private void PopulateDisplayReports(ComboBox box, ComboBox ddObject) { if (ddObject.SelectedIndex != -1) { string className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(ddObject.Text); IAgVODataDisplayCollection ddCollection = null; if (className == "Satellite") { IAgSatellite myObject = CommonData.StkRoot.GetObjectFromPath(className + "/" + ddObject.Text) as IAgSatellite; ddCollection = myObject.VO.DataDisplay; } else if (className == "Aircraft") { IAgAircraft myObject = CommonData.StkRoot.GetObjectFromPath(className + "/" + ddObject.Text) as IAgAircraft; ddCollection = myObject.VO.DataDisplay; } else if (className == "Facility") { IAgFacility myObject = CommonData.StkRoot.GetObjectFromPath(className + "/" + ddObject.Text) as IAgFacility; ddCollection = myObject.VO.DataDisplays; } else if (className == "Missile") { IAgMissile myObject = CommonData.StkRoot.GetObjectFromPath(className + "/" + ddObject.Text) as IAgMissile; ddCollection = myObject.VO.DataDisplay; } else if (className == "GroundVehicle") { IAgGroundVehicle myObject = CommonData.StkRoot.GetObjectFromPath(className + "/" + ddObject.Text) as IAgGroundVehicle; ddCollection = myObject.VO.DataDisplay; } else if (className == "LaunchVehicle") { IAgLaunchVehicle myObject = CommonData.StkRoot.GetObjectFromPath(className + "/" + ddObject.Text) as IAgLaunchVehicle; ddCollection = myObject.VO.DataDisplay; } else if (className == "Place") { IAgPlace myObject = CommonData.StkRoot.GetObjectFromPath(className + "/" + ddObject.Text) as IAgPlace; ddCollection = myObject.VO.DataDisplays; } else if (className == "Target") { IAgTarget myObject = CommonData.StkRoot.GetObjectFromPath(className + "/" + ddObject.Text) as IAgTarget; ddCollection = myObject.VO.DataDisplays; } box.Items.Clear(); Array reportNames = ddCollection.AvailableData; foreach (var name in reportNames) { box.Items.Add(name); } box.SelectedIndex = 0; } }
private void TTDisplayObject_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (TTDisplayObject.SelectedIndex != -1) { TTDisplayReport.Items.Clear(); if (TTDisplayObject.SelectedIndex == 0) { TTDisplayLocation.Enabled = true; TTDisplayReport.Items.Add("LLA Position"); TTDisplayReport.Items.Add("Classical Orbital Elements"); TTDisplayReport.Items.Add("Inertial Position Velocity"); TTDisplayReport.Items.Add("Fixed Position Velocity"); } else if (TTDisplayObject.SelectedIndex == 1) { TTDisplayLocation.Enabled = false; TTDisplayReport.Items.Add("RIC"); TTDisplayReport.Items.Add("LLA Position"); TTDisplayReport.Items.Add("Classical Orbital Elements"); TTDisplayReport.Items.Add("Inertial Position Velocity"); TTDisplayReport.Items.Add("Fixed Position Velocity"); } else { TTDisplayLocation.Enabled = true; string className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(TTDisplayObject.Text); IAgVODataDisplayCollection ddCollection = null; if (className == "Satellite") { IAgSatellite myObject = CommonData.StkRoot.GetObjectFromPath(className + "/" + TTDisplayObject.Text) as IAgSatellite; ddCollection = myObject.VO.DataDisplay; } Array reportNames = ddCollection.AvailableData; foreach (var name in reportNames) { TTDisplayReport.Items.Add(name); if (name.ToString() == CommonData.SavedViewList[CommonData.SelectedIndex].TtDataDisplayReportName) { TTDisplayReport.SelectedIndex = TTDisplayReport.Items.Count - 1; } } } if (TTDisplayReport.SelectedIndex == -1) { TTDisplayReport.SelectedIndex = 0; } } }
private void DisplayObject_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DisplayObject.SelectedIndex != -1) { string className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(DisplayObject.Text); IAgVODataDisplayCollection ddCollection = null; if (className == "Satellite") { IAgSatellite myObject = CommonData.StkRoot.GetObjectFromPath(className + "/" + DisplayObject.Text) as IAgSatellite; ddCollection = myObject.VO.DataDisplay; } else if (className == "Aircraft") { IAgAircraft myObject = CommonData.StkRoot.GetObjectFromPath(className + "/" + DisplayObject.Text) as IAgAircraft; ddCollection = myObject.VO.DataDisplay; } else if (className == "Facility") { IAgFacility myObject = CommonData.StkRoot.GetObjectFromPath(className + "/" + DisplayObject.Text) as IAgFacility; ddCollection = myObject.VO.DataDisplays; } else if (className == "Missile") { IAgMissile myObject = CommonData.StkRoot.GetObjectFromPath(className + "/" + DisplayObject.Text) as IAgMissile; ddCollection = myObject.VO.DataDisplay; } else if (className == "GroundVehicle") { IAgGroundVehicle myObject = CommonData.StkRoot.GetObjectFromPath(className + "/" + DisplayObject.Text) as IAgGroundVehicle; ddCollection = myObject.VO.DataDisplay; } DisplayReport.Items.Clear(); Array reportNames = ddCollection.AvailableData; foreach (var name in reportNames) { DisplayReport.Items.Add(name); if (name.ToString() == CommonData.SavedViewList[CommonData.SelectedIndex].DataDisplayReportName) { DisplayReport.SelectedIndex = DisplayReport.Items.Count - 1; } } if (DisplayReport.SelectedIndex == -1) { DisplayReport.SelectedIndex = 0; } } }
private void Unselect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string className = null; if (ThreatList.FocusedItem != null) { foreach (int index in ThreatList.SelectedIndices) { ThreatList.Items[index].Font = new Font(ThreatList.Items[index].Font, FontStyle.Regular); if (_threatNames.Contains(ThreatList.Items[index].SubItems[0].Text)) { className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(ThreatList.Items[index].SubItems[0].Text); _threatNames.Remove(className + "/" + ThreatList.Items[index].SubItems[0].Text); } } } }
private void GEODisplayObject_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (GEODisplayObject.SelectedIndex != -1) { string className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(GEODisplayObject.Text); IAgVODataDisplayCollection ddCollection = null; IAgSatellite myObject = CommonData.StkRoot.GetObjectFromPath(className + "/" + GEODisplayObject.Text) as IAgSatellite; ddCollection = myObject.VO.DataDisplay; Array reportNames = ddCollection.AvailableData; foreach (var name in reportNames) { GEODisplayReport.Items.Add(name); if (name.ToString() == CommonData.SavedViewList[CommonData.SelectedIndex].GeoDataDisplayReportName) { GEODisplayReport.SelectedIndex = GEODisplayReport.Items.Count - 1; } } if (GEODisplayReport.SelectedIndex == -1) { GEODisplayReport.SelectedIndex = 0; } } }
private void Create_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string className; int check; if (TypeSelect.SelectedIndex == 0) //3D { check = FieldCheck3D(); if (check == 0) { current.WindowName = WindowSelect.Text; current.WindowId = SmartViewFunctions.GetWindowId(WindowSelect.Text, 1); current.Name = ViewName3D.Text; current.ViewType = TypeSelect.Text; current.ViewObjectData = CommonData.CurrentViewObjectData; className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(FocusedItem.Text); current.ViewTarget = className + "/" + FocusedItem.Text; current.ViewAxes = "Inertial"; if (EnableUniversalOrbitTrack.Checked) { if (UniversalLeadTrail.Checked) { current.EnableUniversalOrbitTrack = true; current.UniqueLeadTrail = false; if (LeadType3D.Text == "Time") { current.LeadType = LeadType3D.Text; current.LeadTime = OrbitLeadTime.Text; } else { current.LeadType = LeadType3D.Text; } if (TrailType3D.Text == "Time") { current.TrailType = TrailType3D.Text; current.TrailTime = OrbitTrailTime.Text; } else { current.TrailType = TrailType3D.Text; } } else if (UniqueLeadTrail.Checked) { current.UniqueLeadTrail = true; current.EnableUniversalOrbitTrack = true; } } else { current.EnableUniversalOrbitTrack = false; current.LeadType = "None"; current.TrailType = "None"; } //Add required primary data display components if (UseDataDisplay.Checked) { current.PrimaryDataDisplay.DataDisplayActive = true; } else { current.PrimaryDataDisplay.DataDisplayActive = false; } current.PrimaryDataDisplay.DataDisplayLocation = DisplayLocation.Text; className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(DisplayObject.Text); current.PrimaryDataDisplay.DataDisplayObject = className + "/" + DisplayObject.Text; current.PrimaryDataDisplay.DataDisplayReportName = DisplayReport.Text; className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(PredataObject.Text); current.PrimaryDataDisplay.PredataObject = className + "/" + PredataObject.Text; //Define stored view if required by current view point option if (UseCurrentViewPoint.Checked) { current.UseStoredView = true; current.StoredViewName = ViewName3D.Text; CommonData.StkRoot.ExecuteCommand("VO * SaveStoredView \"" + ViewName3D.Text + "\" " + current.WindowId); } else { current.UseStoredView = false; current.StoredViewName = "None"; } } } else if (TypeSelect.SelectedIndex == 1) //2D { check = FieldCheck2D(); if (check == 0) { current.WindowName = WindowSelect.Text; current.WindowId = SmartViewFunctions.GetWindowId(WindowSelect.Text, 0); current.ViewObjectData = CommonData.CurrentViewObjectData; current.Name = ViewName2D.Text; current.ViewType = TypeSelect.Text; current.ViewType2D = TypeSelect2D.Text; className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(ObjectName2D.Text); current.ViewTarget = className + "/" + ObjectName2D.Text; current.ZoomCenterLat = ZoomCenterLat.Text; current.ZoomCenterLong = ZoomCenterLong.Text; current.ZoomCenterDelta = ZoomDelta.Text; if (EnableUniversalGroundTrack.Checked) { if (LeadType2D.Text == "Time") { current.LeadType = LeadType2D.Text + " " + GroundLeadTime.Text; current.LeadTime = GroundLeadTime.Text; } else { current.LeadType = LeadType2D.Text; } if (TrailType2D.Text == "Time") { current.TrailType = TrailType2D.Text + " " + GroundTrailTime.Text; current.TrailTime = GroundTrailTime.Text; } else { current.TrailType = TrailType2D.Text; } } else { current.LeadType = "None"; current.TrailType = "None"; } } } if (UseCurrentTime.Checked) { current.UseAnimationTime = true; IAgAnimation animationRoot = (IAgAnimation)CommonData.StkRoot; double currentTime = animationRoot.CurrentTime; string newTime = CommonData.StkRoot.ConversionUtility.ConvertDate("EpSec", "UTCG", currentTime.ToString()); current.AnimationTime = newTime.ToString(); } else { current.UseAnimationTime = false; IAgScenario scenario = (IAgScenario)(CommonData.StkRoot.CurrentScenario); current.AnimationTime = scenario.StartTime; } if (ObjectHideShow.Checked) { current.ObjectHideShow = true; List <ObjectData> data = new List <ObjectData>(); data = CommonData.CurrentViewObjectData; current.ViewObjectData = data; } else { current.ObjectHideShow = false; } if (UseVectorHideShow.Checked) { current.VectorHideShow = true; } else { current.VectorHideShow = false; } if (UseCameraPath.Checked) { current.UseCameraPath = true; current.CameraPathName = CameraPathName.Text; } else { current.UseCameraPath = false; } CommonData.SavedViewList.Add(current); try { ReadWrite.WriteSavedViews(CommonData.DirectoryStr + "\\StoredViewData.json"); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Could not Write Stored Views File"); } //try //{ // ReadWrite.WriteObjectData(CommonData.DirectoryStr + "\\StoredObjectData.txt"); //} //catch (Exception) //{ // MessageBox.Show("Could not Write Object Data File"); //} CommonData.NewView = true; this.Close(); }
private void PopulateComboBoxes() { TTViewName.Text = CommonData.SavedViewList[CommonData.SelectedIndex].Name; List <string> windowNames = SmartViewFunctions.GetWindowNames(1); foreach (var item in windowNames) { WindowSelect.Items.Add(item); if (item.Contains(CommonData.SavedViewList[CommonData.SelectedIndex].WindowName)) { WindowSelect.SelectedIndex = WindowSelect.Items.Count - 1; } } foreach (ObjectData item in CommonData.CurrentViewObjectData) { if (item.ClassName == "Satellite") { TargetSatellite.Items.Add(item.SimpleName); if (CommonData.SavedViewList[CommonData.SelectedIndex].TargetSatellite.Contains(item.SimpleName)) { TargetSatellite.SelectedItem = item.SimpleName; } } } if (TargetSatellite.SelectedIndex == -1) { TargetSatellite.SelectedIndex = 0; } TTDisplayObject.Items.Add("Target Satellite"); TTDisplayObject.Items.Add("All Threats (Up to 4)"); if (CommonData.SavedViewList[CommonData.SelectedIndex].TtDataDisplayObject == "AllThreat") { TTDisplayObject.SelectedIndex = TTDisplayObject.Items.Count - 1; } foreach (ObjectData item in CommonData.CurrentViewObjectData) { if (item.ClassName == "Satellite") { if (item.SimpleName != TargetSatellite.Text) { TTDisplayObject.Items.Add(item.SimpleName); if (CommonData.SavedViewList[CommonData.SelectedIndex].TtDataDisplayObject.Contains(item.SimpleName)) { TTDisplayObject.SelectedIndex = CommonData.CurrentViewObjectData.IndexOf(item); } } } } if (TTDisplayObject.SelectedIndex == -1) { TTDisplayObject.SelectedIndex = 0; } ThreatList.Items.Clear(); foreach (ObjectData item in CommonData.CurrentViewObjectData) { if (item.ClassName == "Satellite" && item.SimpleName != TargetSatellite.Text) { ListViewItem listItem = new ListViewItem(); listItem.Text = item.SimpleName; int index = ThreatList.Items.IndexOf(listItem); string className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(item.SimpleName); if (index == -1) { if (CommonData.SavedViewList[CommonData.SelectedIndex].ThreatSatNames.Contains(className + "/" + item.SimpleName)) { listItem.Font = new Font(listItem.Font, FontStyle.Bold); _threatNames.Add(className + "/" + item.SimpleName); } ThreatList.Items.Add(listItem); } } } TTDisplayLocation.Items.Add("TopLeft"); TTDisplayLocation.Items.Add("TopCenter"); TTDisplayLocation.Items.Add("TopRight"); TTDisplayLocation.Items.Add("CenterLeft"); TTDisplayLocation.Items.Add("Center"); TTDisplayLocation.Items.Add("CenterRight"); TTDisplayLocation.Items.Add("BottomLeft"); TTDisplayLocation.Items.Add("BottomCenter"); TTDisplayLocation.Items.Add("BottomRight"); TTDisplayLocation.SelectedIndex = 0; if (CommonData.SavedViewList[CommonData.SelectedIndex].EnableProximityBox) { UseProxBox.Checked = true; } if (CommonData.SavedViewList[CommonData.SelectedIndex].TtDataDisplayActive) { TTDataDisplayOptions.Enabled = true; TTUseDataDisplay.Checked = true; } else { TTDataDisplayOptions.Enabled = false; TTUseDataDisplay.Checked = false; } if (CommonData.SavedViewList[CommonData.SelectedIndex].ObjectHideShow) { ObjectHideShow.Checked = true; HideShowOptions.Enabled = true; } else { HideShowOptions.Enabled = false; } if (CommonData.SavedViewList[CommonData.SelectedIndex].UseAnimationTime) { string currentTime = CommonData.SavedViewList[CommonData.SelectedIndex].AnimationTime; UseCurrentTime.Checked = true; CurrentTime.Text = currentTime; } if (CommonData.SavedViewList[CommonData.SelectedIndex].EnableProximityEllipsoid) { EnableEllipsoid.Checked = true; EllipsoidX.Text = CommonData.SavedViewList[CommonData.SelectedIndex].EllipsoidX; EllipsoidY.Text = CommonData.SavedViewList[CommonData.SelectedIndex].EllipsoidY; EllipsoidZ.Text = CommonData.SavedViewList[CommonData.SelectedIndex].EllipsoidZ; } else { EllipsoidDefinition.Enabled = false; EllipsoidX.Text = "100"; EllipsoidY.Text = "100"; EllipsoidZ.Text = "100"; } }
private void Apply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ViewData current = new ViewData(); current.WindowName = WindowSelect.Text; current.ViewType = "Target/Threat"; current.ThreatSatNames = _threatNames; string className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(TargetSatellite.Text); current.TargetSatellite = className + "/" + TargetSatellite.Text; current.Name = TTViewName.Text; if (TTUseDataDisplay.Checked) { current.TtDataDisplayActive = true; current.TtDataDisplayLocation = TTDisplayLocation.Text; if (TTDisplayObject.SelectedIndex == 0) { className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(TargetSatellite.Text); current.TtDataDisplayObject = className + "/" + TargetSatellite.Text; current.TtDataDisplayReportName = TTDisplayReport.Text; } else if (TTDisplayObject.SelectedIndex == 1) { current.TtDataDisplayObject = "AllThreat"; current.TtDataDisplayReportName = TTDisplayReport.Text; } else { className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(TTDisplayObject.Text); current.TtDataDisplayObject = className + "/" + TTDisplayObject.Text; current.TtDataDisplayReportName = TTDisplayReport.Text; } } else { current.TtDataDisplayActive = false; current.TtDataDisplayLocation = TTDisplayLocation.Text; className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(TTDisplayObject.Text); current.TtDataDisplayObject = className + "/" + TTDisplayObject.Text; current.TtDataDisplayReportName = TTDisplayReport.Text; } if (UseProxBox.Checked) { current.EnableProximityBox = true; } else { current.EnableProximityBox = false; } if (EnableEllipsoid.Checked) { current.EnableProximityEllipsoid = true; current.EllipsoidX = EllipsoidX.Text; current.EllipsoidY = EllipsoidY.Text; current.EllipsoidZ = EllipsoidZ.Text; } else { current.EnableProximityEllipsoid = false; current.EllipsoidX = "100"; current.EllipsoidY = "100"; current.EllipsoidZ = "100"; } if (UseCurrentTime.Checked) { IAgAnimation animationRoot = (IAgAnimation)CommonData.StkRoot; double currentTime = animationRoot.CurrentTime; current.UseAnimationTime = true; current.AnimationTime = CurrentTime.Text; } else { current.UseAnimationTime = false; IAgScenario scenario = (IAgScenario)(CommonData.StkRoot.CurrentScenario); current.AnimationTime = scenario.StartTime; } if (ObjectHideShow.Checked) { current.ObjectHideShow = true; List <ObjectData> data = new List <ObjectData>(); data = CommonData.CurrentViewObjectData; current.ViewObjectData = data; } else { current.ObjectHideShow = false; } CommonData.SavedViewList[CommonData.SelectedIndex] = current; try { ReadWrite.WriteSavedViews(CommonData.DirectoryStr + "\\StoredViewData.json"); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Could not Write Stored Views File"); } //try //{ // ReadWrite.WriteObjectData(CommonData.DirectoryStr + "\\StoredObjectData.txt"); //} //catch (Exception) //{ // MessageBox.Show("Could not Write Object Data File"); //} CommonData.UpdatedView = true; this.Close(); }
private void Apply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ViewData current = new ViewData(); current.WindowName = WindowSelect.Text; current.WindowId = SmartViewFunctions.GetWindowId(WindowSelect.Text, 0); current.Name = ViewName2D.Text; current.ViewType = "2D"; current.ViewType2D = TypeSelect2D.Text; string className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(ObjectName2D.Text); current.ViewTarget = className + "/" + ObjectName2D.Text; current.ZoomCenterLat = ZoomCenterLat.Text; current.ZoomCenterLong = ZoomCenterLong.Text; current.ZoomCenterDelta = ZoomDelta.Text; if (EnableUniversalGroundTrack.Checked) { if (LeadType2D.Text == "Time") { current.LeadType = LeadType2D.Text + " " + GroundLeadTime.Text; current.LeadTime = GroundLeadTime.Text; } else { current.LeadType = LeadType2D.Text; } if (TrailType2D.Text == "Time") { current.TrailType = TrailType2D.Text + " " + GroundTrailTime.Text; current.TrailTime = GroundTrailTime.Text; } else { current.TrailType = TrailType2D.Text; } } else { current.LeadType = "None"; current.TrailType = "None"; } if (UseCurrentTime.Checked) { IAgAnimation animationRoot = (IAgAnimation)CommonData.StkRoot; double currentTime = animationRoot.CurrentTime; current.UseAnimationTime = true; current.AnimationTime = CurrentTime.Text; } else { current.UseAnimationTime = false; IAgScenario scenario = (IAgScenario)(CommonData.StkRoot.CurrentScenario); current.AnimationTime = scenario.StartTime; } if (ObjectHideShow.Checked) { current.ObjectHideShow = true; List <ObjectData> data = new List <ObjectData>(); data = CommonData.CurrentViewObjectData; current.ViewObjectData = data; } else { current.ObjectHideShow = false; } CommonData.SavedViewList[CommonData.SelectedIndex] = current; CommonData.UpdatedView = true; try { ReadWrite.WriteSavedViews(CommonData.DirectoryStr + "\\StoredViewData.json"); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Could not Write Stored Views File"); } this.Close(); }
private void Apply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int check = FieldCheck3D(); if (check == 0) { ViewData current = new ViewData(); current.WindowName = WindowSelect.Text; current.WindowId = SmartViewFunctions.GetWindowId(WindowSelect.Text, 1); current.Name = ViewName3D.Text; current.ViewType = "3D"; string className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(FocusedItem.Text); current.ViewTarget = className + "/" + FocusedItem.Text; current.ViewAxes = ViewType.Text; if (EnableUniversalOrbitTrack.Checked) { current.EnableUniversalOrbitTrack = true; if (LeadType3D.Text == "Time") { current.LeadType = LeadType3D.Text + " " + OrbitLeadTime.Text; current.LeadTime = OrbitLeadTime.Text; } else { current.LeadType = LeadType3D.Text; } if (TrailType3D.Text == "Time") { current.TrailType = TrailType3D.Text + " " + OrbitTrailTime.Text; current.TrailTime = OrbitTrailTime.Text; } else { current.TrailType = TrailType3D.Text; } } else { current.LeadType = "None"; current.TrailType = "None"; } if (UseDataDisplay.Checked) { current.DataDisplayActive = true; current.DataDisplayLocation = DisplayLocation.Text; className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(DisplayObject.Text); current.DataDisplayObject = className + "/" + DisplayObject.Text; current.DataDisplayReportName = DisplayReport.Text; } else { current.DataDisplayActive = false; current.DataDisplayLocation = DisplayLocation.Text; className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(DisplayObject.Text); current.DataDisplayObject = className + "/" + DisplayObject.Text; current.DataDisplayReportName = DisplayReport.Text; } if (UseCurrentTime.Checked) { IAgAnimation animationRoot = (IAgAnimation)CommonData.StkRoot; double currentTime = animationRoot.CurrentTime; current.UseAnimationTime = true; current.AnimationTime = CurrentTime.Text; } else { current.UseAnimationTime = false; IAgScenario scenario = (IAgScenario)(CommonData.StkRoot.CurrentScenario); current.AnimationTime = scenario.StartTime; } if (UseCurrentViewPoint.Checked) { current.UseStoredView = true; current.StoredViewName = ViewName3D.Text; CommonData.StkRoot.ExecuteCommand("VO * SaveStoredView \"" + ViewName3D.Text + "\" " + current.WindowId); } else { current.UseStoredView = false; current.StoredViewName = "None"; } if (ObjectHideShow.Checked) { current.ObjectHideShow = true; List <ObjectData> data = new List <ObjectData>(); data = CommonData.CurrentViewObjectData; current.ViewObjectData = data; } else { current.ObjectHideShow = false; } CommonData.SavedViewList[CommonData.SelectedIndex] = current; CommonData.UpdatedView = true; try { ReadWrite.WriteSavedViews(CommonData.DirectoryStr + "\\StoredViewData.json"); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Could not Write Stored Views File"); } this.Close(); } }
private void Apply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int check = FieldCheck3D(); if (check == 0) { current.WindowName = WindowSelect.Text; current.WindowId = SmartViewFunctions.GetWindowId(WindowSelect.Text, 1); current.Name = ViewName3D.Text; current.ViewType = "3D"; string className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(FocusedItem.Text); current.ViewTarget = className + "/" + FocusedItem.Text; current.ViewAxes = "Inertial"; if (EnableUniversalOrbitTrack.Checked) { if (UniversalLeadTrail.Checked) { current.EnableUniversalOrbitTrack = true; current.UniqueLeadTrail = false; if (LeadType3D.Text == "Time") { current.LeadType = LeadType3D.Text + " " + OrbitLeadTime.Text; current.LeadTime = OrbitLeadTime.Text; } else { current.LeadType = LeadType3D.Text; } if (TrailType3D.Text == "Time") { current.TrailType = TrailType3D.Text + " " + OrbitTrailTime.Text; current.TrailTime = OrbitTrailTime.Text; } else { current.TrailType = TrailType3D.Text; } } else if (UniqueLeadTrail.Checked) { current.UniqueLeadTrail = true; current.EnableUniversalOrbitTrack = true; } } else { current.EnableUniversalOrbitTrack = false; current.LeadType = "None"; current.TrailType = "None"; } if (UseDataDisplay.Checked) { current.PrimaryDataDisplay.DataDisplayActive = true; current.PrimaryDataDisplay.DataDisplayLocation = DisplayLocation.Text; className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(DisplayObject.Text); current.PrimaryDataDisplay.DataDisplayObject = className + "/" + DisplayObject.Text; current.PrimaryDataDisplay.DataDisplayReportName = DisplayReport.Text; className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(PredataObject.Text); current.PrimaryDataDisplay.PredataObject = className + "/" + PredataObject.Text; } else { current.PrimaryDataDisplay.DataDisplayActive = false; current.PrimaryDataDisplay.DataDisplayLocation = DisplayLocation.Text; className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(DisplayObject.Text); current.PrimaryDataDisplay.DataDisplayObject = className + "/" + DisplayObject.Text; current.PrimaryDataDisplay.DataDisplayReportName = DisplayReport.Text; current.PrimaryDataDisplay.PredataObject = PredataObject.Text; } if (UseCurrentTime.Checked) { current.UseAnimationTime = true; current.AnimationTime = CurrentTime.Text; } else { current.UseAnimationTime = false; IAgScenario scenario = (IAgScenario)(CommonData.StkRoot.CurrentScenario); current.AnimationTime = scenario.StartTime; } if (UseCurrentViewPoint.Checked) { //only refresh view if not previously active. you can also refresh using the 'refresh' button on the screen if (!current.UseStoredView) { current.StoredViewName = ViewName3D.Text; CommonData.StkRoot.ExecuteCommand("VO * SaveStoredView \"" + ViewName3D.Text + "\" " + current.WindowId); } current.UseStoredView = true; } else { current.UseStoredView = false; current.StoredViewName = "None"; } if (ObjectHideShow.Checked) { current.ObjectHideShow = true; List <ObjectData> data = new List <ObjectData>(); data = CommonData.CurrentViewObjectData; current.ViewObjectData = data; } else { current.ObjectHideShow = false; } if (UseVectorHideShow.Checked) { current.VectorHideShow = true; } else { current.VectorHideShow = false; } if (UseCameraPath.Checked) { current.UseCameraPath = true; current.CameraPathName = CameraPathName.Text; } else { current.UseCameraPath = false; } CommonData.SavedViewList[CommonData.SelectedIndex] = current; CommonData.UpdatedView = true; try { ReadWrite.WriteSavedViews(CommonData.DirectoryStr + "\\StoredViewData.json"); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Could not Write Stored Views File"); } this.Close(); } }
private void Apply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ViewData current = new ViewData(); string className = null; current.WindowName = WindowSelect.Text; current.ViewType = "GEODrift"; current.Name = GEOViewName.Text; className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(GEOViewTarget.Text); current.ViewTarget = className + "/" + GEOViewTarget.Text; current.EnableGeoBox = UseGEOBox.Checked; current.GeoLongitude = GEOLongitude.Text; current.GeoNorthSouth = GeoNorthSouth.Text; current.GeoEastWest = GEOEastWest.Text; current.GeoRadius = GEORadius.Text; current.GeoDataDisplayActive = GEOUseDataDisplay.Checked; className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(GEODisplayObject.Text); current.GeoDataDisplayObject = className + "/" + GEODisplayObject.Text; current.GeoDataDisplayReportName = GEODisplayReport.Text; current.GeoDataDisplayLocation = GEODisplayLocation.Text; if (UseCurrentTime.Checked) { IAgAnimation animationRoot = (IAgAnimation)CommonData.StkRoot; double currentTime = animationRoot.CurrentTime; current.UseAnimationTime = true; current.AnimationTime = CurrentTime.Text; } else { current.UseAnimationTime = false; IAgScenario scenario = (IAgScenario)(CommonData.StkRoot.CurrentScenario); current.AnimationTime = scenario.StartTime; } if (ObjectHideShow.Checked) { current.ObjectHideShow = true; List <ObjectData> data = new List <ObjectData>(); data = CommonData.CurrentViewObjectData; current.ViewObjectData = data; } else { current.ObjectHideShow = false; } CommonData.SavedViewList[CommonData.SelectedIndex] = current; try { ReadWrite.WriteSavedViews(CommonData.DirectoryStr + "\\StoredViewData.json"); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Could not Write Stored Views File"); } //try //{ // ReadWrite.WriteObjectData(CommonData.DirectoryStr + "\\StoredObjectData.txt"); //} //catch (Exception) //{ // MessageBox.Show("Could not Write Object Data File"); //} CommonData.NewView = true; this.Close(); }
private void Create_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string className; ViewData current = new ViewData(); int check; if (TypeSelect.SelectedIndex == 0) //3D { check = FieldCheck3D(); if (check == 0) { current.WindowName = WindowSelect.Text; current.WindowId = SmartViewFunctions.GetWindowId(WindowSelect.Text, 1); current.Name = ViewName3D.Text; current.ViewType = TypeSelect.Text; className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(FocusedItem.Text); current.ViewTarget = className + "/" + FocusedItem.Text; current.ViewAxes = ViewType.Text; if (EnableUniversalOrbitTrack.Checked) { current.EnableUniversalOrbitTrack = true; if (LeadType3D.Text == "Time") { current.LeadType = LeadType3D.Text + " " + OrbitLeadTime.Text; current.LeadTime = OrbitLeadTime.Text; } else { current.LeadType = LeadType3D.Text; } if (TrailType3D.Text == "Time") { current.TrailType = TrailType3D.Text + " " + OrbitTrailTime.Text; current.TrailTime = OrbitTrailTime.Text; } else { current.TrailType = TrailType3D.Text; } } else { current.LeadType = "None"; current.TrailType = "None"; } if (UseDataDisplay.Checked) { current.DataDisplayActive = true; current.DataDisplayLocation = DisplayLocation.Text; className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(DisplayObject.Text); current.DataDisplayObject = className + "/" + DisplayObject.Text; current.DataDisplayReportName = DisplayReport.Text; } else { current.DataDisplayActive = false; current.DataDisplayLocation = DisplayLocation.Text; className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(DisplayObject.Text); current.DataDisplayObject = className + "/" + DisplayObject.Text; current.DataDisplayReportName = DisplayReport.Text; } if (UseCurrentViewPoint.Checked) { current.UseStoredView = true; current.StoredViewName = ViewName3D.Text; CommonData.StkRoot.ExecuteCommand("VO * SaveStoredView \"" + ViewName3D.Text + "\" " + current.WindowId); } else { current.UseStoredView = false; current.StoredViewName = "None"; } } } else if (TypeSelect.SelectedIndex == 1) //2D { check = FieldCheck2D(); if (check == 0) { current.WindowName = WindowSelect.Text; current.WindowId = SmartViewFunctions.GetWindowId(WindowSelect.Text, 0); current.Name = ViewName2D.Text; current.ViewType = TypeSelect.Text; current.ViewType2D = TypeSelect2D.Text; className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(ObjectName2D.Text); current.ViewTarget = className + "/" + ObjectName2D.Text; current.ZoomCenterLat = ZoomCenterLat.Text; current.ZoomCenterLong = ZoomCenterLong.Text; current.ZoomCenterDelta = ZoomDelta.Text; if (EnableUniversalGroundTrack.Checked) { if (LeadType2D.Text == "Time") { current.LeadType = LeadType2D.Text + " " + GroundLeadTime.Text; current.LeadTime = GroundLeadTime.Text; } else { current.LeadType = LeadType2D.Text; } if (TrailType2D.Text == "Time") { current.TrailType = TrailType2D.Text + " " + GroundTrailTime.Text; current.TrailTime = GroundTrailTime.Text; } else { current.TrailType = TrailType2D.Text; } } else { current.LeadType = "None"; current.TrailType = "None"; } current.ShowAerialSensors = false; current.ShowGroundSensors = false; } } else if (TypeSelect.SelectedIndex == 2) //Target/Threat { current.WindowName = WindowSelect.Text; current.ViewType = "Target/Threat"; current.ThreatSatNames = _threatNames; className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(TargetSatellite.Text); current.TargetSatellite = className + "/" + TargetSatellite.Text; current.Name = TTViewName.Text; if (TTUseDataDisplay.Checked) { current.TtDataDisplayActive = true; current.DataDisplayActive = true; current.TtDataDisplayLocation = TTDisplayLocation.Text; if (TTDisplayObject.SelectedIndex == 0) { className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(TargetSatellite.Text); current.TtDataDisplayObject = className + "/" + TargetSatellite.Text; current.TtDataDisplayReportName = TTDisplayReport.Text; } else if (TTDisplayObject.SelectedIndex == 1) { current.TtDataDisplayObject = "AllThreat"; current.TtDataDisplayReportName = TTDisplayReport.Text; } else { className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(TTDisplayObject.Text); current.TtDataDisplayObject = className + "/" + TTDisplayObject.Text; current.TtDataDisplayReportName = TTDisplayReport.Text; } } else { current.TtDataDisplayActive = false; current.DataDisplayActive = false; current.TtDataDisplayLocation = TTDisplayLocation.Text; className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(TTDisplayObject.Text); current.TtDataDisplayObject = className + "/" + TTDisplayObject.Text; current.TtDataDisplayReportName = TTDisplayReport.Text; } if (UseProxBox.Checked) { current.EnableProximityBox = true; } else { current.EnableProximityBox = false; } if (EnableEllipsoid.Checked) { current.EnableProximityEllipsoid = true; current.EllipsoidX = EllipsoidX.Text; current.EllipsoidY = EllipsoidX.Text; current.EllipsoidZ = EllipsoidX.Text; } else { current.EnableProximityEllipsoid = false; current.EllipsoidX = "100"; current.EllipsoidY = "100"; current.EllipsoidZ = "100"; } } else if (TypeSelect.SelectedIndex == 3) //GEO Drift { current.WindowName = WindowSelect.Text; current.ViewType = "GEODrift"; current.Name = GEOViewName.Text; className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(GEOViewTarget.Text); current.ViewTarget = className + "/" + GEOViewTarget.Text; current.EnableGeoBox = UseGEOBox.Checked; current.GeoLongitude = GEOLongitude.Text; current.GeoNorthSouth = GeoNorthSouth.Text; current.GeoEastWest = GEOEastWest.Text; current.GeoRadius = GEORadius.Text; current.GeoDataDisplayActive = GEOUseDataDisplay.Checked; className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(GEODisplayObject.Text); current.GeoDataDisplayObject = className + "/" + GEODisplayObject.Text; current.GeoDataDisplayReportName = GEODisplayReport.Text; current.GeoDataDisplayLocation = GEODisplayLocation.Text; } if (UseCurrentTime.Checked) { IAgAnimation animationRoot = (IAgAnimation)CommonData.StkRoot; double currentTime = animationRoot.CurrentTime; current.AnimationTime = currentTime.ToString(); } else { current.UseAnimationTime = false; IAgScenario scenario = (IAgScenario)(CommonData.StkRoot.CurrentScenario); current.AnimationTime = scenario.StartTime; } if (ObjectHideShow.Checked) { current.ObjectHideShow = true; List <ObjectData> data = new List <ObjectData>(); data = CommonData.CurrentViewObjectData; current.ViewObjectData = data; } else { current.ObjectHideShow = false; } CommonData.SavedViewList.Add(current); try { ReadWrite.WriteSavedViews(CommonData.DirectoryStr + "\\StoredViewData.json"); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Could not Write Stored Views File"); } //try //{ // ReadWrite.WriteObjectData(CommonData.DirectoryStr + "\\StoredObjectData.txt"); //} //catch (Exception) //{ // MessageBox.Show("Could not Write Object Data File"); //} CommonData.NewView = true; this.Close(); }
private void Apply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (UseVectorScaling.Checked) { currentView.ApplyVectorScaling = true; } else { currentView.ApplyVectorScaling = false; } currentView.VectorScalingValue = Double.Parse(VectorScalingFactor.Text); if (UseProxBox.Checked) { currentView.EnableProximityBox = true; } else { currentView.EnableProximityBox = false; } currentView.ProxGridSpacing = GridSpacing.Text; if (EnableEllipsoid.Checked) { currentView.EnableProximityEllipsoid = true; } else { currentView.EnableProximityEllipsoid = false; } currentView.EllipsoidX = EllipsoidX.Text; currentView.EllipsoidY = EllipsoidY.Text; currentView.EllipsoidZ = EllipsoidZ.Text; if (UseGEOBox.Checked) { currentView.EnableGeoBox = true; } else { currentView.EnableGeoBox = false; } currentView.GeoEastWest = GEOEastWest.Text; currentView.GeoNorthSouth = GeoNorthSouth.Text; currentView.GeoRadius = GEORadius.Text; currentView.GeoLongitude = GEOLongitude.Text; if (UseSecondaryDataDisplay.Checked) { string className = null; currentView.SecondaryDataDisplay.DataDisplayActive = true; currentView.SecondaryDataDisplay.DataDisplayLocation = DisplayLocation.Text; currentView.SecondaryDataDisplay.DataDisplayReportName = DisplayReport.Text; className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(DisplayObject.Text); currentView.SecondaryDataDisplay.DataDisplayObject = className + "/" + DisplayObject.Text; className = SmartViewFunctions.GetClassName(PredataObject.Text); currentView.SecondaryDataDisplay.PredataObject = className + "/" + PredataObject.Text; } else { currentView.SecondaryDataDisplay.DataDisplayActive = false; } if (OverrideTimeStep.Checked) { currentView.OverrideTimeStep = true; currentView.TimeStep = TimeStep.Text; } else { currentView.OverrideTimeStep = false; } this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Yes; this.Close(); }