public static void RunPVRTexTool(Bitmap bitmap, AssetBundle bundle, string path, AssetAttributes attributes, bool mipMaps, bool highQualityCompression, PVRFormat pvrFormat, byte[] CookingRulesSHA1, DateTime time) { int width = bitmap.Width; int height = bitmap.Height; bool hasAlpha = bitmap.HasAlpha; int potWidth = TextureConverterUtils.GetNearestPowerOf2(width, 8, 2048); int potHeight = TextureConverterUtils.GetNearestPowerOf2(height, 8, 2048); var args = new StringBuilder(); switch (pvrFormat) { case PVRFormat.PVRTC4: if (!hasAlpha) { args.Append(" -f PVRTC1_2"); } else { args.Append(" -f PVRTC1_4"); } width = height = Math.Max(potWidth, potHeight); break; case PVRFormat.PVRTC4_Forced: args.Append(" -f PVRTC1_4"); width = height = Math.Max(potWidth, potHeight); break; case PVRFormat.PVRTC2: args.Append(" -f PVRTC1_2"); width = height = Math.Max(potWidth, potHeight); break; case PVRFormat.ETC2: args.Append(" -f ETC1 -q etcfast"); break; case PVRFormat.RGB565: if (hasAlpha) { Console.WriteLine("WARNING: texture has alpha channel. " + "Used 'RGBA4444' format instead of 'RGB565'."); args.Append(" -f r4g4b4a4 -dither"); } else { args.Append(" -f r5g6b5"); } break; case PVRFormat.RGBA4: args.Append(" -f r4g4b4a4 -dither"); break; case PVRFormat.ARGB8: args.Append(" -f r8g8b8a8"); break; } if (highQualityCompression && (new[] { PVRFormat.PVRTC2, PVRFormat.PVRTC4, PVRFormat.PVRTC4_Forced }.Contains(pvrFormat))) { args.Append(" -q pvrtcbest"); } Bitmap bledBitmap = null; if (bitmap.HasAlpha) { bledBitmap = TextureConverterUtils.BleedAlpha(bitmap); } if (mipMaps) { args.Append(" -m"); } args.AppendFormat(" -r {0},{1} -shh", width, height); var hashString = GetTextureHashString(bledBitmap ?? bitmap, ".pvr", args.ToString()); var cachePath = AssetCache.Instance.Load(hashString); if (cachePath != null) { bundle.ImportFile(cachePath, path, 0, "", attributes, time, CookingRulesSHA1); return; } var pvrPath = Toolbox.GetTempFilePathWithExtension(".pvr"); var tgaPath = Path.ChangeExtension(pvrPath, ".tga"); try { TextureConverterUtils.SaveToTGA(bledBitmap ?? bitmap, tgaPath, swapRedAndBlue: true); if (bledBitmap != null && bledBitmap != bitmap) { bledBitmap.Dispose(); } args.AppendFormat(" -i \"{0}\" -o \"{1}\"", tgaPath, pvrPath); #if MAC var pvrTexTool = GetToolPath("PVRTexTool"); #else var pvrTexTool = GetToolPath("PVRTexToolCli"); #endif if (Process.Start(pvrTexTool, args.ToString()) != 0) { throw new Lime.Exception($"PVRTextTool error\nCommand line: {pvrTexTool} {args}\""); } bundle.ImportFile(pvrPath, path, 0, "", attributes, time, CookingRulesSHA1); AssetCache.Instance.Save(pvrPath, hashString); } finally { DeletePossibleLockedFile(tgaPath); DeletePossibleLockedFile(pvrPath); } }
public static void Save(CitrusVersion citrusVersion) { using (var stream = File.Open(Path.Combine(Toolbox.FindCitrusDirectory(), Filename), FileMode.Open)) { Save(citrusVersion, stream); } }
public static void NewProjectAction(Func <string, bool> projectOpened) { Application.InvokeOnMainThread(() => { var citrusPath = Toolbox.CalcCitrusDirectory(); var dlg = new FileDialog { AllowedFileTypes = new string[] { "" }, Mode = FileDialogMode.SelectFolder }; if (dlg.RunModal()) { targetDirectory = dlg.FileName; newCitrusDirectory = Path.Combine(dlg.FileName, "Citrus"); var projectName = Path.GetFileName(dlg.FileName); if (char.IsDigit(projectName[0])) { throw new System.Exception($"Project name '{projectName}' cannot start with a digit"); } foreach (char c in projectName) { if (!ValidChars.Contains(c)) { throw new System.Exception($"Project name '{projectName}' must contain only latin letters and digits"); } } var newProjectApplicationName = String.Join(" ", Regex.Split(projectName, @"(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])")); Console.WriteLine($"New project name is \"{projectName}\""); HashSet <string> textfileExtensions = new HashSet <string> { ".cs", ".xml", ".csproj", ".sln", ".citproj", ".projitems", ".shproj", ".txt", ".plist", ".strings", ".gitignore", }; using (var dc = new DirectoryChanger($"{citrusPath}/Samples/EmptyProject/")) { var fe = new FileEnumerator("."); foreach (var f in fe.Enumerate()) { var targetPath = Path.Combine(dlg.FileName, f.Path.Replace("EmptyProject", projectName)); Console.WriteLine($"Copying: {f.Path} => {targetPath}"); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(targetPath)); System.IO.File.Copy(f.Path, targetPath); if (textfileExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(targetPath).ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))) { string text = File.ReadAllText(targetPath); text = text.Replace("EmptyProject", projectName); text = text.Replace("Empty Project", newProjectApplicationName); text = text.Replace("emptyproject", projectName.ToLower()); var citrusUri = new Uri(newCitrusDirectory); var fileUri = new Uri(targetPath); var relativeUri = fileUri.MakeRelativeUri(citrusUri); // TODO: apply only to .sln and .csproj file text = text.Replace("..\\..\\..", relativeUri.ToString()); if (targetPath.EndsWith(".citproj", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { text = text.Replace("CitrusLocation: \"..\",", $"CitrusLocation: \"{relativeUri}\","); newProjectCitprojPath = targetPath; } File.WriteAllText(targetPath, text); } } } #if WIN // TODO: fix unresponsiveness on mac Git("init"); Git("add -A"); Git("submodule add Citrus"); Git("submodule update --init --recursive"); Git("commit -m\"Initial commit.\""); #endif // WIN } }); if (projectOpened != null) { projectOpened?.Invoke(newProjectCitprojPath); } }
public static CitrusVersion Load() { using (var stream = File.Open(Path.Combine(Toolbox.FindCitrusDirectory(), Filename), FileMode.Open)) { return(Load(stream)); } }
public override bool DoesNeedSvnUpdate() { return(Toolbox.GetCommandLineFlag("--autoupdate")); }