.Name + " : " + count; }
public override void OnSpawn() { currentGroup = room.groups.general.childGroups.ElementAt(0).Value; }
/* public Group FindGroup(string name) { if (name.Equals(Name)) return this; foreach (string s in childGroups.Keys.ToList()) { if (name.Equals(s)) return childGroups[s]; } if (parentGroup != null) return parentGroup; return this; } */ public void AddGroup(string name, Group group) { if (childGroups.ContainsKey(name)) { return; //throw new SystemException("Error: One of the childGroups with the same key was already present in this Group."); } childGroups.Add(name, group); group.parentGroup = this; foreach(Node n in group.fullSet) { inherited.Add(n); } }
public void SwitchGroup(Group g) { if (g == null) return; activeGroup = g; if (insView != null) insView.activeGroup = g; SwitchNode(g.defaultNode, true); }
public GroupsView(Sidebar sidebar, Control parent, int Left, int Top, Group parentGroup) : base(sidebar, parent, Left, Top, false) { Height += 50; this.parentGroup = parentGroup; HeightCounter = Top + 45; lblGroupLabel = new Label(manager); lblGroupLabel.Init(); lblGroupLabel.Parent = parent; lblGroupLabel.Left = LeftPadding; lblGroupLabel.Top = 10;// HeightCounter; lblGroupLabel.Width = sidebar.Width / 2; lblGroupLabel.Text = ""; lblGroupLabel.TextColor = Color.Black; //HeightCounter += lblGroupLabel.Height + LeftPadding; ItemCreator += ItemCreatorDelegate; Initialize(); btnCreateGroup = new Button(manager); btnCreateGroup.Init(); btnCreateGroup.Parent = parent; btnCreateGroup.Top = HeightCounter; btnCreateGroup.Text = "Create Group"; btnCreateGroup.Height = (int)(btnCreateGroup.Height * 1.5); btnCreateGroup.Width = (parent.Width - LeftPadding * 2) / 2; btnCreateGroup.Left = LeftPadding;//parent.Width / 2 - btnCreateGroup.Width / 2; btnCreateGroup.Click += (s, e) => { createGroupWindow = new CreateGroupWindow(sidebar); }; Margins m = btnCreateGroup.ClientMargins; btnCreateGroup.ClientMargins = new Margins(m.Left, 1, m.Right, 1); btnEmptyGroup = new Button(manager); btnEmptyGroup.Init(); btnEmptyGroup.Parent = parent; btnEmptyGroup.Top = HeightCounter; btnEmptyGroup.Text = "Empty Group"; btnEmptyGroup.Height = (int)(btnEmptyGroup.Height * 1.5); btnEmptyGroup.Width = btnCreateGroup.Width; btnEmptyGroup.Left = parent.Width - LeftPadding * 2 - btnEmptyGroup.Width;//parent.Width / 2 - btnCreateGroup.Width / 2; btnEmptyGroup.Click += (s, e) => { sidebar.btnRemoveAllNodes_Click(null, null); }; Margins m2 = btnEmptyGroup.ClientMargins; btnEmptyGroup.ClientMargins = new Margins(m2.Left, 1, m2.Right, 1); HeightCounter += btnCreateGroup.Height + LeftPadding; btnEmptyAll = new Button(manager); btnEmptyAll.Init(); btnEmptyAll.Parent = parent; btnEmptyAll.Top = HeightCounter; btnEmptyAll.Text = "Empty All Groups"; //btnEmptyAll.Height = (int)(btnEmptyGroup.Height * 1.5); btnEmptyAll.Width = parent.Width / 2; btnEmptyAll.Left = parent.Width / 2 - btnEmptyAll.Width / 2;//parent.Width / 2 - btnCreateGroup.Width / 2; btnEmptyAll.Click += (s, e) => { EmptyAllGroups(); }; }
public void CreateNewItem(Group g) { int top = 0; if (viewItems.Count > 0) { top = (viewItems[0].itemHeight - 4) * viewItems.Count; } DetailedItem detailedItem = new DetailedItem(manager, this, g, backPanel, top, LeftPadding); base.CreateItem(detailedItem); }
public void ApplyToAllNodes(Group group) { if (group == null) return; List<InspectorInfo> itemspath = new List<InspectorInfo>(); InspectorInfo item = (InspectorInfo)InsBox.Items.ElementAt(InsBox.ItemIndex); object value = item.GetValue(); BuildItemsPath(item, itemspath); group.ForEachAllSets(delegate(Node n) { if (n == itemspath.ElementAt(0).obj) return; InspectorInfo temp = new InspectorInfo(null, n, sidebar); int count = 0; foreach (InspectorInfo pathitem in itemspath) { if (temp.obj.GetType() != pathitem.obj.GetType()) { Console.WriteLine("The paths did not match while applying to all. {0} != {1}", temp.obj.GetType(), pathitem.obj.GetType()); break; } if (count == itemspath.Count - 1) //last item { if (pathitem.membertype == member_type.dictentry) { dynamic dict = temp.parentItem.obj; dynamic key = pathitem.key; if (!dict.ContainsKey(key)) break; if (dict[key] is Component) { dict[key].active = ((Component)value).active; } else if (temp.IsPanelType()) { dict[key] = value; } } else { if (value is Component) { ((Component)temp.obj).active = ((Component)value).active; } else if (temp.IsPanelType()) { temp.fpinfo.SetValue(value, temp.parentItem.obj); } } } else { InspectorInfo next = itemspath.ElementAt(count + 1); if (next.membertype == member_type.dictentry) { dynamic dict = temp.obj; dynamic key = next.key; if (!dict.ContainsKey(key)) break; temp = new InspectorInfo(null, temp, dict[key], key); } else { temp = new InspectorInfo(null, temp, next.fpinfo.GetValue(temp.obj), next.fpinfo.propertyInfo); } } count++; } }); }
public Node spawnNode(Node newNode, Action<Node> afterSpawnAction = null, int lifetime = -1, Group g = null) { Group spawngroup = g ?? OrbIt.ui.sidebar.GetActiveGroup(); if (spawngroup == null || !spawngroup.Spawnable) return null; // = "bullet" + Node.nodeCounter; return SpawnNodeHelper(newNode, afterSpawnAction, spawngroup, lifetime); }
public override void PlayerControl(Input input) { if (fireMode == mode.SingleFire) { if (input.BtnDown(InputButtons.RightTrigger_Mouse1)) { if (!input.oldInputState.IsButtonDown(InputButtons.RightTrigger_Mouse1)) { FireNode(input.GetRightStick()); } else if (steerNode && lastFired != null) { lastFired.body.velocity = VMath.VectorRotateLerp(lastFired.body.velocity, input.GetRightStick(), 0.02f); } } } else if (fireMode == mode.AutoFire) { if (input.BtnDown(InputButtons.RightTrigger_Mouse1)) { if (shootingDelayCount++ % shootingDelay == 0) { FireNode(input.GetRightStick()); } } } if (input.BtnClicked(InputButtons.RightBumper_E)) { if (room.groups.general.childGroups.Values.Count < 2) return; bool next = false; var tempGroup = room.groups.general.childGroups; for (int i = 0; i < tempGroup.Values.Count; i++) { Group g = tempGroup.Values.ElementAt(i); if (next) { currentGroup = g; break; } if (g == currentGroup) { if (i == tempGroup.Values.Count - 1) { currentGroup = tempGroup.Values.ElementAt(0); break; } next = true; } } } }
public Room(OrbIt game, int worldWidth, int worldHeight, bool Groups = true) { groups = new RoomGroups(this); AllActiveLinks = new ObservableHashSet<Link>(); AllInactiveLinks = new ObservableHashSet<Link>(); this.worldWidth = worldWidth; this.worldHeight = worldHeight; scheduler = new Scheduler(); borderColor = Color.DarkGray; // grid System gridsystemAffect = new GridSystem(this, 40, new Vector2(0, worldHeight - OrbIt.ScreenHeight), worldWidth, OrbIt.ScreenHeight); collisionManager = new CollisionManager(this); //gridsystemAffect = new GridSystem(this, 40, new Vector2(0, worldHeight - OrbIt.Height), worldWidth, OrbIt.Height); level = new Level(this, 40, 40, gridsystemAffect.cellWidth, gridsystemAffect.cellHeight); roomRenderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(game.GraphicsDevice, OrbIt.ScreenWidth, OrbIt.ScreenHeight); //gridsystemCollision = new GridSystem(this, gridsystemAffect.cellsX, new Vector2(0, worldHeight - OrbIt.Height), worldWidth, OrbIt.Height); camera = new ThreadedCamera(this, 1f); DrawLinks = true; scheduler = new Scheduler(); players = new HashSet<Player>(); #region ///Default User props/// Dictionary<dynamic, dynamic> userPr = new Dictionary<dynamic, dynamic>() { { nodeE.position, new Vector2(0, 0) }, { nodeE.texture, textures.blackorb }, }; #endregion defaultNode = new Node(this, userPr); = "master"; //defaultNode.IsDefault = true; foreach(Component c in defaultNode.comps.Values) { c.AfterCloning(); } Node firstdefault = new Node(this, ShapeType.Circle); //firstdefault.addComponent(comp.itempayload, true); Node.cloneNode(defaultNode, firstdefault); = "[G0]0"; //firstdefault.IsDefault = true; masterGroup = new Group(this, defaultNode, null,, false); if (Groups) { new Group(this, defaultNode, masterGroup, "General Groups", false); new Group(this, defaultNode, masterGroup, "Preset Groups", false); new Group(this, defaultNode.CreateClone(this), masterGroup, "Player Group", true); new Group(this, defaultNode, masterGroup, "Item Group", false); new Group(this, defaultNode, masterGroup, "Link Groups", false); new Group(this, defaultNode.CreateClone(this), masterGroup, "Bullet Group", true); new Group(this, defaultNode, masterGroup, "Wall Group", true); new Group(this, firstdefault, groups.general, "Group1"); } Dictionary<dynamic, dynamic> userPropsTarget = new Dictionary<dynamic, dynamic>() { { typeof(ColorChanger), true }, { nodeE.texture, textures.ring } }; targetNodeGraphic = new Node(this,userPropsTarget); = "TargetNodeGraphic"; //MakeWalls(WallWidth); MakePresetGroups(); MakeItemGroups(); }
void ConvertIntoList_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Node n = (Node)lstMain.Items.ElementAt(lstMain.ItemIndex); if (n == room.targetNode) { room.targetNode = null; } Node newdefault = n.CreateClone(; //Node.cloneNode(n, newdefault); newdefault.body.velocity = new Vector2(0, 0); Group g = new Group(room, newdefault, room.masterGroup.childGroups["General Groups"]); = g.Name; //room.masterGroup.childGroups["General Groups"].AddGroup(g.Name, g); //room.masterGroup.UpdateComboBox(); UpdateGroupComboBoxes(); Group active = GetActiveGroup(); if (active == null) return; //active.fullSet.Remove(n); active.DeleteEntity(n); //g.fullSet.Add(n); int index = cbListPicker.Items.IndexOf(; cbListPicker.ItemIndex = index; //cmbListPicker.Refresh(); //cmbListPicker.ItemIndex = 0; }
public Node spawnNode(Group group, Dictionary<dynamic, dynamic> userProperties = null) { if (group == null) return null; Node newNode = group.defaultNode.CreateClone(this); = group; = group.Name + Node.nodeCounter; if (userProperties != null) newNode.acceptUserProps(userProperties); return SpawnNodeHelper(newNode, null, group, -1); }